47 thoughts on “Haruskah pelarian Rohingya dibenar untuk menetap di sini? (tinjauan pendapat)

  1. To those who voted no, maybe they ought to first have some visuals on the condition of the Rohingyas.

    While there has been so much indignation and sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians, here, right here, we have the means to make a difference to the lives of the Muslim Rohingyas but yet, such indiffrence.

    1. Edit: …and yet such indifference.

      Sorry Helen. Speed typing is obviously not my forte.

  2. I say yes, but there should be conditions.

    If the UN is not going to help with their placement in another country (like Vietnam refugees) then the government should
    1. use our position in ASEAN to resolve this issue, and/or
    2. set up the groundwork that would enable them to live productively in this country and help with the development of this nation.

      1. “Only the Firsters are real screwed up and so desperate to ‘ethnic cleanse’ away their Chinese and Indian descent.” That’s a trick. When they rule, their ethnicity will rule also.

        The malays are actually quite indifferent on the subject of ethnicity. Usman Awang nailed it in his sajak Melayu.

        “Melayu di tanah Semenanjung luas maknanya:
        Jawa itu Melayu,
        Bugis itu Melayu,
        Banjar juga disebut Melayu,
        Minangkabau memang Melayu,
        Keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu,
        Jakun dan Sakai asli Melayu,
        Arab dan Pakistani, semua Melayu,
        Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu,
        Malah muallaf bertakrif Melayu
        (Setelah disunat anunya itu)…

        …Baiknya hati Melayu itu tak terbandingkan
        Selagi yang ada sanggup diberikan
        Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:

        Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan
        Suami pulang lapar tak makan
        Kera di hutan disusu-susukan
        Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran”
        (Usman Awang)

        1. re: “That’s a trick. When they rule, their ethnicity will rule also.”

          The bloody hypocrites. Like when the DAP evangelista munafiqs wear tudung to the mosque.

          1. I don’t think we can divorce ethnicity and religion factors from why the Rohingyas are refugees. Also issues of national boundaries and nationhood.

            The DAP Firsters pretending to be bleeding heart Colour Blind and Beyond Creed love vessels are just ventilating a lot of sneaky hogwash, especially among those that berkiblatkan Singapura.

            1. An’t we have enough problem with pendatang ?, tolerance and acceptance does not always gave good returned .

              1. Hannah Yeoh retweeted @YouTiup aka Cina TM that “we can’t save the world, sure, but these people are at our doorsteps”.

  3. Malayu ni ada inferiority complex macam orang arab. Orang Melayu hanya suka menolong mereka yg putih dan lawa. Sejarah telah membuktikan dengan orang-orang Bosnia yg putih melepak ditolong. Yang putih macam Palestine pun ditolong kalau yg kulit coklat dan hitam diorang tak kesah pun. Orang Rohingya juga dibunuh pada tahun yg sama dengan tragedi Bosnia tetapi orang Melayu lebih suka mat and minah saleh! Sebab itu orang Rohingya dilupakan. Muslim kah orang Melayu? Sebab nabi(saw) berkata umat islam ini seperti satu badan, satu bahagian sakit yg lain pun juga berasa sakit tetapi org Melayu tak mahu menolong Rohingya malah mahu mengusir mereka. Tak payahlah simpan duit dlm tabung haji dan menunaikan haji jika perkara asas Islam pun kita tak ada! Masakan Allah mahu memberi ikhsan kepada kita jika kita tidak berasa kesian pun terhadap mereka yg menyembah tuhan yg sama dan dibakar hidup-hidup dan diusir dari rumah-rumah mereka!

    Orang-orang kaffir di Eropah lebih islam dibandingkan dengan orang-orang Melayu di Malaysia kerana paling kurang mereka ada human right untuk membantu manusia yg kesempitan! Rezeki bukan manusia yg beri tetapi Allah jadi kenapa takut orang islam yg lain datang meminta tolong? Bayangkan jika kaum Ansar di Madinah memgusir kaum muhajirun dari Mekah? Ini apa yg terjadi di Malaysia yg mengaku ugama rasminya ISLAM. Fikirkanlah! Mungkin suatu hari nanti kita juga mengalami perkara yg sama.

