Posted in Musuh dalam Selimut

What are Najib’s MKRAs for the RM7.2b consultancy price tag

MKRAs is the acronym for Ministerial Key Result Areas.

So what are Najib Razak’s own MKRAs?

What is he going to be best remembered for? Collecting con-sultants keliling pinggang?

Twitter - Khairykj- @imokman

Khairy advocates “bringing top individuals w/ private sector experience to improve public service”, like his secretary

Methinks Orangkampung has got it right in saying “PM, you are insulting your own civil servants” (comment originally @ 2013/11/14 at 5:43 pm)

Like his confidante Khairy Jamaluddin who prefers to hire a Dapster, the Prime Minister similarly does not appear to have confidence in the civil service to get the job done but must instead pay out RM7.2 billion to various consultants to duplicate the work.

Twitter - Khairykj- @imokman Realistically

Khairy believes “we need to pay to get the best”, and his secretary too

KJ has been linked by some senior Umno bloggers to Pemandu, an acronym which stands for Performance Management & Delivery Unit, which is not to be mixed up with Pemudah which is Pasukan Petugas Khas Pemudahcara Peniagaan.

The consultants to the 6th Prime Minister of Malaysia are paid obscene sums of money to cook up alphabet soup.

The alphabets most synonymous with the Najib administration are GTP (Government Transformation Programme), ETP (Economic Transformation Programme), KPI (Key Performance Indicator), NKEAs (National Key Economic Areas), NKRAs (National Key Result Areas) ….

Add: BR1M, BL1M, KR1M — see below in comments

GREAT! is Government Regional Electronic Advancement Transformation programme while 1-Inno CERT is the 1 Innovation Certification for Enterprise Rating and Transformation.

There is reason why Najib’s government is billed the definitive, “transformative” government. Even senior government officials are transformed into second fiddles to the young consultants.

Twitter - Khairykj- @imokman Everything has to benchmarked

Khairy is a believer in Performance benchmarking

SCORE is SMEs Competitive Rating for Enhancement, SPAD is Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat, SPAN is Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara, and SQEM (not spelled ‘SCAM’ ya): Standard Quality Education Malaysia.

Despite the SQEM, there is still dire need for GEMS (Graduate Employability Management Scheme).

I’m not sure what Permata stands for but its website is hosted by the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) @ This arrangement sort of makes Rosmah Mansor a kind of CEO in the JPM.

Twitter - TalentCorpMsia- YB @khairykj officiating

A few other abbreviations are TalentCorp – the outfit created for bringing back Dapsters so that they can vote to kick out Umno from Putrajaya – Ekuinas (Ekuiti Nasional Berhad), Khazanah (Khazanah Nasional Berhad) and 1MDB: 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

I hope you’ve not been too “confused” (as we all know, Malaysians easily are) by the many, many acronyms used by the Najib con-sultants. BGF, for example, is not “Boy Friend, Girl Friend” but “Business Growth Fund”. TAF is Technology Acquisition Fund. So much fund and yet all of us are missing out on the fun!


The ‘Endless Possibilities’ branding campaign cost the gomen RM330,000 by the way.

To help AFFIRM (Awareness, Faculty, Finance, Infrastructure, Research and Marketing) as well as synchronize all of these agencies, consultancies and whatnot, there seems to be something called ICU: Implementation Coordination Unit (not Intensive Care Unit, okay).

And here’s an extra special unit. To get there, go to

On the menu bar, pull down the tab that says ‘About PM’. One of the sub-sections you will see here is “PM’s Wife”.


Under the ‘Resources’ tab on the PMO home page, you will see among the sub-sections one that says “Former First Ladies”, squashed in between “Former Prime Ministers” and “Islamic Reference”.

There are consultancies and there are consultancies. But there is that one most important person that needs always to be consulted by Da Boss Man.


Significantly, Datin Seri Rosmah’s web page (see above) is on the PMO website, and this must mean something.  It is all pink with a curvy, cursive banner saying ‘DSR’ … how sweet.

Now this is what we call Girl Power.

Will Regina Lee be getting her own page on the KBS (Kementerian Belia dan Sukan) website too?


