Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Bulan jatuh ke riba, DAP dapat undi percuma Melayu

Perkembangan terkini yang berikut adalah pada tahap ledakan bom nuklear.–dap-beri-ros-hingga-3-petang-esok-untuk-tarik-balik-surat


Lim Guan Eng sebenarnya MAHU calon-calon DAPnya menggunakan lambang bulan.

Undi Cina sudah dalam genggaman tangan. Kalau DAP bertanding di bawah simbol Monyet atau Pisang pun sokongan kaum Cina tidak akan berganjak lagi daripadanya.

Twitter KarimRaslan tukangcerita is appalled

Berdiri di bawah panji-panji PAS, calon baka baru DAP 2.0 akan mendapat durian runtuh — baca SINI (senarai calon DAP 2.0 yang evangelis belaka).

Langkah gerak saraf DAP 2.0 sekarang ini jauh berbeza dari DAP totok.

Ini peluang kemeasan bagi si evangelis DAP memetik sebait dua ayat al-Quran serta memakai songkok atau selendang untuk menagih undi simpati orang Melayu dengan merekayasa kononnya Pendaftar Pertubuhan bersuhabat dengan Umno laknatullah untuk menganiaya parti Cina mereka.

lky bersongkok

DAP Baru ini umpama PAP tahun 60-an. Terlalu bijak mencatur tipu muslihat. Kalau dulu PAP mendakwa parti mereka ‘melangkaui batas perkauman’, DAP masakini boleh mencanang bahawa ahli-ahli mereka sayangkan Islam. Orang PAS yang jumud akan telan bulat-bulat.

Cuba bayangkan berapa kuat DAP 2.0 evangelis nanti.


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

171 thoughts on “Bulan jatuh ke riba, DAP dapat undi percuma Melayu

  1. even if they stand under the logo of monkeys, their die hard supporters will vote for them. such is their obsession and perversity.

    1. Most unlikely that Malays would Chinese using PAS moon symbols. It would most likely that Malays would be in two mind to vote PAS symbols as that means they are voting in kafir.

      The Malays would be confused.
      The greater probability more would stop from voting for PAS.

      The Chinese would be confused too. They would be hesitant. And so some Chinese votes would be lost too.

  2. Memang rasanya ini kalilah BN kalah sebab isu ini. Kalau dulu orang cakap letak monyet guna simbol dacing pun boleh menang, sekarang letak monyet guna simbol bulan boleh menang.

    1. kalau sekarang mereka letak simbol seluar dalam pun mereka boleh menang. penyokong pembangkang ni, mereka ni golongan taksub.

      1. Intipatinya DAP akan untung besar dengan menggunakan lambang bulan bagi meraih undi Melayu.

          1. But you’re a Johorean.

            Yang kita cakap ni tentang khatib-khatib PAS yang membaca doa di masjid agar ‘khalifah’ Guan Eng dikurniakan hidayah dan ustaz-ustaz yang menjampi air serta pak lebai-pak lebai yang melafazkah sembahyang hajat bagi pecah perut lawan.

          1. Rocket had travel far. Ia dah sampai bulan. Jadi roket dah tidak kelihatan. Yang nampak hanya bulan. Pengundi cina tentulah akan mengundi bulan.

  3. this is not about logo…ini sengaja cari pasal. to be honest, ROS is stupid…sengaja nak bagi simpati rakyat pada DAP. i doubt is ROS high level officers are PR sympathizer? it’s a public secret that many government agencies staffs from low to high ranks are PR supporter…

    1. Ini akan untungkan Lim Kit Siang lwn Ghani Othman dekat Gelang Patah. Rasanya pengikut tegar masing-masing dah buat keputusan nak undi siapa tanpa ada isu pendaftaran ini. Yang disasar DAP adalah pengundi Melayu atas pagar.

      Lagi satu propaganda media massa tempatan yang cakap Pakatan Rakyat bercakaran boleh ditangkis oleh PR dengan mengatakan mereka bersatu, lihat la Lim Kit Siang pun sanggup bertanding di bawah lambang PAS.

      1. Zack kena cadangkan agar PKR juga guna lambang PAS barulah boleh guna propaganda betapa DAP, PAS dan PKR pun boleh bersatu dalam satu lambang sepertimana UMNO,MCA,MIC dll bersatu dalam satu lambang.

        Tapi bagaimana pula ditempat yang PAS dan PKR bertarung sesama sendiri? Kalut jadinya nanti PAS original lawan PAS pkr Lawan BN… ini rakan seperjuangan?

    2. Now I start to suspect that the CEC fiasco is deliberately design move to woo Malay vote – Zairil and now this. Brilliantly cunningla if true.

    3. Disagree.. ROS just do their job.

      Perasaan simpati kepada DAP jika adapun hanyalah dari pengundi Cina yang sememangnya akan mengundi DAP. Tanpa undi simpati pun MCA pasti akan kita (Cina dan Melayu) kuburkan.

    4. If government officers are PR supporters as you claim, then isn’t that a damning verdict of BN’s governance?

      Remember civil servants are privy to sensitive and secret information that is not available to the public so maybe they have stumble upon something that is not known to the general public. I suppose civil servants are race traitors now eh? Or are civil servants inherently evil that they must sabotage the pure and just BN?

      Just a reminder since people here criticise our civil servants unfairly. BN has said that their achievements in government are because of civil servants. Remember that before you run mouth.

  4. then MCA should have play this saying you are not voting DAP, youv vote PAS as in kertas undi

    1. Nothing that the MCA can say has much traction anymore among the majority of Chinese voters.

      It will make no difference (no gain for MCA) among the 10 percent wary of PAS while the 90 percent pro-DAP won’t budge. The Chinese status quo is already solidified.

      This opening however allows for DAP to fish the blue ocean of PAS voters.

      1. the fanatics of Pas are the blood brothers and sisters of the evangelists. of course they will gladly vote for the DAP. the Chinese voting for them have no idea what they are voting for, and frankly, they just don’t care as long as its not BN. the fun really begins when Pas say “now we will set up an Islamic state”.

    1. Guan Eng gave a 3pm deadline today to ROS. Tomorrow is already candidate nomination day.

      It’s a gamble but also a heaven-sent opportunity. My hunch is that DAP will go with the Moon symbol. In the Chinese-majority areas, DAP wins by a landslide. Teresa Kok won Seputeh by a majority of 36,492.

      Even if not using Rocket cost DAP some Chinese votes, it won’t make enough of a dent for DAP to conceivably lose in their traditional strongholds.

      However in using the Moon, DAP stands to gain much instead.

      1. Isn’t it ironic that Guan Eng is giving deadline and blackmailing ROS, who is the regulator? It is akin to a robber threatening the cops not to arrest him for his crimes.

