Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Oo-la-laa … begitu ‘power’nya si Menteri ni

Pakai lencana Umno sahaja tapi jiwa sah Dapster. Memang nyata biaDAP sekali.

‘Adab’ ialah perkataan Arab yang bermaksud mempunyai budi pekerti. Imbuhan awalan ‘bi’ berasal daripada bahasa Parsi dan membawa maksud “tidak”. Ia telah ditambah kepada ‘adab’ untuk membentuk perkataan ‘biadab’ atau tidak beradab.

Twitter - firdyfire- Biadap tak- 2013-11-13 21-51-10

Tweet @Khairykj kata:

“Jika dia (Jamal Nasir) bukan Budak Suruhan FAM dan bukan Pemimpin FAM, jangan masuk campur. Ini antara Menteri dan FAM.”

Sebelum itu, Jamal seorang bekas pemain bola kebangsaaan telah dipetik sebagai berkata: “Tidak akan bercalar imej seorang Menteri yang duduk semeja dengan rakyat”.

KJ ni bukan boleh duduk semeja dengan rakyat marhaen sebab dia tu dah terlalu biasa bercampur-gaul hanya dengan kawan-kawannya yang high class.

Saya akan kongsi satu rahsia dengan kalian. Setiausaha Akhbar KJ itu pun sebulu. Sama-sama kurang ajar.

Musang berbulu ayam



Behold your unity gomen PM-in-waiting


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

57 thoughts on “Oo-la-laa … begitu ‘power’nya si Menteri ni

    1. Hahaha

      Teringat pada peribahasa ‘ayam kokok berderai-derai tapi ekor bergelumang tahi’.

      Now which Minister dan s/u akhbarnya yang paling kuat berkokok?

      1. Itulah orang tua-tua kata ‘Budi bahasa tak boleh dijual beli”,

        Datuk CT was just an SPM holder, but throughout the years she works very hard to be where she is now…but can you say the same about the Pak Menteri despite being an Oxford grad?

        1. LOL,

          kata orang, bukan ijazah yang menetukan kepandaian seseorang itu tetapi apa yang dipelajari sepanjang hidupnya. orang pandai itu ramai tetapi yang pandai dan bijaksana amat kurang sekali.


  1. Saya pun rasa KJ agak biadap apabila menegur orang dan bertindak. Setelah dilantik Mentei penuh, nampaknya beliau menjadi bertambah angkuh. Beliau juga seolah-olah tidak ada belas kasihan dan bertimbang-rasa terhadap rakyat yang menjadikan ahli politik tempat berlindung dan mengharapkan pembelaan.

    Lihat saja tindakan gila glamour beliau sehingga sanggup bersaing dengan rakyat marhean dengan mencalonkan diri untuk merebut anugerah ‘Shout Award’. Tergamak seorang Menteri, ahli politik yang berpengaruh, sudah terkenal, yang sudah kaya-raya, tanpa segan-silu merampas ‘tiket’ dan menutup peluang menambah rezeki pengiat-seni yang bertungkus-lumus berlakon dan menyanyi.

    Jika ini bukan menganiaya rakyat, apa lagi?

    1. Re. Tergamak seorang Menteri, ahli politik yang berpengaruh, sudah terkenal, yang sudah kaya-raya, tanpa segan-silu merampas ‘tiket’ dan menutup peluang menambah rezeki pengiat-seni yang bertungkus-lumus berlakon dan menyanyi.

      Mahluk apakah yang makan segala benda kat bumi ni?

  2. dont want to touch on shoutaward. thats petty for me. he can do whatever he wants, but this matter (being biadap) is serious.

    why again he need to respon like that?

    cant keep your anger? ask change portfolio la. why is it so hard. give him pertanian. or sumber kerjaraya. ataupun perdagangan. but i bet he doesnt want those. because those arent popular stuffs.

    he likes attentions.

    there u are. u got a minister, who employ someone as a press secretary, (somesay) refuse datukship, and ask najib to give kbs to him. if u really smart, these are populist moves. and calculated moves.

    keep your eyes on him. more will be seen on him.

  3. Helen,

    Wise men said that there are many ways to skin a cat. Obviously, KJ is unaware of the saying.

    Khairi as a Minister may have a good reason to criticize FAM. But certainly there is no need to “berperang” with FAM.

    Jamal Nasir is certainly not a “budak’. And however mighty the post that Khairi occupies, he must remember that humility often open doors that close.

    Khairi has actually an image problem. The image of spoilt brat who get the coveted post in Pemuda UMNO simply for being “menantu PM”.

    The image as Ketua pemuda UMNO who cant find one Pemuda UMNO who is “beriman dan bertakwa” as his political secretary. The image of Ketua pemuda who did catwalk does not bring the image of a serious, sincere Ketua Pemuda.

    “Orang yang naik mendadak begini dan selalu cari musuh selalunya akan tersungkur tersembam masuk dalam lumpur”, one Pemuda UMNO youth told me.

