Posted in Dosa Umno

Bubar MCA, gabung BN jadi satu parti

Seorang pembaca NadZree bertanya:

“Dengan melewatkan PRU 13, adakah Najib masih mengharapkan dan memberikan masa untuk pengundi Cina berubah? Tapi sampai bilakah pintu ini akan terbuka dan bagaimanakah senario politik negara sekiranya Najib gagal dalam usahanya itu? Apakah strategi Umno dan di manakah agaknya kedudukan MCA ketika itu?”

Kata mesti dikota

1. MCA masih belum insaf. Naib presiden parti Liow Tiong Lai baru-baru ini membayar RM24,200 bagi bidaan nombor pendaftaran WWW15 untuk dibuat plet kereta rasminya di Kementerian Kesihatan. Boleh terfikir dia untuk membazir duit rakyat tatkala kita semua terpaksa mengikat perut.

Plet kenderaan ‘MCA 1’ pula dijual dalam tahun 2010 pada harga RM300,100. Begitu boros sekali!

2. Perhimpunan agung MCA telah mengusulkan bahawa sekiranya parti itu tidak mampu mengekalkan jumlah kerusi Parlimen yang dipegangnya sekarang, mereka akan menolak apa-apa jua jawatan dalam kerajaan pasca-PRU13.

Kayu pengukur 15 kerusi itu berdasarkan pencapaian MCA pada PRU12. Justeru prestasi mereka terus merosot, MCA akan terpaksa keluar dari kerajaan.

3. Tengoklah sama ada Liow Tiong Lai (Menteri Skandal Kereta, dulunya kes Toyota Alphard) akan dapat mempertahankan kerusinya. Tengoklah sama ada Wee Ka Siong yang dikasari masyarakat Cina semasa perhimpunan Dong Jiao Zong tempoh hari masih boleh bergelar YB.

Adakah mereka-mereka ini yang amat tidak popular dengan khalayak ramai masih mengidam hendak menyandang jawatan menteri?

Dan orang MCA yang lain-lain itu, siapa kenal? Adakah anda boleh memberitahu saya apa nama ketua Wanita MCA — lah, yang tu yang sengaja dipinggirkan suratkhabar Star tu.

Sudah dijangka MCA tidak akan lagi menyertai kerajaan lepas pilihanraya kerana didesak untuk menepati janji yang pernah dibuatnya.

MCA, Gerakan sahaja pilihan

4. BN mempunyai 13 parti komponen.

Lapan daripada mereka parti-parti Sabah dan Sarawak yang sesetengahnya mempunyai keahlian khusus untuk bumiputera, misalnya PBB dan Upko.

Tinggal lima buah parti semenanjung. Yang secara amnya tidak mempunyai ahli-ahli Cina ialah Umno dan MIC.

Jadi hanya tinggal tiga parti yang boleh dibuat pilihan orang Cina yang anti-Pakatan — yakni MCA, Gerakan dan PPP. Sungguhpun PPP ialah parti majmuk namun daripada 23 orang ahli majlis tertinggi parti nyamuk itu, 16 orang adalah berketurunan India (ketua-ketua parti 70% kaum India, macam mini MIC).

Gerakan mempunyai dua orang Ahli Parlimen: Tan Lian Hoe (Gerik) dan Liang Teck Meng (Simpang Renggam). Ish, para politikus Cina BN ini nampaknya semua asyik mahu menumpang di Johor; Simpang Renggam ialah kawasan pemilih 54.5% Melayu.

5. “Sistem dua parti” bagai zikir yang diucap berulang-ulang oleh penyokong pembangkang meskipun DAP-PAS-PKR bukan merupakan satu parti.

Misalannya, BN berpayung di bawah satu simbol dacing.

Apakah Pakatan mempunyai satu lambang bersekutu?

[Terima kasih kepada pembaca ‘Prince Righty 1’ atas pemberitahuannya bahawa Pakatan sebenarnya ada mempunyai logo.]

Ia berwarna jingga dengan bunga raya di tengah-tengah (lihat sini).

Lima kelopak bunga raya melambangkan 5 suku kaum terbesar di Malaysia iaitu Cina, India, Melayu, Iban dan Kadazan. Tiga bahu manusia yang melindungi 5 kelopak bunga raya tadi adalah gabungan kukuh 3 komponen Pakatan Rakyat bagi melaksanakan visi rakyat Malaysia. (sumber: Wiki)

Komen saya: “melambangkan 5 suku kaum”? Jadi Pakatan masih lagi berfikir atas landasan kaum walaupun DAP sekeras-sekerasnya menidakkan pengenalan diri sebagai kaum Cina dan kaum India (tetapi kaum Melayu okay, macam Zairil setpol “Melayu” Dear Leader).

Tiga bahu manusia “melambangkan 3 komponen Pakatan Rakyat”. Mereka tak ada rancangan untuk menambahkan keahlian melebihi DAP-PAS-PKR ke? Yang dulu Barisan Alternatif, APU dan Gagasan Rakyat tidak bertahan lama juga.

New Deal (Permuafakatan Baru)

6. Jikalau MCA sudah keluar kerajaan, pasti ahli-ahlinya pun mahu keluar parti. Itulah perangai ala Gunting Dalam Lipatan Star, iaitu jenis Sakmongkol golongan Cina.

Like rats leaving a sinking ship …

“Why else have the towkays abandoned MCA and openly shifted their support to the DAP?”, kata penasihat kebangsaan Hindraf N. Ganesan ketika mengupas dilema kaum India yang ibarat pelanduk mati di tengah dalam perjuangan gajah lawan gajah di antara Cina dan Melayu.

Pada Julai 2008, iaitu hanya tiga bulan selepas MCA tewas di PRU, Tan Yee Kew – yang pernah jadi timbalan ketua Wanita MCA – telah keluar parti untuk masuk PKR. Chua Jui Meng yang pada satu kala dahulu naib presiden MCA pun meninggalkan MCA lalu menyertai PKR. Ketua Pemuda MCA Pulau Pinang Eng Hiap Boon mengucapkan ‘sayonara’nya pada tahun lepas.

Ada ura-ura belalang MCA akan berhijrah ke padang DAP secara beramai-ramai dalam saat parti mereka kalah.

7. Nescaya MCA yang nyawa-nyawa ikan tidak berupaya memberi keseimbangan yang diperlukan dalam BN, ke mana perginya gagasan pelbagai kaum ini?

Pendokong fahaman sayap kanan dan kumpulan ultra Melayu tentunya akan meningkatkan pengaruh mereka. Lantaran itu, BN sayugianya makin terkikis ciri moderatnya.

8. Hari ini blog Kit Siang mengulang-siar lidah pengarang The Malaysian Insider yang menyebut, “not many of Najib’s Cabinet colleagues have warmed up to the idea [of 1malaysia]”.

Rais Yatim dipetik portal berita tersebut sebagai mengatakan bahawa masyarakat Melayu harus bersatu demi memenangkan BN dalam PRU akan datang.

TMI juga menegur Rais kerana tergamak untuk menyuarakan sentimen perkauman yang berbunyi, “Though recent polls show that Chinese support is low, don’t worry. As long as Malays practise politics of numbers, we will benefit” (kata menteri itu).

Ambil jalan tengah

9. Jangan TMI pula hendak menyalahkan Rais seorang-seorang sahaja. Bukankah media alternatif dan pihak pembangkang sendiri yang sering memperlekehkan konsep 1Malaysia?

Malah The Star pun bersikap suam-suam kuku terhadap 1Malaysia. Kecenderongan akhbar tersebut kepada Malaysian First dan puak DAP memang terserlah (lagi rencana Hannah Yeoh kelmarin / pengarang Star yang nampaknya menggemari cerita Hannah ialah seorang India bernama Brian Martin).

