Posted in Mama DAPster

DAP membuli: 7 orang merejah mangsa seorang

Seorang kaunsilor Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang yang dilantik DAP mengkehendaki supaya tindakan undang-undang – dalam bentuk denda RM500,000 atau/dan penjara lima tahun – diambil terhadap Perkasa.

Ong Ah Teong, kaunsilor MPPP itu mahukan hukuman tersebut dikenakan ke atas Perkasa kerana membakar kemeja-T warna kuning Bersih di depan bangunan Komtar serta menyelerakkan poster-poster anti-Guan Eng di atas jalanraya di luar kediaman ketua menteri itu.

Menurut laporan Malaysiakini kelmarin bertajuk ‘Penang council to act on Perkasa’s open burning‘, Ong telah mendesak agar Perkasa disabitkan kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 29 (a) Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling.

Section 29A. Prohibition on open burning

29(1) Melainkan jika dilesen, tiada seseorang boleh melepaskan benda berbahaya kepada alam sekeliling, pencemar atau buangan‐buangan ke dalam perairan Malaysia dengan melanggar syarat‐syarat yang boleh diterima yang ditentukan di bawah seksyen 21.

[Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, no person shall allow or cause open burning on any premises.]

Kesalahan ‘open burning’ boleh membawa hukuman denda tidak lebih daripada RM500,000 atau penjara tidak lebih daripada 5 tahun atau kedua-duanya.

Ong Ah Teong, iaitu kaunsilor MPPP yang dilantik DAP, sebelum ini juga menuntut supaya tindakan dikenakan ke atas Jessie Ooi, iaitu ketua Beliawanis MCA Selangor yang berani mengkritik Dear Leader ketika sesi soal-jawab perbahasan di antara Kim Guan Eng dengan Dr Chua Soi Lek (baca sini).

Fungsi MPPP seolah-olah hanya untuk melanjutkan politik DAP. Ingat juga pada skandal sPICE di mana MPPP meluluskan belanjawan RM50 juta.

Umno bahagian Bayan Baru pula baru-baru ini menuduh MPPP cuba menggagalkan program lawatan kerja sehari Muhyiddin Yassin di Pulau Pinang (sumber: Bernama)

DAP bermaharajalela di Subang Jaya

Seorang blogger Tony Yew pernah mendakwa, “Councilors for the Subang Jaya Municipality are now interfering wholesale with the enforcement unit”.

Pada Jun 2010, Tony memblog:

“According to the officer who sealed the premises, he was instructed to do so by [MPSJ councillor] Theresa Ratnam, and when asked why the sealing was done at 9pm, he merely said that he was instructed to do so. When pressed further, he revealed the councilor’s name, and said that it was ‘political’. He later asked the school owner to speak to either Hannah Yeoh (Subang ADUN) or Theresa Ratnam.”

Pada Julai 2010, Theresa Ratnam telah dicalonkan oleh Hannah Yeoh untuk menjadi ahli majlis penasihat kerajaan tempatan yang baru (sumber: Komunitikini).

Akrab nampaknya Hannah dengan Theresa.

Rajiv Rishyakaran, seorang Pembantu Khas Hannah Yeoh, pun dilantik menjadi kaunsilor MPSJ.

Pembantu-pembantu Queen Bee (dari kiri) Reuben David, Rajiv Rishyakaran, Timothy Ho, Edward Yap dan Edward Ling beberapa tahun lepas. Kanan: Gambar Rajiv terkini

Edward Ling, iaitu setpol Hannah Yeoh, juga pernah menjadi kaunsilor MPSJ dari Julai 2010 – Feb 2012. Edward berkata kaunsilor-kaunsilor yang dicalonkan DAP akan diletakkan dalam pelbagai jawatankuasa majlis untuk menyemak imbang kuasa.