    1. re: “Fikirkanlah! Mungkin suatu hari nanti kita juga mengalami perkara yg sama.”

      Ya lor. Melayu mahu berpecah-belah dan bercakaran sesama diri.

    2. ‘Orang-orang kaffir di Eropah lebih islam dibandingkan dengan orang-orang Melayu di Malaysia’

      Jangan buat fitnah. Kau tahu tak sekarang dah ada berapa ribu pelarian Rohingya yang dah ada kat Malaysia ni berbanding dengan Orang Bosnia? Berapa puluh ribu orang Bosnia ada kat Malaysia, tolong jawab sikit? Jangan nak ambik kesempatan pasal isu ini dan lempar FITNAH DAJJAL kat Muslims kat sini!!!

  4. A humanitarian solution does not mean the Rohingya will be Malaysians. They are refugees and we must help them. The overwhelming “no” is disappointing.

    1. If they stay on, then the government has to give them citizenship or at least permanent resident status. Otherwise they will be left in limbo/stateless.

      Thailand and Indonesia have turned them away. No other country, either Western or Asian, as far as I’m aware has made an offer of asylum.

      Australia has a strict policy of turning back the boats carrying the Middle Eastern refugees.

    2. Speaking of Australia’s “no boats” policy, the Aussies also turned back Sri Lankan refugees.

      Why do the Tamil Sri Lankans choose to sail to faraway Australia when their ancestral homeland with kinfolk who speak the same language and adhere to the same religion (Hinduism) are just across the straits in Tamil Nadu?

      Much safer and easier for the Sri Lankan refugees to sail to any to the Tamil-speaking states in nearby India than choosing to sail to Australia.

      1. Syrian refugees and others in the Mediterranean seas are also knocking on EU’s door. It is a moral imperative. Mercy Malaysia and others r trying to deliver relief, with or without the government. We can argue about citizenship or PR (which are both remote) later. You have compassion for animals, you can try extending it to fellow humans.

        1. The Australian policy has been very strict. Provide the boats with food and water, and then push them back.

          It’s a necessary deterrent as otherwise the floodgates would open and the influx of immigrants like a genie let out of the bottle.

          I’m sick and tired of poseurs tweeting feel-good soundbites to posture themselves as Angels of Mercy. This bleeding heart is just to boost their public image. Like the superstar twit who declared that everythime she thought about Anwar and his meals in prison, her eyes would well up with tears. Well, she’s regained her appetite quickly enough.

          And the same famous twit who tweeted about her “heartache” and how “heartbreaking” that dunno-who children (Palestinians) were being killed dunno-where (Gaza) and dunno why. After the soundbites have been duly registered by the legion of fans, and the news event falls of the media calendar, then no more interest or concern over the issue.

          This kind of Mercy and Compassion is worth the one minute it took to compose 140 characters on Twitter and hit the Enter button.

          1. Well, there will always be people who wear their compassion on their sleeves for personal mileage. You r talking about a politician after all who used her own daughters for a very twisted purpose.

            On the issue of refugees, I can totally sympathize with the difficult position the governments are in, Australian or Malaysian or Italian. Nevertheless, desperate people take desperate measures for a better life for themselves and their children. This is as universal as it gets. What does the haves owe the have-bots? Nothing but beggars in Spain comes to mind.

            I’ll resist from drawing the parallels with our forefathers, but we should act to help, in our own ways. Kudos to those who are taking action, while some of us can only provide material or moral support. The same goes for the flood disaster reliefs in the east coast. Maybe we can and should cast partisanship aside on some issues, but it is not happening for sure.

            1. Yes, kudos to all those who provided relief to the flood victims in the east coast.

              Our own people are still recovering from that disaster. Likewise the poor Malaysian Indians remain urban squatters without house titles to their name or even decent housing.

              We cannot accommodate a potential quarter of million economic migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar posing a that problem than will burden us for the next 20 years.

