Posted in INDIA

The J-Star kata tembak mati 5 lelaki India adalah kes “mangsa pembunuhan” polis

Screenshot: “Murder victims” kata keterangan gambar The Star (21 Ogos 2013).

Suratkhabar milik MCA itu (lihat bawah) merujuk kepada mayat lima lelaki India – yang sedang diusung keluar – sebagai “mangsa pembunuhan [polis]”.

Mereka ditembak mati ketika satu serbuan ke atas pangsapuri yang diduduki mereka.

Belia-belia India itu “dibunuh” – mengikut kata The J-Star – polis beberapa hari lepas di Sungai Nibong, Pulau Pinang. Akhbar itu memaparkan laporan-laporan pada muka depan (20 Ogos) dan mukasurat 3 (tiga rencana disiarkan pada 20 Ogos tentang kejadian) serta mukasurat 4 (lima rencana disiarkan pada 21 Ogos).

.Rencana The J-Star menyebut lima orang “murder victims” telah dibunuh polis

Prihatin terhadap nasib kaum India

MCA sebenarnya membiarkan sahaja akhbar milik parti Cina itu untuk membuat liputan berita ikut budi bicara pengarangnya.

Seorang bekas pengarang urusan The Star, P. Gunasegaram, pernah mendedahkan: “The Star is owned by the MCA and run by the MIC for the benefit of the DAP.

The J-Star sememangnya pro-DAP

Timbalan Presiden MCA mempertahankan keputusan partinya untuk membenarkan akhbar milik mereka berada di luar kawalan serta pengaruh BN.

Timbalan Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai tampil mempertahankan pemilikan parti itu ke atas akhbar The Star, dengan menyatakan bahawa ia tidak campurtangan dalam dasar editorial akhbar harian berbahasa Inggeris itu.
“Walaupun MCA memiliki sebahagian daripada saham dalam The Star, tetapi ini tidak bermakna MCA campurtangan dalam kebebasan akhbar,” kata Liow.

Ditanya sama ada sesuai untuk sebuah parti politik memiliki sebuah akhbar harian sebagai medianya, Liow berkata, setiap unit dalam The Star mempunyai autonomi sendiri dari segi operasi di bawah pasaran bebas. — sumber Malaysiakini (21 Ogos 2013)

Bunyi The J-Star pun mirip Malaysiakini

Tajuk berita The J-Star pada 21 Ogos 2013 berbunyi: ‘Grand send-off for five killed in shootout‘ manakala tajuk berita Malaysiakini ialah ‘Grand funeral for one of five shot dead‘.

Laporan The J-Star berciri “Cili kasi taruh”. Tajuk berita akhbar itu ialah ‘Penang cops gun down 5 members of notorious gang(lihat screenshot atas). Suratkhabar MCA itu mengandaikan bahawa 5 orang lelaki India itu berupa ahli “geng” serta ditokok-tambah bahawa geng mereka adalah “notorious”.

Sebagai perbandingan, tajuk berita FMT (19 Ogos 2013) – ‘Five shot dead in Penang‘ – adalah lebih mematuhi etika kewartawanan kerana tidak dibubuh rencah ikut selera sensasi dan ikut hati.

Liputan kelmarin oleh akhbar Harian Tamil Malar, m/s 3 

Butir-butir kejadian

Yang ditembak mati polis ialah:

  • Gobinath Jayasooryam, 31
  • Ramesh Raganathan, 27
  • Suresh Murugasen, 25
  • Vinut Anbalagan, 23
  • Gobinath Myavanam, 21

Mati katak

Kemusykilan: Polis mendakwa bahawa belia-belia itu adalah “gengster” merbahaya. Sekiranya polis yakin dan sudah mengenalpasti identiti mereka semua, kenapa pula boleh salah seorang daripada mereka itu di’salah’ tembak?

Rupa-rupanya kad pengenalan Vinut Anbalagan dipegang oleh seorang lelaki India berumur 25 tahun bernama Rakan Nagaiah.

Jadi adakah polis telah tersilap sasaran? Bermakna yang hendak ditembak polis itu Vinut dan bukannya Rakan. Ataupun ia Rakan dan bukannya Vinut? Apakah jenayah yang dilakukan oleh kedua-dua Vinut dan Rakan adalah jenayah yang sama?

Ataupun hanya salah seorang daripada mereka (sama ada Vinut atau Rakan) yang terlibat dalam jenayah?

Sekiranya betul polis telah lama menjejaki suspek, kenapa pula boleh polis salah mendedahkan nama si mangsa kepada pemberita? Hanya apabila saudara-mara menuntut jenazah di hospital barulah mix-up dari segi identiti Vinut dan Rakan diketahui.

Adakah seorang lelaki muda telah mati katak kerana polis sendiri bertindak melulu tanpa memastikan keadaan?

Shoot to kill

Pangsapuri yang diserbu itu terletak di tingkat 11.

Skuad-skuad polis boleh mengawal ketat pintu, lif dan tangga. Suspek tidak akan mampu melarikan diri kerana unit pangsapuri adalah tinggi dan tersekat. Lagipun serbuan dilakukan pada kira-kira 4.30 pagi tatkala semua orang sedang lena tidur.

Persoalan: Kenapa kelima-lima suspek SEMUA ditembak mati? Tidakkah pelaksanaan undang-undang di negara kita mengkehendaki bahawa seseorang tertuduh diberikan peluang untuk membela diri di mahkamah?

Sekiranya dianggap bersalah pun, ada perlu ‘due process’ terdahulu, yakni dengan pengadilan didengar oleh hakim serta pihak pendakwa raya diwajibkan mengemukakan bukti-bukti dan saksi-saksi, bukan?

Tetapi kenapa pula polis dikhabarkan telah tutup kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) sebelum memulakan Operasi Cantas di pangsapuri itu?

Shot at point blank range

N. Surendran, naib presiden PKR berkata beliau ditunjukkan gambar-gambar lelaki yang maut itu dan beliau nampak bahawa ada di antara mereka yang ditembak dua kali di kepala sementara yang lain mempunyai lebih daripada enam kesan-kesan tembakan (ekoran polis melepaskan das tembakan bertubi-tubi).

Adun DAP Sri Delima iaitu RSN Rayer juga mengesahkan bahawa si mati telah ditembak di kepala, muka, leher/tengkuk (“neck”) dan bahagian dada.

Adakah telah berlaku ‘shootout’ (berbalas-balas tembakan) sepertimana yang didakwa polis?

Pengerusi Hindraf P. Waytha Moorthy berkata dalam kenyataannya:

“Looking at the photos I do not think anyone with the right frame of mind would believe that there was actually a shoot-out between the Police team and the suspects.
“According to the statement by the Police, their members acted in self-defence. Looking at the photos and the injuries, it appears the suspects were shot at close range.
“The public has been observing the statements of police closely over the years.
“Each time the police appear to be giving a standard answer- that they were shot at and they acted in self-defence. But the injuries do not describe a situation of shoot-out. The photos show they were shot at point blank.
“The IGP’s statement that they have conducted ballistic tests which linked the weapons to 10 other murder cases is shocking. One wonders how such tests could have been carried out at super speed and even if that was possible how it could be linked to 10 previous murders so hastily.
“The people no longer believe the standard answers of self defence story by the police.”

aminul 3

Begitu yakin dengan cakap polis?

Saya rasa mungkin ada di khalayak umum yang tidak akan lagi telan bulat-bulat cerita polis.

