55 thoughts on “11-year-old boy has a question for the PM

  1. We need to add a question for Zahid as a home minister to answer. Will you take any action to withdraw the license for the star as it continuously inciting and provoking hatred to Umno?

    1. Mengimbau sejarah:

      Kertas Putih Ops Lalang

      “74. Justeru itu, akhbar juga boleh juga terlibat dalam mewujudkan suasana dan keadaan yang menjejaskan keselamatan dan ketenteraman awam. Dalam hubungan ini, akhbar-akhbar The Star dan The Sunday Star, Watan dan Sin Chew Jit Poh begitu ghairah memuat dan menonjolkan berita-berita, pendapat-pendapat dan rencana-rencana yang menyemarakkan perasaan perkauman dan melaga-lagakan pemimpin-pemimpin satu kaum atau pertubuhan dengan pemimpin-pemimpin kaum atau pertubuhan lain. Kesemua akhbar-akhbar ini sengaja menonjolkan isu-isu sensitif termasuk isu pelajaran, isu bahasa, isu agama, isu hak masing-masing kaum dan sebagainya untuk menegakkan kepentingan politik masing-masing yang memiliki atau mengurus akhbar-akhbar itu dan memperjuangkan kaum masing-masing tanpa menghirau kesannya ke atas keharmonian kaum, ketenteraman awam dan keselamatan negara.”

      The ‘Subversive’ Star telah digantung lesennya oleh KDN pada 1987.

      “media arus perdana di negara ini dipunyai oleh pembangkang” – Ku Seman Ku Hussain, pengarang Utusan, 26 Mei 2013

        1. Does Najib reads The star? I think he did but as a “GLOKAL” thinker Najib think that The star has GLOKAL standard of writing so he find it very amusingly suitable to his 1 Malaysia concept that everybody should be proud of.

          So no harm lah!

          1. People with a decent command of English shun The Star. I mean, what reputable publication name themselves like that ? The Star. 2 words. No intellectual standing whatsoever. Read The New Straits Times. Improve your command of the language.

            1. The only different between “The Star” in Malaysia and Rupert Murdoch’s “The Sun” in the UK, is that the latter has semi-naked woman on page 3. The rest are all the same, ranging from bad language to bad reporting attitude.

              Maybe, The Star can persuade Dyana, Rara, Kiki and also Madame Speaker to show their assets as Aweks Cun on Page 3. Ha, barulah the Star nampak setaraf dengan penerbitan omputih di negeri atas angin. Madame Speaker kan sibuk nak jadi high-class macam omputih konon.

  2. It is the right time for the government to rethink the existence of sekolah jenis kebangsaan as it is against federal constitution and it causes racial disharmony.

    It has been a fact that those who claim to be Malaysian citizens could not speak Malay. I was very surprise that a Myanmar girl buying her needs at pasar malam could speak very fluent Malay. We can also see that Banglas can speak better malay than those Malaysian indian and chinese.

    1. It seems obviously in the true interests of everyone that all our children should attend a mainstream Sekolah Kebangsaan which gives leeway yet integrates the Chinese and Tamil linguistic communities.

      Vastly improving the standard of English in this country would put Malaysia in a better stead in this day and age of international communications. Also, delegate the management of a section of such schools to those Chinese or Indian committees who are capable and wish to take charge.

      1. The Federal gomen already tried doing that by introducing the Sekolah Wawasan concept, where the SK and SJK schools share facilities in one big compound but with different school administrations. The main idea would be to share better facilities and promote integration between the pupils of the respective schools. It would also help SJKT a lot, which normally due to low number of pupils and locations, suffer from lack of proper facilities.

        HOWEVER, some people vehemently refused as always and started to accuse the gomen of so many things. They want special treatment for their education preference to the point of teachers who cannot speak one particular language, should not be allowed to work at their schools (funded by the gomen, even though the schools’ status is questionable under the Federal Constitution).

        They even want the gomen to recognise their own academic qualifications. Cannot discuss this issue otherwise there will be massive demonstrations and some people will start crying being treated as “second class citizens”.