  5. There’s one problem for us: Malaysia did (politically) recognize Myanmar. We can bash Israel as much as we never recognize it, despite demands and complains from Christian pilgrims. Israel in other hand did RECOGNIZE Malaysia for some unknown reasons but I think they know our country will recognize them sooner or later, especially if DAP is in charge…

    1. Which countries in the world are taking in the Rohingyas now, would you know?

      1. Myanmar itself. The Rohingyas are Myanmar’s citizen by default because they were born there. By the way I think Myanmar is trolling us right now, at least in political sense. If we let those people to inhabit our country, even as refugees, they won. If we officially criticize Myanmar’s government, they won because they can always fight back, with words at least. The third option, send those people back where they came from and tell Myanmar’s government that those people need your responsibilities because they are your citizen. Tell them to suck it up.

        I suspect everything else most likely US dirty tricks to increase their influence in our country while decreasing their enemies’ like China(MH370), Russia(MH17), and anti-syiah sentiments(Syria and Iran). Today we are dealing with Rohingya “refugees” and tarnishing our relationship with Myanmar in process.

        1. re: “The Rohingyas are Myanmar’s citizen by default because they were born there.”

          If the China girls working in our foot reflexology centres were to have their baby in Malaysia, would the children by default be Malaysian citizens just because the infants were born in Subang Jaya?

          My comment above is going by the logic of your statement.

          The Rohingyas however have lived in Arakan in Burma for centuries, it seems, going by what I’ve read.

            1. Thanks for the link. Just finished watching.

              Some details I gathered from the Al-Jazeera video:

              (1) In the 19th century, the British imperialists brought labourers from Chittagong in the Bengal region (today Bangladesh) to work in Arakan / Rakhine state in Burma. So these people are ethnically Bengali, not Burmese.

              (2) Some Arakanese (I’m presuming Muslims) have been in the land for a longer period of time than the group mentioned above. Group(1) are caught in an “ethnic conflict” with the majority ethnic group of Burma who are Buddhists. There is also “communal violence”.

              (3) Bangladesh is sheltering 200,000 Rohingya in camps but refuses to take in any more. The Bangladesh government is adamantly turning away the Rohingya, and adopting a policy of giving the refugees “a bottle of water” and pushing the boats back.

              (4) Myanmar is equally adamant in refusing to grant the Rohingya citizenship on account of ethnicity and religion.

              (5) The claim that the Rohingya are the world’s most marginalized minority could well be true.


              It appears that ethnic conflict is the global norm rather than the exception.

              The Chinese community in Malaysia must be among the world’s most prosperous and secure minority, ya?

              1. Re: the Chinese community in Malaysia must be among the world’s most prosperous and secure minority. ya ?

                My position which never been thought in my primary school days was told by you Helen and;

                By the way is a new party call Ikatan being formed in memory of muhibah style of Perikatan yesteryears posMerdeka not alien to Barisan or Pakatan, ada pencerahan kah

                1. Quote: Chinese community in Malaysia must be among the world’s most prosperous and secure minority, ya?

                  I don’t think so. If we are simply measuring in financial terms, the Singaporean Indians are doing good.

                  Chinese household income in Malaysia : RM6366
                  Singaporean Indian household income:: $S5370. (2011)

                  Factor in the value of Ringgit against the Singaporean dollar, it is even more apparent.

                  1. Agree that Singapore Indians are exceptional. Your English however is not.

                    I said “AMONG the world’s most prosperous” which ranks the Chinese minority among the top.

                    Just because Chinese are A-M-O-N-G the top does not mean that I assert pole position for the Chinese, and at the same time precluding the success of other minorities elsewhere. The Koreans in the USA are exceptional too.

                    There’s a stronger case for my statement “the Chinese community in Malaysia must be among the world’s most prosperous and secure minority” compared to your statement “I don’t think so … that the Chinese community in Malaysia must be among the world’s most prosperous and secure minority”.

                    1. On the ‘I don’t think so’ I concede your point.

                      Your allegation the Chinese community in Malaysia must be AMONG the world’s most prosperous minority still don’t add up. Yep, even with the ‘among” in tow.

                      With the Chinese Malaysian household income around USD 21,446.38 a year, even the Sri Lankan American made more than the Chinese family here. And that is just one minority group in the US alone. World?

                      The Malaysian Chinese is hardly AMONG the most prosperous minority in the world. If you lower your expectations to SEA, perhaps. Lol

                    2. Oh, so eight Sri Lankan Americans rank among the Top 10 American billionaires, izzit?

                      Your apple-to-orange comparison is most ‘BKT’, shall we say? After all, the USD and Ringgit are two different currencies. And I’d like to see your figure for Sri Lankan Americans. Please show us if you please.