Kalau akhbar milik parti enggan menyokong parti, takkan pembacanya akan berbuat demikian pula?

Natijah perkembangan politik dua ras ini, di mana letaknya tempat orang Cina di BN? Sebenarnya Cina MCA kurang tebal sifat anti-Melayu berbanding dengan DAPster-DAPster. Di samping itu, Cina MCA yang penganut Buddha lebih disenangi orang Melayu.

Soalnya, Cina MCA kelak tinggal berapa kerat?

10. Setakat ini, PAS dan DAP boleh tidur sebantal kerana kelompok Pak Lebai dan evangelis searus dalam menyebarkan extremisme agama masing-masing.

Dunia barat bimbang terhadap aliran pelampau Islam tetapi pada hakikatnya Kristian yang fundamentalis pun tidak bersifat toleran — baca ‘Superior’ Christians wiping out ‘inferior’ cultures.

DAP di bawah telunjuk evangelis Anglophile akan membawa malapetaka kepada masyarakat Cina. Pernah saya menggelar Kim Guan Eng sebagai pembayang al-Nakba.

Politik yang berlandaskan perkauman sudah lapuk di persada dunia. Mahu tak mahu, BN terpaksa akur kepada aliran seantero di mana parti perkauman telah lupus tarikhnya.

Selama ini BN diberi kepercayaan memegang tampuk kuasa kerana perikatan ini mengamalkan kaedah bertolak-ansur. Dengan lingkupnya MCA, penduduk Malaysia etnik Cina yang seramai 6.5 juta orang akan tersisih daripada arus perdana sekiranya mereka hanya berminat untuk membangkang.

Apa akan menjadi nasib kaum Cina jika dibiarkan hidup terasing dan di pinggiran? Andaikata ekonomi orang Cina dan politik orang Melayu tidak melangkah seiring, bermakna sukar kita bergerak ke hadapan.

Dalam pada ini, bagaimana negara boleh stabil serta kerjasama dipupuk untuk menjamin masa depan kita bersama?

Gabungan satu parti akan mewujudkan mekanisme dalaman untuk menyemak-imbang BN ekoran MCA, parti kedua perikatan, sudah hilang peranannya.

BN sukar menerajui hala tuju negara mengikut jalan tengah dengan tiadanya penglibatan kaum Cina.

Buat masa ini, Umno kian bergerak ke kanan gara-gara perasaan tidak puas hati Melayu yang membuak-buak manakala DAP kian agresif gara-gara kepimpinan mubaligh Kristian mereka.

Pokok pangkalnya, adakah Umno sanggup membuka pintu kepada kaum-kaum lain umpama impian pengasasnya Datuk Onn Jaafar?

Ada kemungkinan sebuah parti 1BN – yang diperbesarkan untuk merangkumi kepelbagaian kaum – akan boleh lebih berjaya menarik para profesional dan cerdik pandai di kalangan Melayu moderat berbanding dengan Umno yang berjiwa Perkasa.

***    ***    ***

Kemaskini (11.40am): Lambang bersekutu Pakatan yang di atas saya sendiri yang cipta sebab saya ada mempunyai bakat (sikit-sikit lah) dalam bidang rekabentuk. Dulu pun kartun-kartun saya ada disiarkan di media cetak dan kalau senang nanti, saya akan lukis dan paparkan karikatur dalam blog ini.

Lambang yang di bawah ini pula saya baru jumpa di blog Din Turtle. Saya tengok yang diorang punya tu lagi kreatif.


Umno gives up on Chinese vote


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

95 thoughts on “Bubar MCA, gabung BN jadi satu parti

  1. nasib MCA untung sabut timbul untung batu tengelam.

    elok MCA dan masyarakat cina tidak melihat setakat PRU 13 tapi memandang lebih jauh.

    banyak faktor tidak menyebelahi MCA dan masyarakat cina amnya pada masa akan datang .suatu penyuasaian atau tranformasi masyarakat cina perlu difikirkan.

  2. Too late for anyone to do anything now. If there is to be any hope for us, it will have to wait until after GE13, when the 2 race system becomes a reality, only then will a “restructuring” be possible.

    Yup. — Helen

  3. Keep dreaming BN ! You are going to lose in the GE13 ! Keep dreaming ! UMNO Finished ! MCA Finished ! MIC Finished ! PPP Finished ! Pakatan will save Malaysia ! After so many years, Anwar will at last become PM. Brother Kit Siang will be DPM. Hannah, our Idol, she is the epitome of a New Malaysia. Your hear that !!!!!!! New Malaysia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I guess you would be finish too … by the same Pakatan people especially Ultra Kiasu Dapsters. You shud get a new Christian name to suit the fundamentalist Christians in the unlikely event PR wins GE13.

      1. why should I get a new Christian name ? Anwar is the Boss. PAS is with Anwar. Even Tok Guru is with Anwar. The brothers and sisters of DAP understand that too. No need to change name. Malays and Muslims will continue to rule. We are going to have New Politics, Corrupted BN, go to the dustbin of history.

        Hidup Rakyat !!!!!!!!!!!! Hidup Anwar !!!!!!!!!! Hidup Azmin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hidup Pas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hidup DAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hidup Hannah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hannah Yeoh contoh Politik Baru ! Tak Faham ? Kalau Hannah bukan contoh Politik Baru, kenapa dia ada begitu banyak tweets ? Pakatan adalah arus Politik Baru. Pakatan akan selamatkan Malaysia.

        Now BN should find places to hide. We the Rakyat, after GE, will cleansed Malaysia of BN shit politics.

      1. Awak yang berangan BN akan menang ! BN akan TEWAS ! Lepas tu, Malaysia akan jadi BERSIH, BERSIH dari kekotoran yang dibawa BN ! BERSIH !

    2. AWM, so you don’t believe in the fake Bersih 3.0 anymore do you? The electoral roll is supposed to be flawed, SPR is supposed to plant 3 millions phantom voters for BN. BN is supposed to plan to cheat in GE13, so how could the Pakatan Rakyat be winning? 

      So AWM, make up your mind, which dream you want, wet or dry?

      1. The BN can cheat, okay, the EC can also cheat, but we the Rakyat will come out full force and vote the BN to history. Percayalah ! Hidup Pakatan ! Hidup PM Anwar ! Hidup Malaysia !

  4. Chinese has no choice but to support BN. PAS is openly extreme. Look at their own governed states. PKR is lead by liars and corrupt people. DAP can’t govern Penang on their own.

    People are already questioning Guan Eng’s one-man-show style of leadership. Kedah doesn’t give room for DAP in their exco line-up, same for Penang.

    If Chinese abandon BN, right-wing leaders in UMNO will take centre-stage. This will tip the balance of the nation. The people has taught BN an expensive lesson. They learnt it and replaced the sleepy leader.

    If there’s a working government-party system with representatives from all related components, there has to be BN.

    1. Anwar was bragging that Pakatan would win the GE with a comfortable majority, saying that because BN already decided to focus on the Malay vote, the doors are wide open for Pakatan to capitalize on winning the Chinese and Indian votes. Indian votes ?

      Wait a minute.

      Anwar thinks the Indian votes are already in the bag for Pakatan ? I’ve heard many deluded statements from Anwar over the years, i.e September 16, now this ? Oh my !

      Again the maths doesn’t add up (read ‘Anwar tak pandai matematik’). Neither does the multicutural rhetoric. Anwar’s saying since BN is going for the Malay votes, Pakatan can sapu bersih the Chinese votes. So, two-race system lah. — Helen

      1. Anwar tak pandai matematik. Hmm……with people like Anwar as PM, we could implode faster than Greece. Dah tak pandai matematik, macam mana nak urus kewangan negara ? Tak kan nak suruh akauntan Kim uruskan hal kewangan ? Habislah kalau Kim Guan Eng yang uruskan kewangan negara ! Nanti sapu habis duit dan emas kerajaan, masuk pocket kelompok Kristian gila tu, dapat duit, guna untuk buat kerja sebar agama Kristian.