Sebelum itu Edward, yang merupakan rakan segereja Hannah, pernah bertugas sebagai pengurus kempen pilihanraya Hannah. Seorang lagi pembantunya, Timothy Ho (dalam gambar atas) juga Kristian di gereja Klang Presbyterian Church. Evangelis-evangelis ini memang mempunyai jaringan yang erat.

MB (Mem Besar) S’gor tidak berpuas hati

Dalam satu temuramah dengan NST (6 March 2012), Hannah Yeoh dipetik sebagai berkata:

“In Subang Jaya, assemblyman Hannah Yeoh has expressed her unhappiness at the Subang Jaya Municipal councillors list, which she said was late as well as incomplete. ‘I am happy to see the comeback of Chang Kim Loong. He is an asset in our efforts to promote responsible development for house buyers. It is sad to not have Tan Jo Hann with us. I hope the councillors’ grouses will be seriously addressed by the council president (Datuk Asmawi Kasbi) and council directors’.”

Waah. Adun ini kelihatan begitu berpengaruh di kawasannya. Sampai dia tak terkebelakang untuk mencampurtangani urusan pelantikan kaunsilor MPSJ.

Seorang lagi Pembantu Khas Hannah dikenali dengan jolokan Ken Chia.

Chia Yew Ken dilantik sekali lagi menjadi kaunsilor pada tahun ini. Namun sebelum itu dalam tahun 2008 Ken juga kaunsilor MPSJ atas kuota DAP.

Nama aje NGO  … macam Aliran kat Penang tu

Perhatikan bahawa bukan sahaja kuota parti tetapi kuota NGO pun DAP mahu bolot … asalkan “to have their people in the local councils”, wor.

Kata penyelaras BN Selangor Mohd Zin Mohamed:

“They promised to appoint academicians and non-governmental organisation representatives as local councillors but from what we can see, they (Pakatan allies) fought among themselves to have their people in the local councils. Upon a closer look, the local councillors are found to be members of either PKR, Pas or DAP, but they have been re-branded as NGOs. This is a breach of trust on their part.”

Sumber: NST (29 April 2012)

Seperti yang disebutkan tadi, Chia Yew Ken (Pembantu Khas Hannah Yeoh) adalah kaunsilor MPSJ pada tahun 2008. Begitu juga Theresa Ratnam, iaitu kaunsilor MPSJ yang dicalonkan oleh Hannah untuk menjadi ahli majlis penasihat kerajaan tempatan.

Bertuahlah Hannah kerana ada ramai orang yang rapat dengannya duduk dalam MPSJ. Jadi bila berlaku apa-apa persengketaan, pasti mereka akan berpihak kepadanya.

Seorang kaunsilor MPSJ – yang ini bukan kroni Hannah – pernah mempersoalkan kenapa Hannah dibenarkan duduk di meja yang dikhususkan untuk kaunsilor sahaja di dewan mesyuarat.

DAPster tetap DAPster

“Councillor Keshminder Singh … questioned why Yeoh was allowed to take part in the full board meeting when the state government had previously said that elected representatives were not allowed to interfere with the running of the local governments.”

Kata Keshminder: “The council did not receive any directive from the state government allowing state assemblymen to sit at the councillors’ table.”

“Keshminder later told the reporters that he initially thought of walking out of the meeting but his friends advised him against doing so. ‘If Yeoh sits again at the reserved place at the next full board meeting, I will walk out,’ said Keshminder.”

Pastilah kroni-kroni Hannah yang ramai dalam MPSJ bengang dengan pendirian Keshminder itu.

Keshminder telah memaklumkan rasa tidak puas hati beliau terhadap fitnah yang diterima daripada 7 orang Ahli Majlis berkaitan isu tempat duduk Hannah.

Ish, ish, ish… Kaunsilor MPSJ pun didakwa memfitnah lawan (‘lawan’ ialah sesiapa yang mengkritik dewa-dewi DAP turun dari kayangan).

DAPster betul perangai mereka! Tak kiralah yang memberi komen di alam maya atau yang berjawatan kaunsilor dalam majlis-majlis tempatan di negeri-negeri Pakatan.

