Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Makhluk belaan British dan belaian Umno

Fakta sejarah: Cina di Tanah Melayu memang sokong gerila komunis (MPAJA) dan the Malayan Communist Party (MCP).

Dr Khong Kim Hoong, seorang bekas pensyarah profesor madya di Universiti Malaya berkata: “The MCA was never accepted as an alternative to the MCP by those who were even mildly sympathetic to the cause of the communists.”

Dalam bukunya yang berjudul ‘Merdeka!’, Dr Khong menjelaskan:

“Since it [MCA] was the only local Chinese political organization that was allowed to operate and given all the facilities by the government, it became the only legal channel through which many of the Chinese articulated their demands. The MCA therefore grew under the tutelage of the British government in Malaya.

Kupasan di bawah dipetik daripada buku Dr Khong, Merdeka! British Rule and the Struggle for Independence in Malaya 1945-1957.


Ruj. mukasurat 232

Penubuhan MCA atas galakan British

Henry Gurney merupakan British High Commissioner di Malaya dari September 1948 hingga ke Oktober 1951 apabila beliau ditembak mati dalam serangan hendap oleh komunis.

Sir Henry telah menggalakkan pembentukan MCA kerana mengkehendaki satu pertubuhan untuk berfungsi sebagai pilihan alternatif bagi orang Cina bertujuan menghakis pengaruh komunis.

Menurut Dr Khong:

“The formation of the MCA had always been credited to Tan Cheng Lock, its first president. However it was more likely that the man who gave the final push for the organization to be set up was the British High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney. It was at a dinner party at the home of one of the Federal Council members, that he urged the 15 Chinese councillors present to form an organization representing the Chinese community as an alternative to the MCP and as a counterpart to UMNO. It was this encouragement from the High Commissioner that letters were sent the very next day, to all the prominent Chinese outlining the idea of such an organization.”


Politik benci taktik DAP, politik amarah taktik komunis

Orang kebanyakan Cina adalah asas sokongan bagi pihak komunis.

Langkah-langkah British untuk membendung kegiatan komunis, contohnya Rancangan Briggs, telah meninggalkan kesan ke atas kaum Cina yang pergerakan bebas mereka dikekang. Penghuni desa etnik Cina juga dikumpulkan dan ditempatkan di Kampung-kampung Baru (New Villages) serta dikenakan perintah berkurung pada waktu malam.

“The British too had not missed the opportunity that was provided by the ban on the MCP and all the left-wing organizations. They knew that the Chinese were dissatisfied with the government and the MCP had not only provided the channel through which the dissatisfaction was expressed but was also providing leadership and structuring the anger. The repressive measures that were used after the declaration of the Emergency [1948] had certainly not endeared the government to the population who were most affected by them. The British saw in the promotion of a Chinese political organization under the leadership of the ‘moderate’ pro-British Chinese businessmen the instrument to draw the Chinese masses away from the MCP’s support base and to seek cooperation for the government.” (sumber: Merdeka! British Rule and the Struggle for Independence in Malaya 1945-1957)

Gan Ping Sieu (ganpingsieu) on Twitter 2013-09-25 16-23-28

Pengiktirafan MCA diberikan oleh British

Wakil-wakil keturunan Cina dalam majlis perundangan pada zaman pemerintahan British adalah menjadi ahli MCA secara automatik.

“Thus it was not a coincidence that the MCA was given official recognition immediately and its help enlisted by the government. In fact, the link between the British government and the MCA was not only informal but also structural. It was stated explicitly in the MCA’S constitution that the ‘Chinese members of the Legislative and Executive Councils would automatically become officers of the Association.”

MCA bukan parti akar umbi

Perenggan-perenggan di bawah dipetik daripada buku The Finest Hour: The Malaysian-MCP Peace Accord in Perspective yang dikarang oleh Dr Collin Abraham.


Ruj. Bab Pendahuluan, mukasurat xxxv

Dr Collin menulis:

“Above all, they [Malay elites] clearly represented a ‘moderate’ political group whom the British felt they could trust and rely on to protect colonial interests in the foreseeable future. In almost total contrast to UMNO, the MCA in terms of grassroots support and involvement among the Chinese community was almost negligible. In the first place, its origins were initiated by the British themselves, who felt that Chinese interests should be taken into account, at a time when Malay agitation against the Malayan Union was at its zenith. At the same time, Tunku Abdul Rahman was also under pressure by the British to work with the Kuomintang (KMT) Party to counter the moves of the MCP. The KMT eventually formed the backbone of the MCA.”


MCA bertongkatkan Umno sejak awal-awal lagi

Sebenarnya MCA tidak mempunyai sokongan golongan marhaen orang Cina tetapi sebaliknya parti itu diasaskan oleh ahli-ahli peniagaan besar untuk menjaga kepentingan korporat mereka.

Hubangan MCA dengan Umno adalah kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan. Umno mempunyai sokongan akar umbi manakala MCA mempunyai banyak duit untuk disumbangkan kepada kempen pilihanraya Umno.

“What is of primary concern here is that to all intents and purposes, ever since its foundation, the MCA was known and recognised as a party set up by big business people to protect their corporate interests in post-colonial Malaya. In these circumstances, it is not surprising that the strategy adopted by its leaders was to associate their business interests with the leaders in UMNO, as the party ‘heir apparent’, to be privy to the mandate for political independence, rather than attempt to build up a political party apparatus and seek grassroots support which it never had or was unlikely to secure.

“Therefore, the MCA entered into a coalition with UMNO, to form the Alliance, ostensibly as a means to promote inter-ethnic cooperation but actually for the mutual benefit as ‘UMNO had wide grassroots base that was crucial in enabling the MCA to secure seats for itself in Parliament in a federal election, while UMNO relied heavily on the cash-rich MCA to fund the coalition’s electoral campaigns’.” (sumber: The Finest Hour)


Namun hubungan MCA-Umno yang pada mulanya agak seimbang (MCA menyediakan dana perang, Umno menyediakan askar-askar turun ke padang) tetapi kian lama kian merosot.

“Although its election arrangements with UMNO initially paid off after the first general election in 1955, where MCA secured control over the key portfolios of Finance, and Trade and Industry, the subsequent election of 1969 saw its fortunes decline, despite the support of UMNO, when the party lost many of the seats it contested both at federal and state level.”

Sejak dari dahulu lagipun MCA sudah bergantung kepada undi orang Melayu Umno.



Releven Onn Jaafar kepada zaman kita

Race contestation at its sharpest / review 1955-69 elections


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

83 thoughts on “Makhluk belaan British dan belaian Umno

  1. “At the same time, Tunku Abdul Rahman was also under pressure by the British to work with the Kuomintang (KMT) Party to counter the moves of the MCP. The KMT eventually formed the backbone of the MCA”

    That was in the 50s. Today the MCA seems to be fascinated with the MCP.