      2. His Sabah Project ? He must be living in 1994. The Man, he still thinks he can repeat the tricks he did back then. He should look at his own party. Most likely, his own people will cross over to BN after the GE13.

        1. Wow. You’re saying the Malays in PKR will cross over to Umno after GE13 due to PKR’s expected poor showing & I’m saying MCA Chinese will cross over to DAP after GE13 due to MCA’s expected poor showing.

          Following this pattern, then the Malays are migrating en masse to Establishment and Chinese are migrating in the other direction to a successful Chinese Opposition (since PAS also anticipates a poorer showing).

          1Malaysia, two nations lah. Err, any Indian commenter wanna chip in on this discussion? (Poor them, always neglected).

      3. Helen, the Chinese will think after GE13 that they are in Wonderland while the Malays will think they are also in Wonderland. But as what sort of Wonderland both will live in, have to wait until after the GE13 to see what moves both sides will make.

        As always, the neglected Indians, kesian betul. Once again, isolated. Maybe an Indian Spring by Uthaya ? Can’t wait for GE13. If Uthaya makes it to Parliament, the fireworks will be very explosive. Woohoo !!!!!!!!!!

        How do you think Anwar will react when he sees Uthaya in Parliament ? Err….those PKR and DAP “indians” would love to see the expression of their faces upon seeing Uthaya and hopefully, some other Hindraf people in Parliament.


        I hope that Ganesan (quoted in posting above) will contest in GE13 too. His candidacy has my support. — Helen

      4. Anwar tak perlu pandai matematik sebab dia sangat tau pengikutnya ramai yang tak tau mengira. Sebab itu juga dia boleh tipu berkali-kali dan still pengikutnya masih juga tak boleh kira…. :)

  5. I think MCA should withdraw from BN now, coz by doing that BN or Umno will focus solely on Malay votes which are divided with Pas. As it is now, the Chinese will only vote for DAP despite whatever goodies Najib gives them. Once the Malay are united plus support from Sabah & Sarawak, there’s no way DAP or any other party can win the election. Show DAP supporters that Umno too can be Ultra’s just like them and then, let’s see who will suffer at the end. The idea is wicked but if that’s the way to show how racist DAP is then, so be it.

  6. Saya tertarik dengan maklumat keahlian dewan rakyat yang dibentang saudari dari kalangan partai partai gabungan barisan nasional lanjutan soalan dari saudara NadZree. Ia sememangnya mengambarkan peredaran paksi politik dari masa merdeka, di mana rakyat dengan ratanya bergabung di bawah payung barisan untuk menuntut kebebasan dari kuasa imperial, hingga dinihari yang mana raison d’etre beralih samar.

    Penggabungan mana-mana partai politik bukan sesuatu penyelesaian politik yang sempurna dan merupakan penyesuaian semasa berhadapan keadaan politik sejagat. Lewat masa, ia pasti akan terlerai jika penggabungan tersebut tidak di laras semula disebabkan kesinambungan yang berkurangan mahupun halatuju yang berubah.

    Saya setuju dengan kesimpulan saudari bahawa perlu ada perkiraan baru berkenaan dengan perhubungan dikalangan partai-partai barisan.

    Sudah tiba masanya Umno mengambil kira subsidi kerusi yang diagihkan kepada rakan partai yang tidak dapat lagi menyalurkan sokongan pengundi bangsa cina mahupun india, malah kalah bertanding di kawasan majoriti melayu. Mungkin saudari boleh membuat perincian dan perangkaan berapa banyak kerusi yang dipertandingkan partai gabungan Umno yang mana pengundi kawasan tersebut merupakan majoriti Melayu dan apakah keputusan pengundian tersebut.

    Saya bukan menyarankan pembubaran barisan, tetapi perlu ada penilaian semula gabungan tersebut dan perlu ada penyusunan baru.

    Hemah saya, masaalah gabungan barisan timbul setelah tampuk pimpinan berpindah dari Tun Mahathir, yang luhur kepimpinannya, kepada Abdullah Badawi yang seolah-olahnya tanpa pedoman politik.

    Setelah kemenangan bersejarah pada pilihanraya yang lepas sesungguhnya keterampilan pakatan rakyat lebih teratur sekarang, Muafakat dapat dibina dan pemasaalahan yang timbul diketepikan demi kepentingan mengalahkan barisan. Pada pandangan saya, ini juga merupakan penggabungan yang sementara untuk kepentingan politik, dan akan menghadapi cabaran raison d’etre seperti juga gabungan barisan, malah cabaran tersebut lebih besar kerana jurang ideologi yang lebih ketara.

    Jika dikaji “coalition government UK” ia terbentuk setelah pilihanraya, di mana partai Lib Dem di pikat oleh partai kedua belah haluan untuk membentuk kerajaan. Adakah ini realiti baru bagi partai yang didukung oleh pengundi cina?


    Terima kasih atas ulasan saudara serta soalan menarik yang dikemukakan: “Adakah ini realiti baru bagi partai yang didukung oleh pengundi cina?”

    Intipatinya, adakah pemilih Cina sendiri jelas tentang apa sebenarnya yang dituntut mereka dalam perhitungan mengalih paradigma ataupun kaum Cina sekadar mahukan ABU secara membuta-tuli. — Helen

  7. Helen, the symbol from Din Turtle looks like a rocket “penetrating” the “hole”. Very vulgar……… But I must say the symbol is “indicative” of what the men and women of Pakatan are really capable of. The Ketua Umum should use that symbol during campaigning.


    Aiyah, not another OverseasBumi ‘masuk’ moment. No, I had not seen anything like you interpret. It’s a guy thing with you two, lah. On “the symbol being indicative of what the men and women of Pakatan are really capable of”, let’s await Saint Hannah’s hypocrisy on Dear Leader’s Rainbow business.


    1. Ha ha ha ! The Dear Leader will say “You draw that thing again, I sue you, sue you, you hear me, I sue you”.

      The Virgin Hannah will say “Low class attack again, these people, they have no class. They have no morality”.

  8. You know why Najib got no confidence to call GE13 ?

    1. UMNO is in disarray with infighting in Kedah, Trengganu, Sabah, NS and Selangor.

    2. Mamakthir’s agenda is still unclear, but the old fox has his own agenda for sure.

    3. MCA and Gerakan undergoing death throes….all will be wiped out, and can Najib give cabinet positions based on senatorships ?

    4. Selangor threatening not to have concurrent polls until electoral rolls are cleaned up.

    5. Rosie wants to hang on to Putra Perdana for a few more months

    6. Money supposed to bankroll UMNO esp from **** ******* not coming in cos so many deals were delayed.

    Every UMNO politician is a question mark, cos they can be bought. Najib is looking like the emperor with no clothes.

    1. Godfather, we must help Pakatan bring about change. Send BN to the scrap yard. Corrupt BN. Hidup Rakyat ! Only Anwar and Pakatan can save Malaysia. Wan Azizah was right when she said Anwar is God’s Gift. We must support Anwar. Anwar our only hope. BN corrupt ! Corrupt ! Vote Pakatan ! Bring a new era of politics. Hidup Rakyat ! Hidup Malaysia !

