Posted in SUCKER

The sisterhood vs the brotherhood

Sisters in Islam office holder Norhayati Kaprawi picked on Isma’s Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid as racist in her Facebook posting two days ago. Luttfi is YDP secretary of Isma Sungai Petani branch.

It’s liberal Muslim vs conservative Muslim.

The liberal is delusional.

BELOW: Original (uncaptioned) pix sourced from

siti-kasim-yati explains that Yati was backing up Siti Zabedah Kasim – see pix – at the forum discussing proposed amendments to Act 355 on syariah jurisdiction, and where Bedah had created a ruckus with her middle finger gesture.

Liberal SIS vs conservative Isma

Sisters in Islam mascot Marina Mahathir also jumped into the fray and left a comment (screenshot below) on Yati’s FB.

Marina remarked, “Well said, Yati! Their true opportunistic colours showing…“.

By “their”, Marina is referring to Isma. Note: She has had a previous run-in with the Muslim NGO that resulted in an acrimonious lawsuit — see details here.

Marina is a liberal; her book is titled In Liberal Doses. Likewise Yati who used to pen a column for the now defunct liberal publication, The Nut Graph.


Yati’s criticisms against Luttfi

Yati wrote in her Facebook entry on Sept 12:

“Apakah editorial team ISMAWEB tiada tanggungjawab langsung?

“Walau apa pun, ismaweb ke, penulis artikel ini, atau sesiapa pun yang permainkan isu rasisma inilah yang racist.”

Helen’s comment:

Yati is guilty of moral equivalency. The most irresponsible portals are the deceased/diseased TMI and MMO.

Check out how MMO kenakan Isma by misrepresenting that the organization had urged Muslim women to wear face veil when paying Raya visits (not true — MMO jahat!). Details here.

TMI lagi jahat. It fabricated a fatwa that Mulsims are forbidden from wishing Karpal Singh “RIP”, and TMI‘s false story was even carried by the foreign media (see below).


It is the pro-evangelista media that is not only irresponsible but truly jahat.

Luttfi was merely responding to the boast by some Dapsters that six out of Malaysia’s eight Olympic medalists in Rio are Chinese.

Yati may not be aware of this but there was a lot of crowing among Malaysian Chinese netizens over the fact that their brethren netted four Olympic silvers between them whereas the sole Malay podium finisher managed a single bronze.

Race consciousness was at the forefront of the Malaysian Chinese’s jubilation over our successful Olympic outing.

Yati wrote:

“Lim Kiat (sic) Siang dan ramai sekali orang bukan Melayu tulis komen di online ucap tahniah, malah turut menangis bila tengok video atlit-atlit kita ini berdiri dengar lagu Negaraku dimainkan.”

Helen’s comment:

Yati forgets that many Dapsters refused to even stand up when Negaraku was played in the cinemas during Merdeka season. And how naive of Yati to cite the cynical LKS in regard of maudlin sentiments.

The political correctness posturing of the Fakin’ Firsters is actually most nauseating but still, some bersangka baik Melayus are taken in by the slick charade.

As for the overwrought “menangis bila tengok video atlit-atlit kita ini”, be that as it may, we should recall the  Dapster reaction to news of the deaths of our soldiers (and policemen) in military engagements such as Lahad Datu.

Norhayati Kaprawi

Yati wrote:

“Gitu lah, kalau dah hati busuk serupa kasut bacin, benda putih pun dia akan kata macam-macam — pucat lah, macam hantu lah bagai. Kalau hitam lagi lah, macam-macam dia akan kata.”

Helen’s comment:

She has misdirected her bromide to Luttfi. In fact, Yati’s description instead best fits the hordes of RBA.

What Yati is lacking is a sense of perspective. Isma’s surge in popularity is because they are the only outfit effectively countering the Orwellian doublespeak of the DAP evangelistas where white is made black and vice versa.

Tentera maya DAP bukan sekadar berhati busuk malah mereka makhluk yang jahat sejahat-jahatnya.

lizard eye

Yati wrote:

“Bapa Ziyad dengan bangga menceritakan cikgu-cikgu Ziyad berbangsa Cina dan India banyak berjasa terhadap kejayaan Ziyad. Apa jasa ISMA pulak? cuma nak jadi pencacai je lah ya.”

Helen’s comment:

Ziyad’s Chinese teacher lived in Kelantan. Kelantanese Chinese are a different breed.

In his Isma article, Luttfi was not sceptical of the motives of a-l-l Chinese. He knows it is largely the Jerusubang Born Agains (who have succeeded in “taking Subang for Jesus”) that are the sneaky bastards/yang buat onar.

Petty & malicious: Dapsters are unparalleled in their malice and pettiness

Yati wrote:

“Bapa Ziyad, En Zolkefli yang berjiwa lebih besar dari penulis artikel di website ISMA ini bila beliau mengatakan ‘This is what sports is all about. There is no race or religion’.”