    1. Sudah tiba masanya kita face up to the elephant in the room. Chinese migrants from China which succeessive UMNO Presidents have persuaded the local Malays to accept. Why do these UMNO Presidents pujuk Melayu supaya terima orang Cina dari Republik Cina? Tidakkah mereka nampak bahaya kemasukan begitu ramai orang Cina?

      Tidak masuk akal langsung. Pertama kali mungkin sebab naivette, malas dan paling utama monetary benefits. Even sebelum kedatangan Inggeris, Raja-Raja Melayu bawa tukang korek timah untuk kerjakan lombong tetapi mereka tidak diberi kerakyatan mcm pekerja di Saudi Arabia.
      Kebodohon Presiden UMNO adalah kerana tidak faham kedaulatan negara dan juga kepentingan ekonomi keluarga mereka yang bergantung kepada orang Cina dan India.

      Keadaan sekarang telah sampai memuncak di mana anak-anak cina sudah berani memijak muka Presiden UMNO, mempersendakan perlembagaan, bendera dan orang Melayu sendiri. Adakah Najib dan keluarga tidak ada maruah? Muka dipijak senyum di balas? Ini tanda kedayusan. Adakah orang Cina akan cukup puas untuk memijak muka Presiden UMNO? tidak mereka akan cuba rampas kuasa.

      Mengurangkan pendatang Cina dengan memberi mereka insentif untuk berhijrah atau balik ke Cina (unlikely) mesti di buat dengan serius. Sekarang ni pun 300 000 telah migrate. Bayangkan jika dibantu tentu lebih ramai akan pindah. Jika Cina pindah siapa yang rugi? Presiden-Presiden UMNO lah tapi mereka dah bilionair dan sepatutnya boleh hidup tanpa sogokan dari orang Cina. Presiden Timbalan Presiden UMNO perlu belajar hidup tanpa orang Cina. Sebab Melayu dah muak.. Lihat saja tiada sambutan apa-apa dgn kemenangan tanpa undi Presiden dan Timbalan.

      Yang dihormati oleh orang Melayu adaalah jawatan Presiden UMNO itu, fahamlah. Jika masih mahu bergantung kepada orang Cina Najib dan Muhyidin perlu undur diri. Jangan nak malukan orang Melayu. Muka dah kena pijak dgn cina pun tersengih terhegh-hegih pakai baju Cina.

      Tidak perlu kita orang Melayu membuang masa melayan tuntutan orang Cina. Tidak perlu hingga darah mendidih baru nak bertindak. Tidak perlu segan untuk membantu Cina untuk berhijrah. Kita tak suka cara hidup Cina dan Cina tak suka cara hidup Melayu jadi lebih baik mereka keluar saja.

      1. encourage them to migrate to places yang bawa mereka masuk sini. dia pon suka kan pergi ostolia dll. nnt omputih tau la nk handle jenis makhluk camni.

        1. Just a note: In my Sri Lanka to Australia map above, the sea route is from port Colombo to port Hobart. Among the many Australian ports, I chose Hobart for the plotted path because the port city is in – ahem – ‘Tasmania’.

  2. jadi saudari Helen, tidak salah lah prejudis Melayu yang menganggap semua Cina adalah Komunis?

    ingat Cina je terbayang perkataan Communist…. Chinese Communist a.k.a Chicoms…. betul ke tak?

        1. Evangelis Bintang Lima sama ganas dengan komunis Bintang Tiga.

          Yang evangelis masa kini vicious, yang komunis zaman dulu brutal.

          1. Kalau ikhlas cakap macam ni, youre truly malaysian. Kudos helen.

            Kalau lah 70% china berfikiran lokal macam ni, gerenti boleh macam lagu fran dan duet nya…sama-sama gunung di daki…sama-sama… (bagus lirik lagu ni)

            Ada kah mimpi jadi kenyataan, helen ? Unfortunately , more than 50 yrs koumintang is still at heart.. evangelista lima bintang dan askar nya tiga bintang.

          2. last wesak I asked a peer whether she is celebrating it. she kept quiet, then said, “tak tau la…”. what is their religion? or are they free thinkers?

            1. Born Again converts to evangelical Christianity. It’s an explosion. That’s why China is very concerned and mulling to ban the display of crosses on church rooftops.

      1. and capitalist, not too often I read many malaysian Chinese behind pseudonames admire the Communist Party of China and admonish malaysia for falling behind China cities…. in their mind… Malaysia is always a better country under british or Communist.. as long no Malays exist in those imaginary worlds.

        As for MCA, even the MCA founders grudgingly worked with UMNO because at that time of merdeka, Malays economic activities were confined to trading in kampungs, rivers and pasar, Tunku gave many monopolies to MCA persona, Robert Kuok family was close to the Tunku and he received monopoly over the sugar trade (and many DAPPsters admire Kuok as rag to riches myth) not to mention many other concessions given to MCA businessmen that expanded the Chinese economic base. They thought the Melayu are monkeys whom will remain brown savages until 2013.

        Now the Chinese chuak, the Malays no longer trade in sampan, they can run successful businesses and entities like Petronas (now one of the new seven sisters and operate in more countries than Shell), PNB (a very successful trust company, cause uproar when tried to take SP Setia which Chinese see as malay take over), EPF (one of the best run pension fund, even better than Chinese run Singapore CPF) while Malay professionals permeate in every facet of the economy, long ago, the Chinese say the Malays tak pandai baca, kira, fail blaja.. not anymore… now there are many Malays engineers, doctors, accountants, though per capita not as rich as the Chinese, the gap is closing as every successive malay generation become more educated and build their wealth just like the Chinese and any community does.. the bargaining advantage of the Chinese community is diminishing as the Malays advance and the Chinese population diminish…but it is not a you win, i lose situation as can be seen in the past 50 years as both races advance as the economy expand.

        So what to do.. try to turn the tide and make the Malaysian Malays as rundown as their Singapore counterpart, or go on a collision coarse against the malay polity?

        1. Gajah sama gajah berjuang, pelanduk mati di tengah … orang India yang miskin tetap miskin. No UBAH for them.

          1. I do not see the DAP and Pakatan having any good strategies to uplift the indians, we will have to see if Najib can keep his promise to hindraf.

        2. quote: ..”the bargaining advantage of the Chinese community is diminishing as the Malays advance and the Chinese population diminish…but it is not a you win, i lose situation as can be seen in the past 50 years as both races advance as the economy expand.”

          The economy is definitely not expanding fast enough to support a bloated civil service and more economic entitlement demand by right-winged groups.

          You were pointing to the giant step advancement of the Malays and the fast diminishing Chinese population thus making them lose their advantageous edge over the bumis. I would have agreed with you to a certain extent over this statement had you not gone further and inevitably resorted to the same old silly paranoid accusation the Chinese then is faced with a) let’s pull the economy and Malay down to the ground so we the Chinese can continue our dominance and relevance b) go against the Malay government.