Polis pun pernah mendakwa bahawa remaja Aminul Rasyid Amzah (gambar atas) – yang membawa kereta kakaknya untuk buat joyride – adalah seorang “suspek kumpulan samun bersenjata”.

Polis mendakwa mereka menembak mati Aminul Rasyid kerana nyawa mereka sendiri terancam oleh budak berumur 14 tahun itu.

Polis juga mendakwa mereka menjumpai sebilah parang di dalam kereta milik Tuty Shahniza Anom Amzah (kakak arwah).

Tuty serta ahli-ahli keluarganya menafikan bahawa ada parang yang disimpan dalam Proton Iswara tersebut.

Agak kerap kita mendengar polis mencerita bahawa mereka menjumpai parang atau senjata di kereta suspek. Agak kerap kita mendengar polis bercerita bahawa suspek yang terlebih awal menembak ke arah mereka.

Aminul Rasyid meninggal selepas dikenakan tembakan di bahagian belakang kepala. Adik itu terkena 21 biji peluru. Adakah Aminul Rasyid pun berbalas tembakan dengan polis konon?

“Wow, terribly impressed”

“We have solved nine cases (of shooting) after five gangsters were shot dead yesterday,” tegas Ketua Polis Negara Khalid Abu Bakar menurut laporan The Malay Mail Online pada 20 Ogos 2013.

Aduhai cekapnya.

Cepat sekali beres penyiasatan, kajian balistik, penyelidikan CSI.

Kes tutup. Bak kata The J-Star, “notorious gang” sudah berjaya ditumpaskan oleh polis.


If there was a “shootout”, why was the dead suspect’s head on the pillow?


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

129 thoughts on “The J-Star kata tembak mati 5 lelaki India adalah kes “mangsa pembunuhan” polis

  1. Bukanlah nak menegak benang basah tetapi aku percaya polis kita mungkin telah `trigger happy`.

    1. Razko,

      The question that anyone should ask the parents of Aminul Rashid is that what was the boy doing driving( no licence of course) at 2am.

      We can say so many things from our cosy houses. But reality at that particular moment faced by the police is a different story . It was an unfortunate incident.

      And because someone failed in his/her responsibility as parents, a police was then suspended, affecting income of his family.

      1. re: “reality at that particular moment faced by the police is a different story”

        I understand that when pressed at a critical moment, we may not react to the best or wisest standards.

        I agree that there is an allowable margin for error.

        But the ‘suspension’ of the police officer (actually he was charged in court) is not comparable to the boy’s parents losing a son.

        If the officer hadn’t fired so many shots and if 21 bullet hadn’t hit Amirul, he may be alive. His margin of error was too big.

        1. Helen,

          I must say that the boy also ‘contributed” to the incident.

          And the lesson is that a boy of his age has no business driving at 2am. Again it is easier to judge(or blame) the police . BUt again it is a lesson.

        2. Macam kes Trayvon Martin kat Florida.

          Biasanya, dalam situasi ini adrenalin mengambil alih logik otak dan individu hanya bertindak mengikut perasaan tanpa berfikir panjang.

        3. Kalau kita ada ROBOCOP mungkin dia boleh analyse guna built-in komputer yg tengah dikejar (suspicious behaviour) tu budak, orang tua or whatnot.

          Polis are still human dan berhadapan situasi yang begitu mencurigai perlu bertindak pantas. In most instances do you expect the driver to suddenly stop and hand them a bouquet of flowers?

          Jgn terlalu pandang hina dgn kebolehan dan kecekapan Polis kita. Mereka mempunyai jaringan intip yang begitu meluas dan alat2 intip yg canggih sekarang. You all think all these PDRM nak heboh dalam blogs?

          Kawasan saya dulu MCA/MIC jaga. Tiap kumpulan gangsters semua mereka pantau. (File dah tebal). They dont just pick names from the sky..

          1. Then how to explain when Vinut Anbalagan’s family went to the mortuary to collect his body they found Rakan Nagaiah’s corpse?

            1. We hear first what explanation from police. I also want to know the reason. Maybe all the time this ‘victim’ using others ic.

        4. Setuju dengan Helen dan Razko. To spray 21 bullets then on Aminur Rasyid was to much for a so called Police professionalism. Few of my police officer friends said it take 2-3yrs in service policeman only 1 or two bullets to hit a suspect if the suspect is stationary or stopped and additional 2 more bullets for moving suspect. The police are well trained to use their weapons.

        5. This question I always asked to peoples in Amirul case, what can we do to prevented Amirul driving his sister car in the first place?

          Who we want to blame, the parent or sister who let Amirul drive or the police who shoot him because he didn’t stop? (I suspect he panic and try to get away).

          And, is it posible for police to shoot one time only to stop a running car? If possible, how to train our police to do it because it take years to train the sharp shooter and they cannot even take an aim at the movement object (unlike in the movies).

          Are we willing to wait for the every police complete their sharp shooter courses before letting them on the street to prevent this from happening?

          Are we to solves this problem, just give one bullet to the police on the street then and told them, if you meet with any arm criminal, it your choice to become a police and thus to stay alive make sure your aim is good and if you meet with multiple arm criminal just use one bullet to kill them all. Because if you died it your fault anyway.

          :{ sarah

          1. Sarah,

            I do appreciate the fact that the police put their lives at risk every day and every time they report for work. It’s a thankless (and sadly low paid) job and our uniformed forces deserve our society’s support.

            In the American movies and TV programmes, the Men in Blue are portrayed as heroes. Over here, the opposition and their supporters tend to hurl abuse at the police and portray them as corrupt and zalim. This is demoralizing to the force whose morale is already low.

            I’m not generalizing nor condemning the police in toto. I’ve raised specifics on the Sungai Nibong case and about the long-term policy wrt to law enforcement (the experts have recorded their findings and recommendations in the IPCMC report).

            However looking from the media angle, the press has been whipping up hysteria with their daily servings of front-page stories on the shootings. I am unhappy with the media coverage and media agenda and their lalang approach, like The J-Star going along with the government line but sneaking in “murder victim”.

            The MCA-owned newspaper’s Dr Jekyll-and-Mr Hyde bipolar syndrome is dangerous.

            1. Helen,

              Those comment I reserved to Amirul case and not for the Sungai Nibong case. Amirul, I think a mistake should not happen if everyone done their job properly and because of his mistake everyone effected in the wrong way either his parents, sister and police forces.

              In sungai Nibong case, my personal view is, wait for futher explaination. The truth will come. Unlike CSI drama, the DNA need 72 hours to extract and another 72 hours to analyse. That top speed with 0 mistake margin in the first analysis (as I understand base on the forensic “friend” explanation). Usually they will do second or third analysis just to confirm.

              We can make our own judgement base on the photos we received but than again how do we know what really happen unless we were there.

              And don’t trust J-Star in any news. Even in Genting tragedy the news was bleghhhhhh…….

              :) sarah

        6. Helen,

          When the police ask you to stop, you better stop. How the police know you are notorious gangster, possible thieves or not by looking at you when you drive at 2am?That boy should just stop when the police gave a warning shot, but not, they just driving away. Now, imagine this, a house has been broken to around an area, and a police patrol car do nothing even they suspect something… who will be blame? the police.

