Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Ingat DAPster, ingat gangster

Kalau perangai macam ini bukan samseng kah?

Warga emas Simon Thong yang berumur 62 tahun menceritakan bagaimana beliau telah dibuli.

Cikgu Simon mengomen di blog ini:

“After my police report, they hung 20 posters of me at the boomgate and on the fence in front of my house. The posters have been there 9 days, and counting… It’s character defamation, of course.

“No, things are not getting better. Still, this is my home and I won’t be chased out.”

DAP menggertak media

Cikgu Simon juga menceritakan:

“My wife and I are alone, deep inside Taman Kaya. […]  Only my wife and I stay here. Neither my children nor my grandchildren are allowed to come within 500 meters of this danger zone. That is our decision: to protect them from danger. Even former students have been urged not to visit as we fear for their safety. This Christmas and then, Chinese New Year, will be quiet festivals: nobody is coming.”

Portal Media Perak yang melaporkan peristiwa di atas telah disaman-malu oleh pengerusi cawangan DAP dan isterinya.

Surat tuntutan loyar oleh Lee Chee Seng dan isterinya, disebut oleh Media Perak sebagai bekas setiausaha Wanita DAP Ipoh Barat (sebuah kawasan Parlimen DAP) boleh dibaca di posting awal, “Indian pariah” reporter: Pemberita pula yang disaman RM1juta oleh orang DAP”.

Tempat kejadian iaitu Taman Kaya terletak di Ipoh Timur (kawasan Parlimen Lim Kit Siang).

Cara DAP beroperasi dengan licik sekali ialah melalui urusan saman berjuta-juta ringgit ke atas wartawan dan blogger sebagai langkah menggertak.

Baca posting bulan Julai bertajuk ‘Dear Leader mentors Khalid‘ di mana saya menulis bahawa politikus Pakatan begitu bingkas bertindak, “Sue sue here, sue sue there, here sue, there sue, everywhere sue” ibarat lagu Old MacDonald had a farm yang lembu-lembunya, “Moo moo here, moo moo there”.

Kepimpinan melalui teladan

Mak oi!! MCA

Aduhai MCA,

Tolong lah, boleh tak lu tengok kejap lu punya paper?

The Star ni bukan main bodek orang DAP.

Ini (lihat bawah) lu punya paper ada susun rentetan peristiwa:

Belasan kali – (screenshot bawah) nama yang digariskan merah – lu punya Star reporter petik kenyataan Lee Chee Seng:

“Lee Chee Seng cakap ni, Lee Chee Seng cakap tu …”

Cerita yang keluar di Star hanya ikut sedap mulut Lee Chee Seng semuanya.

FMT ada lapor Lee Chee Seng ini pengerusi cawangan DAP Ipoh Garden East.

Kenapa The Star tak hendak sebut butiran ini?

Kenapa sesama wartawan pun The Star tidak minta tahu atau menyiarkan olahan pemberita Media Perak yang telah dilontarkan tohmahan “Indian pariah”, kononnya?

Liputan The Star tentang isu Taman Kaya nyata berat sebelah memihak kepada puak DAP.

Perenggan berikut dilaporkan oleh The Star:

June 26 – A number of Taman Kaya residents prevented Augustine from leaving the residential area after he brought two online news portal editors there.

Residents alleged Augustine was bad-mouthing the project to the council, which sparked talks of tearing down the perimeter fencing and the editors were brought there to give the project further negative publicity.

“Four police mobile patrol vehicles had to be called in to diffuse the situation.

“Lee pleaded to meet with Roshidi before the council brings down the perimeter fencing as they have tried to meet with him on numerous occasions but was unsuccessful.

“Augustine spoke to reporters, denying that he had any power to influence Roshidi’s decision, as he was not a city councillor.”

Rencana-rencana dalam The Star perihal kekecohan di Taman Kaya jelas bertumpu kepada sudut pandangan politikus DAP bernama Lee Chee Seng itu.

Sesiapa yang membaca rentetan‘Timeline’ The Star pasti hairan mengapa Cikgu Simon yang dikasari samseng tidak diberi ruang supaya pengalamannya sebagai mangsa buli boleh dikisahkan.

The Star is a problem

Sepertimana yang pernah saya tanya: “Where is The Star‘s news sense?!”

Perkara yang mustahak tidak dihuraikan. Walhal ia sengaja ditenggelamkan oleh akhbar tersebut, contohnya fakta Gereja City Harvest di Subang Jaya yang dibabitkan dengan kegiatan ‘money laundering’ (pengalihan wang gelap) RM5.26 juta oleh pihak berkuasa Singapura.

Malah dua orang pengarang Media Perak dibayangkan oleh The Star sebagai tidak profesional – “the editors were brought there to give the project further negative publicity”.

Juga dibayangkan The Star bahawa Augustine Anthony, bekas pengerusi persatuan penduduk Taman Kaya, adalah tidak beretika dalam usahanya memburuk-burukkan (“bad-mouthing”) projek pondok keselamatan dan pagar keliling Taman Kaya.

Screenshot atas: “@hannahyeoh = DAP SuperCyber Bully”

Baca ‘Star silence on cyber bullying sign it’s pro-DAP

Gunting dalam Lipatan

Bagaimanakah MCA boleh terus membiarkan sahaja jentera medianya untuk sering menutup aib evangelis DAP dalam siang hari?

Sikap sayang evangelis DAP ini memang harus dianggap sebagai The Star bersekongkol dengan pembuli.

Sampai timbalan menteri MCA sendiri mendakwa pernah difitnah oleh Adun Subang Jaya DAP Hannah Yeoh. NST ada buat liputan Hannah disoalsiasat polis di balai. The Malay Mail mengkhabarkan juga. Hanya The Star yang cuba menyorokkan peristiwa tersebut demi menjaga nama politikus evangelis DAP itu.