  9. You read about Liow Tiong Lai and you want to puke. Is this the type of leader we want ? He bids for the car in his own name – JPJ issued the list of winning bidders and it isn’t MOH. Then he says someone from his ministry put in the bid on his instructions, but he did not know how much. Then Chua Soiled Lek said it is a matter of “left hand right hand” meaning the 24,200 would be paid from one ministry to another. He forgot that it is better for the government if a private person pays the 24,200 to JPJ which counts as a net inflow. Now Liow says he is entitled to a new car plate, but the MOF says that there is no allocation for such a thing.

    Why do these people shoot themselves in the foot all the time ? Maybe it has been too easy after 50+ years of doing whatever you lilke.

  10. Helen,

    While I agree with AI about the 2 race party, it not the result of the election I worried about. Its how these BASTARDs (BN/PR) will runs their Election Campaign that scares the shit out of me.

    1. NadZree,

      If BN as a single party was open to all — read where Najib once proposed that BN “amend its constitution to be more open and inclusive to admit BN-friendly individuals, political parties and NGOs into the coalition” (here) – then the membership would be mixed race. My article goes further than the suggestion Najib was mulling.

      Politicians need to win votes to hold office & in this BN-all-races 1party, they would have to appeal to the widest support base comprising all races.

      Take someone like KuLi or Saifuddin Abdullah who’s popular with the Chinese. They would win a greater percentage of votes in a BN-all-races 1party (i.e. their getting also Chinese, Indian votes) then they would in relative terms from Umno where only Malays cast a vote.

      In 1987, if Umno had been an all-races 1party, KuLi could have won the presidency against Dr M.

      On the other side of the coin, Wee Choo Keong & (retired politician) Lee Lam Thye are popular with Malay voters.

      A Chinese politician who speaks fluent Malay like Wee Ka Siong and Ong Tee Keat would have more appeal to the Malay members of this BN-all-races 1party. MCA past president Ong Ka Ting for example speaks better BM than he does English.

      So in theory, the moderates and those who can reach across ethnic lines could win the broadest support base in a BN-all-races 1party compared to now where politicians in Umno/MCA/MIC frame issues along communal interests line and then only take these issues to the BN race bargaining table.

      Again in theory, to win the broadest base of popular support from all races in this putative BN-all-races 1party, those politicians aspiring to stand for office will need to always moderate their stance so that they’re not unpopular with one segment — Malays (or Chinese) in order just to win popularity with another segment — Chinese (or Malays).

      Take the Umno general assemblies: The delegates can bash Chinese or scapegoat the Chinese as the bogeyman, and this race rhetoric will make them popular and win them Malay votes (Umno is a Malay party).

      This kind of politics take us in the direction of “the ultras” (Chinese accusation against Malay politician) or “the chauvinists” (Malay accusation against Chinese politician).

      But say the Malay delegate is speaking at the BN-all-races 1party general assembly. The audience at the convention will be mixed race. The Malay delegate might think twice instead of saying what usually goes down well with the Umno crowd because now the audience is not all Malay only.

      The Chinese and Indian delegate can no longer make his speech in Mandarin or Tamil which are tailored only for listeners of his own race. Speaking at the BN-all-races 1party general assembly, the Chinese/Indian politician will have to use BM and the content appeal across the board.

      This will necessarily push them in the direction of concentrating on policies (affecting all races) rather than concentrating on winning votes by making one race angry and hate the other (i.e. demagoguery & rabble-rousing).

      The idea is to force them all to moderate. So that taking the middle road becomes the most beneficial course of action for the BN politician.

      There’s more chance of this happening in BN than in Pakatan because Umno & MCA have had a long history of compromising whereas the PAS Islam and the DAP Christianity makes them more rigid about their agendas.

      1. I like this idea very much. It is the future. Two issues they will have to iron out first though are vernacular schools and NEP implementation. What will happen to Perkasa and Dong Jiao Zong?

      2. “So in theory, the moderates and those who can reach across ethnic lines could win the broadest support base in a BN-all-races 1party compared to now where politicians in Umno/MCA/MIC frame issues along communal interests line and then only take these issues to the BN race bargaining table.

        Again in theory, to win the broadest base of popular support from all races in this putative BN-all-races 1party, those politicians aspiring to stand for office will need to always moderate their stance so that they’re not unpopular with one segment — Malays (or Chinese) in order just to win popularity with another segment — Chinese (or Malays).”

        – Helen

        Everyone should read this two paragraphs again and again and understand why BN as a party open to all Malaysians is the only viable and logical next step. Will the people be ready? Forget the warlords, that’s one less president seat to go around, but between oblivion and survival, BN has to decide its future. The beauty about this is that they can still do this if they lose the next GE. I wrote sometime back that this is the last up-the-ante that moderates in Malaysia would want.

        End communal-based politics!

  11. The combined logo in the Big Brother poster looks like the Eye of Sauron. Or extreme close-up of a vajajay. Bruised blue from kena hantam every day…

  12. Hi,

    I’m really interested with the article. Seriously, that’s also what i’m thinking about- union of Barisan Nasional. But, the only question is, do they really want to unite? After decades in power, still there is no direct membership to BN without registering into one of the component parties. Why don’t they introduce the direct system? Well, the same thing goes to Pakatan, where we can’t apply for direct membership into Pakatan.

    What I feel I am really sure is that BN should start this first so that the support to BN and BN itself will become stronger one day. I am still not eligible to vote, though, but I am supporting BN. There’s a lot of things that i just can’t pay back to the government.

    By the way, Pakatan Rakyat has their own logo. Google it yourself. It is orange-white in colour with a hibiscus in the centre.

    Smiles =)

    1. Thanks, more smiles when I saw that the logo was introduced during the first Pakatan Rakyat convention when the Common Policy Framework was unveiled.

      Looking at the orange theme, I’m thinking, “Ini mesti kerja Datuk Zaid” as it’s the same corporate orange used by KITA.

      The reason not many people (including me) are aware of the logo is because the three parties were not keen to follow up on their integration as a coalition. Hence in 2012, i.e. 2-and-1/2 years after the logo was created, Pakatan is still not registered.

      In fact, Zaid has said that the joint secretariat – which he was put in charge of – was just a window dressing as the parties did not nominate their top people to be representatives.

      For example, DAP’s rep was Anthony Loke who’s only the DAPsy (Youth chief). Zaid’s complaint was that the 3 parties did not take the secretariat seriously as the highest decision-making council unlike the BN council where the Umno prez is the chief.

      1. Why are we discussing Pakatan when the topic is about the demise of MCA and the new terms for a multiracial BN ?

      2. Godfather seems so concerned that we may be discussing the demise of his beloved Pakatan. Clearly a defender of free speech…

      3. Is that how you pass your exams ? By answering history paper with your knowledge of geography ? Bolehland standards.

  13. The GE will be the End of BN ! Hidup Pakatan ! Hidup Rakyat Malaysia ! All you BN supporters are Prostitutes ! Prostitutes ! Now repent. Hear me ! Repent now while you still have the time before the GE.

  14. Tengoklah ! GE13 nanti, akan berlaku gempa bumi, gunung berapi meletup, BN akan End. Percayalah !

    1. Boleh tak saudara Anwar Wira Malaysia jawab soalan2 berikut:

      1. apakah peratus pemilikan Melayu/Bumiputera dalam projek-projek perumahan kos sederhana dan mewah di Pulau Pinag yang di tadbir DAP

      2. Sejak 2008 apakah jurang pendapatan per kapita antara golongan Melayu dengan Cina di pulau Pinang

      3.Apakah portfolio yang di pegang oleh TKM (Melayu) PP dan exco Melayu PKR bernama Abul Kassim? Sehubungan dengan itu, bagaimana pula dengan PAS.

      4. Adakah benar bahawa oarng Melayu dan bukan Cina yang lain telah mendapat manfaat sepenuhnya dari pentadbiran PR atau adakah ianya hanya memihak kepada golongan Cina kaya:

      Sila jawab dengan data bukan pekik lolong budak hingusan, ok. Itu akan menunjukkan tahap kematangan intelek anda sebagai pendokong setia PR.