          For the shooting, if they want to shoot those people, they dont need to do the raid, they can just do like assassin style. Blame other gangsters for it. But, they go there risking their life, and shoot at, and now you starting to question them? We just lost few of our serviceman in Lahad Datu, and now we blame the police? You want the police to be shot dead first then you will support them? Come on Helen. We should let the police do their jobs. With those grand Funeral , you think the police shot them by mistake?

          1. re: “That boy should just stop when the police gave a warning shot, but not, they just driving away.”

            Granted he should have. But he was only 14 and obviously he panicked. If so many shots had not been fired, Amirul could still be alive. As it was, his body was bullet riddled.

            re: “But, they go there risking their life, and shoot at, and now you starting to question them?”

            (1) Yes, they went there. But has it escaped your attention that every time the police carry out a raid, it is “take no prisoners”. The trend is not that any of the policemen are reported to have died in the raids. Even to hear of injuries is rare.

            But the so called “gangsters” all ALWAYS end up dead, all the time.

            re: “We just lost few of our serviceman in Lahad Datu, and now we blame the police?”

            Why bring Lahad Datu into this? That was an incursion into our sovereign territory. Very rare occurrence.

            Crime and police dealing with criminals happen every day. It’s the job of the law enforcement officers.

            re: “You want the police to be shot dead first then you will support them? Come on Helen. We should let the police do their jobs.”

            Sigh. There is no reason for me to support criminals and to diss the police. A snatch thief tried to grab my bag just the other day. No Malaysian in his right mind wants a crime explosion. However is the way that the police are doing their job an effective method of keeping crime in check?

            You pls go look up the crime stats in the Scandinavian countries. They are safe countries with low crime rate. However they are countries very high in freedom/liberties and human rights. On the other hand, countries with autocratic (or trigger happy police) are not as orderly as Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Look up the Azmi Sharom Star article which is screenshot on this page (above).

            re: “With those grand Funeral, you think the police shot them by mistake?”

            I have not disputed the possibility that they may be criminals.

            My issues are:

            (1) The shoot-to-kill policy, and from the descriptions, what appears to be extra-judicial killings (shot point blank, execution style). What is the standard operating procedure of the police force?

            (2) The discrepancies in the narrative, i.e. the Vinut-Rakan identity mix-up. If the police had kept them under surveillance, how come they couldn’t pinpoint the identity of one of the suspects that they shot?

            1. Granted he should have. But he was only 14 and obviously he panicked. If so many shots had not been fired, Amirul could still be alive. As it was, his body was bullet riddled.

              ~ You expect police to check first his age before shoot him? What if the driver is not Amirul but some hard core criminal, and you still thought that police should check first before take action or you suggest police to don’t ever shoot the suspect until the suspect shoot first.

              ~ put yourself there Helen.. Its either life of the police officer or the suspect. Why not you advice people to respect the law. Just cooperate with police. Why should people panic when being order to stop by police. Come on.. please spare some sympathy also to the police officer.

            2. Helen,

              Yes. He was just 14. But what was he doing there at 2am and driving a car when he had no licence in the first place.

              the bottom line is that he contributed to this sad incident. Where were his parents? Strange is it not? Nobody was ‘awakened” when he started the ignition?

              We can argue for another 40 years. But the fact is that the boy contributed to the incident.

              1. I have seen Malay boys as young as thirteen hanging out in Bukit Bintang in the wee hours of the morning and riding motorcycles.

                Clearly the police has the right to question and possibly arrest them but it does not justify firing shots at them unless in defence.

                1. AC-DC,

                  It is this simple. police ordered the car driver(in this case Aminul Rashid) to stop. He did not. I did not know why but I guess he was panicky first for driving without licence and secondly met with accident that resuting in several motorcycles chasing him.

                  And the police involved would not have in his wildest dream ever thought that the suspect was a frightened 15 year old boy. And I believe every time we see a car passing we would never thought that it was driven by a boy.

                  “siapa mak bapa?”

                  I too have seen boys as young as 13, 14 in cyber cafes around 2am. where are their parents?

                  All these would not have happened if disciplines is enforced at home.

                2. That’s a really stupid analogy; comparing with one incident involving a 14 yr old boy driving a car in deserted area during an unearthly hour, and a bunch of boys hanging out in brightly lit places like Bkt Bintang.

                  Try harder.

                  And btw, you’ve never seen Cina boys hanging out in wee hours in KL? Or refused to admit you’ve seen them before?

                  Stop this kind of crappy comment laa.. We Malays frequenting this blog are not stupid, you know.

      2. It’s a tragedy that such a young boy had to die from seemingly indiscriminate shooting by the police.

        I blamed both the police and the boy’s parents for this tragedy.

    2. Tembak je. India dah naik tocang sebab KDN lemah.

      Kita mesti ingat orang India yang di bawa oleh British ni adala kasta paling rendah dan tidak berpelajaran.

      Bila UMNO membiarkan mereka keluar estet tidak ada kerja untuk mereka.
      Sampai MIC cadangkan orang India balek estet kerana gaji dah naik di sana.

      Jadi solusi komprehensif untuk membawa balik India mesti dilaksanakan.
      Jika tidak ini akan menjadi masaalah sosial yang berpanjanganan.

      Estet mesti di halang membawa buruh murah dari Indon atau bangla.
      India yang ada mesti di letakkan di estet seperti tujuan asal merak.

      Kita mesti ikut Hindu di mana setaop orang ada tugasan mereka.

      Sebab itu hindu amat tegas memasti brahmin, barhmin, pekerja tetap pekerja. Kalau tidak jadi mcm pembunuh Pathmananban. nak kaya bunuh Sosilawati.

    3. Kita perlu ingat, anggota bawahan polis tu bukan tinggi sangat pelajaran mereka mcm komentator-komentator di sini. Mereka blog pun tak bace. Mungkin PMR atau SPM je. Bagi pistol mereka tentu rasa gemuruh dan excited.

      Nak bunuh penjenayah sebanyak mungkin.

      Sebab tu Amirul tu pun kena tembak. Ingat lagi Dr Cina yang beromen dalam kereta pun di tembak anggota polis dari Sabah. Tak silap yang tembak Amirul pun dari Sabah atau Sarawak. Loyal nak mampus dan ikut buku betul bukan tahu guna common sense. Jadi maklumlah orang mcm ni di bagi pistol memang akan ada insiden.

      Pembunuh altantuya pun dari Sarawak. Mereka head hunter dulu ma.

      1. Kmu siapa o?? Kmu menulis ni macam nk menghina borneo! Utk pngetahuan kmu polis Malaya di borneo ni kebanyakan kurang ajar. Hantar duty kat bandar Lahad Datu pn menangis loo..

  2. Susah jadi polis kat Malaysia ni.

    Lambat bertindak dikata lembik dan maka gaji buta;

    Terima rasuah kena kata tapi yang dok beri rasuah dok bersuka ria dan tumpang sekaki mengata;

    Berhemah pulak silap-silap haribulan kena serang hendap macam kat Sabah;

    Bertindak tegas pulak dikata “Trigger Happy”;

    Saya memahami apa yang Helen ingin sampaikan dalan entry kali ni, tapi dalam keadaan sekarang yang Penyamun dan Penyangak Bermaharaja Lela, tidak dapat tindak Pihak POLIS kena TEGAS. NO MORE NONSENSE. Don’t wait until we become one of those Latin America countries where the Mobster control the Police.


    I support the new Home Minister 1000%.

