Posted in DAPster

Bersih 3.0 Raja Monyet

Bersambung dari Bersih 3.0 — updates on open thread

Dalam posting semalam, saya memetik seorang penganalisa politik Dr Bridget Welsh yang telah membuat pemerhatian bahawa:

“… Bersih 3.0 highly emotive among many younger Malaysians, and their turnout will be a test for how the ground is moving. The second group is middle-class voters. Many of these individuals had never been to a protest before July 2011 [Bersih 2.0] and if they show up in high numbers, then it will highlight the challenge the government faces in winning over key opinion leaders in various communities.”

[dihuruf tebalkan oleh blogger ini]

‘Mobilization’ ataupun kehadiran penunjuk perasaan berkemeja warna kuning dan hijau, terutamanya golongan kelas pertengahan Cina bandar, telah dikerah melalui jaringan media sosial — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (lagu Bersih) dsb.

Tweet pada awal pagi D-Day, April 28

Baru-baru ini The Malaysian Insider ada mengulas fenomena aktivisme di kalangan orang Bangsar — puak yang saya gelar Bangsar Malaysia, yakni The Firsters.

Dina Zaman, dalam rencananya di TMI, menyatakan pendapat bahawa activisme in kota KL sudah layak dianggap kegiatan yang glamor dan seksi (dari kaca mata mereka yang Malaysian First).

Beliau menulis:

“Who doesn’t know of Loyarburok and Haris Ibrahim? The megawatt auras of elite activists and public intellectuals such as Malik Imtiaz Sawar, Art Harun, pack rooms when public discourses are organised. Uber feminists such as Marina Mahathir, Ivy Josiah and political heroines like Nurul Izzah and Hannah Yeoh have ramped up the political scene even more.”

Adun Subang Jaya

The ‘political heroine’

The Bangsar Bubble‘ ada mewawancara seorang blogger bernama samaran ‘Monkey King’ yang menginap di

Mencelup catatan temuramah e-mel TMI dengan Monkey King perihal “champagne activists” (aktivis dari kumpulan elit dan orang berada).


Monkey King menulis:

“Yes, most (not all) of the activism and discussion of politics is being done by the Bangsar-types (is there a Subang Jaya-type?). My main grouse is they claim to be the voice of the people when they are obviously NOT. Being loud doesn’t make you right nor does it mean you represent the people. …

“10, 50, 1,000, or even 20,000 Bangsar-types … cannot represent the 28,000,000 million Malaysians. [I am not saying that I do. I also don’t]. Activism in Malaysia now is so closely linked with politics, especially with Pakatan politicians. …

“Why do activists who harp on the bias of the mainstream media choose to be silent on the lopsided reporting of alternative media (including the Malaysian Insider that you frequently write for)?

“The rich, by virtue of being better educated, having better access to media, being closer to the corridors of power, are able to articulate and champion causes that are dear to them. Just look at all the recent ’causes’ that has attracted serious activist and media attention – elections, Lynas, seksualiti merdeka, tertiary education, MRT. These are all urban and middle-class issues. …

“You see, when (most of) the Bangsar type activists talk,

(a) they are only seeing problems and issues that are of concern to them; and

(b) they see poor people’s problems from their rich people lenses.

“Both often, although unintentional, lead to misallocation of resources. Hence one of the main reasons why the rich get richer, the poor poorer.”


Pasti orang Bangsar, Damansara Utama dan Subang Jaya ada juga yang mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti 428 kelmarin.

Walaupun Bersih 3.0 adalah perhimpunan jalanan namun si “political heroine” Hannah Yeoh sempat berlindung di bilik hotel. Beruntunglah dapat pasang aircon dan guna water heater. Saya rasa bukan semua pendemo mampu menempah bilik hotel.

Pun bukan semua pendemo yang mempunyai pembantu khas untuk membeli dan membawa segala barang keperluan yang harus disediakan sebelum menyertai rapat umum.

Hannah juga mentweet semula cercaan Shahrul Mahmood terhadap perdana menteri serta dakwaannya bahawa Bersih semalam membayangkan penyertaan masyarakat majmuk.

Warga-warga Republik Bangsar Sentral nampaknya begitu teruja dengan ide muhibbah mereka yang ala jalan cerita Sepet, sebuah filem arahan arwah Yasmin Ahmad yang terkenal dengan iklan-iklan Petronasnya.

Manakala seorang pemimpin Pemuda Gerakan Tan Keng Liang mentweet semula pengamatan bahawa politikus yang berjaya menonjolkan diri mereka di Twitter ada harapan cerah untuk dipilih menjadi calon PRU.

