Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Masa depan hubungan Umno-MCA tergugat (kemaskini)

Berita mutakhir di kaki halaman.

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Petikan dari rencana bertajuk ‘Jangan pandang mudah akhbar Cina‘ oleh seorang pengarang Utusan, Zulkifli Jalil.

“Seingat penulis kali terakhir melihat sekumpulan besar lebih 50 wartawan dan jurugambar akhbar-akhbar Cina berkumpul ialah pada dini hari 9 Mac 2008.

“Waktu itu di sebuah bangunan di George Town, Pulau Pinang ketika sedang menunggu pengumuman rasmi kemenangan bersejarah DAP merampas Pulau Mutiara daripada Barisan Nasional (BN).  …

“Cuma apabila diumumkan ketibaan para pemimpin DAP diketuai Lim Kit Siang dan anaknya, Lim Guan Eng, hampir kesemua wartawan akhbar Cina bersorak dan saling berpelukan dengan kepemimpinan DAP meraikan kemenangan tersebut.

“Bagi penulis, itu adalah reaksi spontan wartawan-wartawan berkenaan yang sebilangan daripada mereka juga adalah rakan baik kami di Utusan Malaysia. …

“Apakah wartawan-wartawan muda tadi menulis sesuatu yang dilihat dari skop peribadi? Menulis daripada apa yang difikirkan dan berasaskan kehendak kaum sendiri dengan memiliki ‘hubungan yang amat mesra’ dengan pemimpin pembangkang khususnya DAP?”

Saya juga pernah memblog berkaitan ‘agenda setting’ oleh media Cina. Sebuah kajian oleh dua orang ahli akademik atas kandungan berita suratkhabar Cina sewaktu kempen PRU12 telah mengesahkan perkara ini. Baca SINI.

Bersambung dengan kupasan Zulkifli Jalil:

“Berkongsi perkara sama, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (JASA), Datuk Fuad Hassan bagaimanapun membawa kita merenung lebih mendalam lagi akan perdebatan ‘dilema’ ini. Beliau mengusulkan kajian pihaknya mengenai impak politik liputan akhbar Cina dalam kalangan masyarakat Cina menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13).

“Fuad mengakui akhbar Cina memainkan peranan amat penting dalam masyarakat kaum itu. Ia diiktiraf sebagai salah satu daripada tiga tiang utama masyarakat Cina iaitu sekolah Cina, akhbar Cina dan NGO Cina. …

“Namun, selepas PRU-12 apabila BN gagal mencapai majoriti dua pertiga di Parlimen dan kalah empat negeri, akhbar Cina jelas memberikan sokongan yang nyata kepada pakatan pembangkang. Ini sehinggakan ada liputan khas bergambar yang memperkenalkan Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN pakatan pembangkang yang baru.

“Rata-rata liputan akhbar Cina lebih menyebelahi pakatan pembangkang dan mula membuat banyak kritikan terhadap BN. Banyak isu dilaporkan berat sebelah,” kata beliau ketika ditemui semalam (Jun 19). …

“Semua akhbar ini dapat kita lihat secara umumnya menyokong pembangkang. Walaupun akhbar seperti Sin Chew Daily cuba mengimbangi antara paparan laporan berita kerajaan dan pembangkang, namun dalam banyak hal ia lebih kepada kecenderungan menyokong pembangkang kerana faktor edaran/jualan.

“‘Dan tidak hairanlah kalau orang bertanya kenapa orang Cina masih belum kembali menyokong kerajaan, maka kita boleh tafsirkannya sebagai ‘peranan besar’ yang telah dimainkan akhbar Cina,’ kata beliau.”

Zulkifli mengakhiri pojokannya dengan kesimpulan: “Jika tiada usaha berterusan dan serius ‘mendampingi’ pengaruh akhbar-akhbar Cina, hasilnya dikhuatiri – di saat orang Melayu merimbun ke pihak kerajaan, ia tidak seimbang pula dengan banyaknya pula orang Cina ke ‘sebelah sana’.”

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Dalam konteks media tidak menyebelahi BN, di mana letaknya The Star yang dimiliki MCA itu?

Cuba kita buat perbandingan dengan Selangor Times yang kakitangannya 90 peratus Cina. Suratkhabar jentera Pakatan ini telah black out (tidak membuat liputan) sebilangan besar Adun-adun Umno di Selangor.

The Star dan Selangor Times sebenarnya seperti pinang dibelah dua. Sidang pengarang The Star pun 93.3% bukan-Melayu.

Dalam hal mem’blackout’ Adun-adun Umno, pendekatan The Star tidak ubah macam Selangor Times.

Masih lagi politikus DAP dibelai dan dimanja manakala politikus BN dipinggirkan.

Hasil carian Google

Dalam usaha BN menggembleng tenaga untuk menghadapi PRU akan datang, setiap komponen mestilah bergerak seiring dan selangkah.