    1. re: “The image of spoilt brat who get the coveted post in Pemuda UMNO simply for being ‘menantu PM’.”

      Ditto the s/u akbhar with the same image of spoilt brat who gets the coveted post in the Kementerian Belia simply for being dot-dot-dot.

          1. Helen,

            “rasa nak terajang saja pemimpin UMNO yang lembut lembai ni, yang tak buat apa apa bila UMNO/Melayu difitnah”.

            And that is my feeling too.

    2. yang salah pemuda juga kenapa sokong dia. memang bahlol lah so apa nak complain lagi. sebab itu orang kata” orang pandai ramai tapi orang cerdik dan pandai jarang jumpa

        1. Ramlee Putih,

          Please read carefully, it is not a STATEMENT, it is a QUESTION cum SACARSM in respond to Kaakaa…..

    1. A well to do Melayu, no matter how difficult it was for her to be where she was today, apparently needs to be belittles!

      Kaakaaa, I thought ‘angmoh’ like you could not care less about it, no?

  4. Okay ya, kita semua sepakat KJ adalah seorang yang hebat. Handsome, muda, terpelajar, kaya-raya, seorang Menteri Ketua Pemuda, menantu ex-PM dan di apit sorang Dayang bangsa Cina kehulu kehilir. Nah apa lagi takdak kat dia?

    Okay KJ you have it all, now PERFORM ya.. Kalau hang CEO dalam dunia corporate, 2 tahun non performance bukan saja kena hang tendang keluaq by shareholders tapi diblacklist..

    Now what can you do for us, for the Nation, Bangsa dan Agama? Okay, let us start making a list of his achievements. Ayaq lioq achievements tak masuk bop ya..

    1. Non-performing CEO kena tendang lepas 2 tahun tu works only for companies outside Malaysia. Kat sini, lagi banyak imbuhan adalah. Tengok saja GLCs.

      Looking at KJ, Helen was right in comparing him to Anwar. KJ ni lebih theory dari practise, so dah mestilah pandai cakap kalahkan raja debat or tok dalang wayang kulit.

  5. Ramlee Putih, bukan pemuda umno tu semua bahlol ke. sebab tu they have that kind of Ketua Pemuda

  6. Anak siapa yang BIADAP serta KURANG AJAR tu????? Biasanya orang yang lahir diMalaysia selalunya bersopan dan kalau menewgur berhemah……Anak siapa ya????

  7. FAM wajar dibelasah kaw kaw… tak mau berubah. Cuba tengok kat stadium atau kat tv siaran langsung, sekarang ini setiap team boleh kata ada ‘ultra supporter’. Ini menunjukkan minat orang ramai terutama golongan muda kepada bolasepak tempatan telah kembali. Jadi, FAM perlulah berfikir diluar kotak untuk memanfaatkan momentum ini dengan memperbaiki mutu padang, mutu pengadilan, penjualan tiket yang tak perlu berpanas dan berhujan, jual perlawanan dan apa-apapun yang boleh mendatangkan lebih manfaat kepada ‘industri’ bolasepak negara. Dulu-dulu team Jepun dan Korea tu hanya utk Harimau Malaya warm up shj.



  9. Setuju dengan Helen tentang ejaan Biadab tu.. namun kita semua setuju untuk tukar ejaan kepada ‘Biadap’ sebab ianya sinonim dengan Dap yang bia Dap tu..

    KJ! dia ni syok sendiri dengan reaksi follower dia di fb, twitter tu. Dia mewakili follower dia meluahkan ketidakpuasan hati kepada FAM. Luahan itu adalah benar dan bagus kerana siapa yang berpuashati dengan prestasi FAM sekarang ini. Namun kematangan KJ dalam meluahkan rasa masih di peringkat budak hingusan.

    Kita tunggu reaksi dia dengan teguran / cemuhan Siti Nurhaliza ini. Berani hina Siti seperti dia hina Jamal Nasir? ha ha Kj oh Kj..

  10. The boy. Pity him. After only a few years dabbling in politics, and using the back door i.e sleeping with the ex PM’s daughter…oops sorry, married an ex PM’s daughter, and with the adulation by the Me Me Me ! hippies, he has got ahead of himself. He believes his own myth. The boy is a bubble.

    As with all bubbles, they eventually burst. Predicting when they will burst is difficult. One thing is certain though. When they burst, it will be very ugly.

    Power ? What power ? Power to do what ? He looks powerful but what has looking powerful got to do with being powerful ?


    If he is indeed powerful, come next GE, he should contest in a mixed seat.

    But as always, when the heat is on, he will fall back on a Malay seat.

    1. re: “The boy is a bubble. As with all bubbles, they eventually burst.”

      Hahaha, along with his evangelista groupies.

    2. Re: “But as always, when the heat is on, he will fall back on a Malay seat.”

      I’m just surprised that he won with a wider margin (?) this time then before.

      I’m no fan of KJ but I got to give the boy, credit. He’s working the System and apparently it’s paying dividends for the richest unemployed man in this country.

      That’s the Malaysian Dream, right there.