        I guess the Tokong has 3 objectives here. One is to play the sympathy card, No 2 portray ROS as a cruel intsrument of the BN. And no 3 – use this as an excuse in case his Daddy falls short vs Ghani.

        1. re: “Isn’t it ironic that Guan Eng is giving deadline and blackmailing ROS, who is the regulator”

          So now we know what a bold player LGE can be. That’s why DAP Johor has been his first casualty. MCA will be the second casualty after May 5.

          1. I will distrust him even more if this is a deliberate attempt.

            I don’t know what else are inside his sleeve. Looking at how PAS behave, seems like he have plan upon plan towards PAS.

            1. Please ponder on what I’m going to say.

              The reason that the Guan Eng faction has successfully shunted aside DAP Johor and taken over the southern turf is due to the almost complete hold that LGE personally has over the Chinese electorate and the evangelical frenzy that he whips up. This is very dangerous.

              To realise just how dangerous, please delve into the degree of his utter ruthlessness, and not to mention the superb playacting.

              If you haven’t read already, do Google “Mohd Razali Abdul Rahman”, the former DAP operative who made the police report about ‘Christian state’ and the pastors prayers vis-a-vis a Jeff Ooi hosted function. The story that made the Utusan front page and prompted police reports and counter reports from both sides.

          2. Helen #19

            I knew about “Mohd Razali Abd Rahman” already.

            I applaud them for being this daring in a country where a mere mention of Christian is enough to boil some blood and distrust towards Chinese still exist. To combine the two is mind boggling.

            Really … Hindraf news is no news compared to this.

          3. Cannot enter Promised Land? Why? Guarded by armed angels of God is it? The change she promises will mean 40, maybe more years of wandering in limbo as Malaysia hurtle towards destruction.

        2. 3 has come & gone. What now? No news yet on Twitter or anywhere. Malaysian Insider reported LKS crying as he admitted not using the rocket will affect his chances of winning Gelang Patah. If he’s so dead set about it, I’ll happily fire one of them firework rockets up his ass.

        3. Calvin,

          and the ultimatum was given by Guan Eng who has no authority or position to issue such thing. So please let our intelligence would think what nasty things he can do or will definitely do should he attain power.

          ROS is so lenient. why wait for months before issuing statement that it did not recognise DAP CEC? DAP CEC should be disqualified straight away 3 months ago.

        4. Kim Guan Beng just being himself by blackmailing ROS. This is doing it Pyongyang style by the Dumb Authocratic Party

    1. I love Teresa Teng

      I wish the move will only make them dayung sampan (another famous song once sung by the late songstress) pulau tiga, but I too think this will backfire BN

  5. Ia mungkin umpama ‘bulan jatuh ke riba’ bagi DAP, tetapi ramai yang sudah meninggalkan PAS dan PKR. Bukan LKS saja yang pandai meniup isu perkauman kepada bangsa Cina, orang UMNO juga pandai memainkan sentimen ini.

    Satu perkara yang Melayu tidak boleh terima (kecuali Melayu moden, bodoh dan biul) ialah memberi ruang kepada Cina untuk berkuasa dan mempertuankan Cina. Lebih-lebih lagi suasana kempen yang banyak mengimbau kembali sejarah 13 Mei, dan kebetulan tarikh mengundi juga jatuh dalam bulan Mei, semangat kemelayuan ini seperti disuntik semangat Melayu.

    Di kawasan saya ramai yang dari PAS dan PKR sudah keluar parti dan menyokong BN. Dan saya gemar berbual dan bertanyakan pendapat mereka dan rata-rata setuju bangsa Cina ini sudah kurang ajar dan PAS bukanlah parti memperjuangkan Islam.

    Dan saya juga agak terkejut sebahagian besar dari mereka mengetahui akan perhimpunan haram yang akan dilakukan oleh puak pembangkang, dan mereka berkata tidak mengapa, mereka sudah siap mengasah parang. Puak-puak yang mengasah parang ini akan menghebohkan ke satu kampung akan kebangkitan kaum Cina, maka satu kampung akan keluarbawa parang!

    There you have it, mob mentality and it’s happening.

    1. Orang macam kau ini lah yang akan membuat kaum bukan melayu takut dan lari dari mengundi UMNO BN.
      Tahun 1969, UMNO vs DAP

      Tahun 2013, UMNO vs PR.
      DAP sekadar rakan seperjuangan.

      1. Rakan seperjuangan bermaksud berjuang bersama sama untuk mencapai maksud yang diperjuangkan.. Apakah tujuan perjuangan PAS dan DAP sama?

      1. I consider it a genuine comment (not a cybertrooper).

        re: “Bukan LKS saja yang pandai meniup isu perkauman kepada bangsa Cina, orang UMNO juga pandai memainkan sentimen ini.”


        re: “Satu perkara yang Melayu tidak boleh terima (kecuali Melayu moden, bodoh dan biul) ialah memberi ruang kepada Cina untuk berkuasa dan mempertuankan Cina.”


        re: “Lebih-lebih lagi suasana kempen yang banyak mengimbau kembali sejarah 13 Mei”


        re: “dan kebetulan tarikh mengundi juga jatuh dalam bulan Mei, semangat kemelayuan ini seperti disuntik semangat Melayu.”


        re: “Di kawasan saya ramai yang dari PAS dan PKR sudah keluar parti dan menyokong BN.”


        re: “Dan saya gemar berbual dan bertanyakan pendapat mereka dan rata-rata setuju bangsa Cina ini sudah kurang ajar dan PAS bukanlah parti memperjuangkan Islam.”


        re: “mereka sudah siap mengasah parang. Puak-puak yang mengasah parang ini akan menghebohkan ke satu kampung akan kebangkitan kaum Cina, maka satu kampung akan keluar bawa parang!”

        “There you have it, mob mentality and it’s happening.”


        *** *** ***

        Given that all of Melor’s preceding paragraphs ring true, I would not dismiss what she says about the “asah parang” lightly esp. if the commenter is a woman (as the name implies).

        I am heavily criticized by some Chinese readers for allowing comments like Melor’s to be published and I’m also accused of harbouring Perkasa right wingers in my blog.

        The truth is I rarely censor and never reject opposing views from being published, and b’cos this forum has set a civilized tone right from the start, I really don’t get overwhelmed by a torrent of vulgar comments.

        So almost every comment is let through with only rare exceptions.

        As I’ve explained before, Dapsters are bullies who operate in the safety of numbers, and over here they are clearly outnumbered by the pro-establishment supporters as well as by Malays.

        My analysis:

        The Chinese and most particularly the Christian Chinese (“we’re only 9 percent”) want to play the role of persecuted victim — best example is of course LGE and his ‘drama king’ behaviour.

        Their knee-jerk reaction would be to accuse that the speaker is threatening May 13.