      1. Tak kan tak perasaan lagi kot yang ianya dah pun berlaku dan sedang berlaku:

        1. Percambahan pusat-pusat judi haram di Selangor sejak Pakatan ambil alih.

        2. Siapa dalang di belakang along along yang berkeliaran di seluruh negara;

        Kalau tak gitu, masakan Menteri KDN yang bolrh baru buat kenyataan yang tidak akan ada campur tangan politik dalam bidang kuasa polis bila beliau ambil alih kementerian.

        Susah Helen jadi Pegawai Kerajaan ni, kalau baik sangat akibatnya jadi macam Pengarah Kastam @ Mr Clean yang mati ditembak siang hari goyang.

      2. Huh. Now helen is showing that she is a better investigator than police. Look how he said the relationship between mobs and politician. Haiyaaa.. can pointing finger oledi.. thats why she simply can said police is wrong!!!

  3. Ini bukan pasal bangsa. It could have been Malay gangsters and the police would have acted the same.

    Macam kata ‘Pemangku Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk A.Thaiveegan berkata polis tidak akan takut dengan tindakan itu, yang dilabelkan sebagai “kurang ajar”.’ Walaupun seorang berketurunan India, beliau tidak membuatkan fakta tersebut mempengaruhi tanggungjawabnya kepada rakyat dan negara. Yang lain, nampak sangat motif sebab apa depa bising.

    So jangan la pihak-pihak lain buat isu polis Melayu bunuh bukan Melayu ala TBH dll. Jangan jadi bangang dan tidak bertanggungjawab. Asal boleh sebab ada niat tersirat!

    Jerusubang Star memang talam dua muka tikam belakang bintang tiga. Baca laporan ini berkenaan seorang Tan Sri yang menembak mati seorang perompak. Bandingkan dengan apa yang telah polis buat…Guna akal dan jangan guna kepala lutut pulak!

    Ini pula komen Philip Golingai yang setuju dengan tindakan ahli MCA raub tersebut. Star Online Editor ni salute dengan Tan Sri tersebut. Apa pasal apa yang polis buat kita tak boleh nak berterima kasih. But then again juak ni bukan jenis yang suka berterima kasih pun!

    Helen kes kat Shah Alam dengan kat Sg Nibong tu macam langit dengan bumi. But of course, you are entitled to your opinion.

    1. re: “Helen kes kat Shah Alam dengan kat Sg Nibong tu macam langit dengan bumi.”

      Yes, there is a difference between the two cases.

      I admit that I brought in Aminul Rasyid because I’m playing the race card but with good intentions since I’m not Indian or Malay.

      From our hotly debated Seri Pristina threads earlier, I found that commenters aligned themselves along the race divide.

      This shooting is an emotional issue too with the Indian community and the Malay community is similarly on the defensive. It is natural that we all have a racialist outlook. It is really the Firsters who are unnatural in their insistence that they are colour blind.

      1. I have said, read and seen it time and again that every time the Indian community’s plight/story/issue was brought up in the limelight, it has always been negative in nature.

        The question is what do the INDIAN COMMUNITY leaders do about it?

        I have not heard any positive story since Samy Vellu’s One-House-One-Professional program last time which has been a great success. Unfortunately these newly successful Indians have become the community members of JeruSubang with “I am not Indian actually” kind of attitude. They love to talk and complain but do nothing to work in sync to help their own community.

        1. re: “Unfortunately these newly successful Indians have become the community members of JeruSubang with ‘I am not Indian actually’ kind of attitude.”

          101% behind you on this!

            1. Kawan kat Politeknik Perda cakap pasal beberapa ratus anak2 India estet yang dibawa masuk bukan atas meritocracy tapi tanggungjawab sosial untuk social engineering bagi membantu masyarakat India termiskin. Sememangnya sukar untuk mendidik mereka kerana tak sampai tapi peluang telah diberi atas permintaan MIC dan syabas kerana kerajaan prihatin. UMNO tak perlu harap kat MIC ataupun Hindraf bagi membantu masyarakat India. Patutnya dah lama mula. But then again it is never too late!

              1. One private college owned by “I am not Indian actually” family inked MOU with Angkatan Tentera Malaysia and MIC (I think, not sure about this) to bring in 400 Indians students to study there on yearly basis. It was in 2007 but not sure whether it is still on going now. This sort of positive story should take the limelight to send positive vibes to the Indian children and youth.

                Once there was a comment and concern raised by one YB that there are to much violence in Tamil Movies that have negative effect on Indian Children.

                1. I watched a lot of Tamil movies (whenever I can on youtube, especially last year), a lot of it glorifying the gangs by demonizing the police.

                  Please watch, one of my favourite of all time, Rakht Charitra.

                  Having said that, I need to stress that they have pretty good romcom films as well. Way better than Bollywood, I must say. Some goes to some Malayalee movies.

              2. The bigger help is to combat racial discrimination when it comes to educational and economic opportunities.

    2. Setuju sangat. Ini bukan pasal bangsa. Ini pasal penjenayah dengan pihak berkuasa.

      Berita yang baru aku baca. Bukti menunjukkan pihak berkuasa (orang Melayu) tidak pilih bulu.

      Written By sematan ke lawas on Thursday, 22 August 2013 | 11:30 am

      Begitulah nasib malang yang terjadi kepada dua peragut yang telah berjaya ditangkap oleh penduduk kampung Sungai Tengar Utara, Sabak Bernam. Menurut saksi, Manan Jalil 48, salah seorang penduduk tempatan yang berang dengan kedua-dua peragut ini telah membawa keluar parang tajam yang berkilat lalu mahu menetak leher peragut itu. tapi sempat dihalang oleh jirannya.
      Namun ketika peragut itu ditangkap, pihak saksi mengatakan tidak ada apa-apa barang yang berharga yang didapati pada peragut itu. Salah seorang penduduk tempatan yang juga ketua kampung di situ pula yang berang pada peragut itu telah memerintah anak buahnya menyembelih kedua-dua peragut ini. Kaki-kaki peragut itu diikat
      …dengan takbir yang bergema…dia telah sembelih peragut tanpa rasa belas kasihan…darah menyembur keluar,orang tempatan tidak berani menghalang perbuatan ketua kampung itu, kerana yang disembelih itu ialah seeokor kambing dan sesekor lembu yang meragut rumput disembelih untuk korban hari raya…

  4. The Star juga letak headline: Grand send-off for five killed in shootout

    Wow… hero semuanya… pejuang kebebasan mengguna pistol yang telah dibunuh polis rupanya. Tahniah.

    Bagi aku akhbar ini bukan The Star, atau JStar lagi. Bila dah bersekongkol dengan parti politik dan individu2 yang lebih berminat untuk merosakkan keharmonian rakyat dan keamanan negara, nama yang lebih tepat ialah gengStar.

    Dan DAP terus kekal menjadi God Father yang membela dan melindungi penjenayah2 ini.

    Dan aku masih salahkan pejuang2 kebebasan mengguna pistol itu kerana tidak mengikut SOP Penyangak:
    1. Bila kena serbu dengan polis, buat-buat terperanjat.
    2. Bila Polis jerit buangkan senjata api, cepat-cepatlah campak.
    3. Bila Polis suruh serah diri, angkat tangan dan berlutut lah ke lantai.

  5. Pada Jun, 2013, di Kedah, dua orang perompak telah menembak dan mencederakan seorang pegawai polis sebelum melarikan diri. Jika kena tangkap, dema ni bolehlah beri alasan mempertahankan diri dari keganasan polis.