          Well, not your exact words, the gist of it tho.

          Firstly, Chinese are practical beings. Your conclusion is nothing new. You can talk about the giant leap the Malays had taken but sadly, you are still unable to rise above your inferiority psych of yester years and continue to dwell in the shadow of paranoia, fear and mistrust. Seriously, you really think the Chinese would want to sink the boat they are on because the Malays are on board?

          1. HH enough of the DAP talks already.

            The jealousy is pretty obvious already. Just look at how these kakis bashes another Melayu-read the commentaries, its fun!


            The title in itself is very much telling, coming from a Malaysian portal but taking cue from the foreigner pakar.

            Like as if they care if they are the one who had misunderstood and at times, tries to rewrite too, the history of others.

            1. Islam1st

              KRU’s Vikingdom?

              Home boys being put down when they try to move ahead?

              Credit goes to KRU for their guts to compete in the international arena. They did earned some brownie points on virtue of their ambitions.

              Politics aside, I am cynical about Asian movie production along sci-fi–storyline. Budget constraints aside, Asian production seldom manage to pullthrough all those CGIs convincingly. I much prefer Asian directors stick to their true and tested formula of horror or gangster flicks with plenty of kung fu thrown in.

          2. your conjecture indicate the shallowness and narrowminded views of the majority malaysian chinese towards the Malays, which proves that many Malaysian chinese assign inferior qualities on the Malays…chinese practical people..gimme a break..ur talking to a Bugis here.

            The advancement is pretty commendable, the medaian malay income is now 75% of the median chinese income, despite the malays having a larger number,which indicare the Malaysn are being practical too, taking advantage of the opportunities to increase their wealth and share of the economy the advancement is not base on cakap, its in the DOS..not base on aryan race dogma like your cakap banyak.

            On the contraray, the bumi rights insulate the bumis from the chinese race based business interests and petty politics they bring to any multinational companieswhich is proven by studies where bumi and malays are actively not selefted for job openings and when they do, their career advancement are hampered, even under special right environment.Petronas is a good example that has harvested the max potential of a Malay run entity, to build the bumi managerial and technical capabilities that any malaysian chinese i ever met never say good things about petronas because of ..what….envy or jealousy?

            So i am not sure what inferiority complex you are talking about, because you are the one saying we do, because you cant accept we dont.

            Your attack on civil service also shows your sheer ignorant on the nature of the workfirce, there 12 million workers in Makaysia excludung the banglas and myanmarese, the civil service accountn only 10% of the workforce including police askar teacher, the politicians, there are 7 million workers, that leaves 6.5 million Malays in non government sectirs, so now…no..90% of Malays do not work in the government, please get out of your china town once in a while and visit companies like schlumberger, shell, WD and Giogle and see how many brown faces you can see.

            1. forrestcat,

              Quote: “.. Malaysian chinese assign inferior qualities on the Malays…chinese practical people..gimme a break..ur talking to a Bugis here.”

              Uh, I don’t know if sharing your ethnicity here is supposed to prove anything. To show impartiality in this Malay-Chinese argument? If so then let’s not attempt to speak for the Chinese in assuming the ‘Chinese assign inferior qualities on the Malays’. As if you know, afterall you are, er, Bugis?

              Quote: “The advancement is pretty commendable, the medaian malay income is now 75% of the median chinese income, despite the malays having a larger number…..”

              Spare me the long statistical rhetoric. I did not disagree with you on this. Go read my original comment.

              Quote: “On the contraray, the bumi rights insulate the bumis from the chinese race based business interests and petty politics they bring to any multinational companieswhich is proven by studies ..”

              Holy cow, listen to yourself. On one hand you were talking about the advancement of the Malays in your original commentary, and here you are talking about insulating, nice choice of word tho, the Malays from nasty office politics of multi-national companies. Speaking as if office politics are only prevalent in Malaysia and no where else. Why the need to offer protectionism to capable individuals? People in society learn from their mistakes, they don’t thrive inside artificially sanitized environment.

              Quote: “i am not sure what inferiority complex you are talking about, because you are the one saying we do, because you cant accept we dont.”

              Whatever, dude. I am afterall not the one who came up with outlandish conspiracy theories about the CHinese taking great measure to wreck the economy and bring down the Malay government just to stall the advancement of the Malays. Duh.

              Quote: “Your attack on civil service also shows your sheer ignorant on the nature of the workfirce, there 12 million workers in Makaysia excludung the banglas and myanmarese, the civil service accountn only 10% ..”

              Do you dispute Malaysia’s civil servants-to-population ratio of 4.68% was about the highest in the Asia Pacific region? (Indonesia (1.79 per cent), Philippines (1.8 per cent) and Thailand (2.06 per cent)) That translate to 1.3 million civil servants to a population of roughly 26 million.


              1. Pretectionism and Bumi Rights

                1.Its constitutional. We dont hide that it favors malays and bumis.I even tell it to my US boss and guests.

                2.As long the Chinese are to mobilize their economic leverage to monopolize and crowd out the economy with their chauviunistic fervour at the detriment of the Bumi economic base, the Bumi rights stay.

                You think only chinese straight A students have their heart broken by discrimination?

                Hishamh articulated it nicely why he favors the Bumi rights, tailored more sepcifically of course

                BTW, I am for affirmative action tailored for the Indian poor and other non-Malay bumis..redistribution of wealth and opportunities is good to elevate the poor..

                Civil service size

                that is because you lie with statitics..and you give lame sources, I google and the same shit comes from where..OPPOSOTION SITES AND BLOGS.Because you only see them fit to justify your Malaysia bashing tirade.

                Civil-servants-population ration are not a basis of an economic strength, I do not find any World bank reports using this weird ratio in their economic reports. This mumbo jumbo about this ratio killing our ratio is just as imaginary as the NEP is bankrupting our economy.

                BTW my friend, European countries and the US have a ratio of more than10%, the US have more civil servants than workers in the manufacturing sector…now that is still the biggest economy right. Our manufacturing sector employs 40% of the workforce which is 4 million Malaysians compared to 1 million, the balance are in agriculture and services. This can be found in the EPU and Dept of Statistics reports.

                By large, Malaysia’s civil servants ratio is very NORMAL.

                Ppl like you use these stuff to dumb down the country, and compare us with indonesia? Perhaps they need more civil servants.

                Since when do the words of CEO matter, they are known to trim workforce like butchers, governments that listen to them make their elder population jobless and working collecting boxes till they are dead, like in Singapore.

                1. forrestcat

                  Quote: “2.As long the Chinese are to mobilize their economic leverage to monopolize and crowd out the economy with their chauviunistic fervour at the detriment of the Bumi economic base, the Bumi rights stay.”