Akan tetapi sudah jelas bahawa parti-parti BN yang lain tidak boleh bergantung harap pada MCA untuk sama-sama memikul tanggungjawab memandangkan akhbar miliknya sendiri pun enggan memperuntukkan ruang. Malah The Star nyata lebih condong kepada pembangkang.

Setakat manakah Umno mampu bersabar dengan nada sumbing jentera MCA yang berat sebelah itu? Nampaknya blogger-blogger Melayu terpaksalah bekerja lagi keras untuk menyampaikan hasrat dan cita-cita BN kepada orangramai. Namun blogosfera bukannya boleh menyaingi media arus perdana yang menembusi merata-rata ceruk rantau.

Hubungan MCA-BN yang renggang bagai retak menanti belah andaikata parti Cina tersebut masih mahu melepas tangan dan membiar api dalam sekam terus untuk membara.


Kim Guan Eng boleh gam Utusan tetapi si Anglophile Gunting masih mendewa-dewakan orang Kristian DAP. — 4.55 ptg

June 22 — Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng appeared to justify today his administration’s decision to ban Umno-controlled newspapers instead of suing them for defamation, saying they continue to publish false reports without giving him the right of reply.

“Lim has previously defended Penang’s decision to ban Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia, accusing it of being a party organ rather than a newspaper.” — ‘Guan Eng justifies ban on Umno-linked newspapers’


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

18 thoughts on “Masa depan hubungan Umno-MCA tergugat (kemaskini)

  1. Ada kemungkinan semakin ramai Cina yang pro DAP menganggap bahawa orang Melayu bodoh matematik. Maka apabila Umno tertekan, mereka beralih arah menyokong DAP, walaupun pada nama seperti MCA masih didalam BN. Mereka tahu bahawa menyokong DAP akan memberi keuntungan yang lebih.

    Dengan menganggap bahawa dosa-dosa belot mereka tidak dimasukkan dalam hitungan, maka jika BN memang mereka akan cepat membawa buah limau hadiah “Ikhlas” kepada Najib.

    Mereka lupa bahawa pembelotan mereka sekarang ini sedang diambil kira dan akan menjadi penentu pemberat suara Cina didalam kerajaan jika BN terus menang kelak.

    Jangan lupa bahawa orang Melayu nampak seakan-akan bodoh matematik bukan kerana tidak pandai menghitung perbuatan Cina “cerdik” ini, tetapi kerana tinggi toleransinya. Namun setiap benda ada hadnya, termasuklah toleransi politik Melayu.

  2. When Tun M said “Melayu mudah lupa”, perhaps he meant it in other ways as well… such as how well others might remember.

    An observation was made that eloquence makes a big impression on the average Malaysian. Especially on those who consider themselves better than their fellow Malaysian, i.e. the lalas. Especially eloquence expressed in English.

    It is unfortunate then that a number of educated Malaysians are not able to look beyond eloquence and give critical consideration for content.

    Perhaps it is a reflection of the current generation, that stereotypes and the superficial supersedes all else.

    Err, who is eloquent? — Helen

    1. Eloquence in English, in general… :D

      :D I think Malay is a more eloquent language for those who know who to use it. — Helen

      1. Actually, in my personal observation, the Chinese Malaysians do not expect their views to be taken seriously. Talk is cheap, money buys the whiskey. It is not that the Chinese are unable to reason, it is because Mandarin is essentially emotive and tonal. Besides, the intelligensia accords a higher premium on expressive literature than critical analyses of current affairs.

        Something is lost in any language when it gets written, but I do believe that it is more so for the Chinese language. The Chinese may share a similar writing for thousands of years, but they only learned to speak in one common tongue (of the elites) under the late Ming and Qing.

        The older generations of Chinese Malaysians do not commit much on paper, simply because the critical mass of literati never arrived. Coffee shop talk is about all they can look forward to, and skirting their thoughts around the paremeters set by the mainstream Chinese editorials and press is all they do. And it is this level of discourse that are now brought online via some of our “uncle” bloggers – illogical, rude, nonsensical diatribe mistaken for truth, justice, beauty AND bravado.

        There is no strong alternative Chinese media online or offline, and maybe one should take a moment to wonder why. With all the mainstream Chinese dailies competing to be THE paper for the true “Chinese” Malaysians, Sin Chew, Nanyang and Oriental Daily are battling to out “sino-lize” each other. So, essentially, you can say that if you are writing for an audience who still consumes his or her everyday news in Chinese, you would be safe to assume where the priorities will be.

        I mean, it would be impossible for ANY of the Chinese press to consider that having more ICHS could be detrimental to the national education system. It is like asking Utusan or Berita Harian to contemplate that too much Islamic influences could be a bad thing.