        So how?


      2. Chris, you actually think Dong Zong will allow this to happen ? YOu actually think Dong Zong will agree ? This ain’t going to happen.

            1. I have Chinese friends who went to SK followed by SMK, and according to them, even they suffer some sort of ‘ejek-mengejek’ and ‘sindir-menyindir’ by those who went to that other special rights school.

              So, DAP wants to have “Malaysian First”? Prove it by supporting the mainstream schools. Sure tak boleh buat punya.

              1. DAP so much want to copy-cat Singapore in running things their way. Well, they gotta prove their 2 sen worth: Sinchiapor have done away with vernacular schools since 1985! 30 years ago! No matter that at that time there were loud voices of concern from the Chinese community: real, or unfounded, or plain mischievous. But Singapore has passed through that phase of nation-building. And Malaysian leaders must take heart to get over this hurdle . . . or surrender the national agenda to chauvinism and disenfranchisement.

                Yet again, we should take caution: the Chinese and Tamil educators must be closely consulted in any development of the Malaysian mainstream school; otherwise why fool ourselves about integration. Look where cohesive multicultural Singapore is today.

                1. I don’t see any problems with Tamil educators, but with the other one, well the chances for Guan Eng to convert to Islam like what PAS leaders have been selling in Penang, is relatively higher.

  3. Disokong dan PM must do something with these people who are trying to destroy our beautiful country. Dia dok make dono buat bodoh je, hoping it will go away with time but it’s getting worse.

    They are not going to stop until they get what they want.

    1. Yas, they won’t stop until they see some blood shed.

      These peoples are cancerous in our beloved country [deleted]

    2. “PM must do something with these people who are trying to destroy our beautiful country” ”

      But what if the PM is himself the destroyer of our beloved nation thru’ his weak and poor leadership?

      What if the PM himself dismantle and destroyed all the right provisions of law to preserve our nation.

      What if the PM himself is glamour seeking and loves to be surrounded by people who wave “I LOVE PM” “flaglets”

      What if the PM himself conveniently forgot who his power base consists of and pander to those who hate the PM’s race but show “great support” when PM comes avisiting.

      What if the PM got ALL his priorities wrong?????

      Would it be better the the current PM be replaced?

  4. Today the Star online full of PPS stories.

    Memang dah terang benderang Star is a closet-DAP supporter.

  5. Itulah masaalah dia. Somebody must wag his head to wake him up. Kalau boleh tukaq dia baguihlah but its not going to be easy

  6. The J Star is the DAP’s Ministry of Truth lah and the minister in charge of this ministerial portfolio is none other than Ah Wong.

  7. Najib is dreaming in his own world, he and his cimb brother do not read Utusan Malaysia.. no class la.. as for the star, they have been indoctrinated to believe the jarum halus from that wong fella.. he even got dato some more for doing his cucuk belakang job

  8. Orang melayu tak pernah persoalkan status citizenships yg diberi pada pendatang seperti yang telah dipersetujui dalam social contract. Sebaliknya bukan melayu yang sentiasa mempersoalkan Hak Istimewa Melayu dan mahu ianya dihapuskan. Ini membuktikan mereka lah yang racis sebenarnya.

    Mereka juga mahu menjadikan negara Islam Msia kepada negara sekular. Mereka tak senang duduk selagi Msia ialah sebuah negara Islam dan Islam ialah agama resmi. Melayu tak halang mereka amalkan agama mereka dan mereka bebas buat berhala terbesar, buat gereja terbesar… Ini buktikan merekalah yang religious bigots sebenarnya.

    Mereka yang extremist ini sudah tidak endahkan lagi Social Contract yang dipersetujui bersama dan lebih extreme lagi mau pinda Perlembagaan, mencabar instituisi agama dan agama Islam, mencabar instituisi kesultanan, mencabar pihak berkuasa.

    Inikah pendekatan moderate yang mereka maksudkan iaitu moderate ikut telunjuk mereka.