        Even when I write up on historical happenings such as the Natrah riot, I’m accused of the same. I’m further accused of deliberately fear-mongering so that my purported “political master” MCA might be able to get more votes b’cos the Chinese would be made afraid to vote for the DAP.

        Of course the accusation is rubbish as my blog has been critical of MCA, and the detractors attributing me as an MCA lackey/”whore” doesn’t hold water.

        The Chinese going ballistic here and there and everywhere at anything mentioned that casts a negative light on them has the effect of sweeping things under the carpet.

        It’s a severe form of In-Denial Syndrome and that is how we’ve reached the chronic situation we’re faced with today, i.e. the lopsided support for DAP and the ongoing and unchecked rampage by the Red Guards.

        I think the logic of the situation is as what I’ve been repeating — “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. I believe that if the Dapsters keep up their berserk attacks for much longer, mereka akan mengundang musibah.

        They’re under the delusion that there will no be consequences to their actions. This very inability to fathom how other races (Malays, Indians, pribumi) see them (Chinese) goes to show how divorced from reality they are.

        I’m of the opinion that too many people are too fed up of their karenah already. I think it’s hovering very close to a point where the Dapsters will no longer be told to shut up but they will be made to shut up. They’ve depleted the store of goodwill.

        e.g. The violent Dapster reaction currently against Hindraf for making a deal with Najib.

        Dapsters are fond of whinging that the Malays (tyranny of the majority) are picking on them solely on account that they’re Chinese — like how some Jews automatically invoke the charge of anti-Semitism.

        But here with the latest Hindraf development, a smaller and weaker minority (Tamil-speaking Hindus) pun dah tak boleh tahan dengan dema.

        When push comes to shove, the Chinese will find themselves isolated from every other group that they despise like the Indians, the mamak, the “Umnoputras”, the “police running dogs”, the “useless army”…

        1. Clarity of thinking. Very rare these days. More cina like you would make us better Malaysians. But sadly some cina also questions your ‘Aku Cina’ just because you choose not to think like them. From their point of view, you are instigating the melayu to benci cina.

          1. I’m one person and my views are confined to this blog and furthermore it’s an open domain — everything we discuss here is exposed to public scrutiny.

            They’re a horde and everywhere, sending slanderous chain mail, sharing on Facebook, closed online discussion groups and protected Twitter. They’re a circle jerk.

            Whose behaviour logically makes more of a negative impact on Malays?

        2. Saya harap yang berkenaan “asah pisau” itu tidak berlaku dan sekiranya pun belaku, pisau itu tidak digunakan, insyaallah

  6. somehow i don’t think this is going to be bulan jatuh ke riba for DAP. in my reckoning, it has all the potential of things blowing up in DAP’s face.

    my reason: one should not discount the sizeable portion of PAS members who, while quiet, have been quite disquieted by their leadership giving in to the DAP-instigated Allah issue.

    akidah slippage is not a small matter to muslims. esp to religious-jittery PAS muslims. make no mistake about this. if they cld believe that voting UMNO wld deny them heaven, how do you think they’d feel about voting outright “kaffirs” – unwittingly through what cld be a strategic political sleight?

    now that the BN’s warning of “voting for PAS is voting for DAP” is going to be all too true and literal, this portion of PAS undecided will not want to err on the side of risking their akidah.

    p.s. wrt ROS, i don’t think it’s fair calling it stupid. it was just following procedures. i just read that the reason the pronouncement on DAP’s CEC is so late is because the tokong, willfully or just out of bloodymindedness and petulance, sat on all correspondences regarding the issue until the very last one. regardless of tokong’s reason, ROS evidently could not act any earlier.

    1. ROS isn’t aware that it is up against the master manipulator extraordinaire.

      LGE was sent to jail for inciting hatred and with the benefit of hindsight, I consider that the 3 judges (one Indian, one Chinese, one Malay) did the best possible thing.

      However his followers swallow hook, line and sinker (and burp) that he went to jail to defend the honour of a Malay girl. Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that the Chinese believe the spin. But then again to hear Malays parroting the storyline …

      This ROS decision, however correct it may be procedure wise on paper, is open to manipulation. We’re talking about a bunch of people who actually believed that Utusan ever published such a story as Rosmah menabung dari kecil untuk membeli cincin berlian.

      And these folks are already prepped to mental hysteria. This ROS business is following the same victimhood script that LGE played over the Malay girl episode. And again, there are some PAS people who buy the DAP urban legend.

      Tomorrow is nomination day.

      The timing of the ROS letter is, to borrow KR’s word, most “appalling”.

      1. I normally love reading Kam Raslam’s writing. But I think I’m gonna pass from now on. How appalling is it that someone of his stature, intelligence & experience can brand the government as stupid when RoS is merely acting within the law after reports were lodged with them by disgruntled DAP members?

        And why is he so quick to assume that the government is the hidden hand behind this? Why even assume that there even is a hidden hand in the first place?

        Looks like tukang cerita got taken for a ride by the crocodile tears shed by the Lims. By assuming that the government is behind it all, he makes an ASS of U & ME. Now I know better than to buy this el cheapo sob story. As for whether the electorate buys it, I can’t tell for sure.

          1. Been reading his anti melayu kampung articles for so long. the kacuk like him will say this budaya is a sham, this adat is a sham, everything is a sham to him but his rich kacuk cultural traits…maybe Hishamuddin had buang him form his paylist kut…tu yang bengang!

        1. Fakin Fake Calvin,

          Kam (or is it Karim raslam) is very very critical of UMNO, Malays.

          He tends to insinuate UMNO. In recent article, he wrote that “…much to the chagrin of Dr Mahathir…”. He belittle the virtue of being grateful. Meaning no need to appreciate good deeds.

        2. FFC : I agree with you that the RoS is merely discharging its duties vis a vis the administration of Societies in Malaysia as a result of the complaints etc lodged by some DAP members. However, I am not shocked by Kam Raslan’s interpretation of the situation as there are many more of these so called, by Helen, Liberal Malays who are so myopic in their thinking in that everything the Government does is wrong and everything that happens is the fault of UMNO …

    2. Mek Yam I agree with you. LGE want to use this issue as part of it’s campaign issue. But ROS already explain that this happen because of their fault. They spin this issue around.

      They also think that because they from DAP, they have a power to put everyone in their place. Every one and everyone around must follow and bow to them. NO law applied to them. And when something like this happen to them it everyone fault. They try to ruin every human being by complaining that as a DAP member they are more honor, more transparent and more honest.

      Other especially UMNO (I said UMNO cos some how the wrong of the world happen because of it existant) is an evil who trying to make war with and angel (in their mind DAP and PR is an angel of course)

  7. It was DAP members who lodge reports to ROS the three serious allegations pertaining to 1 – The validity of CEC, 2 – The fact that over 700 DAP members with right to vote was not given adequate notice to attend 3 – 300 of those voted during the convention are illegal.