    Hebat Malaysia!

    1. Memang hebat.. sebahagian rakyat mahu polis beri salam dulu pada suspek sebelum ambil tindakan.

  6. Just ask the Star…how many people these 5 criminal had killed or brutally murdered by them….??
    Please ask them also what about the family of the victim…??
    Ask also the Star to count the number of people that had been victimized by the 5 criminal offender action…?

    Answer all that first please the Star????

  7. Menjadi pengkitik adalah sangat menyeronokkan. Bila polis tidak bertindak, kalian kritik hingga ada yang menuduh polis makan gaji buta. Bila polis bertindak, kalian kata polis happy triger..

    Kita kan ada undang2. Ambil lah tindakan berlandaskan undang2. Jika didapati ada anggota polis yang bersalah maka janganlah keseluruhan polis di hina sedemikian rupa.

    1. re: “Kita kan ada undang2.”

      Undang-undang tidak membenarkan sesiapa (mahupun anggota polis) menjalankan hukuman bunuh kecuali orang itu diperkuatkuasakan mengikut akta-akta kerajaan bagi melaksanakan hukuman gantung di penjara.

      re: “Ambil lah tindakan berlandaskan undang2.”

      Undang-undang memperuntukkan yang tertuduh dibawa ke muka pengadilan dan kesnya didengar oleh hakim di mahkamah. Pendakwa raya diwajibkan untuk mengemukakan bukti dan saksi.

      Ini tidak. Ini hanya “polis kata” sebegini dan sebegitu.

      1. Sila semak akta berkaitan polis, jua berkaitan SOP dalam menangani isu ini.

        Mengikut undang undang mana yang memboleh anda menuduh polis menjatuhkan hukuman bunuh? Satu tuduhan jahat dan berat sebelah.

        SOP polis adalah jelas. Jika pegawai polis tu silap maka dakwa lah ikut undang2.

        Helen sepatutnya jangan menjadi hakim hingga boleh jatuhkan hukuman bahawa polis telah jatuhkan hukuman bunuh sebelum hakim sebenar jatuhkan hukuman. Biar pendakwaraya dan hakim yang berkelayakan jalankan tugas.

      2. Aku baru tersedar. TDM pernah cakap ‘better the devil you know than the angel you don’t know’. Baru aku tau the devil tu polis, the angel tu dema seperti ahli geng 04 yang lima orang ni.

        Tapi korang sedar tak, demi perjuangkan kebebasan / hak rakyat, kesejahteraan / hak satu negara diketepi? Adakah keamanan negara perlu dikorbankan demi keselamatan rakyat?

        Terasa macam IGP dah dibelasah kiri kanan hingga hilang gigi dan taring hingga bukan saja tak mampu nak gigit, nak makan pun dah kena pakai tiub. Polis nak kencing pun kena ada SOP, kalau tidak rakyat akan query setiap langkah dema nak ke toilet. Sekarang ni dah bersepah2 pejuang kebenaran, pejuang kebebasan, pejuang hak asasi manusia yang buta mata dan buta hati. Semuanya nak jadi jaguh kepada penjenayah.

        Teringin pulak nak rasa perintah darurat supaya dapat lihat negara ini aman semula.

        1. Qalam Qabut.

          No you are wrong. It is an english saying. It simply means you must know whom you deal with. The word ‘devil” and “angel” are just to emphasize a point.

          Just like “It takes two to tango” , . it has nothing to do with Tango. it just means it takes two party say to commit an adultery.

          The problem is not many vocal “pejuang kebebasan’,. The problem started when the then Menteri thought everything except the situation faced by the police.

          It put police in difficult situation as then Menteri was more keen to please others. It was obvious during “bersih” when police was barred from having weapons.

          The nature of police is to be firm and fair. Not “lembut lembai”. Thank God, the new Minister, Dr Zahid, understands that .

          1. shamshul anuar,

            Aku yang betul. Itu kata2 sarkastik dan sindiran aku berdasarkan english idiom.

            Geram sangat bila sudah terlalu mudah untuk orang anggap penjenayah lebih baik dari polis maka perlu disokong dan bela, dan segala tindakan polis tidak kena dengan citarasa rakyat.

            Aku hairan pasal apa bila berlaku kejadian macam ni segala kesilapan, kelemahan dan keburukan polis dikorek dan diungkit. Pasal apa tak korek dan ungkit kebaikan dan kehebatan penjenayah yang dihantar dengan satu GRAND SEND-OFF tu? J-Star patut pertontonkan kepada masyarakat yang kematian 5 penyenayah ni adalah satu kerugian yang amat besar pada negara.

              1. If in future you have to ask help from police, and I happen to be there, I’ll be laughing my heart out. I’ll dedinitely will suggest to you to get the help from the gangster… stupid helen.

              2. Hmmm… Kalau kejadian tu berlaku jam 4.30pg. Pasal apa sorang saja yang tertidur semasa ditembak. Bos kecik kot, tertidur sampai tak sedar polis bagi amaran, polis pecah pintu, polis bertembak2an dengan kawan2nya.

                Sorang lagi kena tembak bawah dagu dan aku tak pasti macam mana terjadi. Kalau ikut imaginasi aku, dia sepatutnya ditembak di atas kepala sebab ketika tu dia sedang menyembah2 mintak ampun mintak nyawa.

                Macam2 andaian dan imaginasi kita boleh buat.

                Kalau aku jadi polis, aku tak buat serang hendap macam tu kalau semata2 nak tembak biar mati. Aku akan sewa pistol dan tembak one by one biar 04 sangka Geng 05 yang tembak, biar 05 pulak balas dendam. Biar ada gang war. Polis pun tak dapat nama busuk, tak diancam dengan tindak balas. Segala undang2 yang dilupus tentu akan ditarik balik tanpa bantahan di parlimen.

                Tapi bila dah jadi macam ni, aku rasa perlu diperkemas lagi SOP Polis:
                (1) Hanya selepas 10 das tembakan dari penjenayah baru polis boleh balas. Kalau ada yang berahi terlebih, hulurkan kaki atau tangan biar kena tembak; boleh dapat simpati dan boleh dapat pingat.
                (2) Kalau ada stand-off, jemput pemberita The J-Star untuk buat liputan eksklusif, dan juga ketua2 masyarakat untuk jadi saksi atau nego. Sahih tak ada yang tergadai nyawa dan sahih juga semua yang ditangkap akan didapati bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman. Siapa yang nak bela atau sokong penjenayah kalau dah seminggu nego dengan Waytha Moorthy baru nak serah diri. Berani The J-Star nak julang penjenayah ni sebagai hero?

                1. re: “Hmmm… Kalau kejadian tu berlaku jam 4.30pg. Pasal apa sorang saja yang tertidur semasa ditembak.”

                  Ada nampak rangka katil dalam Gambar #4 (dan kemungkinan besar juga dalam Gambar #3) sungguhpun suspek-suspek mati terbaring di atas lantai.

                  re: “Sorang lagi kena tembak bawah dagu dan aku tak pasti macam mana terjadi. Kalau ikut imaginasi aku, dia sepatutnya ditembak di atas kepala sebab ketika tu dia sedang menyembah2 mintak ampun mintak nyawa.”

                  Suspek dalam Gambar #2 ditembak di belakang kepala.