Nyata sekali DAP mempraktikkan kronisme. Dengan tanpa segan silu mereka meletakkan orang parti untuk memegang jawatan-jawatan strategik.

Bukan itu sahaja, malah dengan selamba mereka boleh menabur janji kosong — kononnya berpaksi kepada Ketuanan Rakyat.

Cakap manis di bibir tapi tak serupa bikin. Menjalankan “reformasi”? Tolong lah.


Hannah Yeoh disiasat polis atas dakwaan memfitnah


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

23 thoughts on “DAP membuli: 7 orang merejah mangsa seorang

    1. there you go, now what will they do, will they [still say] this is not wrong “ketuanan” DAP is nothing to be afraid of…..

    2. ‘Kepuanan Hannah Yeoh ‘. Anak nak diletakkan keturunan Bangsa Malaysia ,what about name ?Kalau Yeoh dah tentu chinese ,muthu dah pasti indian so why budak Hannnah ni buat kecoh? Sengaja cari pasal tak tentu pasal

      “Kepuanan Hannah Yeoh” … LOL! — Helen

  1. ini lah cara cara islam yg dibawa oleh DAP dan sangat di sukai oleh penyokong PAS di subang jaya, selangor dan nik aziz.

    semoga allah memberkati hannah dan tempat kan dia di syurga jannah bersama penyokong PAS yg lain.

    penyokong PKR pula sentiasa sokong sebarang “doll” di subang jaya. tannpa mengira bangsa “doll” itu china, india, malay etc.

  2. Sebenarnya ini adalah ‘Penyakit’ semua orang POLITIK sekarang, baik Peringkat Kepartian atau di Peringkat Nasional ‘Buat Apa Sahaja Untuk Berkuasa’

    POLITIK dinegara ini adalah POLITIK yang sudah korup….semua ya sama saja sebab itu dalam buku saya Ahli POLITIK dinegara ini adalah ‘ANAK HARAM JADAH’.

    Helen sorry for the language tapi GERRRRAAAMM…..

  3. This is nothing new. As with the Hermit Kingdom of Pinang, The DAP is turning Subang Jaya into another of their mini kingdoms. In the Hermit Kingdom of Pinang, we have Caliph Lim as the ruler, while in the coming Protectorate of Subang Jaya, we have Empress Yeoh who is fast consolidating her power by placing her henchmen and hatchet men in positions of authority.

    This will be repeated all over seats where the DAP hold power. Soon, we will have “royal families” with family names like Lim, Yeoh, Pua etc. But of course the dung voters who voted for these frauds will just say “better to have them as our emperors and empresses than the hated UMNO, after all, they are Chinese”.

    Err…..are you sure they are Chinese just because they have a Chinese family name? He he he !

    re “Hermit Kingdom”: I also see Pg Chinese islanders as isolationist in their r/s with the majority race & majoritarian politics. What does your crystal ball show as to where this will lead & in what time frame? — Helen

    1. As far as I can see, the Chinese on Penang Island, they are not going to dominate politically. In demographic terms, they are already in decline, so in terms of votes, they are as good as finish.

      With regards to the GE13, this is what I see. The Chinese vote in Penang, both on the mainland and island, will peak and gradually decline after the GE13. So this phenomenon of Little Kingdoms i.e The Hermit Kingdom, will gradually fade away. With the coming absolute Malay majority, in demographic terms, which I gather will start to exert its influence at GE14, the Malays will increasingly hold sway over Penang politics.

      A Malay Chief Minister could come into place after GE14, and with that comes the power to dispense patronage (economic that is), the Chinese could find themselves increasingly isolated not only politically but also economically, unless these Chinese corporates happen to be double dealers.

      So a small minority of Chinese could, should and will continue to benefit, even under Malay rule (UMNO rule that is). while the majority dung voters (Chinese voting without thinking clearly), they will be the biggest casualties.