    Now this issue has been cropping up since right after CEC however DAP arrogantly refused to deal with it. In fact those dare to open their mouth is pretty much bullied by the Dapsters and don’t forget the gag order imposed on members not to discuss this matter.

    Don’t tell me as a party filled with so called bijak pandai DAP are not aware of the consequences. Or knowing that they need sympathy votes, they actually choose to go ahead.

    Now this is not a kerjasama. This is manipulating or rather outright lying via taking advantage from the consequences of your action with total disregard to the law.

    In fact before LGE shed crocodile tears last nite, ROS already made a public statement stating they can use the rocket. Also, if ROS is not going recognize the elected office bearer, they should fall back to previous office bearer whose term is still valid. Is that so wrong?

    As usual Melayu dan India diperbodoh bodohkan oleh si Cina Rasis DAP!!!

    1. re: “In fact before LGE shed crocodile tears last nite, ROS already made a public statement stating they can use the rocket.”


      Crocodile tears … lidah biawak.

      Manipulate, putar-belit, putar-belit to take advantage. That’s why DAP is winning the propaganda war.

      There is no depth to which they will not sink in their fitnah. You, and Calvin Sankaran and PPP have had your handles hijacked by imposters who make the most vile comments in your name(s) without any qualms of conscience.

      This is the kind of people we’re dealing with. Orang Melayu mesti sedar.

          1. Kayan perhaps. They’re up in the highlands. The crocs are only found in the lower end of the rivers. They don’t go upstream like salmons.

            As for Bidayuhs, their settlements are further inland thus their Land Dayak moniker as opposed to Ibans known as Sea Dayak. Thus i suppose it makes plenty of sense that they get to swim in the streams a lot too, especially as they’re masters in building waterways to irrigate their paddy fields.

        1. LKS cried during a press conference in Gelang Patah today (coz I just watched the video at M’siaKini), don’t know about LGE though. KTC tweeted that he was moved to tears by that video.

    2. Well written Sdr. Aidil. Looking at it, I think LGE had purposely chosen to go ahead and ignore RoS’s inquiries etc knowing fully well that RoS had no choice but to take such an action sooner or later …

    3. P/S: errr… Why brand moon for the peninsular and brand mata for borneo? Because hmmm brand moon got religious stigma in borneo? And brand mata is not a favourite in peninsular?

      1. PAS is like the plague in Sarawak. Dunno about Sabah tho’.

        About a decade ago Hadi Awang on the campaign trail in Sarawak made the comment that Sarawakians still live on trees & wear loin clothes (cawat) because they voted for BN in the past.

        And he had always sidestepped the matter whenever confronted about it. Which is why the Dayaks will not vote for PAS. They will only contest in Malay or Melanau majority areas & avoid seats where Ibans or Bidayuhs make up the majority of the electorate.

  8. Have you guys heard of another case of nepotism? This time it is the 28 years old Leong Yu Man being fielded in Triang replacing her dad who is being moved to another seat. She’s not a DAP leader and used to work in Singapore until recently. Now being parachuted in as a candidate.

  9. What do you mean by “even if they stand untuk monkey and banana logo”. The right one is “even if they field monkey and banana as their candidate, the DAPIgs still lick the monkey and banana.

  10. Satu perkembangan yang menarik. Kita tunggu apa reaksi Majlis Syura PAS.. Sefaham saya setiap calun PAS mestilah memerlukan doa restu Majlis Syura dan Mursidul Am.

    Saya gagal melihat ianya memberi banyak kelebihan pada DAP mahu pun PAS. Malahan kemudaratan yang besar akan menimpa dua parti ini jika ianya terjadi.

    1. not to forget bai’ah gugur talak and stuff (talak ke atas mistress included hehehe) for once Loonie Riu must have been relieve for being dropped as candidate.

    2. yup yang bestnya kita boleh nampak penipuan dan hipokrasi PAS bila mereka membenarkan DAP bertanding menggunakan lambang atau tiket PAS

      so much of calon PAS tidak boleh merokok…what about minum arak, zina etc

      Kalau majlis syura bagi lebih mudah lah orang (yang percaya bahawa PAS itu Islam dan Islam itu PAS) nampak penipuan PAS.

      Kalau tidak silap PAS ada wielding non muslim daripada kelab penyokong PAS, dia tu perokok ke tak? musykil…

    3. Heard that Cikgu Pa the actor had already signed the necessary Watikahs allowing each DAP candidates to use the bulan logo … no need to get approval of Majlis Syura PAS, it seems

  11. I can’t wait to see PAS flags and t-shirts being carried and worn by scantily clad non-Muslim ladies.

    Such images will haunt PAS forever. So for DAP using PAS’s logo is not without political risk to PAS itself.

    1. re: “So for DAP using PAS’s logo is not without political risk to PAS itself.”

      Setuju. Melalui perkahwinan mutaah mereka itu, DAP lah pihak yang menerima imbuhan.

      1. Helen,

        This is an opinion by by a ‘makcik’ from Puchong. she is my mother-in-law’s friend.

        “Nak kata bodoh, nanti marah pula. Nak kata pandai, semua orang tahu itu tak benar. Dia(PAS) dok kata DAP terima islam. Apa dia(PAS) mimpi ke? Tak kan kita kena bagi penampar kat muka depa(PAS) baru mereka nak sedar”.

      2. Hahaha.

        Awak juga tahu perihal perkahwinan Mutaah? Satu kenyataan yang sangat bertepatan.

        Persoalannya, apakah mereka akan menamatkan kontrak perkahwinan atau meneruskannya di dalam perkahwinan berlainan agama?

        1. Yes, I mix with Malays and pick up words like sembahyang istikharah and other terms. Maybe that’s why I’m in the 10 percent (a rational explanation as to why I view things differently from the 90 percent DAP Chinese).

          However, the Dapsters fitnah me (spin conspiracy theories) a lot just b’cos my POV is not aligned with theirs.

          1. The question now is for me to convince Muslim around my vicinity who want to vote for DAP to abandon voting for them. My cousin is one of those (he will cast his vote in Gelang Patah – he is also caught by ABU). He said he have witness blatant corruption of BN politician throughout his carreer. Other online forum friend also claim to witness blatant corruption of BN politician.

            The challenge is to establish that these ppl (DAP 2.0/ DAP 3.0) are more dangerous than allege corruption by BN politician. Which is less damaging?

            I do feel that Dr MAZA’s suggestion of looking into the credibility of contestant is a sensible suggestion. His closeness to TDM might afford him information not available to other influential young Asatizah such as those in NGO called MURSHID.