                  1. ‘Ada nampak rangka katil’

                    So what? Kan report kata semua mayat ditemui dalam bilik tidur. Kalau dalam gambar tu ada jacuzzi mungkin boleh diragui.

                    ‘Suspek dalam Gambar #2 ditembak di belakang kepala.’

                    Dia tau dia dah tak ada peluang hidup, so dia nak bunuh diri, and at the same time biar polis kena blame buat execution.

                    Apa yang aku nak point out ialah kita sebagai orang luar boleh buat 1001 teori dan andaian. Walaupun berdasarkan gambar, ia tak semestinya tepat. So tak perlulah nak berhujah panjang lebar pertahankan teori sendiri.

                    Jika jadi jury pun kita tak boleh buat keputusan berdasarkan teori kita. Semua bergantung kepada bukti, saksi dan kebijaksanaan peguamcara dan peguambela. Tak perlu menuduh, apa lagi menghukum hanya dengan teori dan imaginasi. The truth will prevail.

                    Aku hairan bagaimana masyarakat boleh dipengaruh untuk menyanjung penjenayah dan memperlekeh polis dengan tuduhan2 liar. Adakah kita benar2 mahu menyokong dan mengidolakan penjenayah? Dan di masa yang sama kita juga mahu menjatuhkan reputasi dan moral pasukan polis? Mungkinkah atas sebab penjenayah itu hilang nyawa dalam sekelip mata maka polis juga perlu dihukum sebegitu juga?

                    Yang aku tak hairan ialah pihak2 tertentu yang menangguk di air keruh, ingin benamkan sikap2 toleransi dan kesabaran yang semakin rapuh ini supaya terbenam di dalam api kebencian dan permusuhan.

                    1. re: “Semua bergantung kepada bukti, saksi dan kebijaksanaan peguamcara dan peguambela.”

                      Intipatinya kelima-lima suspek tidak dibicarakan serta pendakwa raya tidak mengemukakan bukti dan saksi, dan tidak ada hakim (Yang Arif) menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas mereka.

                    2. ‘Intipatinya kelima-lima suspek tidak dibicarakan serta pendakwa raya tidak mengemukakan bukti dan saksi, dan tidak ada hakim (Yang Arif) menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas mereka.’

                      Tidak perlu la Helen. Sebab kejadian berbalas tembak telah mengorbankan mereka semua. So there is no need really.

                      Kelakar juga, masa Tan Sri MCA kat Raub tembak mati salah seorang lelaki yang cuba merompak, tidak pula kita cakap pasal pendakwa raya, Yang Arif bagai.

                      Kelakar lah Ini Negara!

      3. [re: “Ambil lah tindakan berlandaskan undang2.”

        Undang-undang memperuntukkan yang tertuduh dibawa ke muka pengadilan dan kesnya didengar oleh hakim di mahkamah. Pendakwa raya diwajibkan untuk mengemukakan bukti dan saksi.

        Ini tidak. Ini hanya “polis kata” sebegini dan sebegitu.]

        Rasanya ada sesetengah pihak yang mengatakan bahawa mahkamah di Malaysia adalah ‘Kangaroo Court’, so what’s the point to bring your case there…I rest my case!

  8. When these criminals shoot at point blank, who to blame ? Police again? Policemen arevoro in their field. So do j- star. What’ s the problem? Leave the matters to the experts

    Police mati katak. Do J- stars care ?

    I made may comments in Kadirjasin blogspot. Call me a fool….

  9. A bit confused with the writing here, at first thought you were ‘taruhing’ the star and mkini for their headlines and coverage and then in the second part you cast doubt on the police and their actions?

    1. Helen sayang Ah Jib Gor for obvious reasons known to many here…Helen pun selalu stress kat sini why. Helen also had a soft spot for Indians (just like some politicians for jambus), Hindraf or otherwise! Tak gitu Helen?

      1. I like his sniff-cat portrait actually. A man who sayang kucing can’t be that bad, kan?

  10. I think they are just unfortunate to be marked by police. Sort of collateral damage. Because of the recent shooting incidents, the police is forced to have some result to show. And by shooting these gangsters, sort of giving warning that police means business.

      1. How to touch the kingpins without any solid proves? Their hand very clean coz they have their ikan bilis to do their job. I don’t think that you suggest to just let go this ikan bilis until we got solid prove about the kingpin..

        1. The life of the ikan bilis is cheap to the police.

          The service of the ikan bilis is cheap to the kingpin.

          If the police shoot and kill ikan bilis, the kingpin will simply just hire some more.

          Look at the big picture of social inequality. The most equal countries – the Scandinavian countries – have the lowest crime rate.

          If a young man has a good job and bright prospects, there is no reason for him to want to turn to crime.

          It is not a coincidence that the number of petty criminals in the Indian community is disproportionately large to the number of Indians in Malaysia who are only 7+ percent of the population.

          1. Banyak kerja for these ikan bilis Helen. Come to my place.

            Tesco, KFC, Pizza Hut McD, 99Speedmart, HengSeng, Pharmacys, bookshops dan macam2 lagi. Ini saya tak list factories2 lagi. Kat Kampung saya pun the 12yr olds can easily make RM100 during their weekends.

            Jangan sesekali beri unemployment sebagai alasan!

            Only problem some so called “unemployed” are only interested in securing BIG BUGS, the fastest and easiest means..

            1. Itu Dep Minister (lupa nama dia) should make an effort to look into the welfares of the Indians….. berapa kerat sangat Indians in Malaysia? Problem is, do they care or only care when one of them get hurt or dies?

            2. Many commenters in this blog complain that private sector employers discriminate against hiring non-Chinese by stipulating “Must know Mandarin” in the job application.

              Indians suffer from a negative societal perception, particularly Indian youths. It is a vicious circle.

              I do not see many Indian employees in KFC, Pizza Hut and 99Speedmart whose staff are mainly Malay. HengSeng sales people are predominantly Chinese. So let’s first enquire whether the Indians suffer even more adversely from the same discrimination in the private sector that Malays are always complaining about.

              1. Very true indeed. In McDonald B Bintang I used to see even Bangla and Pakistani at one time.

                1. I tinggal di Kulim dulu. Factory buses serviced these areas (masuk estet) to shuttle workers to their factories in Penang. Housewives not able to leave their homes, factories deliver/collect whatever “jobs” to their doorsteps. Skrg tak tau if things changed kat sana.

                  I mix closely with the Indian community. Observe 2grps; kids who came out as successful professionals (Docs/Eng/Lawyers/IT) and another grp yg TERBIAR liar. Kasi tolong la MIC or whoever! Sadly among them the caste system is still too alive.

                  Just check Palanivel household, I think (kalau tak silap dengar isteri dia cakap) they employ filipino n Indon maids. There are thousands of able and hardworking Indian single parents, why not give them a chance?

                  Jgn asyik salahkan Melayu or Gomen saja. Everything starts from home and the community around.

                  1. Re: “Observe 2grps; kids who came out as successful professionals (Docs/Eng/Lawyers/IT)”

                    These are the Jerusubang Community and “I am not Indian actually” already ….

                    Re : “another grp yg TERBIAR liar.”

                    Yang ni bukan lagi saudara mara yang diatas. Tak percaya cuba tanya mereka.

                  2. Nak kawan pun kalau dari caste lain family depa tak bagi! Sama2 sendiri pun depa kutuk. Jauh sekali bantu. Depa saja nak buli Melayu pasal kita layan!