                  As I had said many times before on other threads, the initial affirmative programme to help the Bumis when our country was in its infancy is to be applauded. I have to get my stand on that straighten out first, all the time. After the implementation of the NEP in 1971, and your attestation to the catching up of the Malays in various industries today, your justification for the continuation of affirmative program is because the ‘Chineses mobilize their economic leverage to monopolize the Malaysian economy?’ (your exact words) Nevermind in your original posting you acknowledged the ‘fast diminishing’ CHinese population thus rendering the Chinese to minority status and losing their edge. You telling me the Malays after dominating the legislative power of the day and despite all the bumi enriching policies in place, still find the minority Chinese a threat, thus the justification for the call for continued assistance?

                  Believe it or not, I don’t really mind if there is a continuation of crutch-policies, but, my beef is this, if you want the Malays to continue enjoying their special privileges, just say so. WHy the need to demonize and play the blame game in attributing all the ills of the country onto the evil rich CHinese boogeyman? Pleez.

                  Quote: “BTW, I am for affirmative action tailored for the Indian poor and other non-Malay bumis..redistribution of wealth and opportunities is good to elevate the poor..”

                  I totally agree with you on this. On more practical ways in going about this, my favourite commentator Walla from Sakmongkol blog has alot to say which is worth a read. The blog post by SakAK47 is dated 25/9/2013. I did not include the link out of respect to Helen. Not nice to pimp another blog on her space.

                  Quote: “Civil service size that is because you lie with statitics..and you give lame sources, I google and the same shit comes from where..OPPOSOTION SITES AND BLOGS.Because you only see them fit to justify your Malaysia bashing tirade.Civil-servants-population ration are not a basis of an economic strength, I do not find any World bank reports using this weird ratio in their economic reports.”

                  If you are calling me a liar, be prepared to backup your accusation with stats. Tell you what, why not link me to your credible source and let me know how big is our current civil service workforce?

                  We currently employed 1.4 million civil servant. Source: NST.

                  Factor in our Malaysian population of 28 million, that would translate to about 1 civil servant to every 20 Malaysian and it’s no figment of anybody’s imagination. To waive the impact of a bloated Government on our economy is irresponsible. THe recent Fitch downgrade is a good indication excesses in any form is simply not healthy to a country in this current economic climate.

                  Why else the Government want to resort to such drastic unpopular move like cutting RON95 subsidy if reports from rating agencies are inconseqential?

                  Quote: “This mumbo jumbo about this ratio killing our ratio is just as imaginary as the NEP is bankrupting our economy.”

                  Who said NEP is bankrupting our economy? A link of some kind would be nice. I would not have argued had you say NEP is undoubtedly not reaching out to its intended recipients.

                  1. HH,

                    “The recent Fitch downgrade is a good indication excesses in any form is simply not healthy to a country in this current economic climate”.

                    Please get the fact right first if you want to bring in this point… Fitch downgrade the outlook on the credit rating of Malaysia from stable to negative, NOT downgraded the credit rating of Malaysia. There is a major difference between these two. Negative outlook is a factor of many many variables and trends, including the rating agency’s outlook of the future, domestically and globally. Furthermore, having a negative outlook does not necessarily mean the rating of Malaysia will definitely change in near future. However, in contrast, other rating agency affirms the stable outlook on Malaysia credit rating.

                    Quoting things out of its context and not in its entirety to justify your point of debate/discussion is irresponsible too, coupled with our layman understanding of the variables used by the rating agencies.

                    1. zz2440

                      Quote: “Fitch downgrade the outlook on the credit rating of Malaysia from stable to negative, NOT downgraded the credit rating of Malaysia. ”

                      OK, me bad. Not downgrade, just the downgrade of our credit rating outlook from stable to negative.

                      Quote: ” Quoting things out of its context and not in its entirety to justify your point of debate/discussion is irresponsible too, coupled with our layman understanding of the variables used by the rating agencies.”

                      Appreciate you pointing out I erred using the word ‘downgrade’ but I stand by my what I said. I disagree bringing up the Fitch ‘outlook downgrade’ is irrelevant to my reply and neither is it ‘out of context.’

                      I was responding to my previous commenter who do not see a over populated civil service a call for concern as ‘World bank reports do not include such weird ratio in their economic reports.’ (his words)

                      I disagree. Vehemently disagree.

                      The need for fiscal reform and putting a curb on our government spending is a necessity. Needless to say, a bloated civil service do exert a certain degree of harm.

                      If ordinary rakyat is expected to face the brunt of Government excesses and bad economy by having their oil and other subsidies taken away, (not to mention the eventual implementation of GST), the very least, in the spirit of justness, the Government too should live up to their end of the bargain by curbing their spending. (no big Government)

                      ** not that I think subsidies should go on forever, it is just not right only the rakyat has to face the consequences and hardship of subsidy cut while the government continue their ‘lavish’ spending**


          3. I am rebutting part of your motion above. I am the malay 2nd gen. my late dad was a farmer. with the gomen’s funding, my 6 siblings and I are now grade A executives.

            3 of my children are now studying overseas doing professional courses.My nieces have their own companies after graduation. Thanx to their parents’ funding. Their asb is full in both accounts.

            If that is not any achievement by a Malay, I cannot fathom, what is. This is just a sample of an achievement of any malay family. So, we have gone quite far. And we are still racing towards more things to come.

            A few of us are working overseas, thus in a small way, helping to balance the country’s economy. If you are still unsatisfied with our achievement, you can wait…

        3. Its not too late to sent these sons and daughters of chinese coolies to go back. But they dont want to go back to uncool People Republic of China, they want to migrate to mat salleh country ma. They have names like Hannah, Shay, Steven, Vincent, Francis..they dont admit to being Chinese anymore. Well who would, would you?

          So the best win-win solution, without these cooolies migrants whining and blaming the natives Malays would be to provide funding for them to migrate. Even now they are migrating but haphazardly and with hatred in their hearts. While it can be done systematically as Malays usually do from haj to elections very well.

          No one can blame these chinese coolies Y generation for feeling like they do because FMS is a new Malay States. Besides their coolies roots didnt intend on leaving China for good. They were just contract workers and had every intention of going back until Tunku was tricked by the British to offer them citizenship. You see the chinese and Indians were offered, they didnt ask for it then.

          MCA had to canvass around. And most accept it in a two faces way. If things dont work out Im going back or leaving so goes the MCA advice to the Chinese.

          It UMNO Presidents themselves actually who do not want the Chinese to leave because they thought their business interest would suffer. thus Talent Corpse spending 80 millions to bring 2000 DAP and PKR voters back. That is how UMNO Presidents backstab their own race. Or the previous ones would say if China become rich the Chinese would go back so we must give them business..hehe..and this was Mahathir the UMNO ultra. Well he would of course as [deleted] …!!