Helen’s comment:

Yati has fallen into the Firster ‘colour blind’ and ‘beyond creed’ trap. Coming from them, the high falutin’ kumbayah rhetoric is really just a lot of hot air. Cakap tak serupa bikin.

There is no avoiding race and religion in sport, even in the so-called ‘Land of the Free’.

Below is Gabby Douglas when the USA national anthem was played in Rio. Unlike the rest of her teammates, the black gymnast who is a member of the American gold medal-winning team did not place her hand on her heart.


See also,

“Bapa Ziyad lebih berjiwa keMalaysiaan dan faham Islam dari Penuli[s] artikel di web ISMA ini.”

Helen’s comment:

Yati has obviously drunk too much Kool-aid.

Yawn … frankly, such standard lip service is getting kinda boring, particularly when we know what hypocrites are the DAP (ref. The by-the-script congratulations from Kit Siang and his Lim family minions in blogosphere).


Yati: “Bila melihat sesuatu isu ni, semuanya bergantung pada niat. Kalau hati jahat, benda baik dan innocent pun dia boleh jadi bahan gaduh. Kalau hati baik dan suka mendamaikan, benda yang nampak kusut pun dia akan cuba cari titik temu yang boleh mendamai dan menenangkan semua pihak.”

Helen: Tepat sekali bila kita sebut tentang DAP.

Yati: “Kalau species yang suka ajak gaduh, maka akan ketegaklah menuduh dan menghina pihak yang berlawanan.”

Helen: Betul mengenai DAP.

Yati: “Yang susah, yang perlu cabaran, yang perlu pengorbanan berat ialah untuk Korbankan Ego Anda, Korbankan Hati Jahat anda, agar yang baik pula tersebar di seluruh alam.”

Helen: Yang tu DAP lah.


Updated 2.04pm


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

25 thoughts on “The sisterhood vs the brotherhood

  1. Muslim Malay mercenaries are working for Islamophic Zionist Christians, not just DAP. I believe they don’t exists 15-20 years ago and now they even louder than their lords.

    1. Hehehe hehehe…ya…objective achieved Helen now go and do your 5 waktu solat.
      Helen is a closet DAESH muslim
      Nothing to be ashamed Helen.
      Many women have fallen for their DAESH sweet talk and go to Syria..
      So when are you going to Syria and do some serious beheading haha…
      Stop harassing Marinara..

      1. Mai kita bandingkan cara penyampaian/tindak balas Yati dan Marina Mahadir (sampai Surrhead dan Helen the Closet DAESH terlompat2 tak tentu arah tujuan) dengan how Rashidah Abdul Rahman responded to Nicole Yin who created a petition to ban Korban;

        From Rashidah’s article dia telah dapat menggerak hati anak saya mempelawa rakan2 kerja Islam Singapore dia serta keluarga mereka mai sama2 meraikan Hari Raya Korban bersama komuniti kampung kami.

        1. Rina, tujuan Helen tulis artikel ni ialah untuk burukkan Bedah, Marina dan lain2. Dan tujuannya supaya pembaca blog dia membenci individu2 tersebut. Dah terang terpapar.

          YG ko apa hal bak isu yg langsung takder kena mengena dgn artikel Helen? Jadi, adakah korban dilarang di Singapore?? Apa yg kamu nak sampaikan ni? Kita benci Nicole atau kita benci semua warga cina??

          1. Surrhead
            La aaa kamu nih memang tak faham bahasa.. “Mai kita bandingkan cara penyampaian/tindak balas Yati dan Marina Mahadir” … Si Marina balas “TRUE OPPORTUNISTIC COLOURS” isssh bunyi macam diri sendiri ada terpendam perasaan inferiority complex aje si ibuk nih!

            You kata “walk away kerana tak boleh nak jawab soalan logik” you sindir kat siBedah tu ke? Tak terjawab so she walked off by showing her “middle” finger? Kalau malam siar2 kat Jalan Alor bukit bintang areas, ramai pompuan muka2 macam dia suka tunjuk middle fingers tau.

          2. Surrhead
            Kita lihat cara penampilan Rashidah menjawab dengan jelas dan memberi pencerahan kpd yg2 cetek pengetahuan dalam hal Agama Islam (tetapi nak tunjuk cerdik konon). BTW pompuan2 malaman yg berkeliaran di Jalan Alor bukit bintang – oghang Kedah panggil depa perempuan2 Jalang.

            Pada masa yang sama Rashidah dengan sopan mohon Aso Nicole turut beri perhatian kepada nasib2 binatang ternakan lain seperti ba alif ba ya;


            1. Rina,
              a few questions –
              1. Apa ko buat kat jalan alor mlm2 buta?
              2. apa ko buat sampai perempuan2 jalang tunjuk middle finger kat ko?

              BTW, Bedah tunjuk middle finger kat bunch of hooligans – that’s universally acceptable.

              Okay, Rashidah sarankan beri perhatian kat penyembelihan babi skali ya…..Wow, i tak sangka ada org Islam kisah pasai penyembelihan babi skrg……seriously, kena tabik you org ni….