                      You should compare how well the Chinese are doing in terms of household income against the majority race (Malays) and other minorities (Indians, Kadazans, Ibans, etc). Where does the Chinese income lie in the distribution curve, and top or bottom percentile?

                      Also compare how well the Sri Lankan Americans are doing against the majority race (whites) and other minorities (blacks, Hispanics, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc). Likewise the Sri Lankan in the American distribution curve.

                    3. Now who is the one crying BKT, I wonder?

                      You said ‘world’ and what currency would you like the comparison to be in? USD, yen, Euro or Yuan? Hope you are not expecting a 1 to 1 conversion. Then all Indonesians are millionaires. (1RM to 3,668.45 rupiah)

                      The link is here. No.20 under ethnicity.


                      Quote: Oh, so eight Sri Lankan Americans rank among the Top 10 American billionaires, izzit?

                      What has individual wealth gotta do with the quantification of communal wealth by race? So, by your logic with Ananda on the rich list, the Indian community here must be doing damn good, eh?

                      Btw, i reckon you are well aware those Forbes and Bloomberg list only estimate the wealth of individuals based on their “declared” assets. That is why you don’t see Abdul Taib Mahmud and Tun M gracing the list. They don’t own mega businesses, but they sure as hell are wealthy. Must have figured out how to grow money on trees.

                      Quote: You should compare how well the Chinese are doing in terms of household income against the majority race (Malays) and other minorities (Indians, Kadazans, Ibans, etc). Where does the Chinese income lie in the distribution curve, and top or bottom percentile?

                      Uh, you said world, remember?

                    4. re: “USD, yen, Euro or Yuan? Hope you are not expecting a 1 to 1 conversion. Then all Indonesians are millionaires. (1RM to 3,668.45 rupiah)”

                      Rupiah? My, my. Your contempt for orang berkulit sawo matang is showing. And as for comparison across curriencies, it can be done with the Big Mac Index for purchasing power parity.

                      re: Sri Lankan Americans

                      I said Chinese must be AMONG the world’s most prosperous minority. You said “even the Sri Lankan American made more than the Chinese family here”

                      How can you compare between currencies? Mind you, this is a comparison between ‘annual’ (the figures you cite) and ‘month’ (the Malaysian stats) but here’s a rough idea.

                      – Sri Lankan American median annual household income $65,606
                      – Chinese Malaysian median month household income RM4,643 (x12 = RM55,716)

                      Like I said, a better comparison is the relative standing of the community. Compared to all the other communities in Malaysia, the Chinese earn the most.

                      Mean monthly household income:

                      Chinese – RM6,366
                      Indian – RM5,233
                      Malay – RM4,457
                      Others – RM3,843

                      Although the ethic segmentation data for Malaysia is way, way smaller than USA’s, nonetheless the Chinese are the top earners among the various ethnics here. The community you cite – the Sri Lankans – is not the top earners among the various ethnics in the USA.

                      But to take a difference ethnic from the data you cite, the Indians are the top earners in the USA while they’re not in Malaysia. This relative comparison is more reasonable than your claim that “even the Sri Lankan American made more (in American dollars) than the Chinese family here (in ringgit)”.

                      re: “What has individual wealth gotta do with the quantification of communal wealth by race? So, by your logic with Ananda on the rich list, the Indian community here must be doing damn good, eh?”

                      year 2002/3
                      – Bumiputera share ownership RM100,037 million
                      – Chinese RM159,806m
                      – Indian RM5,951m

                      Going by “communal wealth by race”, the Chinese are still tops and over and above the Bumiputera and Indians

                      re: “Btw, i reckon you are well aware those Forbes and Bloomberg list only estimate the wealth of individuals based on their “declared” assets. That is why you don’t see Abdul Taib Mahmud and Tun M gracing the list. They don’t own mega businesses, but they sure as hell are wealthy. Must have figured out how to grow money on trees.”

                      Oh, of course. HH knows how much Tun and Taib’s undeclared assets are worth.