          But now, sanity is back. The Chinese are not happy. They step on UMNO President face. They ridiculed the Malay religion. They feel embarass to swear loyalty to the Constituition and the Malay Agong. So why not provide 1 billion fund? This is nothing, the Chinese are stealing 50 billion fuel and gas subsidy every year anyway.

          So there is still a win-win solution for everyone. The Chinese leave with fond memories of Malaysia and the Malays are allowed to roam freely in the Land of the Malays’

        4. It takes wars and thousands of plundering and rampages and almost two thousand to develop China as it is today. Brilliant?

          It takes only 50 years + for UMNO and BN to develop Malaysia as it is today. More brilliant?

          Do the Malays really need others?

      2. “Ada Usaha Kembangkan Fahaman Komunisme di Malaysia – Ketua Polis Negara”

        Quote ” Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar pada Rabu memberi amaran keras kepada mana-mana pihak yang cuba menghidupkan semula fahaman komunisme di negara ini.

        Katanya polis tidak akan berkompromi dalam soal itu, malah mereka yang didapati mengeluarkan kenyataan berunsur sedemikian juga akan berdepan tindakan tegas.

        Ini termasuk mereka yang didapati cuba membawa masuk barang-barang berkaitan Parti Komunis Malaya dengan tujuan menghidupkan semula gerakan berkenaan, katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Peringkat Tertinggi Strategi Lautan Biru Kebangsaan ke-8: Komunikasi Bersama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), di sini.” Unquote

  3. melayu pariah yg dikelentong dgn slogan ‘hidup melayu’ & ‘ini tanah melayu’ hanya menjadi alat (soldadu) kpd malay elites (umno) utk melindungi harta & kepentingan chinese business community (mca), as i said earlier – holy matrimony – mana boleh cerai berai. dap, umno & mca (tak mau sebut pas,pkr,mic & the rest) semuanya satu matlamat…enriching themselves in name of bla bla bla. 1 utk melayu, 1 juta utk umno, 2 utk rakyat, 2 juta utk dap.

  4. MyMassa pun ada keluarkan artikel yang lebih kurang sama dengan entri Sis Helen (Kisah MCA yang berasal usulkan Kuomintang kini sokong Komunis).

    Agaknya pemimpin muda MCA memang buta sejarah parti sendiri kot sis.

    1. Saya rasa bukan ideologi komunis yang sebenarnya didokong MCA tetapi sahaja MCA mahu bertekak leher dengan orang Melayu berkaitan beberapa kontroversi yang telah timbul sejak kebelakangan ini.

      Dalam pada itu, suratkhabar milik MCA itu sedang menghasut secara halus dan jika kita menoleh ke peristiwa Ops Lalang, bolehlah kita memahami kenapa The J-Star diharamkan dalam tahun 1987 ketika ketegangan kaum memuncak.

      Sejarah berulang. The J-Star ini memang anasir subversif, dulu dan sekarang juga. Dapster adalah cucu-cicit komunis.

      Cuba tengok warisan saka: Gambar warna sepia ialah Chin Peng sewaktu muda dan imej gravatar ialah Teh Eng Hock, bekas pengerusi NUJ-The Star. Eng Hock masih lagi bersama suratkhabar milik MCA tersebut.


          1. Mmmmm…of all the dinners with KJ pun can’t turn these people into nationalists?

            What kind of people are they? What kind of Melayu KJ is?

            KJ MUST GO!!!

                1. ‘Give Akhramsyah ammo.’

                  Been reading about the guys these few days, and I believe he had good credentials, and kaki rooted deeply into his Melayu, which I like.

                  Despite what Mukhriz says, I don’t think a good Melayu, would abandoned or mistreated other minorities, period. After all, Mukhriz just like his father is a nationalists. Although his honesty, just like Tun M also, time and again, will not be music to a lot of Chinese.

                  ‘“Saya nak bersifat adil tapi saya pun manusia juga. Akhirnya saya terpaksa membantu orang yang bantu saya dulu.

                  “Jadi kalau ada yang lebih-lebih tu barulah saya bantu orang lain,” katanya.’


                  After reading all the commentaries by Malaysian Firsters no less, sneaky and scheming politicians like Anwar and KJ would be much love by the Chinese.

                  Maybe it is well embedded in the culture, Helen?

                    1. Undang-undang manusia tidak akan pernah sempurna. Period.

                      On other note, Maybe masa tu British nak bawa balik all these bananas, balik England, jumpa the Queen. And then they have a change of heart.

                      No wonder HY kept screaming that she was neither Chinese, and that stupid UMNO kerani had purportedly, in bad faith, classify her child as Cina.

                      Truly, looking at the Federated Malay States, warta kerajaan, HY was never a Chinese.

                      Helen, truly you are a Cina, minus the name though.

                  1. Islam1st,

                    That is natural actually. It is inherent in all of us to give priority to those who support us. Nothing wrong about that as that is the practice in this planet.

                    Many of my friends (in this case non Malays) were amused when I proudly told them despite whatever they say about UMNO (most of it exxegeration) I believe UMNO’s rule when it comes to treatment of non Malays as ‘superb’.

                    If mistreatment of non Malays is the intention, UMNO had plenty of time to be “brutal”. Many racist Chinese politicians I believe would simply ‘dissapear’
                    That is how potent the effect of power in accompaniment of “brutality’.

                    1. ‘If mistreatment of non Malays is the intention, UMNO had plenty of time to be “brutal”. Many racist Chinese politicians I believe would simply ‘dissapear’’

                      Definitely. Many Chinese businessmen also would ceased to exist. The who’s who in business, knows too well of this, thus they speak no evil of UMNO. As if Robert Kuok, Goh Tong and YTL had done it in a vacuum!

                      But with extremists like LKS, the Chinese would forever behave like typical pendatangs. The second class behavior had being successfully indoctrinated into them by most Chinese politicians.


                      Speaking of which,

                      Apparently the budak deserved to be treated like a pig, that he is, well at least some quite well dressed man, had calls him just that, for being a thief and kicks him too.

                      And CP should be pardon, yes?

      1. Dulu ada bintang satu (kuomintang). Dalam masa yg sama ada bintang tiga (komunis). Sekarang ni ada pulak bintang lima (J-star n evangelis)

  5. Helen,

    Arwah Datuk saya seiring bercerita pasal kedatangan imigrant Cina pasal awal 30an. Seorang Imigrant Cina (Ah Chong) datang ke kampung Datuk saya sehelai sepinggang, duduk dibawah rumah Datuk saya dan makan pun atas ikhsan Datuk saya dan orang2 kampung. Memang orang Cina(Ah Chong) ini rajin berkerja, mulut manis dan pandai mengurus wang itu tak dapat dinafikan.