      If the demographic situation I describe here is replicated nationwide, the Chinese electorate could find themselves in a very, very difficult environment. But of course, as usual, a small minority of Chinese (the corporate class, mostly Anglophile) could, should and will continue to benefit under UMNO/BN rule, after all, we don’t call them Anglophiles for no apparent reasons.

      GE13 will not be the pivotal battle. The real battle, the real game changer, is going to be GE14. And come GE14, the Malays could walk with the kind of swagger (political that is) you’ve never seen since GE11. Not only in Penang, but nationwide, the power of the Chinese vote will peak at GE13 and gradually decline afterwards.

      Thanks. — Helen

      1. AI, the oracle is it ? Those who give prediction of liberty to obtain temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety. Liberty and safety is not chosen but what it is when we don’t plan and plot too far ahead but the ability to act upon it for what is conscious as it requires.This takes humanity not how it is dictated as no battle can defeat the truth and reality amongst us when we choose it to be now or then.

        Let’s try to be as realistic as we can. You’ve had the frankest appraisal about the future from Hindraf [abroad, since you’re in NY], no? — Helen

      2. Beg to differ here.
        Every election is crucial
        Has to be crucial. Do not slack even an inch
        As it will determine the rakyat’s fate long term and short term.

        As is now certain states are already suffering from the opposition’s shallow mentality.
        Damages inflicted will last a long term or maybe not irreversible

        Save the rakyat

      3. Dear Ahmad,

        I think we have to be realistic. Yes, demographically, the Malay and Bumiputeras will become more dominant as time progresses. That has been the trend for the past three decades. I believe the population growth differences between the ethnic groups will narrow though (TFR for the Malays are falling too). Bear in mind that it is overtly simplistic to equate electorate power with population size, and ethnic minorities (i.e. the Jews) can sometimes exert power beyond its numbers. The Malaysian Indians are punching beyond its weight in this country, imho. It is only normal and correct.

        Even when the proportion of the non-Malays shrink to less than 20-30%, it does not automatically imply a coherent Malay power. In fact, I hazard a guess that the Malays will feel more reassured with their majority and allow intra-communal differences to surface. For far too long, the conservative-liberal, blue-blooded-commoner and rich-poor gaps in the Malaysian community have taken a back seat to inter-ethnic tension and conflicts. I might be overtly optimistic or naive, but I hope the power of the electorate will no longer be measured along ethnic lines but socio-economic and class fault lines.

        The Chinese in Malaysia cannot get anything done without their Malay majority brethren.

    2. Err…..are you sure they are Chinese just because they have a Chinese family name? He he he !

      Betul juga …Zaril Khir Johari is Malay ha ha ha

  4. helen
    you sudah tahu ka, sekarang guan eng punya nama JOSEPH LIM GUAN ENG. bakal PM kristian yg pertama.

  5. Helen, I don’t know much about the local councillor election but this article kinda gives a gist of the matter.

    To eloborate further, we have Article 113(4) of the Federal Constitution that says that local government elections are permissible; and on the other hand Section 15(1) of the LGA that says that local government elections are impermissible.

    Section 15(1) is inconsistent with Article 113(4). Which prevails naturally the constitution. Noo!!! This is like the Section 76 of the National Land Code when the state had the power to save Kg Buah Pala but LGE rather play the drums.

    It appears that the the local state gov has the power to conduct the election on this so that it is not chosen like how we see in Selangor that is totally one sided with DAP reps. I guess politicans always chose what is convenient whether it is BN/PR againt the goodwill of the people.

    Similarily don’t you think it would also be a good idea and wise for BN to conduct the same in their states that they are in power to show that it is the peoples’ representation that matters rather than who is in power. Just my two cent thought.


    Thanks. — Helen

  6. i didnt know he is Joseph!!!!!!!!…..say ‘hi’ to Uncle Jo for me Ms Helen


    to PAS nama timangannya ialah Pak Yusof

    1. Uncle Joe, that was the nickname given by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in reference to Joseph Stalin in order to please that maniacal dictator in order to keep Russia in the war against the Axis powers. Calling the Caliph as Uncle Joe is not off the mark.