          2. Social inequality is a social phenomenon everywhere. It is a fact of life. But how we choose to climb the social ladder is a personal choice. Some sells nasi lemak, some prostitute themselves and some align themselves with vice elements!
            Scandinavian countries are envies by even some EU countries. What about the US with more than 25 millions of its citizens being behind bar?! We are not even the 1st world, how does comparing us to the Scandinavians solve the nations social problems?
            We are not living amobg the Vikings are we?

            1. re: “Social inequality is a social phenomenon everywhere. It is a fact of life.”

              Yes lah. Some men will be kings and some beggars.

              But the countries at the top of the well-governed list have the narrowest social inequality whereas in the failed states, the social inequality gap is the widest.

              1. ‘failed states’ is also a social phenomenon everywhere. We are failing our youth in general, I agree. But surely we are not a failed state, just as yet! God forbid.

                1. We are not a failed state but we have failed in nation building.

                  I think 90 percent of the Chinese voters rejecting the ruling party, and BN relying on Malay votes even in the seats won by MCA, Gerakan and MIC indicate the failure of Malaysia to integrate its peoples.

                  1. ‘…indicate the failure of Malaysia to integrate its peoples.’

                    Setuju bebenor! But we surely have no one but us, to blame!

  11. We always find fault with the police. It is so much fun becoming an armchair critics. Ok then, sould we also ask the criminal(s) to give notice to the victim(s) before shooting them point blank?

    1. re: “It is so much fun becoming an armchair critics.”

      It’s a bigger issue. As we can see, The J-Star already batu api by labelling the five “murder victims [of the police]”.

      Then there is the the racial dimension, as always. All the 5 shot dead were Indian. Presumably the police are Malay. This shooting occurred against the backdrop of the communal and religious tensions.

      You can see how quickly the opposition has been to capitalize on the issue and fan the anti-establishment (read gomen = BN) sentiments. In the pro-oppo blogs they are happily calling the PDRM as “anjing Umno”.

      And when politicians who want the Indian vote jump into the fray, they make the situation worse. This episode will become a political football.

      1. Sorry to say Helen, I also feel that you enjoying acting as an expert in crime, way better than IGP.

        An opposition keep capitalise all issue esp regarding PDRM at all time. Even much worse before our tsnumami chinese election. Whats the big issue?

        Racial Problem? we, malay (majority police are malay) are being accused at all time and at all reason as a racist. I got no problem at all when they call me racist.

        This pro oppo keep calling/accuse PDRM and other government agency like SPRM and SPR as anjing UMNO because this UMNO minister is a coward. Malay call them as ‘Bacul’.

        1. re: “Sorry to say Helen, I also feel that you enjoying acting as an expert in crime”

          I’ve already said I’m unhappy with the sensational and irrational (fear-mongering) media coverage on the recent spate of shootings.

          I’m not an expert on crime and I don’t claim to be an expert on the media either but I do have academic training and professional experience in the field of journalism.

          As for the rest of what you say, it is precisely because of these sentiments that the opportunists are making political capital out of the tragedy of the deaths. And I reiterate, when politicians step into the picture, we can expect the situation to get more tangled.

          Politicians don’t provide solutions, they only make the problem worse.

          1. Helen,

            I am more unhappy in Najib’s refusal to act against this newspaper that leans towards DAP.

            1. Apa tindakan yang Najib boleh buat sedangkan MCA sebagai tuanpunya sendiri tidak peduli?

              Masyarakat yang sepatutnya lebih kritikal, kondem cara laporan dan tulisan J-Star yang lebih berat sebelah, lebih propaganda yang menguntungkan DAP.

              Terima kasih banyak2 kat Helen yang terus menerus beri tumpuan kat gengStar ni. Memang blog ni boleh dijadikan sumber rujukan kalau ada yang nak buat tesis.

              1. re: “Apa tindakan yang Najib boleh buat sedangkan MCA sebagai tuanpunya sendiri tidak peduli?”

                Tendang sahaja MCA keluar dari BN.

                Hakikatnya Cina kalau diberi hantaran tujuh dulang hati nyamuk dan tujuh tempayan airmata Puteri Umno sekalipun tidak akan kembali sokong BN.

                Tidak ada apa-apa undi tambahan yang boleh mampu diraih BN daripada masyarakat Cina. Malah dalam PRU14 nanti, saya jamin bahawa sokongan Cina bagi parti pemerintah akan tenggelam ke dasar laut.

                1. Helen,

                  Precisely. MCA is literally waging war against UMNO.

                  And Malays notice that. And they are showing their displeasure, rwesulting in MCA losing in Alor setar, Bandar Tun Razak among others.

                  1. Alor Setar went to a Chinese MP from Keadilan, whose Malay leader was very much maligned by UMNO as someone who is going to sell out the Malay race to the Chinese. There was no displeasure shown towards the MCA by Malays. It’s just a minority like you who can’t stand the legitimate criticisms raised by the non-Malay community of this country who continue to portray every non-Malay who wants equal rights in this country as an enemy of the state.

  12. Helen,

    Antara kejadian jenayah dan kesilapan polis yang mana lebih kerap berlaku ?

    Kenapa semasa upacara pengebumian jenayah salah seorang yang ditembak ada poster Geng 04 ?

    1. Kita sebagai orang awam tidak boleh (berhak ataupun layak dari segi latihan) memberkas penjenayah.

      Namun kita sebagai warganegara boleh menegur polis sekiranya kaedah mereka terkeluar batasan dan angkaranya pendekatan pasukan polis kita, terjadi kematian yang tragis umpama kes Aminul Rasyid.

  13. I suspect at least some of the 5 shot were involved in the gangs or underworld. Usually the namelist of secret society members are submitted to the police. But there’s a difference between street gangs and secret society.

    So, for the spat of gangland shootings recently, I think the police knows what’s happening and those involved. I don’t think the 5 had any hope of surrendering…

    I do agree that cops have become more trigger happy…

    1. From the ages of the deceased – 21, 23, 25, 26 – they are juniors, even assuming that the allegation by the police is true.

      They are in no way the gang ‘taiko’.

      Strangely the gang 04 has a Chinese name ‘see lian lia’ which in Hokkien means “four wheel kids”.

      1. Re.” They are in no way the gang ‘taiko’. ”

        In their culture they have to show to the world that they the big Taiko as junior to climb up the ladder. The more brutal they are the better. The kingpin just has sit back and give order.

      2. Bentong Kali was only 32. In their teens, they are the soldiers. but in their 20s, they can be taikos of their own gangs in their own territories already. Of course in terms of hierarchy, these are the ones in the lower rungs. I think 04 is a Chinese gang. All roads lead to the triads.

        That’s why it’s hard to debate on the underground activities using legislated laws & views like human rights, freedom, Police SOP, etc.. It won’t make any sense…

        1. re: ” I think 04 is a Chinese gang. All roads lead to the triads.”

          If so, the police should have tried harder to take the small fish alive so that the small fish can lead police to the sharks.

          1. I do not think the police would need the small fishes to lead them to the big sharks. It’s a small world. Out of so many gangs, with so many members, these 5 were targeted, so publicly.