    3. what is this,

      Bila nak bertanding, cari kawasan pekat Melayu.

      Kemudian bila menang dah tak nampak satu Melayu pun yang layak jadi setiausaha.

  11. These Pas groupies…….

    What more is there to say ? With these Pas groupies behind the evangelists, no wonder these evangelist hacks become more daring by the day..

    We’re still years from GE14 and this uncle is making prediction that PR will win it. The way I see it, he is preparing the people psychologically that if PR fails to win GE14, it is because the ruling party cheated yet again.

  12. When the Malays were “attacked” where was the UMNO Pemuda chief? He is not only bubble but most of all TROUBLE!

    When Anwar entered UMNO nobody had thought that he was a fake.

    Same goes to KJ….instead some moronic Malays think he was god’s choice…

    “PARLIAMENT Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said that the controversial K-Pop concert organised during the National Youth Day 2012 celebration was meant to attract the participation of Chinese youths.

    “In 2010 and 2011, we did not see widespread participation from many (minorities), especially the Chinese.

    “When we organised the K-Pop concert, thousands of Chinese youths were there with us. That is the rationale for trying it out,” he told the Dewan Rakyat today.”

    Cina-cina suka Korea lor. KJ jugak. Papa DAP jugak dengan UBAH style.

    Sahlah Cina suka Korean. Melayu bandar pun nak ikut jugak. Sorry Siti, we Simplisiti love KPop and Kimchi.

  14. Gotta share this.
    Even the Mainland Chinese suka K-Pop. K-Pop is Chinese culture.

    “K-pop is taking over the world rather insidiously and I don’t think I approve.
    Apart from the fact that the K-pop industry provides an amazing array of eye candy (that ranga from B1A4, Daehyun, Changmin, Yunho etc), synchronised dancing and annoyingly but undeniably catchy songs, it’s bothering me that recent Chinese pop groups have had to:

    1. train their aspiring pop stars in South Korea! e.g. Top Combine
    2. make a singer learn how to speak Korean e.g. Wei Chen
    3. recruit South Korean trainees e.g. Top Combine
    4. introduce SUPER corny English overtures into their songs, just like K-pop e.g. Top fucking Combine
    5. repeat one little word 5 trillion billion gazillion times in one song e.g. yeah Top Combine
    6. sound just as autotuned/generic as the most mainstream of K-pop e.g. no prizes for guessing
    7. look exactly like a K-pop production (style, clothes, way of speaking, hairstyles, EYELINER etc) e.g. Top Combine, iMe, fahrenheit (even though they’re Taiwanese, but oh well, Taiwan belongs to China anyway. LOL I kid. but Taiwanese pop IS mandopop )

    It’s taking over my damn motherland!!!

    KJ is so clever after his Oxford studies. Apa Cina mahu? Mahu jadi Korean dan Caucasian.

    1. I can understand why people are obsessed with Caucasians. But Koreans ? What are these people ?

      I have this one thing to say about Korean women though. They are plastic dolls. Maybe they inflate.

      1. Re. I can understand why people are obsessed with Caucasians. But Koreans ?

        It is an industry actually. Korean products were never a hit in the 90’s and early 2000’s, until they begin to introduce K-POP cum Pop Culture, just like the American Pop Culture i.e. TV, Music and Hollywood.

        The Korean Pop Culture started to invade Malaysian TV viewers’ home with the TV Drama called Winter Sonata, soon after many more TV Series were introduced, followed by Music via K-Pop artists. This is done in various part of Asia. Since then products like Samsung, KIA, and anything Korean become a hit among the younger generation.

        They are smart by imitating and emulating the American in influencing the younger demographic right from the start. After 10 years or so they already have a strong followers.

        The Korean entertainment industry is a very aggressive and intensive in nature, where artists are groomed for years before they are put in the market.

        Re. I have this one thing to say about Korean women though. They are plastic dolls. Maybe they inflate.

        Not just the girls but the guys as well, cosmetic surgery is necessity in their life and no longer a luxury.

        1. “it’s the sexy smooth legs.. free from tompok kudis”

          “Not just the girls but the guys as well, cosmetic surgery is necessity in their life and no longer a luxury.”

          That is why the Koreans are idols of the Cina Beng and Cina Mainland. Beautiful skin, slim body, 6 pax for the guys, clean skin, soft and demure

          The typical Cina Beng Malaysia – female.
          Pudgy legs (in a bikini size hot pants), bad teeth, tompok kudis + insect bites, very loud on the Samsung Phone

          The typical Cina Beng Malaysia – male
          Big tummy with 6 litres of lard , bad teeth, tompok kudis + insect bites, very loud on the Samsung Phone, owns va truck size Kia SUV to carry his one wife and only child.

          1. Re. The typical Cina Beng Malaysia – male
            Big tummy with 6 litres of lard , bad teeth, tompok kudis + insect bites, very loud on the Samsung Phone, owns va truck size Kia SUV to carry his one wife and only child.

            Majority of the opposite are GAY GAY GAY

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