      In fact, the Caliph exhibits traits similar to the Soviet dictator, i.e silencing his rivals through his “secret police” (you know them, they’re his cyber hatchet men), bolstering his propaganda and intelligence apparatus (hiring more and more media “consultants” and “image makers”), promoting a cult of personality (The Caliph), purges and deportations (remember Tunku Aziz and the likes),

      and of course colluding with property developers (in Stalin’s case, it was collectivization and mass industrialization causing millions of deaths from famines. In the Caliph’s case, its land grabbing, just ask those who have lost their land to the Hermit Kingdom’s Government, with barely enough compensation).

      1. Tunku Aziz said in his press conference yesterday:

        “Tunku expressed disappointment at DAP for spinning and demonising facts with regards to his stance on electoral reforms and his opposition of achieving it at the expense of the law and harmony of Malaysia’s multi-racial and multi-religious society.

        “‘The behavior of DAP’s storm troopers on the blogs is reminiscent of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union under Stalin with its unbridled renunciation of dissidents,’ he said.”

      2. The Star’s main headline today about the kidnapped boy’s family to divert its feeble subtitle on Tunku Aziz’s press conference, just about sums up the very fact that The Star is now DAP’s propaganda tool. Indeed The Star is now the OPPOSITION.

        The Star is discreetly The Rocket…a Wolf in the Sheep’s clothing…….. Fire in the Husk…..

    2. Hehehe memang betul lah kata mantan IGP, Nik Aziz tu bapa kafir. Rupanya selama ini PAS mengembangkan agama Kristian dengan Hannah Yeoh dan kumpulan gerejanya.

      PAS memang golongan Melayu lemah otak… dengki sesama bangsa sanggup menegakan kerajaan Kristian di Subang Jaya….

      Ustaz Idrus pemain bass Iklim jadi idola..bob lokman dah tak laku mcm tu lah…parti ex rockers..muahaha.

  7. HELEN, you say “Let’s try to be as realistic as we can. You’ve had the frankest appraisal about the future from Hindraf [abroad, since you’re in NY], no? My positioning is not the problem, but the ability whether it is NY, Timbuktu or M’sia, The ability is when we do the right thingy. You’re doing it so no fear or favor when its is the right thingy. Realism is only possible when we can accept it whether it is NY, Timbuktu or M’sia?. Truth is not derived by the space or atmosphere which is self indulged but we create it for the truth as we see it.without a concern for what is good only for us individually.

    I allude to ‘abroad’ b’cos I have in mind an appraisal of the Indian condition made by someone you know. — Helen

  8. Helen,

    Do not be surprise. DAP is power crazy. If it is in power, DAP will not hesitate to use its power to the maximum.

    Even when the post of Menteri Besar is with PAS or PKR, everyone who is not blind realises that the DAP exco wields more power. It was so glaring when Nizar was the Menteri Besar.

    DAP is confrontational. Its style is to label those whose question him as UMNO lackey.

    Not forgetting about being ruthless. That was what my sister told me. She resides in Penang . and the victims are ussualy people with darker complexion. the modus operandi is to chase those villagers where their houses bulldozed and in place is multi million dwellings, effectively making the new residents “white complexion”.

    What this Hannah does is not surprising. She is a manifestation of what DAP swill do. Flex your muscle. Interfere the civil service. Glorify and cultivating cult status by having so many special officers, exceeding that of the office of Prime Minister.

    Create imaginary enemies in the mind of the Chinese that the Malays are out to destroy them. Ignore reality by tacitly telling the Chinese that finally they will get the things that for years seemed beyond reach”:POLITICAL power.

    And to make it more interesting, put religious flair into DAP. Christianity becomes so fashinables these day in DAP when they begin to complain why on earth Christians are not allowed to use the word “Allah” KNOWING WELL that it affects the very foundation of the religion of the Federation:ISLAM

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