    Selepas 3 tahun, (Ah Chong) ni boleh membeli tanah dan bercucuk tanam. Hasil tanaman dijual kepada orang kampung, dalam masa yang sama sedikit2 orang Cina datang ke kampung datuk saya dan menetap disitu. Ah Chong sudah tidak bergaul rapat dengan orang kampung, lebih banyak bergaul dengan kaum sebangsa mereka. Sekarang Ah Chong sudah berada(kaya) dan menjadi perintis kepada rakan kongsi Cina, dengan modal kongsi, Ah Chong mulai memberi pinjaman kewangan kepada orang kampung dengan dicagarkan tanah atau barang kemas, sedikit demi sedikit tanah Melayu tergadai diatas ketidak telusan dan juga buta huruf orang Melayu.

    Mulai saat itu imej orang Melayu mula tercalar, rakan2 kampung yang menolong Ah Chong tidak diperduli dan ada juga yang dihina. Ah Chong dan rakan mula rakus tanpa sekatan – sampailah kedatangan orang Jepun di Malaya.

    Kejadian ni berlaku di Kampung Pulau, Pulau Pinang. Asal nama Kampung Pulau datang dari penghijirahan orang Pulau Langkawi. Tuan tanah dihalau balik ke Pulau Langkawi. Banyak tanah orang Melayu Pulau Pinang tergadai atas pajak bertahun2 sampai anak cucu tak tahu tanah hak mereka. Semua tahu kalau tak tipu bukan Cina – dokumen2 gran tanah ditukar oleh orang Cina dengan merasuah kerani2 Jabatan tanah.

    1. ‘Banyak tanah orang Melayu Pulau Pinang tergadai’

      tepat sekali, tapi kenapa tergadai? apa yg dibuat dgn duit pinjaman tu? (adakah 100% ditipu oleh cina?). di bahagian pulau terutamanya, melayu ‘willingly & happily” menjual tanah2 yg ditinggalkan oleh ayah/ibu/datuk/nenek (bukan dari hasil titik peluh sendiri) kpd the highest bidders (mostly chinese developers). mana pergi tabung haji, lembaga zakat, majlis agama, pnb etc? adakah mereka hanya berminat atau nampak tanah yg beribu2 ekar saja? umno/bn sekarang merekacipta yg kerajaan dap dok halau orang melayu sedangkan benda ni dah berlaku semasa mereka berkuasa.

      1. Re. Banyak tanah orang Melayu Pulau Pinang tergadai

        Apa kau cerita ni BRO… Itu cerita lama. Sekarang ni ramai Melayu yang dah sedar.

        Re. mana pergi tabung haji, lembaga zakat, majlis agama, pnb etc

        Nak merapu pun tenguk-tenguklah sikit.

        Tabung Haji for instance, is the most successful Islamic investment fund in the world and just recently they paid 8% dividend and prior to that nothing less than 5% or so. They have various subsidiaries, hotels, Hospital, Private University, commercial complex etc. domestically and abroad.

        Now Majlis Agama together with Jabatan Waqaf, Haji dan Zakat (Jawhar) has started to embark on Waqf Development Project. Jawhar now has Yayasan Waqf Malaysia under its wing to emulate the success of Tabung Haji. So many underprivileged Muslims have benefited from their project.

        Lembaga Zakat has been successful with its Baitumaal, helping small Muslim businesses.

        Re. umno/bn sekarang merekacipta yg kerajaan dap dok halau orang melayu sedangkan benda ni dah berlaku semasa mereka berkuasa.

        HELLOOO……..I have written about this so many times, still there will always be one DUNGU who missed the posting. Just because it is not in your ppocket doesn’t mean that you are not benefiting from it.

        1. ‘still there will always be one DUNGU who missed the posting’.

          ya la, you are forever brilliant! happy? orang cakap pasai melayu yg jual tanah di pulau pinang, dia dok cerita benda lain. memang mangkuk.

      2. nak kata mangkuk tapi cara tulis seolah olah pinggan Pyrex . orang Melayu berhutang masa dahulu sebab pendapatan datang setahun sekali apabila padi dituai . Kalau NEP dah ada sebaik saja merdeka 1957 dah lagi ramai Melayu yang hidup berada . please read tentang asas penubuhan Tabung haji , PNB dulu sebelum bagi komen . You ingat tabung haji tiba tiba duit banyak macam sekarang …

        pernah dulu dengar tak pada awal tahun 90an PNB dah bagi durian runtuh kat penabung . beratus ribu orang Melayu yang menikmatinya . OHHH sorry ..mungkin kampung lad belum lahir

        1. ‘please read tentang asas penubuhan Tabung haji , PNB dulu sebelum bagi komen . You ingat tabung haji tiba tiba duit banyak macam sekarang …’

          MARA pun.

  6. Saudari Helen,

    Cina Communist keluar Komunis diberi tanah dan wang oleh orang putih, lepas tu diberi kerakyatan Malaya. Sungguh baik hati Tengku dan Sultan-Sultan Melayu.

    Orang Melayu masuk Polis dan Tentera dan mengadai nyawa dan angota badan untuk melawan komunis. Apa mereka dapat, hidup mereka daif…cacat angota badan, isteri jadi balu dan anak jadi yatim.

    Sekarang orang Cina sudah lupa – Malay Sultan yang memberi kerakyaatan hendak ditumbangkan, Komunis yang menekan bangsa cina semasa tahun 1941-1989 dikatakan hero perjuang. Polis yang menjaga ketenteraman orang cina hingga jadi billionaire dikatakan anjing. Ini bangsa yang tidak reti bershukur….

    1. Mereka yang mencerca orang lain sebagai “low class”, memaki-hamun orang lain sebagai “running dog” serta selalu menabur fitnah dan menebar dakyah ialah bangsa evangelista. Mereka duduk di kawasan Jerusubang. Wira-wira mereka dijulang sebagai ikon media oleh akhbar Bintang Lima mereka The J-Star.

      1. Helen,

        One of my Chinese friend told me he cant stand UMNO as he deemed UMNO as racist. Or in crude language, Malay is racist.

        I intentionally raised my voice by reminding him that as late as 1950s his father was still “immigrant”. Had not for generosity of 9 malay rulers, they including people like Hannah Yeoh would still be “pendatang”. The moral of the story is not to cross the line.

  7. I think it is good of you Helen to refresh our nation’s history, especially now that the Dapsters and McDapsters are re-writing the history in their own image and imagination. In their world, mass murderer like CP is hero while real heroes like Tun Razak are racist villains and people like Dato Yuen is a running dog.

    What you said about MCA is spot on, they were never a grass root party. They were formed by english-educated business elites close to the Brits as a counter point to commie-loving Chinese.

    I don’t think CP as a real communist but a Maoist. The same with those folks in PRC. They were never communist in real sense and merely used the ideology to rule the country with iron hands.

    I lived in the age when the communist threat was real (though dying) and I recall that even in the late 70s the Chinese were still by large sympathetic to PKM. While not may joined their insurgency but I can tell you that many of them helped the commies by giving them food or money of both.