Pada hemat saya, “political heroine” yang sudah berjaya mengeluarkan 9,000 tweets memang padan digelar Ratu Twitter. DAP patut menjadikan ukuran 10k tweets sebagai KPI bagi politikus-politikus mereka yang media savvy (Look at me, look at me).


Bersih 3.0: Nampak retak dalam reaksi Guan Eng kepada Tunku Aziz


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

38 thoughts on “Bersih 3.0 Raja Monyet

  1. yg melompat lompat macam berok – melayu
    yg ikut mcm anjing PAS – melayu
    yg jaga Dataran Merdeka – melayu
    yg tunjuk terer terjerit jerit – melayu
    yg duduk dgn ramai atas jalan macam lembu – melayu
    yg duduk kat hotel lepak lepak, atas kerusi roda lepak lepak, dtg pukul 2:45pm lepas tu terus belah,- you can figure this one out.

    they all sang negaraku,
    yet they forgot the malaysia 5th amendment
    – kesopanan dan kesusilaan – it’s a malay sentence and yet it’s the malay who least understood it.

  2. these so call leaders who supports Bersih actually clean themselves first and left the rest of the supporters namely the malays to clean all the dirt that was left behind…who in the process got whacked by the authorities!

  3. I agree…bangsar malaysians do not confine to only chinese but also malays… the bangsar malaysia malays are probably the stupidst type of malay who live in bangsat or pj/sj. anglophile and looking down on anything malay (bahasa, celebrating raya…

    i have pesonally met bangsar malaysia malay types who are friends to my mom and they are scrwed up.. celebrating chrstmas complete with turkey and tree during raya not to mention their divorces which are a badge of honor of so called feminism among them)….i also knew one from college who pride with her stupid american accent and proclaimed in facebook that malays live in intellectual cesspool..

    ironically..these bangsar malays do not do well in academic performance and leech off their parents income which may come dubious these bangsar malays are spitting into the sky when they become anti gahmen because they themselves benefitted the most from the corrupt umno. not people like me…

    i chalenged her stupid status with valid arguments but she unfriended me probably because she thinks she is better than me….i may write in english but real life i speak with kedah accent and listen to era fm…i even live in the modest suburbs of ampang jaya..

    i just believe writing in english online helps my writing (my job involves lots of tecnical reports in english) and allow my ideas to reach wider audience (just pity the dapster whoo cant read malay).. but someday i will switch to bahasa like helen.

    1. forrestcat, I really love what you wrote “i may write in english but real life i speak with kedah accent and listen to era fm” hehe.. yup we do listen to malay songs and see malay movies and not ashamed of it!!!
      Sorry got sidetracked from main issue :-)

      1. Hahaha…yes never ashamed of it.someine once asked me why i listen to era..its so malay…i ask back..then what are you? I think era is truly a malaysian radio…it air malay,englis,korean songs and during cny and deepavali air chinese and tamil songs….the anglophile radio station give illusion to the bangsarian that they should have been born in australia or christmas island..hahah

  4. Ya saudara nik. Setuju dengan anda. Apa nak jadi dengan bangsa Melayu kita ni. List yg anda kemukakan masih boleh tambah:

    Yang nak hapuskan PTPTN – Melayu
    Yang tak dapat bayar yuran – Melayu
    Yang nak semua percuma – Melayu
    Yang banyak condemn kerajaan lepas tu minta bantuan – Melayu
    Yang condemn BR1M lepas tu ambik juga – Melayu
    Yang masuk universiti tapi tak dapat kerja – Melayu
    Yang keluar universiti lepas tu kena bagi latihan kerjaya dgn elaun – Melayu
    Yang tak dapat beli rumah tapi diskaun 10% diberikan – Melayu
    Yang mintak cuti banyak bila mula kerja – Melayu
    Yang suka demo tapi tak dafter undi – Melayu

    Banyak lagi boleh sebut. Tak kira kerajaan apa pun, selagi Melayu yg ada tak berubah, jgn harap Bersih 3 ke, 4 ke, boleh bawa perubahan.

    1. Many malays are actually fence sitters…..hnce voting pattern has been unpredctable…malays like t complain..but you will never know whom he will vote!!

    2. Your comment is marvellous. But I take that my personnel initiatives to train the Malays, change their mindset including my they are new generation to vote and to lead the country by 15-20 years from now… some of them may become my menantu and then i got cucu (Malaysian new genset)….