Fasal Hannah Yeoh disoalsiasat polis atas tuduhan memfitnah, The Star senyap sekali. Namun pada hari-hari lain – ambil contoh tempoh 48 jam yang baru berlalu – anda boleh melihat sendiri berapa kali nama Hannah Yeoh wajib muncul di akhbar milik MCA itu.

19 Okt 2012

Pohon rakan-rakan blogger tolong sebarkan …

Terima kasih.



I have no Faceook or Twitter.

34 thoughts on “Ingat DAPster, ingat gangster

  1. Kak Helen,

    itu olang sume ngaji tinggi-tinggi tapi tak mahu ikut pelatolan. itu olang lasa mahu bikin itu pondok pengawal dan palang gate, telus bikin saja, belakang balu fikir tentang kelulusan latuk mandar maa. kalau itu olang bukan gangster, apa dia hah? latuk mandar punya latuk punya latuk punya tut tut? mampoi lor ini macaam!

  2. irony is when pro-oppo internet newsportal being sued by the people they’re championing. Karma’s a b***h.

  3. in heavy bold and red –

    “Mak oi!! MCA

    Aduhai MCA,

    Tolong lah, boleh tak lu tengok kejap lu punya paper?

    The Star ni bukan main bodek orang DAP.”

    tak reti melayu dan Inggeris betui MCA ni.

    helen kena tulis cina pulak kot…


    1. LOL.

      Mereka tu kan David, Leanne, June, Errol, Tommy, Brian Martin, Lourdes Joseph Charles, Devid, Agatha, Paul, Ann Marie, William, Ivy, Melody Louisa, Chelsea, RJS Dennis, Frederick Fernandez and Joseph.

      Lagipun ketua pengarang kumpulan Wong Chun Wai tu evangelis tegar yang mengaku dirinya tak reti Mandarin.

      Kata WCW: “Although I come from an English medium school and I am unable to speak or write in Chinese …” (sini), dan

      Bercakap tentang perbahasan CSL-LGE, WCW menulis: “The fact that many of us, including this writer, had to rely on the Malay translation by Astro …” (sini).

    1. There is really something WRONG with The Star due to its jilat bontot relationship with the evangelistas.

      1. look like DAPsters are the type that like to buttered, air conditioned and bodek. that’s why The Star only write one side story.

        The whole idea of getting higher readership is not that bad because as a business entity, The Star has to depend on readership. but being MCA own and doing that, isyhhh… its like cheating your partner aka main kayu tiga.

        1. “Like to be buttered” and also most willing to do lavish buttering — You butter me, I butter you, the essence of the DAP-PKR-PAS relationship.

          When you have lidah bercabang, all the more effective the buttering. The tongue can do double duty.


            1. Here I’m willing agree that Nurul Izzah is a good-looking woman but trust HY to bodek-butter kaw-kaw just about anyone (of use) … which explains the Twit meter reading keep going up.


          1. OMG, soooo hopeless one. why praise in public? (via twitter), I guess HY really thinks that Izzah’s dad going to be PM after next GE. at least, dapat balik buttering in a form of cabinet post ka, apa ka… kih kih kih. so pathetically interesting game of tweeting.

            kih kih kih, harrrgghhh tuih.

    2. Read your links, thanks.

      Augustine was quoted by NST as saying, “”It was turning into a case of the majority BULLYING the minority into submission.”

  4. Helen, wait till they form their own alternative army, after all they are already in the midst of forming their own alternative police in Penang.

    They know they are going to lose in PRU13 so with no hope of going to Putrajaya, so they are going to do everything they can to intimidate the people into supporting them in the hope that they can preserve their “territories” i.e those with majority Chinese/significant Chinese voters.

  5. Helen,

    Alasan yang diberikan dalam paper The Evangelis Star bersabit pembinaan pondok pengawal dan boomgate di kawasan perumahan Taman Kaya-Raya adalah: pecah rumah, ragut dan PECAH CERMIN kereta.

    Kalau kejadian pecah cermin kereta diperhalusi, selalunya, jarang ada kaitannya dengan vandalisma sebaliknya lebih kepada kesan dari hubungan tegang antara dua pihak yang berselisih faham, dsbnya.

    Makanya, penggunaan alasan peningkatan kes pecah cermin kereta untuk mendirikan komuniti berpagar secara haram dan dalam masa sama memaksa semua ahli dalam komuniti berkenaan supaya membayar kos perkhidmatan (RM60/bulan) adalah tidak adil dan menjurus kepada komuniti yang di tadbir oleh RA ‘kuku besi’.

  6. PAS selamanya menjadi kaldai DAP. btw off topic sikit.

    Tanpa dakwah PAS kpd kaum Cina, mereka boleh menerima perkataan Syariah dan Hibah dengan syarikat Genneva Gold yg diserbu oleh BNM.. Hehehe, money talks .. tak kisahlah syariah ke hibah ke.. surely byk DAPster dan MCAster yg invest.

  7. Strange, suddenly folks like shshshn and those DAPster alphabet soups are silent like mice.

    This is not about party politics, this is about being decent human beings. I can’t believe Mr. Simon has gone through hell for so long and still nothing is being done. I almost burst a blood vessel reading this Irene Yow? justifying the youth taunts. What kind of community is this Taman Kaya?

    I am tempted to say a few choice words, but I think such episodes are more common than we think. I can offer nothing more but mere words of consolation, but I will remember the incident for the sociological lessons it offer.

    Isn’t there ANYONE we can turn to to mediate and end this nonsense?

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