    Only in the 80s and especially after the Haadyai accord did the Chinese support for PKM waned and died off.

  8. Look at what Mkini’s resident hate monger has written on Chin Peng…totally racist twist to the issue! I hope Zahid wakes up to these dirty tactics and start sending these clowns to jail under Sedition Act. When Perkasa says something, the entire Dapster clans goes apeshit and shout “racists”. Yet such vile tactics are openly encouraged even applauded when it involves accusing a non Chinese like UMNO or Hindraf.

    His other failing appears to be that he is a Chinese. Others have pointed out that if Chin Peng was a Malay, his place in Malaysian history and his ashes would be treated differently. I am sure there is more than a grain of truth in this.


  9. ‘if Chin Peng was a Malay…’

    Ya, just keep the anti Melayu bashing goings Mkini!

    ‘During my meeting with Chin Peng, I asked if he was keen to return to Malaysia and what is his advice for the Malaysian Chinese.’

    Its all about the Chinese isn’t it?

  10. In return for their silence when UMNO is run down by the opposition and the Chinese, and permitting the The Star to be use as a tool to destroy BN/UMNO, MCA and CSL is rewarded by the Star, that is why MCA has a lot of money and equity from 42% to 43%.

  11. Oookay, so now we know that the Chinese have red commie blood flowing in their veins. Lost in all this racist baloney is the fact in the quoted sections in this particular blog post, is the acknowledgement that the Brits worked through proxies the MCA (plutocrats) and UMNO (elites…and yes Royals, who would’ve thunk?) to safeguard colonial interests.

    Never mind that if the Chinese continued to support [UMNO through the bankrolling of the MCA,] which came into its own hegemonic purposes at the expense of the majority Malay lower “classes”, then every thing would be hunky dory and Malaysia would be safe from the insidious manipulations of those damn commies or was it capitalist or, oh that’s right, the evangelist of the DAP.

    So now we know that Chinese money bankrolls Malay politics as per this piece, what’s that again, about UMNO not needing the MCA ? Well yes of course, who needs the MCA when you got the Treasury. Evolution is a bitch.

    1. Well said Conrad. UMNO’s rise was, just like the MCA, facilitated by the British. The colonists saw UMNO as an appropriate alternative to the left wing socialist political parties in Malaya, and a British-friendly leadership that would best serve their interests in the Cold War.

    2. Quote: “then every thing would be hunky dory and Malaysia would be safe from the insidious manipulations of those damn commies or was it capitalist or, oh that’s right, the evangelist of the DAP.”

      Er, brace yourself. The term being used in another thread is Christian Communism.

  12. UMNO was an organisation that was also supported and nurtured by the British. Many of its leaders were pro-British and had served the Colonial government. The objective was to ensure the protection of British interests after Independence and a counterweight to the socialist left parties in a Cold War environment.

    This fact is ignored by Helen and her sycophants as they label the MCA as a product of the British. A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    1. The question that we were exploring is whether MCA (or since you insist, Umno) actually received support from the Chinese (and Malay) grassroots compared to the communists and DAP getting widespread grassroots support.

      We’re talking about the group of people who are demanding that Chin Peng’s ashes be allowed to be brought into this country, just in case you’ve forgotten the topic of this post.

      1. Helen, if the MCA did not receive support from Malayan (and later Malaysian) Chinese, the Alliance would not have won the elections in the 50s and 60s with large super-majorities.

        In fact, a significant portion of Malay votes went to PAS. In the 1959 election, PAS scored over 21 percent of the votes.,_1959

        The demographics was roughly 50 percent Malay and 50 percent non-Malay (Sabah and Sarawak with its large native population had not joined the Union).

        Assuming an equivalent voter ethnic percentage, that means almost one in two Malay votes went to the opposition. We have not even started with the other parties such as the Socialist Front, Parti Negara, and PPP.

        That means UMNO would be the “makhluk belaan British dan MCA”, not the other way around as implyed.

        1. Ac-DC,

          You cite Wiki 1959. That was probably the best electoral year enjoyed by MCA.

          There were three federal elections before ‘the’ one on 10 May 1969. They were in 1955, 1959 and 1964, and the contests were about the two major races vying for political power.


          Malays enjoyed a disproportionate advantage because many Chinese inhabitants at that time were not citizens and thus ineligible to register as electors.

          According to the 1957 census, the population of Malaya was 49.8% Malay and 37.2% Chinese.

          The ethnic breakdown of those registered to vote in 1955:

          84.2 percent: 1,078,000 Malays
          11.2 percent: 143,000 Chinese
          3.9 percent: 50,000 Indians
          0.7 percent: 9,000 Others


          The big edge which the Malays possessed in 1955 was lost after the liberalization of citizenship during Merdeka. Between 1957 and 1959, a total of close to 910,000 non-Malays were enfranchised as citizens — a development which diluted the Malay voting strength although the community was roughly half the population in both the election years.

          From being 84.2% of the electorate four years earlier, the Malays – now 57.1% of the electorate – saw the power of their vote drop steeply.

          In 1959, there were some 764,000 Chinese voters or 35.6% of the electorate, which was a marked rise from the 11.2% of the previous GE edition.

          Chinese in the urban areas voted predominantly for the opposition. The reduction of rural weightage gave another boost to the Chinese electoral strength.


          The third general election took place a year after the formation of Malaysia which added more Chinese – Singapore’s. In 1964, following the entry of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak, the country’s ethnic breakdown settled at an uneasy 46.4 percent Malays and natives, and 42.1 percent Chinese.

          Singapore had conducted her elections separately in 1963.

          In GE3, Malays were 50.1 percent of the population in relation to being 54.4 percent of the electorate.

          Chinese, excluding the Singapore residents, were 36.8 percent of the 1964 Malaysian population.

          Three months after the April general election in Malaysia, race riots broke out in Singapore between Malays and Chinese following a Maulidur Rasul procession in July 1964.


          By the fourth general election, the advantage of the Malays had levelled off whereas the Chinese voting strength relatively increased. They didn’t vote MCA. Penang was won by Gerakan as the party with the most number of seats while Perak was won by PPP and in Selangor, similarly, the DAP had the most number of seats.

          In 1969, MCA contested 33 seats and lost 20 — a failure rate of 60.6%.

          The two majors races, the Malays and the Chinese, have always struggled for power against each other.

          Umno and MCA representing both races respectively had previously managed to contain the tensions. That is until 1969 when it blew over.

          In the present day, the MCA is no longer able to play the role of mediator and buffer. Dr Mahathir saw this coming, and that was why he gave the Gelang Patah ultimatum. What he predicted is falling into place.