  5. How is Bangsar spelled? Bangsat?
    I rest my case kah…kah…kah….#
    btw..after the monkey like carnival of violence by Bershit3.0… Im calling Melayu Baru as Melayu BARUah…..
    and sadly…Ambiga is also sodomising the malays just as Anwar Al Juburi, Lim Kit Sial and the senile self declared heaven candidate Nik Aziz…

  6. The people in Bangkok hate Thaksin but his sister wins the election because rural people support Thaksin. Bangkok does not represent Thailand.
    Likewise Bangsar does not represent Malaysia.

  7. I am of mixed race, melayu and cina. but i will write in malay now cos thats the national language of Malaysia. Saya bukan orang Bangsar dan kami 6 beradik tak pernah ambik duit kerajaan masa belajar di UK dan US, tapi kami guna duit titik peluk ayah dan mak yang tercinta dan tak pernah ada political connection.

    Saya tinggal di UK selama lebih dari 20 tahun, so complete dengan London accent yang puak Bangsar yg study a few yrs kat UK tergedik-gedik nak tayangkan. Suami saya maksalleh/orang putih/guiloh.Suami pakai kain pelikat dirumah, bendera Malaysia pun dia beli dan pasangkan kat rumah masa 31st August tahun lepas.Sarapan dia makan roti banjir dan teh tarik kurang manis kat kedai mamak…diordernya dalam bahasa Melayu.Saluran radio yang dia dengar dalam kereta pun Klasik Nasional walaupun dia tak berapa faham maknanya. Aku rasa dia lagi Melayu dari puak puak Melayu gedik kat KL ni…dengar tak puak gedik gedik Bangsar…heheehe

    Semalam kami pergi kedai nak beli bantal kekabu pasal bantal latex berbau kalau berpeluh.Bila dia tenguk kat kedai jual kekabu tu ada poster gambar ketua pembangkang yg tiga orang tu, dia kata baiklah kita pergi kedai lain kerana dia tak mahu berurusan dengan group ganas yang pukul polis.

    Suami saya sukakan Malaysia kerana keamanan,sara hidup yang murah,infrastruktur yang baik dan hospital kerajaan pun bagus dan tersangat murah…. kenapa kita yang lahir di Malaysia ini buta dan tak sedar semua ni?Janganlah sampai orang asing lebih menghargai Malaysia dari warga Malaysia sendiri…nampaklah bodoh yang teramat sangat kita ni.

    Akhir kata, BN bukan perfect..mana ada kerajaan yang perfect didunia ni wei.Tetapi banyak dah PM Najib buat perubahan dan dia memang cukup rajin bekerja,selalu tenang dan tak sibuk mengutuk orang macam Anwar Ibrahim. PR ni banyak sangat reactionary saja tapi tak pandai buat kerja dan memerintah. Kita memang perlukan parti pembangkang, akan tetapi bukan PR kerana mereka punya agenda yg tersendiri dah bukannya kisahkan rakyat dan busukkan nama negara saja. Marilah kita bersama sama ‘berdemo’ pula untuk mencari parti pembangkang baru yang benar benar ikhlas. Yang ketua pembangkang 3 orang tu ( beserta keluarga dan kuncu mereka), silalah bersara, balik rumah dan jaga cucu.

    1. I think you are very perceptive,but miscued.You say “Marilah kita bersama sama ‘berdemo’ pula untuk mencari parti pembangkang baru yang benar benar ikhlas”.The ikhlas thingy needs to be aired out in fairness & equality without any regard whether you have to be a pembangkang or pembantu, individually on a collective basis irrespective of origin. This can only happen if we can recognize the truth and reality as neither our own chosen and indulged morality & religion or politically driven agenda that comes in contact with the truth and reality as if this was not the case, then we would not need Helen to highlight these issues and educate us.

  8. Dear Helen, one youtube of a possible DAPSTER insulting a caucasian looking photographer who answered her back in Bahasa Melayu have riled the Malays in facebook… it seem many of my Malay facebooker.. mind you who range from aerospace engineer, a Perodua engineer, lawyers, architect and a fellowship researcher in melbourne and one good friend doing Masters in the UK has reacted negatively to Bersih thanks to this video and the violence yesterday.. one friend also commented that he is insulted that Babiga made statement on national televsion speaking English instead of the Bahasa Kebangsaan which is an insult to the fact that the burden of Bersih 3.0 fell on the Bahasa speaking Malays… what is your comment?