            As for my cousin, he, like anotherbrickinwall is skeptical (to put it mildly) towards Ghani. 2 votes for LKS I suppose.

    2. Sebenarnya telah banyak kali saya lihat di alam maya (cyber world) gambar-gambar wanita berpakaian menjolok mata dari pelbagai bangsa memakai T-Shirt PAS dan/atau membawa bendera / sepanduk PAS … dan saya dapati penganut-penganut PAS tidak mempunyai masalah mengenai perkara ini – jika diambil kira amalan yang hebat dibincangkan di alam maya mengenai TP PAS Mat Sabu, SU Pas Cigu Pa, ADUN Selinsing, ADUN Perupok, ADUN Semerak dan ADUN Tanjung Dawai, semestinya perkembangan ini amat dialu-alukan

  12. The Rocket of the DAP has no meaning. It befits the leadership to opt for the Islamic white and green logo of the PAS in keeping with the DAP’s latest announcement that ‘Malaysian Politics is Malay-based.’

    In accordance with the laws, and the DAP is not above the Laws, all the rockets which have been fired all over Malaysia will have to be retrieved before mid-night Friday 19 April 2013. To have a transparent, credible and law-abiding Malaysian Democracy, all political parties must comply in order to gain the World’s respect.

  13. We Malaysians see the spectacle of 700 vocal Indian members of the DAP who are allegedly dispossessed of their legal and rightful votes. Our fellow compatriots will curse and swear in Tamil, English, Malay, Chinese etc. at the DAP leadership. And by extension, 7000 vocal Indians will also do the same.

  14. Hahaha..apa nak dihairankan. Sebelum ni pun puteri-puteri DAP dah biasa keluar masuk masjid berkempen. Serupa macam tukar baju saja. Luar baju kurung, di dalam ada rantai salib.

  15. The monumental mistakes of the DAP in their run-up to the ultimate Mother of all battles are beyond belief.

    1. First, the DAP missed slaying the BN dinosaur in 2008. DAP lost the vital moment. Any pre-puberty school boy or girl would have seen the BN were in for the fall since 2004.

    2. Second, the DAP took the wrong tack and courted the support of the converted eg. the young and brash Christians thro’ the Star.

    3. Third, by saying the wrong things on religion, the DAP created confrontational politics with those who could have been their friends.

    4, Fourth, by have the CEC Elecions so late, any unforeseen problem could not be easily averted. These guys have no vision. Too smart like the Singaporeans.

    5. Fifth, all in all, the strategy is down-right lousy and tactics out-dated 19th century which relied on beating down everybody crudely.

    6. Sixth, some where along the line, the yes-men around the top did not have the gumption to foresee subsequent events. They lost.

    7. Seventh, how to explain to the titan Lee Kuan Yew who waited a lifetime to see the ultimate success of his little Trojan horse to save his reputation and legacy by conquering our beloved Malaysia?

    There you are the bungles of the DAP even before the ultimate battle began!

  16. Two issues here:
    1) Kalimah Allah issue by Guan Eng
    2) Usage of PAS logo by DAP (By Guan Eng)

    Both issues will cost Pakatan a great deal of Muslim votes. I supposed this is what Mahathir wants all along, Guan Eng is dancing to the puppet master’s tune.

    In fact, according to my small Malay brain, it makes things easier. Bila haram (DAP) dah campur dengan halal (PAS), dia jadi “syubhah” dan “Meragukan”. Jadi tolak dua-dua sekali dan pangkah BN.

    1. Really? Maybe in the past those Malay who are allergic to rockets can comfortably vote the moon. Haha.

    2. Then ISMA is forced to contest against DAP candidates under PAS banner to save the Malay votes from calon bukan islam tidak berwibawa.

      1. It’s a tactical calculation: In Sabah & S’wak, DAP is willing to use the PKR logo but they choose the PAS logo in the peninsula.

        So I’m sticking to my theory that this tumpang is a plot to garner Malay votes.

        1. PAS would normally get their backsides kicked when they contest in Sarawak. We’ve yet to forgive Hadi Awang for saying Sarawakians live on trees & still wear cawat (loin cloth). As such, contesting 6 parliamentary seats came as a surprise considering how much, or rather little, esteem we Sarawakians have for the moonies.

    3. “Bila haram (DAP) dah campur dengan halal (PAS), dia jadi “syubhah” dan “Meragukan”. Jadi tolak dua-dua sekali dan pangkah BN.”

      exactly, moimoi! and many initially PAS-inclined malays* who have been uneasy with recent developments (of giving in too much to DAP) are reaching this conclusion.

      *the white spender incident has also shocked this group more than people realized. i dare say the PAS leadership’s mixed and indecisive responses to it has created some sort of cognitive dissonance in them, just waiting to be filled by a thought like this…

  17. Bold move. But will UMNO ever allow MCA or MIC candidates to contest under their banner if this actually happened to MCA / MIC? Hmmm….

    1. Saya fikir tidak perlu. Logo dacing itu sendiri adalah satu simbolik kepada rakan-rakan di dalam BN. Zulkifli Nordin sendiri terpaksa menjadi rakan BN tanpa menggunakan bendera UMNO.

    2. Not relevant.. BN is a registered party. NO BN candidate contest under their own party banner.. Browny..go learn some more please.

      DAP realy believe that they are the master strategist. Mereka lupa most malays (read muslim) in Malaysia the one that decides who will be the next government are not Malays who lepak di Bangsar or KLCC, or Malays that are connected all the time to the net.

      The rural malays will decide , whether we like it or not, who will be the next government. And when they see Apek tak sunat sebagai calun PAS.. who do you think they will vote?? :D

      1. :D

        re: “And when they see Apek tak sunat sebagai calun PAS.. who do you think they will vote?? :D ”

        Thanks for the insight. I confess that I was looking at the situation through Chinese lenses which could be why/how I correctly anticipated the DAP’s course of action.

        But if you’re suggesting a Malay viewpoint of looking at it, I’m open equally open to your idea.

      2. In my part of semenanjung, if dap goes with pas logo, it will make it so much easier for bn to convince the kampung voters to reject both pas and dap. After all, dap supporters are talking about a chinese state government for perak, so if they use pas logo, bn can make a big issue of it in the kampungs.

  18. And Helen please tell dapsters, some who were still in daipers when UMNO was deregisteredin 1987, that in Malaysia you must follow the rule of law. UMNO or DAP doesnt matter. ROS will come after you if you screw up your own party election.

    1. Alas, I’m the last person the Dapsters will listen to ,D

      They believe that my overriding mission in life is to dissuade people from voting for DAP.

    2. ROS is under Home ministry, thus they belongs to same gang. There is no problem for UMNO to resolve the issue in 1987 but for DAP, they are at disadvantage as they can win some seats under rocket logos but after election the ROS may deregister DAP and BN decide to challenge the legality of DAP MPs and court will hand over the parliament seats enbloc to BN just like what happen to wee choo keong before.