    1. Mereka ni tak moderate pun. Kita patut bangga apabila mereka tuduh kita ni extremists, bigots, racists and seumpamanya. Apabila mereka tuduh kita ini itu dah sah lah siapa tu extremists, siapa tu bigots, siapa tu racists.

    2. Xynalhamzah.. you are spot on. What do thieves do when they got caught? They point their fingers at others. Racists use the same tactic.. they go on the offensive pointing at others to mask their evil racism. The original version is of course employed by the bad Jews, the zionists.

      Now if you were to believe LGE and the star there’s something really very wrong with the Malay genes! The vast majority of them are bigots, racists and extremists! The Chinese and Indians are all goodie goodie, considerate and peace loving people! Pheww… according to that wong fella and LGE, God created the malays with these defective genes! Aiyaa that wong fella is our PM’s friend.. how la?

    3. Xynalhamzah,

      TIADA SOSIAL KONTRAK sebenarnya. Orang cina dan india ketika merdeka dan ketika Perlembagaan Tanah melayu digubal adalah bertaraf “pendatang” ketika itu.

      Ya mereka dikalangan pemimpin cina ada beri pandangan berkenaan orang cina . Tetapi tiada kontrak sosial kerana cmereka tidak ada kedudukan untuk meminta apa apa hak.

      Perlembagaan ambil kira kepentingan semua pihak. Saya pernah tulis berkenaan British yg mshu serah kuasa dalam upacara gilang gemilang DAN TIDAK DIHALAU keluar seperti Belanda dihalau dari Indonesia. Dan British juga mahu kepentingan perniagaan yg dikuasai orang eropah dihormati.

      Raja Raja melayu pula mahukan kedudukan sebagai Raja diiktiraf. Sementara orang melayu mahu pastikan kuasa politik berada ditangan mereka bila merdeka. Dan mereka juga mahu perlindungan undang undang memandangkan raja raja setuju anugerahkan kewarganegaraan dalam jumlah yg begitu ramai dan dianggap sebagai rekod dunia hingga ke hari ini.

      Orang orang cina dan India bimbang juga bila kuasa beralih keorang melayu. Mereka mahukan kewarganegaraan. TETAPI MEREKA tiada hak menuntut sebab ketika itu mereka adalah “pendatang”.

      TIADA sosial kontrak. Yg ada adalah kerjasama politik antara UMNO, MCA, MIC. Memandangkan Raja raja Melayu sudah sedia anugerahkan kewarganegaraan yg menukar status Tanah Melayu ke berbilang bangsa, satu peruntukan diberi pada Melayu.

      Perlembagaan ambil jalan tengah. Mengambil kira pengorbanan Raja raja melayu maka sesuatu mesti diberi pada orang mealyu. maka kedudukan Islam, Bahasa melayu, raja raja melayu, keutamaan dari segi kakitangan kerajaan, kuota perniagaan dibuat.

      Samada pemimpin Cina atau india setuju dengan peruntukan mengenai Melayu bukan satu isu. Kerana ketika itu mereka adalah PENDATANG.

    1. And the one doing the paddling is a Malay or looks like a Malay. There you have it. Their Malaysian Malaysia. Let’s get real. Their idea of a meritocratic Malaysia is essentially the subjugation of the majority whom they despise to the core.

  9. ….The merchants, traders, and peddlers of goods were viewed by the scholarly elite as essential members of society, yet were placed on the lowest of the four grades in the official Chinese social hierarchy, due to the view that they do not produce anything, only profit from others’ creations… Wiki yang kata ya!


    Majority yang bergiat dalam kegiatan seperti diatas dalam Negara ini kita sedia maalum kan?

    Mungkin mereka diasak/asuh gini sejak zaman dulukala toknek moyang mereka lagi jadi dah melekat dalam otak mereka dimana kedudukan mereka dlm sistem bermasyarakat.

    Bumiputra/Melayu majoriti terdiri dari golongan petani, nelayan, ulamak Agama, civil sevants dn sbagainya. Tak syiok kan golongan ini diletakn dtangga yang tinggi mengikut social hierarchy kepercayaan mereka nuuu?