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

27 thoughts on “What are Najib’s MKRAs for the RM7.2b consultancy price tag

  1. Thanks for the lesson in acronyms. I’m still having problem understand 1Malaysia. And don’t you just love all the BR1Ms, BL1Ms and what-have-you.

    And yes. Give us the MKRA. Don’t forget to audit all the consultancy fees against projects and deliverables. Can I suggest you get Jabatan Audit Negara to do it? That way you don’t spend so much and they may overlook quite a few things cause they are “limited in terms of expertise”.

    1. Thanks for the reminder.


      Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M)
      Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia (MR1M)
      Kedai Ikan Rakyat 1Malaysia (KIR1M)
      Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)
      Baucar Buku 1Malaysia (BB1M)
      Bantuan Lesen 1Malaysia (BL1M )
      Beg Sekolah 1 Malaysia (BS1M)
      Bantuan Biasiswa Pengajian 1Malaysia (BP1M)
      Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1MA)

    2. Bukan terhad kepakaran awam, tetapi gagalnya seorang PM untuk menguruskan sumber manusia. Yg gagal sebenarnya adalah dia sendiri.

    3. We have to get rid of Najib. He is more wasteful than Pak Lah. We appointed him because we cannot stand Pak Lah. Now that Najib is proving to an imbecile we just got to get UMNO Supreme Council members who dont know what s going on with the 20 billions given to Christian Idris Jala to handle. Orang Melayu perlu bangun. Najib ni perompak besar bersama kuncu-kuncunya.

      Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) – Mydin kaya
      Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia (MR1M) –
      Kedai Ikan Rakyat 1Malaysia (KIR1M)
      Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)
      Baucar Buku 1Malaysia (BB1M)- MPH Border kaya
      Bantuan Lesen 1Malaysia (BL1M ) –
      Beg Sekolah 1 Malaysia (BS1M) _sape kontraktor

  2. Add a few more to come

    SETIM – Semua Tipu 1 Malaysia
    STIM – Selalu Tipu 1 Malaysia
    KOTIM – Konsultan Tipu 1 Malaysia
    AKUPUTIM – Aku Pun Tipu 1 Malaysia
    AJUKETIM – Aku Jugak Yang Kena 1 Malaysia, and lastly to come,

    SINAPUIM – Siap Nanti PRU14 Ubah 1 Malaysia

  3. [***] Zaman Tun M sbg PM beliau meletakkan kepercayaan kpd Perkhidmatan Awam. Dan sedikit melalui Con-Sultan. Lihat berapa byk kejayaan dan pembangunan. Zaman Najib? Bayar ConManSultan pun dah Berbillion, tapi Hasilnya? Kalau aku katakan yg aku mula sangsi akan Najib, kisah isterinya berbelanja besar, kisah cincin berjuta, mungkin ada asasnya. skg ini walaupun aku penyokong BN tak semesti aku setuju dgn dasar gila babi ni.

    1. Agaknya PMO dah tepu dan tiada kekosongan lagi. Tapi boleh cuba nasib di KBS. Syaratnya pemohon mesti tahu berbahasa Cina.

      1. Helen,

        And what is it with current administration that “immortalises” the term “first lady’.

        There is no such thing as First Lady in Malaysia. the term is used in countries where the Head of state is also Head of Government. Examples are USA, Indonesia.

        Singapore though being a republic does not have the position. simply because the Head of state and head of governments are two different persons.

        Malaysia maintains tradition of monarchy. As clearly mentioned in constitution, the woman who holds supreme position is the consort to the Yang diPertuan Agong. Using the term ‘first lady” is simply insulting.

        “tak pasal pasal jadi satu masalah bila orang kutuk PM kerana istilah ni. tak ada kerja cari penyakit”.

        1. re: “tak pasal pasal jadi satu masalah bila orang kutuk PM kerana istilah ni. tak ada kerja cari penyakit”.

          Maybe need to allocate another billion for an extra and separate group of consultants to advise him on this.

          1. Helen,

            Appoint me as his adviser. i will give him good advice.