      Warrior 231

      1. itu tak penting, yang paling penting sekarang vote BN out first. saudara anwar dah kata dia akan uruskan hal-hal tadi selepas pakatan bentuk kerajaan baru. orang melayu sokong pakatan. dah terbukti, yang sertai bersih 3 majority orang melayu. kalau orang melayu tak percaya saudara anwar, kenapa begitu ramai orang melayu sertai bersih, sehingga mereka sanggup pertahan saudara anwar apabila dikasari polis ? orang pas pun sokong saudara anwar. dah terbukti, anwar lah harapan malaysia.

  15. anwar wira malaysia is clearly daydreaming. pakatan cannot win ge13. period. why? because bn will cheat, rig and manipulate the election. isn’t this is what pakatan leaders and ambiga have been saying all this while. when you make claims, at least have some faith and be consistent.

    1. You are daydreaming. We the Rakyat will show you at GE13, we will vote BN to history. Percayalah ! Hidup Pakatan ! Hidup Anwar ! Hidup Rakyat ! Hidup Malaysia !

      1. AWM probably don’t go to school. No wonder he can’t answer a simple questions. All he does is Day Dreaming … Don’t you know that Anwar is formerly from Umno/BN.

  16. Malaysian in New York = Ranjit Singh. Guys, if you read comments by this Ranjit Singh on Malaysiakini, you would realize that both of them love to talk about Truth, Hypocrisy, Agenda, Humanity, these words, sound familiar guys ? Helen, you must be doing a great job over here. Even this Ranjit Singh has to become a Malaysian in New York in order to comment on your blog. Ha ha ha !

    1. AI, back to your old tricks again. Definitely the fruit shouldn’t fall far from the tree if Truth, Hypocrisy, Agenda, Humanity is a concern for Malaysians. What is interesting is how you put it “Helen, you must be doing a great job over here. Even this Ranjit Singh has to become a Malaysian in New York in order to comment on your blog”.This is a red flag as how would Helen know the indentity of her commentors besides the email address as it is a blog site. AI aren’t you so obvious when push comes to shove for how your objectives are dictated by your masters.

      1. malaysian in new york, saya tahu awak penyokong pakatan dan saudara anwar dan saudara lim. tak perlu sorok lagi. please come out. mari kita sama-sama perjuangkan masa depan yang lebih cerah. peduli ahmad ibrahim. dia tu orang bn. hidup pakatan ! hidup malaysia.

  17. Helen,

    I am afraid that is not possible nor practical now or in near future.

    Each race guards its rights and privilege rather jealously. UMNO for example will lose its supreme position if this happen And MCA , MIC or Gerakan will be rendered redundant.

    and the truth is that UMNO is not worried if MCA leaves BN. That is the word from one UMNO member itself, a Ketua bahagian.,

    The reason is quite simple but interesting. It is UMNO that gives liveline to MCA or MIC or Gerakan. As an example, Gerakan won in Grik, a Malay area due to UMNO mind boggling generosity.

    Without UMNO actually, sorry to say MCA is irrelevant if not extinct. As such, no UMNO leader believes MCA will do that.

    Besides, even if MCA leaves BN, UMNO gets back the malay area it generously allows MCA or Gerakan or DAP to contest.

  18. You know Helen, many moons ago, I penned this in RB (reprinted here in verbatim). In fact, I was espousing 1Pribumi way before then elsewhere:

    Those interested please read my exchanges on the same thread and others in RB about the Chingks.

    1. ” Congrats Rocky, nice cover and nice article. It was a self abortive wishful venture right form the word go and with LKY wilfully strewing
    sandy obstacles along its path, it was merely a question of time when the inbuilt contraceptive would activate itself and jettison the fetus.

    That the final blow came form the Johore palace is redolent with many coiled up echoes waiting to vibrate out into ether. Najib choose a path of seeking rapproachment with the local chingkie (through his services liberalisation, less curtailment of freedom, the more embracing stance of 1Malaysia and other forms of overtly courting the local chingkie populace ). He has tried to buttress that with that regional pow-wow in Spore and the East Asian convivial with China, both chingkie dens.

    Sadly, he miscalculated as the chinkie is not buying his wares for its drunk on its arrogance that it has the Malays on the backfoot and they are there for the taking. BN easily forgets the fact that if not for the Malay vote remaining solid in Pahang, Johor, NS, Malacca, Terengganu, Perlis and to lesser extent in pockets of Selangor and Perak, the humiliation would have been even more jarring. then there is the fact that there about 120 Malay majority seats up for grabs. If you take back 100, the equation changes as allegiances are not cast in stone.

    Sometimes, I wonder what their political strategists are made of. Do they analyse voting trends, do they look at electoral maps showing wide swaths of BN territory speckled by a few green and light blue south of Kedah and Kelantan, do they ever really analyse local peti undi trends etc?

    Fact remains, hobbled though it was by a nincoompoop of an idiot, it still garnered 30% of the popular vote, about 55% of BN’ total share, had 79 seats (only trumped by 3 if PR is counted as one!) and took the malay vote in 3 of the last 4 byelections it contested (Batang Ai excluded).

    So why does it not do the obvious, strengthen the Pribumi hand which will bring the chindian dog to heel. When i first postulated 1Pribumi, it seemed a bit absurd but that’s the reality facing us today and Karim Raslan is not far from realising that:–karim-raslan

    Maybe just maybe, a lot of Malays have given up even before it has begun but obviously they are unaware of the nature of the menace at the gates.

    Warrior 231
    4:02 PM

    Then in 2010, I wrote this in AP: “However, the negative effects to the Malaysian body politic would be deleterious. For in Anwar’s eventual political demise, a new wraith would arise from the sepulchre of overweaning ambition: the spectre of a Malaysia divided along sectarian faultlines, a volatile combination of ethnic and religious schism that will rend asunder the fabric of that quintessentially successful Malaysian nation-building framework i.e., the Malaysian Social Contract.” in here (full text) :

    2. Many in Malaysia now regard Anwar as nothing more than a political charlatan blessed with minimal or zilch nous on how to govern a country, let alone a small state, but gifted with plenty of talent in fomenting social strife or indulging in cheapskate political demagoguery. His rabble rousing antics aside, Anwar sole achievement was to unite a disparate opposition by peddling vacuous promises and by leveraging upon the collective Chinese political angst. His rag tag coalition of political opportunists, ethnic extremists and religious obscurantists relied heavily on a purported non-partisan demonstration to rouse their flagging spirits after a string of humiliating electoral reverses in the Malay and other indigenous heartlands. But it flopped miserably drawing only a meagre crowd of 20K, when the hyped number was supposed to be 100K, signaling a massive loss of support that cannot be easily stanched. Many informed analysts now agree that the disillusioned majority Malay and indigenous support have deserted the opposition ranks owing to the diminution of their rights in favour of augmentation of ethnic Chinese rights in the states Anwar’s coalitions control and by the general inability of the coalition to cobble together a New Deal that would address social and economic disparities whilst simultaneously tackling the multifarious problems of crimping budget deficits, controling rising inflation, raising stagnant wages, broadening the tax base, attracting sustainable non-disruptive capital inflows and repositioning the economy for a high-tech based growth trajectory. Moreover, the lack of indigenous Iban/Bidayuh support for their Chinese Christian co-religionists in the recent Sarawak is another obvious sign that succintly encapsulates the erosion of support for Anwar amongst the indigenous populace save for an extremist hardcore. In any case, Anwar’s open admission that the rural Malay/Indigenous heartland is impermeable to his coalition’s overtures is telling as electoral demographics clearly indicate that whoever triumphs in the rural and semi-rural constituencies will helm the next government. At best Anwar’s coalition will probably coral around 50 – 60 seats with the collateral loss of Kedah and Selangor states. Only the Chinese, seeking political hegemony to cement and protect their inordinate share of the local economy, are supportive of Anwar and his bunch of political desperadoes. Vast swaths of the indigenous polity and a sizeable segment of the Indian minority are awaiting to massacre Anwar and his coalition partners at the next polls. When the dust settles in the aftermath of the expected slaughter, many expect Anwar to be consigned to the sinbin of local political history and many of his erstwhile supporters be banished into the outer reaches of the political wilderness, if not into oblivion. However, the negative effects to the Malaysian body politic would be deleterious. For in Anwar’s eventual political demise, a new wraith would arise from the sepulchre of overweaning ambition: the spectre of a Malaysia divided along sectarian faultlines, a volatile combination of ethnic and religious schism that will rend asunder the fabric of that quintessentially successful Malaysian nation-building framework i.e., the Malaysian Social Contract. And another sad collateral victim of the Anwar era is that future credible oppositionists with practical constitutional and social reform proposals and viable alternative economic policies grounded on sound theory would forever be under a cloud of suspicion, no thanks to Anwar and his pals.