    Mungkin DSN sedar akan perasan semulajadi/terpendam inferiority komplex mereka so he make donno aje la.

    Adik pun belajar aje make donno..

  10. Wah.

    “Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town Pada 2 September 2014.

    Ketua Polis Negara (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar perlu ketepikan sikap sombong dan sedar bahawa beliau bukan maksum atau “lembu suci” yang tidak boleh dikritik, tetapi hanyalah seorang penjawat awam yang dibayar oleh rakyat untuk melaksanakan kewajipan berkanun bagi memerangi jenayah. ”

    Lembu suci?

    1. Maybe Guan Eng used to call his wife with the same nickname, “Lembu Suci”. Nanti kena plaster lagi dahi baru tau.

    2. And the rakyat are very happy with his rounding up the PPS members. Itu namanya menunaikan kerja yang diamanahkan, jadi rezekinya halal. Can’t say the same for the politicians.

  11. PPS is already bad enough. Now Penang government wants the public to do their own policing. Wouldn’t there be more little PPS everywhere and anyone can get one?

    If this is allowed then the country will be in total chaos. Vigilantes everywhere!


    “The Penang state executive council has called on the public and civil society to take over the role played by the embattled Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) in helping the police to combat crime.

    In its resolution made today, the council said it hoped that local communities can help by undertaking community policing to prevent crime and maintain Penang’s standing as among the safest states in Malaysia.

    The resolution was announced after a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at his office in George Town. Lim said the resolution was supported by all 30 state assemblymen from DAP, PKR and PAS, most of whom were present.”

    1. DAP starts at even younger age, beginning from filling the child registration form at Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara. That is for sure. Not to mention about SJKC and UEC, are those a “Hak Istimewa”?

  12. Uploaded on Oct 24, 2009

    Music video by P!nk performing So What. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 952,031 (C) 2008 LaFace Records, LLC

    Do not buy pirated copies from One Stop and Bukit Jambul.
    Purple is the new P!nk.

  13. What is wrong with Singaporeans? Kill cats? Disgusting pompous racist single child kids who play with girls with whisker dolls.

    “CWS however also pointed out how the flyer “has hit a very raw nerve” since it has “come out at a time when cat abuse cases have increased in frequency”. Recently, there was also news of a Housing And Development Board (HDB) notice listing the option of surgically debarking dogs to deal with excessive dog barking. It had drawn the ire of animal welfare groups, which prompted HDB to take down the notice and apologise.”

    Singaporean cats are not suppose to meow and dogs too are not suppose to bark but their citizens can go nude in a neighboring country.

    1. “Singaporean cats are not suppose to meow and dogs too are not suppose to bark but their citizens can go nude in a neighboring country.”

      Of course la singaporeans can go nude in a neighbouring country, have you seen any singaporeans cats and dogs wearing clothes? Those people want to let steam out and emulate their cats and dogs, so they went to Penang.

      There seemed to be quite a number of cases in Penang where people are becoming allergic to clothes, the latest involved those two “pengantin”. God forbid if one day Alvivi wants to eat bah kut teh naked in Penang too.

  14. If i were najib id triple the number of malays being sent to overseas on alegedly 100% chinese tax money, even the oil from under the sea is made by Chinese feng shui magic.. thats enough to infuriate the chinese especially the ah bengs in the Star.. koh3

    1. One of the blogs did an analysis of the tax paid by residents and I could not remember which one.

      Most of the tax paid are by GLCs. Chinese either corporations and individuals try to avoid paying actual tax that they have to pay.

      It seems to be they pay 1 sen but act like the whole revenue that the government collected are from them.

    1. That’s okay. 97% of you tried your best but couldn’t budge the stubborn Malays. Breed faster, uncle.

      1. Breed faster? Oh is that why they have so many rumah urut and brothels staffed by foreigners in Selangor? Where are the lebais from PAS? Still hiding under their kopiahs?

    2. don’t need your vote anyway. no one asks u to vote BN. Likewise nobody asks me to vote for Dap. even if u ask me to i won’t vote for Dap. never will.

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