  19. As I have been trying to say for the past 2 years that it is in the ultimate interests of the Malays, the Bumiputras, the Chinese, the Indians and all to support the BN as led by the UMNO which embodies the historical, the cultural and religious heritage and legacy of our beloved Malaysia.

    My close observation of the political leadership on both sides of the Causeway and especially the MCA leadership since October 1951 revealed to me there is a lot of difference between facts and fiction.

    1. Support BN means more PKFZ, more NFC, more BR1M (more poor people), more submarines, more crime

      1. Before pakatan take over Putrajaya, they have already ignored the rules of decency and the laws of the country.PR was behind the major demonstrations in the country, disrupting the local communities.

        PR has intimidated every persons who critisised them with lawsuits. They break the laws (re: ROS) then turn around and threaten the regulators. PR lack a moral compass, note the number of videos and sexual allegations that befall them. Look at the hills and ranges of Kedah, Kelantan and Penang.

        I have more confidence in Najib’s ability to manage this country then in that fathers and sons and daughters(in-law) group in PR.

        1. and Orangkampung, do not forget we still are still waiting for answers regarding allegations that leader(s) of their component party being complicit in, if not the actual instigator of, the kiram terrorists invasion of our shores which culminated in the killing [most barbarically] of members of our security forces without provocation.

          for that alone, if proven, i for one wld like to see that party destroyed and the treasonous perps therein getting their just desserts.

      2. Support pr..get nepotisme tokong style…family dynasties…..ulamas that langgan prostitute that DAPster hate so much…hatred…fight over god name..umah urut…sampah rata rata….no water..rigged CEC election and blame excel….8 billion linggit underwater tunnel proj3ct for syiok sendiri Penang videos..ungrateful son that disown mother(azmin ali)…old senile ayatollah aka nik aziz who cannot get a boner become kelate CM…invalid leader aka karpal singh..

        List can goon..u think that lousy pakatan so perfect are….

  20. AK47. Your you keep on telling us we should be afraid PAP of Singapore. Adoyaiiiiiiii nickname AK47 tapi pengecut. PM always proud of the PAP investors. PM SOLD la KTM land in Singapore. Our leaders promoting PAP voters to buy properties in Malaysia. What la you. BN welcome them, build highways and next bullet train for them. Who bought lembu condo using our money? MCA kids go to Singapore schools. Itu pun salah PAS? Nanti aku kata kau bebal nanti kau marah.

    We chose democracy. Let it be. Your comment show that we should support monopoly and dictatorship in this country.

    1. Strange.jadi yg DAP yg mmg peninggalan PAP bersengkokol dgn PAS, sampai PAS gadai negara Isle tu apehal….sekurang kurangnya kita bersengkokol dgn PAP utk kerjasama ekonomi, abeh kamu nak BN watpe, perang!! Org PAS nak perang kat iraq palestin mahupun lahad datu pn takde telor nk jihad..sama bangang mcm bdk isma..dok umah telan biasiswa, kerja kerajaan parti umno yg beri jkat korang..bile x kaya marah umno…korang yg suke salahkan umno atas kelemahan sendiri

    2. ya the very DEMOcrazy that denied me to buka kedai because takut kena rompak dengan who knows whos and what anymore, since pencinta2 keamanan and democracy like yourself busy running around macam kera dapat bunga along the street kami cari makan

      And since when pulak, I need to forego my right untuk berniaga, or bersiar2 for that matter, just to observe your right to demo?

      Isn’t that blatant monopoly, isn’t that is abused of expressions in itself?

  21. Its funny how only pro Umno/BN supporters can run down our civil service and demand that the civil service be filled with pro-Umno lackeys. If it was those Dapster losers running down the civil service, the same hypocrites here will accuse them of being anti-Malay.

    1. we have tongue least we macai BN can sing our differing views….penatlah dengar dakwah benci membenci maki hamun puak dapster dan paster…

    2. brader I voted for Tokong Typo Error la last time, but when I did, he has not become one…wasn’t me saying, mansor and the tokong himself admitted to his typo and mesin losak

  22. why no one ever ask the patron saint of fair election: ambiga to comment on the DAP ROS issue is beyond me. She’s after all used to practice law.

  23. the silly DAPsters say LimKitSiang cry like baby over thought not able to contest under that crayon rocket if fossilised crocodile can cry over flag….

    He should cry for jumping constituecies and abandon voters for selfish interests and giving penang his incompetent son as Tokong Minister

  24. I am prepared to debate with loogi and addi probably both are the one and same person from Singapore and if not, probably brainwashed.

    What is so good about Singapore a one street town ?

    In public affairs as related to politics there is the top tier of governance over and above the scandals you mentioned eg. Cowgate, submarines, etc. This type of money scandal is exactly like a clerk stealing stamps. This is administrative misdemeanour. OK ?

    But there is the Government of the day which has a manifesto for all its Ministers to follow arising from their political beliefs.

    A solid and factual example is the loss of US$108 Billions (RM350 Billions) of Singapore’s Trust money by the dysfunctional meritocratic pyramid of yes-men with the smartest fellow on October 2008 on Wall Street. Vide. Channelnewsasia Lee Kuan Yew. November 2008. He admitted that Singapore could be locked in for 30 years. All Singaporean Blogs. Financial Times London. Gillian Tett. ‘Singapore’s Harvard Investment Model’.April 2010. The Star. Seah Chiang Nee’s Column Saturdays.

    Three breaches of proper governance of public money could be discerned.

    i) The investment of hard cash into banks at the end of the Kondratieff Cycle which began on 7 December 1941.
    ii) The absolute trust in the riff-raff of Wall Street. This has now been confirmed that these are really riff-raff. This was the abdication of sovereignty of a sovereign State !
    iii) No due consideration was given to consider the national interest of Singapore. If the dysfunctional meritocrats really knew their worth, Singapore would have been in gold at US$300 per oz and control not only Malaysia but also the World instead of hoping and bungling around with the incompetent and inefficient DAP ! And a new industry too !
    iv) Singapore blindly followed the Harvard University Investment Model. It is absurd for a sovereign state to copy a university. No matter how you toss the dice, it is still ABSURD.

    The huge loss of US$108 Billions is lost forever. AND YET THERE WAS NOT A SINGLE SQUEAK TO CHANGE THE SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT. Singapore’s money is very hard earned.

    In Malaysia’s case, all those money in the scandals are recoverable because the present day World has stopped money laundering.

    Do you now see the difference between the top tier Government governance and 2nd tier administrative misdemeanours.

    Facts are facts.

  25. Ok. loogi and addi.

    A few weeks ago, a Singaporean Minister said that in future, a person’s virtues would not be based entirely on his academic qualifications but also on his/her hidden talents.