    So angkat bakul sendiri? Nope. I was just putting pen to paper on something very apparent to all but so unrealised by many save one or two. And I aint been far wrong on other things as well, call me racist or otherwise, endgame is near.

    Warrior 231

    1. dear warrior,

      your “a new wraith would arise from the sepulchre of overweaning ambition” conjures in my mind a certain face. : )

      i’m not sure if you were even referring to any particular person, but if you were and my hunch is correct, then as much i have an aversion to this person (mainly because i see him as an opportunistic upstart who was in such a hurry that he thought rites of passage and political acid-test weren’t for the likes of him), i don’t see the person as likely to bring about “ethnic and religious schism that will rend asunder the fabric of that quintessentially successful Malaysian nation-building framework i.e., the Malaysian Social Contract“.

      if anything, i’d say he would be more about maintaining the status quo, but with some radical adjustments.

      i say so because i suspect the person is not as singularly unscrupulous and self-centred as anwar is. he also seems genuinely smart, in the sense of being more intelligent and educated and not just the glib plagiaristic poseur that anwar is. also, he does not come across as delusional about himself as that fake loser. [*at least i hope not. maybe it’s too early to tell… but i think when he and his political peers come into their own, at the very least he won’t be vacuous like that much-lauded progeny of anwar.]

      Enjoyed reading your comment and am generally of the same mind. — Helen

      1. I actually believe that without Anwar, PR can actually make larger inroads towards Putrajaya.

      2. Would love that what you are saying is all true with regard to that person, but I doubt it would be, though that person you are alluding to would be infinitesimally a more palatable option than what is to come . But sad to say, those conjectures of yours and mine are superfluous to the point i was driving it.:

        “a new wraith would arise from the sepulchre of overweaning ambition: the spectre of a Malaysia divided along sectarian faultlines, a volatile combination of ethnic and religious schism that will rend asunder the fabric of that quintessentially successful Malaysian nation-building framework i.e., the Malaysian Social Contract.”

        Read in its entirety, the imputation is clear, it pertains to not any individual but to the ghastly apparition that is about to rise from the grave of one individual’s (read Anwar’s) overweaning ambition: ” a race war that will put Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia et al. in the shade forever.”. It is all pointing to that even if we were to do the darnest to deny its reality with our illusions. For in a game of brinksmanship, certain Rubicons are crossed never to be recrossed and nations that arise from bloodbaths are wont to seek solace in the halcyon meadows of them Elysian fields rather than be continually marooned in Dante’s Inferno.

        Regarding that personage and the vacous progeny, another time another place would be more appropriate for both. For the time being, let me contemplate the endgame, unwelcome yet inevitable, unimaginable yet desirable…… Paton’s ‘Cry thy beloved Country’ never ever seemed less melancholy than now.

        Warrior 231

      3. dear warrior,

        i see now what you mean. it’s a bleak and scary picture, which is why the consumate optimist in me hoped it was a person you’re referring to and not a situation. or a culmination, if you will, a perhaps calamitous one. : (

        it is also that hopeful streak in me that keeps erasing this recurring image of a wilty najib and replacing it with a wilier one. also reading less rabid posts from both sides of the communal as well as political divide here at helen’s and elsewhere on the net has to a certain extent persuaded me to entertain the idea that najib may actually be on to something in his stalling. i’d like to think he is giving slack because he feels bites and tugs that only someone actually holding the rod can feel.

        i’m also coming across a lot more spirited yet sobered postings by mca & gerakan types and other more pragmatic chinese voices [not unlike helen’s and a few others here] on facebook. what is even more surprising to me is that there are actually malay supporters chipping in. so perhaps the notion that mca-gerakan are spent forces sans chinese-backing anymore may be premature and najib may know a thing or two after all. [*i also take to heart a comment made by goondoo which i’ve just read about the political savvy of the malays and thought perhaps najib may not be as insubstantial as people wld like to think or as he wld like people to think. perhaps he does have more of his father in him than people give him credit for.*]

        another thing, as long as the economy stays steady — and regardless of the scaremongering, the msian economy is quite sound — the edge however slight, wld be with BN. i’m saying this not because i don’t support changing governments when merited — through the ballot box, of course — but because for now, PR is a really a joke of an alternative.

        so with the above, i think i’ll hold on to what i’m smoking in my pipe a bit longer. at least till GE13 comes to pass. :D

  19. Vote for Pakatan !!!!!!!!!!!!! Anwar is the future !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peter John Jaban, the Dayak Hero of Sarawak, He also the future, the future of Sarawak, kick Taib out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For Freedom, For Democracy, For The Future !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. BN DIRTY POLITICS !!!!!!!!! SET AZMIN UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BN SHAMELESS BN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Follow PKR example, party practice democracy, leaders elected by party members, president, deputy president, vice-pres all voted by party members, open voting ! What about BN ? No free elections ! Leaders voted by delegates. Delegates all corrupt ! CORRUPT ! BN GULUNG TIKAR ! Stop wasting your time HELEN ANG ! BN IS CORRUPT ! PAKATAN WILL FIGHT FOR A JUST MALAYSIA ! JOIN PAKATAN ! WALK WITH US ! MARCH TO PUTRAJAYA ! OUR PUTRAJAYA !

  22. AWM, Are you okay? We are here as adults trying to talk about issues that concerns our fellow Malaysians, not politics. I think you would be better of with the alternative medias to enhance the PR camp.

    1. brother, saya faham maksud brother. saya juga faham apa yang ahmad ibrahim kata tu adalah benar, saudara malaysian in new york memang ranjit singh. tulisan saudara berdua adalah sama, kenapa brother nak bersembunyi ? kita memperjuangkan masa depan yang lebih baik.

  23. ahmad ibrahim, wazir al roslan, dia orang ni semua orang bn, tak habis-habis sebar propaganda kat blog ni. brother malaysian in new york, jangan layan mereka. mari kita sama-sama pejuangkan perubahan. kita semua rakyat malaysia. hidup malaysia !

    1. Macam mana nak layan you yang tak habis habis hebohkan PR?. Macam mana Malaysia boleh hidup bila kita ini tak habis-habis cakap pasal politiks. Sampai bila akan kita hanya mementingkan politiks seharian tanpa mencari penyelesaian sesama kita tanpa memberi perhintungan sesama sendiri bila itu yang sepatut sebagai seorang warganegara Malaysia dikalangan kami tanpa mengira keasalan dan politiks tapi hanya apa yang keperimanusian .