    I laughed out loud (and laughed a second round) to see the woman’s expression when the guy retorted in BM. Priceless how her jaw dropped.

    DAPsters put themselves on a pedestal as if they’re so Bersih & calling Malays corrupt but if you can show them that their own party people have been corrupt, they’d just close one eye saying, well, if the money has to go somewhere then better our crony than to the Umno crony.


    1. If I am UMNO…I will make a cutscene of her shouting at the caucasian to go home…you are corrupted..playing on TV3..RTM1….then the malay vote is safe in UMNO hands…LOL

  9. I think these monkeys of Bershit are similar to the Jawas in Jawa – they all crawled out from the deep domains of volcanos and rain nothing but insults and violence to anything that opposes them. The Jawas in tanah besar Jawa hate Malaysia….for nothing and you can see the similarity to the monkey kingdom of Babiga, Al Juburi, Lim Kit Sial and Taliban Senile Nik Aziz.
    The police were all wearing berets and blue uniforms – they dont look menacing as what riot control cops do in every nation.
    And yet…these Bershit members suddenly turned the peaceful assembly into a scene of the Planet of the Apes..kah…kah..kah
    And I just saw Lim Guan Eng blaming the police!!!!
    Can someone PLEASE sponsor this Chief Monkey Minister a new pair of glasses….

  10. Helen, what can I say after watching that Youtube video of that Dapster insulting the Caucasian ? But here I m going to tell you a bit of Malaysian history. Sedikit imbasan tentang sejarah Malaysia Helen.

    You see, the Chinese who arrived in Malaya in the early years of the 19th century, most of these immigrants, they were mostly coolies working at the ports of the west coast or tin miners in Perak, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The vast majority of these people, they were illiterate. Well, to be precise, they are culture-less, or without culture.

    Now back to the Dapter who insulted the Caucasian. You see Helen, the way the Dapter behaved, kind of reminds us all that she looks just like the descendants of one of those Chinese who came in the early years of the 19th century. That is without culture, uncouth, and in Malay terms, biadab.

    Tengok muka Dapter tu. Nak menghina Mat Salleh pulak. Bila Mat Salleh tu membalas ‘serangan’ Dapster tu, Dapster tu selamba saja. Kenapa Dapster ? Malu sebab Mat Salleh tu boleh berbahasa dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan ? Atau engkau malu sebab engkau tak faham apa yang Mat Salleh tu katakan ?

    Nama saja Malaysian First. Bahasa kebangsaan pun tak faham !

    1. I disagree, the chinese arrivals in 19th century was the best thing that happened, it spurrred the mining industry and commerce and chinese traders brought products from outside to the malays, enriching the malays to adapt to the modern world….

      While the united states and australia imposed their chinese exclusion acts, malaya embraced the chinese and we never looked back and the chinese grew with malays and othe races together…

      unfortunately, certain segments of malaysians are insular regardless whether they are anglophile or ayatollah wannabe who spit on the efforts of tunku and his contemporary leaders like tan cheng lock…we must not mourn our history..

      we should celebrate the good ones and embracing the immigrants into the arms of malaya was one is a showcase of the openness of our forefathers and their progressive minds

      1. agree with forrestcat,

        Chinese history and culture in this land is much to be appreciated but these Bangsarian have forgotten who they are and where they come from… dah lupa asal usul… takder adab…

  11. Helen,

    This video may interest you (and my fellow readers)

    Perfect example of Bangsar-type Malaysians? Check out her face bila dah kena from the reporter.

    1. saudara Ridhwan, tindakan saudara posting video ni memang patut dipuji. Dapster tu, nama saja Malaysian First, tapi bila dah kena hentam, muka jadi macam beruk.

  12. Ah, sorry, Helen, I realise the above video is going to be a repost :) You may delete it then. Hehe..

    No worries, the double posting shows that this video is catching a lot of attention. Thanks for alerting us. — Helen

  13. Helen, this video may be catching a lot of attention but a word of caution. The Dapsters could well say that this is just one of the videos twisted by the BN cybertroopers to paint Bersih in a bad light.

    But then again, the Dapsters, being Dapsters, will believe what they want to believe. I would call it Dapthink, hahaha!

    Just a minor contribution to a growing vocabulary to describe the people of DAP and their Dapsterism. Hahaha !

    Akan tetapi, peluang mereka untuk membuat tuduhan yang video ni adalah hasil kerja BN tidak akan kesampaian. Kan dah jelas dalam video ni yang Perempuan DAP tu mempamirkan aksi “Dapsterism’nya.