  14. Re. ” Liow : MCA Tak campurtangan dalam the Star”

    MCA memang tak ada MARUAH dan ibarat “Pariah”

    Menang dan kewujudannya sekarang adalah atas ihksan pengundi-pengudi Melayu dan kawasan-kawasan majoriti Melayu, tetapi dengan sewenangnya membiarkan akhbar miliknya menikam BN/UMNO secara senyap. Inilah antara-antara ciri-ciri mengapa kaum Cina (maaf Helen not meant for you and the 5 % or less) tidak boleh sama sekali dipercayai. Hak Orang Hak dia, Hak Dia tetap jadi Hak Dia.

  15. From what I read in the papers, our police have launched a massive offensive and arrested hundreds of suspected gangsters and criminals at umpteen locations across the nation. If they were trigger-happy as claimed by some, I’m surprised that the shootout happened at only ONE location.


    1. In today’s paper, I read that the police have arrested 3 suspects after a car chase and they shot at the police in Shah Alam. Again, it doesn’t look like trigger-happy or shoot-to-kill from my perspective. So perhaps, there is some truth that the police WERE acting in self-defence in Penang.


      1. Yes. Our prayer with the police force.

        They need to go all out to get rid of all these nonsenses. Whether we like it or not there will some collateral damage that we may have to bear.

        1. Setuju sangat. Keamanan dan kesejahteraan negara perlu diutamakan dahulu, baru rakyat berpeluang untuk menikmatinya. Kalau nak utamakan keselamatan dan kesihatan penjenayah dulu, jahanam negara.

      2. Mustaza,

        Hats off to IGP and his team. We are with you. Deal with these crooks with your full might.

        Do not worry with fork tounges politicians who sided with crooks. We will throw them out in election.

        1. Setuju sangat pandangan-pandangan diatas. Saya sokong 1000% tindakan PDRM yang menembak mati 5 orang penjenayah. Jika mereka ditangkap dan dihadapkan kemuka pengadilan, kemungkinan juga mereka akan dibebaskan atas alasan ketiadaan bukti yang mencukupi atau atas alasan ‘technical error’. Jika ini berlaku, mereka akan kembali kepada aktiviti gangster mereka dan kemungkinan besar mereka akan bertindak lebih brutal kepada masyarakat.

          Susah jadi anggota PDRM. Jika tidak ambil tindakan drastik dikatakan tidur, tidak effective, makan gaji buta, tiada telur dan sebagainya. Apabila diambil tindakan untuk membenteras gejala
          Jenayah, mereka dikatakan melakukan kekejaman apabila nenembak mati penjenayah.

          Saya tabik Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Zahid Hamidi dan PDRM!

  16. Recently, the Red MCA leadership proudly announced that the owners left it to the Board of Directors of the Red Star to administer the paper. I believe that they have not heard of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Even the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew with his 9 failed Policies for Singapore mentioned previously that whoever pays the piper plays the tune.

    Did someone said that the Red MCA leadership is unqualified, uneducated and inexperienced in public affairs ?

    1. AK47,

      I notice you often wrote ‘9 failed policies?”

      What are the failed policies of LKY?

  17. harap harap orang india masuk pasukan beruniform lebih ramai lagi. nak harap orang china takut mati. nak harap melayu saja orang china kata melayu rasis. kenapa bunuh orang India saja. betul tak?

    dalam hairaki penjenayah ada kasta jugak.

    pengedar dadah, judi ah long – penjenayah orang china kuasai.
    perompak, parang rumah vip-penjenayah orang Indon kuasai
    pukul,gaduh,tembak dan gangster -penjenayah keturunan India
    ragut,rempit,rogol,hisap dadah – penjenayah keturunan melayu yang ramai .

    jadi dari hairaki itu penjenayah yang paling banyak duit dapat berkuasa dan mengupah orang untuk menjalankan tugas mengedar dadah membunuh, menembak dan juga merompak.

    dalam circle ekonomi penjenayah orang china yang paling berkuasa dan kaya jarang kena tangkap hukum gantung atau hukum bunuh. yang selalu kena orang bawah iaitu orang India dan orang Melayu. Malah yang selalu kena mati di tembak adalah orang India dan orang Melayu.

    konsep orang china selaqi boleh buat duit tak rugi gajikan orang untuk buat kerja kerja kotor ini.

    jadi orang india dan melayu untuk ubah circle ramaikan lagi orang india jadi polis. jadi orang india dan china tidak kata polis melayu sengaja bunuh orang india. sebab yang tembak penjenayah itu majoriti polis keturunan india.

    1. Orang India pulak kalau anak sorang lelaki atau sulung lelaki memang tak bagi masuk polis!!! Kawan saya kat puchong bagi tau. Dia minat polis. Dapat offer tapi parents tak bagi. Bapa India, Mak Cina. Sayang sebab dia boleh cakap lima bahasa. BM, English, Tamil, Kantonis dan Mandarin!

      1. Dan kawan Cina saya, kena buang keluarga kerana berdegil hendak jadi polis juga.

        After 15 years barulah family terima balik itu pun kerana 3 orang anak dia semuanya lelaki tetapi abang dan adiknya hanya ada anak perempuan sahaja.

        Dia juga diterima kerana sudah berpangkat dalam PDRM dan kini berkhidmat di Bukit Aman. Well known fact, Cina atau Indian yang sertai PDRM atau ATM cepat naik pangkat sebab mereka tak ramai ok.

        By the way, keluarga dia selalu juga perli dia kerana berkahwin dengan orang melayu. Sayang sebab nama family dah bercampur dengan nama melayu. Kesian pula bila dengar orang yang senasib dengan dia kerana memahami apa yang kawan saya telah alami.

        :( sarah

        1. Adik sahabat saya nak ‘masuk melayu’ tapi risau sebab mak dah cakap mau terjun bangunan. Anak lelaki dua orang. Sorang dah revert dan seorang lagi kerja hebat, girlfriend Melayu, pening kepala dua beradik ni dok fikir…

          1. Nasihat kat sahabat kamu jangan revert sebab nak kahwin dengan Girlfriend Melayu. Revert mesti ikhlas semata-mata kerana Allah swt. The rest will come later. Tentang mak dia nak terjun bangunan tu, adalah dugaan yang dia harus hadapi. Dia kena tanya diri dia sendiri mana lebih penting agama atau ibu yang menghalang. Orang yang percaya dan yakin akan pasti memilih agama tanpa menyisihkan ibubapanya walau seinci pun.

            1. Abang dia dah revert. Dia dulu selalu pertahankan perbuatan abang dia. Abang dia revert kerana Allah SWT semata-mata. Tinggalkan segala kemewahan dan bermula dari kosong. Tapi dia beruntung sebab Allah SWT letak dia masuk Islam dengan Imam masjid yang kemudiaannya menjodohkan anak perempuannya dengan sahabat saya.

              Adik lelaki sahabat saya nak revert, sebab wallahualam, saya kurang pasti sebab saya tidak kenal dia secara peribadi, tapi teman wanita Melayu yang dia kawan lani bukanlah penyebab dia nak revert kut. Abang dia cakap sememangnya dia nak revert. Cuma nak tarik rambut dalam tepung ni yang dia dok contemplate.

              Sebenarnya perkara macam ni tidaklah semudah yang kita sangka. Berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Eloklah kita doakan semoga dia dapat juga ‘kembali’.

              1. Re. Sebenarnya perkara macam ni tidaklah semudah yang kita sangka. Berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Eloklah kita doakan semoga dia dapat juga ‘kembali’.

                Betul tu dan tambah-tambah syaitan laknat yang ada disis dan sentiasa berbisik dan menghasut.

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