        I have yet come across anything online, using Malay, English or Chinese, to justify the need for Mandarin-based education at secondary at tertiary level in this country. If anyone can point me at the right direction, I’ll be immensely grateful.

        And the supposed anti-Lynas Chinese supporters? I bet they won’t complain if Lynas turns to pig farming, swiflet farming, scrap metal industries, casinos, breweries or distilleries, massage parlours even, because suddenly the Chinks grew to love Malaysia and wanted to save her forests and trees, rivers and seas, birds and the bees. That is why the Chinese Malaysians will no longer have 9-course meals and shark-fin, plead Genting to restore the Highlands to its natural state and tell the developers to stop raping the land with more lavish homes and high-rise buildings. The Chinese Malaysians found their inner tree-hugging sensitivities overnight with Lynas, almost as rare as rare earth itself it seems.

        Do you think Penang Chinese are to the general Malaysian Chinese like how Kelantanese Malay are to the general Malay? — Helen

      2. Kelantanese are generally stereotyped as bad news. I think it’s more to do with others not being able to understand what they’re saying.

      3. hi Ihns, i absolutely love this The Chinese Malaysians found their inner tree-hugging sensitivities overnight with Lynas, almost as rare as rare earth itself it seems. :D

        and thank you for that illuminating revelation about the chinese language / mandarin in general and its usage by chinese-msians in particular.

        joe, i thought kelantanese are stereotyped as bad news not because most people cannot follow their kecek but because they’re generally known to be gedebe sokmo. ;D

  3. Helen,

    I must admit that UMNO is to be blamed partly on this matter. The message that UMNO should send to everyone is that there is no such thing as free lunch.

    It means that in order for their interests to be protected, Chinese must reciprocate by supporting BN. Do not expect BN will give equal attentions to races that do not support it. It is law of human nature. why on earth give so much attention when the efforts not appreciated.

    chinese must understand that they instead of voting out UMNO may end as voting them out of BN.

  4. Masa depan UMNO-MCA tergugat? Lebih tepat jika dikatakan masa depan UMNO-orang Tionghua Malaysia tergugat. MCA dijangka kalah teruk pada PRU13, dan dengan demikian, MCA tidak akan meletakkan sebarang calon dalam pentadbiran kerajaan perseketuan yang akan kekal dalam tangan BN. Ini bererti tiada ‘represenatation of Chinese interest’ dalam kerajaan. Orang India dan pribumi, samada di semenanjung atau di Sabah dan Sarawak, semestinya menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk menyokong BN kerana masa inilah masa keemasan untuk mereka. Jikalau kaum India masih beromongan dengan silaman Hindraf 2008, maka rugilah masa depan mereka. Kaum tionghua mahu Dong Zong punya kung fu, nantilah kesudahannya.

    1. I pun tak sure what the Chinese want ? They were already well off and already well represented politically. Sometime I think the Chinese want something like in Singapore.. over there they become President , Prime Minister, control the government, GLCs and also the private sector and let the miserable Malays become coolies and if they granted the Malays to become Minister they will be given not so important portfolios e.g in charge of environment and tong sampah.

      I think the best way to resolve these Chinese dilemma is to let them moved en masse to Penang while the Malays, Mamaks and Indians of Penang moved to other part of Malaysia. Once they dominated Penang, they can turn Penang into Republic of Chinese Penang and do whatever they want. They can construct 100s of Chinese Schools, they can breed pigs as much as they want. they can legalise gambling and create 100s of rumah uruts.

      To prevent Penang from being polluted by the dirty, low class and corrupted Malays, may I also suggest that two bridges linking Republic of Chinese Penang to the peninsular Malay to be cut-off. By doing so, the Republic of Chinese Penang can float to the Indian ocean and out of reach by the dirty, low class and corrupted Malays.

      Alternatively the rich Republic of Chinese Penang may hire hundreds of supertankers and tied the island to the supertankers and slowly moved the island to location of their desire. It can be near Singapore or further such as Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong or closer to Republic of China. I am sure their blood brothers over there will welcome them with open arm and heart.

      I am sure the other non Chinese that are left behind may also welcome this kind of radical idea. I think with no Chinese in these part of the world, there may be less prostitution, gambling, Ah Longs, boot legging, drug business, profiteering and corruption. Maybe we will poorer a little bit but that will be alright, I think. Apa macam setuju tak dengan cadangan ‘brilliant’ saya ni?

  5. Swee leong,

    The more important question is whether Najib will dare to “babysit’ Chinese community to the point of upsetting Malays BY continously appointing Chinese in cabinet.

    but you are right. all this while Chinese graciously welcome Najib in any functions but give the votes to DAP. For that reason, Malays feel there is no need to vote MCA in Malay majority area.