      2. I think you should not be adventurous in your comments about dangerous material.

        “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) is urging its followers to kill identified Muslim figures in the West, saying they are “obligatory” targets unless they “openly repent from kufr [disbelief] before they are apprehended.” The threats are contained in the 14th and latest edition of the terrorist group’s online propaganda publication, Dabiq. The edition’s main theme appears to be an attempt to label Muslim leaders, individuals and organizations across the world that do not actively support ISIS as infidels and apostates.

        The cover story focuses on the “murtadd” (apostate) Muslim Brotherhood, while another article, illustrated with a grisly photo of a blood-covered knife, is entitled, “Kill the imams of kufr in the West.”

        Among those in the United States listed in that article and described as “politically-active apostates” are Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), one of two Muslims in the House of Representatives; Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin; and Rashad Hussain, former U.S. envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Others are Mohamed Elibiary, a former member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer; and Arif Alikhan, who has served in various public and private sector law enforcement and homeland security posts.”

  2. What better way to divert attention away from the economic headwinds facing the Malaysian economy?

    Blow enough smoke and one can get away with anything, seemingly.

    Until the time comes to pay the piper…

    1. What better way to divert attention away from the DAP’s Islamophobic sentiments?

      Blow enough smoke and one can get away with anything, seemingly.

      Until the time when Malay Muslim piper comes

  3. “Luttfi was merely responding to the boast by some Dapsters that six out of Malaysia’s eight Olympic medalists in Rio are Chinese…”

    His whole commentary is more than that. He also hantam MCA probably because MCA was “quick” to commend those badminton players when they came back from Rio while quiet as church mouse when the two Malay Paralympians won gold medals (3 now as I’m typing) . Ok, he didn’t exactly write that but the tone of it sure sounds like that. Still, Norhayati’s response is “too over” already but it’s obvious she’s just using this to “fight” ISMA.

  4. Kalau doktor gigi dbenar buat pembedahan atau pemindahan jantung manusia, niaya la pesakit2 jantung dalam Malaysia. Muaa haaa ha

    Sama juga la, Speaker Dewan dibenar jadi ‘preacher’ Agama Christian, agak bole lingkup tak akidah pengikut2 dia? Macam Apek2 DAP, PKR dan MCA amboi mak depa ni sekarang fasihnya dalam bab2 hukum Hudud Islam?

    Si Yati Pakcik google kata adalah seorang Pengarah filem, Penganalisis Gender dan ahli Sister In Islam? Ceh, ingatkn dia ni tokoh ilmu Agama Islam?

    Actually cik Helen. Majority Muslims cukup berhati2 when discussing about Islam, klo dengaq oghang mcam Yati konon nak tunjuk pakar Agama Islam.. just walk away from these types..bahaya tau!

    1. hahahaha….bukan walk away kerana bahaya……..walk away kerana tak boleh nak jawab soalan logik dari org yg berpelajaran dan…, serik suruh org mcm yati ni rujuk ustaz serba tau

  5. Sokong Cik Rina !!! Minah ‘Yeti’ nie…dia pon tak faham apa yang di sendiri cakap itu ! Malah. dia tak kenal pon dirinya sendiri… hanya pandai menyebut “Allah” “Allah”…tapi tak kenal dan tiada Allah dihatinya ! Puluhan tahun hidup. hanya sekadar menyembah nama-Nya saja @ semabh *Berhala* !!! Apapun….terimalah hakikat yang dia ini memang dijadikan untuk menghuni dan memeriahkan Neraka oleh Allah SWT…

  6. Luttfi has uploaded another status which explains further about the issue. It’s a long one though, but worth the time spent trying to understand his perspective:

  7. tak apa akan jadi lah

    She is the sister to an UMNO Supreme Council member & Deputy Transport Minister.

    Hidup Liberal UMNO! ;)

    1. Orang Perlis
      Boyfriend dia you kenal juga ke? What about her cats, nama2 mereka apa? Selain kucing dia bela dak ayam dan itik?

      1. i think op imply this is not really a case of liberal vs conservative as helen wan us to believe, or at least the liberal shd include orang umno, perhaps our beloved najib.

        y u talked abt cat is beyond me. really.

  8. Yati wrote:
    “Lim Kiat (sic) Siang dan ramai sekali orang bukan Melayu tulis komen di online ucap tahniah, malah turut menangis bila tengok video atlit-atlit kita ini berdiri dengar lagu Negaraku dimainkan.”

    Negaraku played in Rio Olympics? I thought only gold medallist country’s anthem got played. Did we win gold?

    I think yati, kit siang, rba etc never even bother watching, supporting our athletes a.k.a heroes fighting in rio. Just trying to tumpang sekaki, tumpang glamor from all the euphoria.

    Do you feel the heartbreak, menangis for chong wei yati? Do you even understand why tears welled up in our (true supporters) eyes as he win against lin dan, felled against chen long?

    -I’m raising both my middle fingers to you now-

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