  24. AWM,

    If you think shouting and screaming here at us to vote for PR without selling the real argumentations, we dont buy it okay. And there’s nothing to read except I can only see exclamation points all over in your comments. Awak hanya terus hamburkan tuduhan dan ramalan awak sahaja. Awak berharap dengan usaha sebegitu sahaja mampu untuk kami mendengarnya? Ia barat tin kosong yg tergolek2 melanggar batu. Only noises.

  25. To go back to the topic of this thread, how can anyone think that MCA can survive the next GE ? Look at Liow Tiong Lai – he submitted a bid to JPJ for WWW15, which would have included a bank draft for RM24.200. He then said it was his ministry people who did it. Then he said he was eligible for it. Then his boss Viagra Chua said it was “left hand, right hand”. Then MoF said no ministry has allocation for number plates. Then JPJ said Liow has to pay for it. Now Liow says JPJ gave it to him for free…..which means the bank draft submitted with the bid must have been returned to him.

    What kind of MCA leaders do we have ? Stuttering, fumbling, lying, cheating goons.

    UMNO is right in only worrying about the Malays for the next GE. Their Chinese partner is a serious liability.

    1. It is easy go melancap first as that is what seems to be your agenda. If you are satisfied, then come and talk some sense You want to be the change, then talk less and act for how it seems only to fit you in an armchair position. What have you done besides how it serves you. Why worry about the politics of the day when you yourself need to melancap in Helen’s blog. Do you get it or do I need to spell it out to you. No offense meant but take your BS somewhere else as it is not politics we need but humnanity amongst us irrespective of our origin being a Malaysian.

      1. MNY: You talk of humanity. Humanity doesn’t allow for the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, where the gomen gives RM 500 for each poor household when they rip off billions from the rakyat. Humanity doesn’t allow for the beating up of people who have different political views or inclinations. You want to talk humanity without involving politics, you should go to George Washington University and do your thesis.

    2. AWM and Godfather,

      Apa plate no kereta Nik Aziz? What about Viagra Anuar? Adultry in Pakatan is God sent , Adultry in MCA is devil sent?

      1. Tunjuk lah bukti kalau Nik Aziz atau Anwar “ambil” nombor kereta tanpa bayar, atau di bayar oleh orang lain. Adultery is man-made, and will be decided in afterlife. Same as the billions stolen from this country after 54 years of the same government.

  26. We have got to salute Anwar Ibrahim for his ability to convince his listeners. He makes a good salesman. He can sell a fridge to the Eskimos, as they say. [***edited]

    His wife and daughters are still standing behind and next to him. We are not sure whether they believe him but the fact that they are prepared to be still with him is also incredible. Most wives would have filed the divorce papers. But not with bro Anwar, the smooth operator.

    So in 2008, he announced that his Pakatan Rakyat government would form the new government by encouraging defections.

    Many believed him. Many believed the BN government would collapse with many Sabah MPs eyed with suspicions. He can encourage defections and millions would not blame him. In fact, it was Anwar who started getting a Perak BN Adun to defect. Yet, no one blamed him but when the BN retaliated, the BN was blamed.

    So now, he is telling his listeners he would win the coming general election comfortably. He is now telling his listeners that there must be a smooth transition of power handing over.

    But wait a minute! The electoral roll is supposed to be flawed, the BN is supposed to plan to cheat, so how could the Pakatan Rakyat be winning? Oh that line is supposed to come when the BN wins.

    If BN wins, it means cheating. If PR wins, the rolls are clean. PR has also won in FT, Penang, Kelantan, Selangor and Kedah.

    You removed the crosses from all the mission schools as Education Minister and the churches/Christians think you are the Saviour now! You tried to close down the Chinese schools and the DAP now tell their racist listeners that you are the greatest Malay leader.

    During the financial crisis, you wanted the IMF to come in and you wanted to increase the interest loans, you almost kill all the Chinese businessmen, until Dr Mahathir stopped you, but many Tan Sri and Datuk Chinesemen, who benefited, are now hero worshiping you!

    You delivered khutbah in mosques, showing off your Arabic and acting religiously but you love to [***edited], and yet many Muslims still think you are Super Holy! You got to be incredible lah.

    Well, if Anwar sees a red and says it is blue, his brain fried supporters will believe him. If he says jump, they will jump. Good luck Malaysia!

    We can be sure Anwar will ask his supporters to go to the streets when the results showed that the majority of Malaysians prefer to stick to the BN.

    Bro, we know your script well. But your supporters from PKR, PAS and DAP will buy the excuses that you will give.

    You can count on Malaysiakini, Ong Kian Meng and Merdeka Center to do the propaganda for you.

    Gua Caya Lu lah bro Anwar. Memang hebat!

    1. Anwar is not the issue. If he goes to see his Maker tomorrow, we still want a change in government. From a corrupt regime to a truly open and transparent regime. 54 years of abuse is enough. Pencapaian di utamakan, rakyat di dahulukan ? Siapa yang boleh percaya ? If the new regime is no better, then we change it again. And again, until the rakyat gets the government it deserves.

      1. GF,

        Then should we change the goverment of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor because the rakyat didn’t get what deserve and promise…or re u just like those who claim your leaders are ‘Anugerah Tuhan’ and you will be claiming that these states are ‘Haven on Earth’…

        “‘ Anwar not an issue”.

        Is there anything wrong with your ‘Anugerah Tuhan’?? …I guess there is la kan, everybody knew that right….If not takkan u keluar the “Anwar not an issue” statement.
        (Just to let you know he s among the reason that I will not vote for PR…)

        So let say lah PR win the PRU 13, please tell me how re u gonna get rid of your designated PM…??

        Heh…heh I wonder if the Pkr supporters knew of this DAPster intentions after all it could be then DAPs Grand Design.

  27. The leaders get the supporters they deserve and vice versa and that saying is well encapsulated in AWM and Godmother who are chips off their leaders block.

    Bila diusulkan dengan soalan mudah dan yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman asas mereka tentang isu dan halatuju negara ini, mereka hanya mampu memberi jawapan kebudak-budakan sehingga AWM sanggup berkata:

    “saudara anwar dah kata dia akan uruskan hal-hal tadi selepas pakatan bentuk kerajaan baru.”

    Ini adalah tahap pemikiran pembangkang. Samada sedar atau tidak, AWM mendedahkan kebodohannya dengan berlindung dibelakang retorika kosong. Dia tidak berfikir waras dan mendalam tentang hakikat disebalik soalan yang saya ajukan tetapi memilih untuk menyerang diri saya sebagai balaci BN tanpa mengenali diri dya maupun pendekatan yang ingin saya ketengahkan.

    Tetapi lebh penting dari itu, AWM mendedahkan kelemahan inteleknya mengupas dan mendalami sesuatu isu. Tidakkah jelas padanya bahawa soalan-soalan saya itu membawa maksud tersirat:

    a) bahawa dalam sebuah negeri kecil pun seperti Pulau Pinang yang juga menjadi negeri kelahiran Anwar Ibrahim, Melayu bumiputera telah terpinggir dan pemimpin2 mereka tidak terdaya melindungi hak orang Melayu

    b) bahawa semua portfolio penting telah di bolos oleh kaum Cina meninggalkan sisa-sisa seperti portfolio agama untuk di rebut sesama PKR dan PAS

    c) bahawa dua tahun setelah menjadi Timbalan ketua Menteri, kewibawaan Mansor Othman (balaci setia Anwar) jauh malap berbanding Ramasamy apatah lagi LGE.