    The sentiment is getting louder and louder. Just as Malays should not dream of leading the Federal govt if they do not support BN, Chinese also should not dream of getting Cabinet post if they refuse to support BN.

    As for PR, any malays who can think will realise that PR forming Federal Govt is tantamount to having Israel overlording Arab

  6. Cmon Helen…get the race factor out of your tiny mind. People don’t buy this crap anymore.

    1. Dear Sshsn,

      Oh, so now you think I have a “tiny mind”.

      Previously you said that I have “the intellectual capabilities of a stapler“.

      You’ve insisted that I am “not very smart“.

      And that I was “never smart to start with”.

      In fact, you’re even quite sure I am “a misguided fool“.

      You slag my looks, my face, my boring racist personality, my atrocious grammar.

      In fact, you even once asked me: “Do you have anything constructive to say at all? Anything? Really? None?”

      And you declare that you’re “nothing like [me], thankfully”.

      It must be a case of opposites attract then, ‘cos I sure can’t figure out why in the world you’re still hanging around.

    2. Like it or not, everything in Malaysia is very much tied to race and religion. We will never know when can we stand together as ‘real’ Malaysians. Americans, Brits, Singaporeans, Thailand and even Indonesia have long abandoned chauvinistic approach to things. Yet, we are still talking about who deserve what.

      1. Ajay don’t be too quick to arrive at a conclusion. The HSBC (Hanya Special Buat Cina) joke originates from Jakarta; and let’s not forget the race riots in Maluku and Sulawesi during the insane days of 1997-98.

        Americans and Brits try to maintain a politically correct exterior, but do observe the op-ed pieces that get printed during their general elections. And the discourse among the common folk.

        Singapore and Thailand have abandoned a chauvinistic approach to things? Hehe… hehehe… hehehehe…

  7. Setiap tindakan dan perbuatan MCA kepada BN dan UMNO ada batas dan hadnya. Melayu amat sedar yang pengundi CINA dalam parti politik MCA, GERAKAN, DAP dan PKR tidak akan memberi undi mereka kepada BN dan UMNO. Orang Melayu juga tidak sebodoh seperti yang kaum lain sangka dan anggap malah jangan terkejut dalam PRU 13 nanti Melayu akan kembali bersatu dan memberi undi kepada UMNO dan tidak meberi undi kepada calon MCA dan Gerakan. Jika senario ini berlaku maka orang CINA jangan marahkan orang Melayu jika bangsa mereka tidak diberi sebarang jawatan di dalam Kerajaan.

    Surat khabar cina memang pro pembangkang dan amat RASIS dan mereka ingat orang melayu tidak tahu apa yang mereka tulis. Dunia sekarang telah jauh berubah, ramai anak anak melayu tahu bertutur dan membaca dalam bahasa Mandarin, mereka mereka ini telah sedar dan kini membantu NGO NGO Melayu untuk sama sama berjuang mempertahankan negara ini dari dijajah oleh puak puak yang rasis dan mahu mengambil alih negara ini.

    NGO NGO Melayu telah tidur lama jika dibandingkan dengan NGO NGO CINA yang cukup aktif membantu parti parti politik CINA untuk memenangi hati orang orang cina supaya menentang Kerajaan. Tetapi suasana telah berubah selepas PRU 12, NGO Melayu telah mula sedar dan mereka telah mula berani kehadapan menentang bukan sahaja parti pembangkang malah Kerajaan pun mereka telah mula mengkritik sehingga memeningkan kepala pemimpin Kerajaan.

  8. I Melayu,

    Dalam kita sibuk perkatakan tentang orang Cina, jangan lupa masalah ini semuanya disebabkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim, manusia tak berguna ni.

    Kedudukan kuasa orang melayu tergugat kerana anwar sanggup jual apa saja termasuk bangsanya atau ugama hanya kerana tergila gila nak jadi Perdana menteri. dia terlupa Qada dan Qadar, ketentuan illahi.

    Dan mengenai trend orang melayu sudah enggan undi MCA atau Gerakan di kawasan Melayu, nasihat saya pada Najib, jika mahu ambil kembali Parlimen Kuantan, letak calon UMNO. Begitu juga dengan Bandar Tun Razak, Teluk Kemang, Grik

    1. Betul tu. The main problem is Anwar Ibrahim. He is selling his race and religion like nobody’s business. Very shocking to find how one person’s desire for a position could end up having him strip his own race and religion bare for everyone to see, and still feel alright about it.

      If it is some principle worth fighting for so that one is satisfied dying as a matyr on the path of jihad, this can still be comprehensible. But this man no longer has any vision and mission for the country, and whatever he is questioning of the govt of the day, the Najib administration has responded. It’s power for power’s sake, and that aptly describes Anwar Ibrahim.

      Ini orang tidak fikir esok hari atau lusa dia boleh mati, itu akhirat apa boleh jadi?

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