            1) Get rid of Pemandu and overpaid consultants.
            2) Reshuffle the cabinet..Malaysia can do without “glam-crazed” politician sitting in cabinet or any minister who is “lembik’.
            3) Stop the habit of donating millions to chinese school every time there is a by election
            4) Bring Nizar to court for slandering on nonsense RM207 billion war compensation
            5) Be firm on Lim Dynasty and charge those who slander BN
            6) Appoint Minister of transport. No need to “pangku ” anymore.
            7) Ensure that UMNO contests in all Malay majority areas. No need to babysit ungrateful MCA, Gerakan by allowing them to contest in Malay areas.
            8) Stiffer punishment on crimes like abduction, murder. Hang the rapist in public
            9) Death penalty on those with fake IC
            10) strip the citizenships those who adopt other flags to replace Jalur Gemilang. also those who incite racial and religious sensitivities.
            11) Reshuffle AG office.
            12) Stop the approval for luxury homes especially on prime areas.

        2. SA,

          Agreed with your points.

          Re: As clearly mentioned in constitution, the woman who holds supreme position is the consort to the Yang diPertuan Agong.

          Do you mind to show me which provision in the Constitution?

          1. Malaysiamaju,

            i read once on the Constitution.

            If I of any help, do check on part on national anthem. It clearly says that after Yang dIpertuan Agung, the person to be accorded the most prominent position is the consort of YangDiPertuan Agung

            The misleading term of “first lady” is actually an affront to position of Raja Permaisuri agung. ,

            1. MalaysiaMaju,

              Article 32(2) specifies position of consort of the Yang DiPertuan Agung. The consort holds the title “Raja permaisuri agung’ . Basically the article says that after the Yang DiPertuan agung, the Raja Permaisuri Agung is to be accorded the most prominent respect and treatment.

              Why on earth the term that has never been used for 50 years starts appearing now is beyond my comprehension.

              THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FIRST LADY in Malaysian context.

              1. re: “Why on earth the term that has never been used for 50 years starts appearing now”

                Najib’s consultants.

              2. SA,

                Thanks for your guidance. The Consort has constitutional recognition in Malaysia. Whereas the self-styled term First Lady of Rosmah has no legal basis at all.

                Re: If I of any help, do check on part on national anthem. It clearly says that after Yang dIpertuan Agung, the person to be accorded the most prominent position is the consort of YangDiPertuan Agung

                Again I would require your clarification as I am unable to find that.

                Re: The misleading term of “first lady” is actually an affront to position of Raja Permaisuri agung. ,

                I recalled that a person was jailed and fined for showing lewd gesture to the Consort. Refer here:-


                Isn’t the act of Rosmah is more damaging to the reputation of the Consort?

  4. ….Now this is what we call Girl Power….

    Masa kat skolah dulu Datin R ber3 sekawan gave themselves a special nickname – “The B cubes”.

    These 3 dulu2 memang dalam golongan kategory Girl Power. Kalo weekend common lounge tu macam hak milik mereka bertiga dari pagi sampai petang!!

      1. Not MRSM tapi geng2 TKCians in BM KTKians, dulu2 Seremban baru aje berpindah keNilai ..

        Helen, dia tak cute tapi suka gelak kuat2. Anyway siapa curious nak tau what the B cubes stand for? Kalo I beritau sini nanti sure mcam2 dia kena kritik, so pse go to her website and ask her personally..

  5. 1. MKRAs means M’sian KERAs
    2. first lady discreetly means MAHARANI
    3. person(s) who brought najib back from uk must equally be responsible for the present mess in the country & we know who is the accomplice for the swift ‘uprising’ of the infamous son-in-law.

  6. Belanjawan negeri Kedah se tahun berapa agaknya? Saja la nak banding walaupun epal dengan durian.

  7. “MKRAs is the acronym for Ministerial Key Result Areas”
    Does it follow that SUAKRAs (not to be confused with SUREKRAs) is the acronym for Setiausaha Akhbar Key Result Areas?

    1. Everytime i see the acronum NKRA, I will automatically read it as Kera and in my mind i will see kera superimpose on the face of the person named. So thanks to consultant for allowing me to picture everyone as kera.

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