    Those powers that are have finally recognise that it was a grievous mistake to worship at the altar of Oxbridge and the Ivy League, In a whole lifetime, I could discern only 2 of these people could adapt to the rough and tumble of a developing country whilst the rest were superb academically in their own isoteric fields.

    Our friends across the Causeway are aware of my factual comments. See the proper governance. I have been talking about this for 2 long years !

    1. A blog called Baldings World discusses discrepancies of Singapore govt management of Temasek, GIC and CPF money, so many irregularities yet no one asking and it took Mr Balding an academic based in Beijing to question Singapore.

      Sorry out of topic but when people praise a regime too much, you become sceptical.

  26. helen

    I ve to say it s a brilliant move by LGE.

    Everybody seem to be preoccupied with his next move that people forget, how it gets to this in the first place, so much so i think he plan the whole episode right leDing the Congress, imagine he broke his ‘own’ party constituition and his fellow party members say it OK..

    But then again much as he think that in using PAS logo is an advantage to DAP it PAS that is place in a very akward situation…. and migt just backfire on them both PAS and DAP

    His statement on the ALLAH issue might just bite his balls this time .

    Could someone please go Prof. Haji Harun Din this question ‘if not defending the Word ALLAH could lead to murtad? what will happen the one bersubahat atau membantu kearah penyalah gunaan kalimah ALLAH…??

  27. I have a different theory to compare notes with. If DAP uses PAS logo for GE13:

    1) How many votes might DAP lose from the “old-skool” folks who just refuse to pangkah bulan?

    2) How many votes might PAS lose from their ultras who refuse to have anything to do with infidels?

    Am also keeping an eye out for further corroboration of rumors that some volunteers of PAS election machinery will switch sides on Nomination Day.

    1. here’s an interesting comment from one Fatimah Zuhri [i believe this is the pseudonym of journo or a BN-leaning political analyst, but i cld be wrong] on a status on Anas Zubedi’s FB timeline, that may answer your questions, Waris Malays:

      1. It seems that we have a divided opinion on the impact of the proposal of DAP using PAS logo. Some even suggest that there might be ‘sympathy vote’ from the fence sitters.

      2. I for one believe that there would be NO significant impact to BN.

      3. I dont want to give out too much secret but suffice to say that PAS has lost a huge number of its base voters. The ‘sympathy vote’ will probably come from hardcore Pakatan ppl (who will vote Pakatan anyway) or urbanites (who might be too busy to vote or if they do vote, their numbers are too little).

      4. The funny thing when reading ‘analysis’ in TMI or MKini is that these analyst always think that there is deep rooted TRUST btw the 3 pakatan parties – there are none.

      5. There will be Dapsters who will not vote PAS symbol come election day. This will cancel out any ‘sympathy votes’.

      6. Don’t believe meh? LOL…Wait and see

      1. (3) re: “PAS has lost a huge number of its base voters”

        I’m inclined to think the same (lost some of its voting base) but the impact might vary. PAS people on the West Coast are more likely to admit to the above scenario than those on the East Coast.

        re: “The ‘sympathy vote’ will probably come from hardcore Pakatan ppl (who will vote Pakatan anyway) or urbanites (who might be too busy to vote or if they do vote, their numbers are too little).”

        Sounds reasonable.

        (4) re: “The funny thing when reading ‘analysis’ in TMI or MKini is that these analyst always think that there is deep rooted TRUST btw the 3 pakatan parties – there are none.”

        Concur. They talk up a scenario they wish it were, rather than what it really is. Or to put it another way, they don’t make conclusions from what the facts tell but they cherry pick to force-fit into their preset narrative.

        (5) re: “There will be Dapsters who will not vote PAS symbol come election day. This will cancel out any ‘sympathy votes’.”

        It’s difficult to quantify but we should examine the situation location-wise. My own reading is, as I’ve remarked previously, that the DAP has whopping majorities in their core seats, e.g. Teresa Kok’s Seputeh or Kepong or even their 2.0 seats like Jerusubang or Damansara Utama.

        Even if they lose some Dapsters who won’t vote the PAS symbol, in areas like Seputeh or where I’m registered to vote, the loss won’t make a dent or affect the result b’cos the margin of Chinese support for DAP is overwhelming.

        However the gain in sympathy votes from Malay fencesitters may make more of an impact in the marginal mixed seats which have not traditionally been DAP strongholds.

        In a nutshell, there is always the possibility that they will lose some but they stand to gain more.

        1. Helen, did you notice how fast DAP came up with the new logo of incorporating PAS logo with the Hornbill ? This is a very good insight that there is indeed a professional team of cyber thugs in the employ of DAP.

          Since it was a Friday, I hardly think a part time IT guy can come up with the design that fast. But it also points out that DAP will be a formidable presence online and in the social media since this team is capable of coming up solutions so quickly that it is scary.

          Most of my Dapster FB friends already changed their profile pic to the new logo.

          1. re: “it also points out that DAP will be a formidable presence online and in the social media since this team is capable of coming up solutions so quickly that it is scary”

            Add to that the platform provided by The Starfor Dapsters to reach an audience of 5.63 million.

      2. Mek Yam,

        I tend to agree with FZ. I don’t think this episode make any significant difference at all. All it provides is for DAP leaders and supporters more ammo to attack “BN/UMNO” conspiracy,

        I sense DAP feels LKS might fall so they are looking for excuses so they latch on this issue.

        Make no mistake, hardcore DAP Chinese will vote for Nazi party and Swastika symbol if DAP tells them to. With PAS’ pathetic situation, the chance of Malays accidently or mistakenly voting for DAP is slim or insignificant.

        The interesting question is why PAS in Peninsular Malaysia and PKR in Sabah/Sarawak. This shows that DAP feels PKR will be dead in the next GE.

  28. Anyone watched al jazeera 101 east on pru13,it was infiltrated by DAPsters and as usual the questions gave advantage to Tony Pua but when PAS came into the picture Pua fidgeted.

    Mama yeopie sent adora’s grandpa to squawk why not Malaysian instead of chinese india and malay while another blamed the existence of vernacular schools on umno when one audience highlighted ethnic divide at school levels… the jerusubang audience pelted the odd declining IPI index and illicit outflow figures rather simplistically to put down BN and rudely heckled and giggled the BN rep answers a question (usually difficult ones but thank god he was calm and careful not to respond to the hostile audience). Too bad the audience were not proper representation of the Malaysian landscape.


  29. Interesting comment in BigCat by anon, omitted the PAP singapore whacking part

    Here is a list of all the mistakes of the DAP leadership.

    1. The DAP leadership sat on their butts for 44 long years without helping the Malays, the Bumiputras, the Chinese, the Indians and all.