          1. “Chinese in the urban areas voted predominantly for the opposition. The reduction of rural weightage gave another boost to the Chinese electoral strength”

            The PAS also scored many seats in the 1959 and 1964 election, and they were the leading Opposition party. It was very rare for a Chinese to vote for the Islamist PAS at that period. Clearly the votes had to be coming from the Malay section of the electorate.

            True, there were Chinese voting for the Socialist party and the PPP, but there was also a large portion of Malays not voting for the Alliance. It was certainly not a Malays – UMNO and Chinese – Socialist binary scenario that you try to portray.

            If you also look at subsequent elections from the 1970s to 2004, the Barisan Nasional won in many urban seats with strong Chinese majorities. The Barisan’s two-thirds supermajority was saved in 1998 by the votes of the Chinese.

            1. re: “The PAS also scored many seats in the 1959 and 1964 election, and they were the leading Opposition party. It was very rare for a Chinese to vote for the Islamist PAS at that period.”

              You’re correct in the second half of your comment that PAS didn’t get Chinese votes. That was also because PAS’s electoral strength lay in the Malay heartland. Are you aware that Datuk Onn Jaafar contested in Kuala Terengganu and not in Johor his home state where he had once held the Menteri Besar post?

              And yes PAS was indeed the leading opposition party. It held Kelantan and Terengganu even back in those days (1950s-1960s).

              However in 1959 and 1964, PAS contested in the Melayu pekat areas. It was only in 2013 that PAS managed an unprecedented breakthrough in the mixed semi-rural/urban areas on the back of Chinese votes (constituencies with 20-35% Chinese electorate) after the DAP successfully blunted the Chinese fear of Islamic state and hudud.

              I’ve never denied PAS’s strength vis-a-vis Umno so please don’t mislead readers by attributing a view to me which I did not express (i.e. you put words in my mouth).

              re: “Clearly the votes had to be coming from the Malay section of the electorate.”

              Ya lah, PAS got a significant number of votes. Those votes for PAS came from the Malay section of the electorate, as you’ve said. Or in other words, Malay voters supported the Malay nationalist-Islamic party — MELAYU UNDI MELAYU. Don’t spin the colour-blind Firster rhetoric retrospectively; it won’t wash.

              In those days, the liberal* Umno was labelled “kafir” for working with the MCA-Chinese and MIC-Indians. Tolong jangan buta sejarah, AC-DC.

              (*Remember that Tunku was open about his horse-betting, gambling and drinking. This fact is in the public domain.)

              The issue put forward here is whether MCA had relied on Malay votes in the past as it clearly did in 2008 and 2013.

              In the first GE of 1955, i.e. before the Chinese obtained their Merdeka citizenship en bloc, Malays comprised 84.2 percent of the voters and Chinese 11.2 percent. This was the election where the Alliance famously swept 51 out of the 52 seats up for grabs. Of these, MCA was allocated 15 seats or close to 30 percent of the Alliance seats to contest.

              MCA won all of its 15 seats (28.8% of the total coalition representation) even though the Chinese electorate in 1955 was a mere 11.2%. Now you tell me: If it was not the Malays who gave their votes to MCA, then where did the Chinese party’s support come from?

              re: “It was certainly not a Malays-UMNO and Chinese-Socialist binary scenario that you try to portray.”

              Of course it was a binary. It has always been. Still is. If not for the fear of the Chinese, what need for Article 152? Call a spade a spade: The ‘special position’ is TO PROTECT the Malays from the Chinese.

              re: “If you also look at subsequent elections from the 1970s to 2004, the Barisan Nasional won in many urban seats with strong Chinese majorities. The Barisan’s two-thirds supermajority was saved in 1998 by the votes of the Chinese.”

              I thought you all always complaining that the electoral boundaries are gerrymandered and that the gomen had been abusing its machinery, the national propaganda media (in those days before Internet and Astro), money, postal votes, phantom voters, and outright cheating?

              re: “the 1970s to 2004, the Barisan Nasional won in many urban seats with strong Chinese majorities”

              Since you claim that the BN won many strong Chinese-majority urban seats, can you show us the MCA’s track record? You’re welcome to pick from any one of the years below (1970s to 2004) to list down the urban Chinese seats that MCA won. Thanks.


              1. “Of course it was a binary. It has always been.”

                Earlier in your reply you acknowledge the considerable power PAS has in attracting the Malay vote. If it was indeed binary UMNO – Malay and Chinese – Socialist, PAS would never have kept a strong hold on Kelantan, occasionally Terengganu, and some rural areas. They certainly would not have been the strongest opposition party of the period. Looks like you have contradicted yourself.

                And lets look at 1999 as a case. There was considerable loss of Malay voter support for Mahathir and Barisan Nasional as fallout from Anwar Ibrahim’s sacking and his subsequent court case.

                If MCA historically relied on Malay support as you claim, they would have lost more than just two seats in 1999.

                1. re: “If it was indeed binary UMNO – Malay and Chinese – Socialist, PAS would never have kept a strong hold on Kelantan, occasionally Terengganu, and some rural areas. They certainly would not have been the strongest opposition party of the period. Looks like you have contradicted yourself.”

                  The binary is racial in nature and the competition between Malay and Chinese. The fact of the traditional split in Malay support between Umno and PAS does not in any way negate the Malay-Chinese binary.

                  Didn’t I tell you earlier not to be buta sejarah? Go and read up the early history of PAS.

                  Do you know why PAS did so well in the 1959 election? It was the Malay backlash against Umno’s move in enabling the “one million” non-Malay Merdeka citizenships the year before (the bulk of the citizenship applications were approved in 1958).

                  Also go find out the PAS rhetoric against the non-Malays in the 1950s and 1960s as well as the accusations levelled against Umno for bersekongkol dengan puak-puak kafir.

                  re: “And lets look at 1999 as a case. There was considerable loss of Malay voter support for Mahathir and Barisan Nasional as fallout from Anwar Ibrahim’s sacking and his subsequent court case.”

                  If you wanna ask people to look at something, then tolong lah produce the data.

                  1. “The fact of the traditional split in Malay support between Umno and PAS does not in any way negate the Malay-Chinese binary.”

                    Of course it does poke a hole in your binary theory. If it was a black-white scenario, the Malay voters would have gone en-bloc for either UMNO or PAS, two parties with different ideologies. Mostly going for UMNO would not have allowed PAS to get that many parliament seats. And in vice versa, UMNO would have lost most of the seats it contested. And yes, I am aware of PAS Islamist doctrine.

                    “If you wanna ask people to look at something, then tolong lah produce the data.”


                    PAS gained 19 seats, and the state of Terengganu. The newcomer, Keadilan won five seats. That is very telling.

  13. pasal melayu kena halau dari pulau memang dari zaman BN, tetapi sekurang kurang nya ada jugak projek perumahan mampu milik (sebagai contoh) untuk golongan ini, tapi sekarang? tiada kompromi langsung nampakya, kapitalis didahulukan…..

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