                      Quote: You should compare how well the Chinese are doing in terms of household income against the majority race (Malays) and other minorities (Indians, Kadazans, Ibans, etc). Where does the Chinese income lie in the distribution curve, and top or bottom percentile?

                      “Uh, you said world, remember?”

                      We’ve already done the relative world comparison but you still prefer doing BKT. The Chinese minority in Malaysia earns more than the majority race (Malays) and other minorities in Malaysia.

                      Other minorities – say – Bhutanese in USA – are not the top earners. But some – like Indians in USA – are and doing well very.

  6. If we accept the rohingyas from Myanmar in, we should send back an equivalent no of myanmarese who are already here back to Myanmar. Same with the Bangladesh refugees ( if any). If we accept 1000 bangla refugees, we send back the same number home. That way, their government may take action to stop the flow.

    1. Any comments on the influx of Indonesian migrants with legit ICs? Go to Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman and see.

    1. Putrajaya and the PM’s Dept appear firm in their decision to turn away the Rohingya boatload(s).

      1. Urm, my remarks above don’t exactly answer your question.

        Let me try again. Options (3) & (4) in the poll above – “Don’t know” and “The government knows best”.

        I’m not speaking for any Buddhist nor representing any Buddhist collective view/position, okay. This is just saying.

        (3) Lots of Malaysians don’t know much, if anything, about the Rohingya. I believe we’re more knowledgeable about Palestinians even though the Palestinians are a greater geographical distance away than the Rohingya.

        (4) The government has got the Foreign Ministry, Diplomatic Corps, Malaysian staff at the UN, Home Ministry and National Security Council. They are the professionals and policymakers and should know better.

        Since we the ordinary rakyat don’t know much, and since Putrajaya has decided to turn away the Rohingya boat after they’ve made their deliberations, then I guess this is one of those occasions when we are required to trust our government.

        Even the usually recalcitrant state government of Penang agrees with the federal government on this issue.

  7. Just go to Selayang and then decide if you really want this” poor” migrants who paid RM8,000.00 to land. I think, pejabat zakat, Muslim NGO’s and good Muslims can donate their salary or Raya bonus to help the Rohingyas.

      1. Helen,

        Generosity has its limit. Even without recent bots of Rohingyas landing on Langkawi, we already house more than 130000 of them for years.

        Malaysia must not let Rohingya become our problem. PBB must help in.

        As for Hannah, she is a hypocrite. She better cook something for these misplaced people. Then she knows how messy it is. Tweeting is easy.v

        1. From UNHCR

          As of end February 2015, there are some 152,570 refugees and asylum-seekers registered with UNHCR in Malaysia.

          – 141,570 are from Myanmar, comprising some 49,800 Chins, 45,170 Rohingyas, 12,340 Myanmar Muslims, 7,320 Rakhines & Arakanese, and other ethnicities from Myanmar.

          – There are some 11,000 refugees and asylum-seekers from other countries, including some 3,970 Sri Lankans, 1,200 Pakistanis, 1,100 Somalis, 960 Syrians, 850 Iraqis, 550 Iranians, 430 Palestinians, and others from other countries.

          Some 69% of refugees and asylum-seekers are men, while 31% are women.

          There are some 32,760 children below the age of 18.

          1. Going by Marina Mahathir’s tweet, there are “pregnant women, kids, old and sick off the boats” (if MM is to be believed).

            I do not think it is wise for pregnant women to have taken the risk of smuggling themselves on this journey. It endangers the life of their unborn child. And likewise children, if they are too young.

            I did not see “old” (who are liable to be at danger if “sick”) faces among the photos of the boat people shown in the news reports.

            1. I think the point is that our government has always been willing to assist and do the humanitarian bit as far as we can. The refugees lives here are hard and they face a lot of problems. It is a headache for the government, but it also underscores to address the root of the problem.

              1. Our most helpful gomen processed a quarter of a million Vietnamese boat people. Pulau Bidong was only finally closed in 1990 – a quarter of a century from the time that the first exodus of economic migrants landed on our shores in 1975.

                The 1980s was a more socially stable period and Dr Mahathir was the authoritarian leader in charge.

                Today we’re in a more socially unstable period, we have far too many illegal immigrants already and the leader in charge Najib Razak is no authoritarian.

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