    2. The DAP shouted themselves hoarse ‘Malaysia for Malaysians’ for 44 long years raising suspicions of the innocent Chinese by other communities. And a few weeks ago, the DAP through its spokesman, ‘Malaysian Politics is Malay-based.’

    3. In 2008, the DAP should have finished off the BN which was distracted by fun and games abetted by the PAP cadre operatives since 2004. The DAP was incompetent and inefficient and failed to do their Trojan horse job so created by their founder, Lee Kuan Yew in 1968.

    4. Up to 2012, the DAP was fond of being smart to insult the very people whom they should be friends with by impinging on religious matters.

    5. The DAP bad generalship is shown by their conduct of the CEC Elections which were left very late. And when a mistake was discovered, a fresh elections should have been held to save themselves and the blue-eyed boys from embarassment.

    6. From the above facts, the leadership is now shown to be obstinate, arrogant and lack foresight of the future and the consequences to come. They just could not see beyond their noses. This is why I have said their leadership intellect is way below their founder’s Lee Kuan Yew with his failed policies.

    1. True.

      That’s why Dapsters are so deviously manipulative.

      Putar-belit, putar-belit …

      1. or maybe it is a case of an inability to understand bahasa malaysia. A malaysian first?

        1. That one of their problem and sometimes even english and one of my chinese friend said even chinese… OMG







  32. Forrestcat, you are my hero !

    mfma, you may find me at as mubarakchan

    nadzri, brilliant move by DAP. My friend, if they are so brilliant, the DAP would have knocked out the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties in 2008 when the BN lost their bearings having engaged in fun and games since 2004 abetted by the PAP cadres which were parachuted into KL to help out.

  33. I am banned from all the Opposition Blogs.

    Once, I jousted with the cybertroops in Malaysia Chronicles with over 80 comments up to 4 am on why Datin Seri Rosmah was properly awarded the LLD by Curtin Universtiy. And since medieval times, universities have always had benefactors. And Li Ka Shing, a Chinaman who speaks no English, was awarded a fellowship by my college and no one complained.

    They lost the argument and hijacked my moniker and put words in my mouth that I agreed with them. These are the brown-shirted jack-booted storm troopers of Hitler ! Heil Hitler ! Heil !

  34. Anwar ibrahim..lulusan ijazah bahasa melayu…najib ijazah ekonomi perindustrian…najib paling layak mentadbir negara…….org melayu bijak politik DAP mimpi di siang jangan boleh kuasai politik malaysia anytime PAS boleh keluar dari pakatan bila tukar pemimpin yg benar2 islam..nik aziz hadI awang……mereka terpengaruh dgn anwar…bila anwar mampus….politik malaysia akan lebih stabil

  35. Bom nuklear tak meletup nampaknya. Lain kalilah.

    Terfikir juga apa kesannya kalau DAP diharamkan lepas pilihan raya macam UMNO dulu?

    Keliru sebab UMNO bertanding atas tiket BN yang berdaftar sedangkan DAP bertanding atas tiket DAP. Yang mahkamah haramkan dulu UMNO bukan BN. Ada sesiapa tahu hal ini?

    1. Yang kita ketahui selepas kemelut di Perak pada satu masa dahulu ialah sesebuah kerusi dianggap di sisi undang-undang sebagai telah dimenangi oleh individu tersebut – yakni si Adun – dan bukan oleh partinya.

      Maka dengan itu, kerusi DUN Jelapang ketika itu ditafsirkan sebagai milik Hee Yit Fong and bukan milik DAP.

      1. Jadi akan jadi pesta katak terbesar di Malaysia. Katakan PR menang tapi tiba-tiba DAP diharamkan maka dengan sendiri kerajaan terbubar sebab tak ada majoriti buat sementara waktu. MP dari DAP ada pilihan nak sertai parti lain. Hmm.

        1. Terserahlah kepada YB-YB parti mana yang akan mereka ‘dipujuk’ untuk sertai nanti sekiranya betul DAP diharamkan.

          Memang ia satu risiko.

  36. Helen, I am curious about one thing. I hope you won’t see this as a pertinent question as I am genuinely curious in what your answer would be.

    with DAP gaining power and support of the Chinese, and their end game would mean more political power for the Chinese – which would mean it would be to the benefit of the Chinese as a whole, and in the long run…
    where exactly do you stand in all these?

    won’t their policies also be more beneficial to the Han people?
    and what do you seek to achieve when you write exposes on DAP/ articles critical of DAP’s practices? Because I don’t get the whiff that you’re a BN supporter either.

    I assure you I’m not a PR / DAP cybertrooper posing provoking/ pertinent questions, I’m just genuinely curious.

  37. The key question is. ‘Do the Chinese who are generally non-hallelujah types want POLITICAL POWER OR OPPORTUNITY TO EARN A DECENT LIVING FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES ?

    Then, the next question, “POLITICAL POWER FOR WHAT PURPOSE ?’

    If this is so, the Chinese in a minority of 25% are asking for more they can chew. And more POLITICAL POWER TO EXPAND THE MANDARIN LANGUAGE ? You can see those conversant in MANDARIN are active in MCA and DAP. How come if MANDARIN WAS ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN SUPPRESSED ?

    Or ‘DO THE CHINESE REALLY WANT TO HAVE LEE KUAN YEW’S POLICIES WHICH HAVE NOW PROVEN TO HAVE FAILED ? But the Chinese have been fairly successful without Lee Kuan Yew’s failed policies since the beginning of time.

    So, the Chinese being a pragmatic and practical lot should vote 100% for the BN as led by the UMNO with the 14 component parties – THIS IS REALPOLITIK and conforms with the normal and proper behaviour of the Chinese all over the World including Singapore that is if they have not been brainwashed how great Lee Kuan Yew is with his failed policies.

    1. it’s all about perception. My Chinese friends who support DAP cannot have a bigger of a boner for Singapore. For them – failure or no – Lee Kuan Yew’s policies for them are still way better than Mahathir’s or Najib’s or any leaders in Malaysia.

  38. For those who do not believe what I always said that was…The Malaysian Chinese in Malaysia are better treated than those in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the rest of the World.

    1. Canada. Vancouver, A doctor and his wife retired back to Kuala Lumpur.
    2. Hong Kong, A doctor and his wife retired back to Pulau Pinang.
    3. A highly qualified engineer from one of the best Universities in UK could only become an adviser with the Ozzie Telco.

    We hear a lot of propaganda. In reality, many people from other countries live in Malaysia quietly and happily and they do not understand why the Malaysians especially the Chinese are so unhappy. I also do not understand even though I live close to the ground.

    4. 7 1/2 (the other 1/2 a Mongolian) penniless Singaporeans came into Malaysia during the NEP and became multi-billionaires. How come after all these are Chinamen ?

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