    “DAPthink”. Great word, I love it! Copyright is yours but I shall borrow to use. — Helen

  14. Helen, I cannot but note the contrast between what happened at KL versus Penang. You see the Penang event was organised by Aliran, who is one of the key organizers of BERSIH.

    In Penang, they actually wrote to MPPP and the Police to get permission. And even before that they actually met the Dear Leader to obtain his permission and word that he will also “grace” the event as the guest of honor.

    There was no street march or sit in in the city center but the event was held at the Esplanade, an enclosed location suitable for gathering without causing inconvenience to the public and easier for crowd control.

    But in KL and all other locations, BERSIH did not seek for permission from the city councils or the police. In KL they merely notified the authorities and refused the offer of enclosed locations. They marched in the street and breached the barrier.

    In total contrast, in Penang they had a picnic without bothering to send any message. The way Aliran welcomed LGE was like a family gathering and a revered boss.What a joke these NGOs are.

  15. Calvin,

    The biggest loser from the mess will be PAS. Now majority o Malays are really upset with PAS, for encouraging this nonsense and mind boggling submission to Ambiga.

    Believe me. PAS will be almost wiped out in coming election.

    If what you predict happens, will PAS join BN after GE13 you think? — Helen

    1. Not with Nik Aziz helming the party’s leadership and his endorsement on the Erdogans. Any chance for a PAS-split (like UMNO Baru/Semangat 46?)?

      1. True but Nik Aziz is not young & even in Kelantan he’s no longer seen as maksum like he used to be.

        Second thing is ‘easy come, easy go’. Doubtless the Erdogans did well last party election, but it was a sudden turn to good fortune. Also their mixed seats may be less safe in GE13 compared to their ulama counterparts in the Malay heartland.

        What you suggest about a S46 split is interesting.

  16. Helen,

    No. But it will put PAS members who believe they are in 7th heaven now on reality. Meaning they are likely to tone down after being whacked by malays.

    All these years PAS go on and on believing the Malays are with them. Not anymore when they start to “kowtow’ to DAP . It comes with a cost. PAS is now seen as becoming an ally of the enemy of its people( Malays). But of course, you cant understand if a person only read STAR or Malaysiakini.

  17. What a pity, not many noticed the evil smiles from anwar and his wife, from azmin…these satans know what they’re use the demonstration to prove to their masters (jews n american jews) that they can control the idiots of malaysia to serve them. they know the consequences of instigation, the effects of heat, noises, crowd – temperament will rise, mob riot will follow…they know, they really know. Maybe the lady satan ambiga knows too. I supposed orang tua nyanyuk pak samad is so dumb that he couldnt see how the satans are using him.

    Orang yang waras tahu bahawa jika masalahnya ialah kerajaan tidak bersih, maka cara berdemonstrasi bukan jalan terbaik untuk selesai masalah.

    Jika setan2 itu tidak ada agenda jahat, sudah tentu mereka melarang orang ramai berdemo, kerana lebih banyak kerugian jika berdemo – salah dari segi agama, budaya dan undang-undang. Tetapi apabila mempunyai niat jahat, ada pengikut membabi-buta pula, maka inilah peluang terbaik bagi opportunis.

  18. Helen,

    The truth is the intention for staging a demonstration BERSIH is anything but “bersih’. As such, the result( violence) is a foregone conclusion.

    Anwar’s tactic( by using Ambiga) is to create momentum by provoking police. Any authority in this planet will naturally react. why refuse to use stadium as offered? Why? Because the intention is to create a chaotic situation where the police will have no choice but to use force to gain control of situation.

    In 1974, he slandered the Govt of Tun Razak by saying a farmer died of starvation in Baling. Can you believe it? A farmer with land on every direction whereever he looks died of starvation?

    Anwar is rebellious by nature. that is acceptable. But couple with desire to be prime minister at any cost, he sees nothing wrong by manipulating anybody just to achieve his desire.

    I can vouch that what he does actually tantamount to treason. He is testing the patience to the limit. it is pity to see and old man who simply refuse to accept reality that he is not destined to be the Prime MInister.

  19. my expectation result of general election13
    BN 149
    DAP 45
    PAS 18
    PKR 10
    SO, BN HAVE 67%, 2/3 MAJORITY

  20. also, penang and selangor will not join pru13
    when najib announce pru13
    kelantan and kedah join pru13
    may be kelantan lost many of D.U.N to BN
    but PAS still win and remain at kelantan.
    Kedah Lost to BN

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