    Saya tidak ingin mengulas lebih dalam cuma saya ingin mengutarakan satu fakta ringkas dan mudah buat menjentik pemikiran orang macam AWM:

    1. “Specifically, compared to ethnic Malays, households of Chinese and Indian descent are more likely to send their children to Private Tuition (PT), whilst spending more on conditional and unconditional expenditures……

    dari “Determinants of Participation and Expenditure Patterns of Private Tuition Received by Primary School Students in Penang, Malaysia: An Exploratory Study.” Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 32(1): 35–51, 2012

    2. From this analysis we can see that lower income groups have few housing options and even middle incomegroups have few options on the island. Only the 4th income quintile (upper middle income) can afford a condominium on the island, while family sized property remains out of reach for even this group. Each
    income quintile however has significantly more housing options on the mainland, however larger family sized properties, such as 2 or 3 storey terraced property only become affordable for those in the 3rd and 4th income quintiles. Figure 24 further demonstrates the distribution of housing units by district and by quintile affordability, and it is clear that the 3rd and 4th income quintiles have far fewer housing options.

    Click to access Housing_market_trends_and_affordability.pdf

    (data dari think-tank DAP)

    No (1) dah jelas tak payah saya nak terangkannya.
    Bagaimana pula dengan no (2),apakah % melayu Bumiputera tergolong dalam 4th income quintile itu.Adakah Anwar ibrahim, Mansor Othman, Salleh Man berjaya melindungi Melayu Bumiputera PP dari tersisih dari arus pembangunan sejak 2008. Bukan kah jelas mereka tidak mampu berbuat demikian sehingga data dibawah ini menjelaskan hakikat itu:

    “The Malays of Penang today forms the second biggest ethnic group in Penang. In the latest statistics of 2011, as reported by the Department of Statistics (The Star, 4 August 2011), there are 636,136 Malays in Penang in 2011. This is a decline of 18,164 from the figure released for 2009, which is 654,300.

    AWM, saya hanya seorang balaci yang menyebarkan propaganda BN dengan menggunakan data DAP, tak lebih dari itu kan?:

    “Ahmad ibrahim, wazir al roslan, dia orang ni semua orang bn, tak habis-habis sebar propaganda kat blog ni. brother malaysian in new york, jangan layan mereka………”

    Ya mari pejuangkan perubahan. kita semua rakyat malaysia. hidup malaysia dimana the indigenous Malay di ‘sia’ kan !

    Warrior 231

    1. Dear Wazir,

      I am curious. Malaysia is probably the handful of countries in the world where the majority needs some kind of a reassurance for their ‘dominance’. You know, I find the study that most Chinese send their children for tuition to be simply common sense. Even the poor among the Chinese value education for their children because they know a good education is the ticket out of poverty. Your point that more Chinese send their children for tuition being?

      Let me point out to you that most of the private old folks’ homes are made up of the Chinese too. Same goes for the majority of Alzheimer’s Disease patients at day activity centres. What do you think? All these are evidence of Chinese wealth in Malaysia? Study after study and survey after survey showed that the Chinese are consistent less satisfied with their life and less happy than their Malay and Indian counterparts, so?

      It is a very interesting paradox that Malays claim that they need assistance because on an overall aggregated basis that they are poorer collectively than the Chinese, when on the other hand, the business elites also make the same claim in the face of supposed Chinese economic dominance. A case in point, the palm oil plantation industry. In a free open market, the fittest will survive. Contrive as the authorities as they may, management makes a huge difference, and good management is not the exclusive right of the Chinese. I don’t think the Malays are any less capable than the non-Malays, but they do not have any incentive to compete especially among those who know that they have the government to back them up. And the average Malays correctly resent the insinuations by the non-Malays that they are of inferior stock, but the behaviour of their elites reinforces the common stereotype – that the Malay businesses need, want and demands government support. The SMEs in Malaysia welcomes any form of government assistance to grow their businesses, but I don’t think anyone build their business around periodical bailouts from the government. Yes, the car industry is tough, so is the aviation industry, but how can mediocrity management be allowed to run our national companies to the ground? The recent Lotus incident is also most telling. It is easy to look at it as a Malay problem, these GLCs, but in reality, it is the lack of accountability that is the problem. These people, be it Malays or non-Malays, have no patriotism and sense of responsibility and shame. Look at Liew Tiong Lai, so he is a politician, we can excuse these lying scoundrels. How about the professionals, the supposed captains of industry, the corporate tycoons and CEOs? How can people at the bottom of an organization give their heart and soul for the company when the top people behave like petulant lords and princes?

      Wazir speaks as if the high property prices benefit only the Chinese, especially since in his mind, all developers are Chinese. How about the average Chinese buyers who cannot afford those pricey homes too? Why can’t the Government, who has in their arsenal taxes and laws and regulations, control the prices and profiteering that is going on? All Malaysians would be grateful, I guarantee it, with the exception of those greedy developers of course.

      My point is, you try and make enemies out of a community because of the failures of a few. I don’t intend to repeat your error, and therefore, I cannot but help wonder how long will it be before the ethnic proportionate power crap is going to be pandered. I just hope the majority race will also be as enthusiatic in making sure they have the largest share of criminals and crooks too. Afterall, that will only be normal.

      1. You are barking up a number of wrong trees there IHNS. The claims you make about my comment or your interpretations of my thoughts are way off tangent.

        Your first paragraph ends with a naive presumption unrelated to what I was driving at. It sniffs pragmatism even as it coughs inanity. Maybe, you need to arm yourself with some truth-sanitised Kleenex to stifle any such future paroxysmal outbursts of Chingk angst from infecting cyberspace as it does public space.

        Your second paragraph underlines the truth of my contentions even as your second last paragraph belies a certain naivete about regulatory control over an economic sector.

        The one sandwiched between 2nd and 4th reeks of typical condescending Chingk drivel aimed at the non-Chingk but divorced from structural realities, business operational frameworks and economic verity.

        The fifth is presumptuous in its arrogance as it is puerile in its sarcasm. Enuff said.

        I am a busy Malay man, IhNS. I will answer in detail in due course, insyaallah by today, when I find time from my project. After all, I cannot be malingering at my job to the detriment of my project paymasters. That wouldn’t be the halmmark of good accountability, right? (cough).

        Suffice to say, you are welcome to disagree with what I will unveil but the problem is, facts and truth do not pander to subjective proclivities, supremacist myths and blinkered arsesumptions, do they? Cheerio for now!

        Warrior 231

  28. NadZree,

    Anwar is one fine example as “manusia yang melampaui batas”.

    He refuses to accept what Muslims say as “qada dan Qadar” . Meaning he refuses to accept the fact that BN won in 2008 despite PR winning 5 states.

    That is the source of all this political tension here. His mind boggling desire to PM at all cost to the point of denying God’s will..

    And Anwar fits the bill for DAP. I mean how nice to have a Malay idiot ridiculing Malays and UMNO after receiving so much from UMNO.

  29. Manon, this is how Anwar should be described. Anwar Ibrahim, you, see, the man is a Hypnotist. I would not be surprised if come GE13 result night, once his Pakatan Gang lost the election, if he can, with help from DAP and PAS, he will mobilized a Million Men to march across the country to protest “THE SCUM BN CHEATED AGAIN”.

  30. I hate Nsync,

    Malaysia is not one of the few countries where the majority “needs assurance….”

    Actually the Malays do not need assurance of their dominance. They are amply reminded by AlQuran itself that Allah SWT can give or takes away power faster than a split second.

    They accept that their hold on power is not absolute. Meaning no sane malay will say they will hold political power forever as this is not guaranteed anyway.

    The Malay holding or rather controlling political power is not the history says it was a Malay territory 100 years ago. The Malays hold the power as they earn it through ballot box.

    The chinese for example is likely to be more relax than their malay counterparts as no Malay politicians as long as anyone can remember ever ask or challenge Chinese rights.

    No Malay politicians in power ever bulldoze Chinese village to build condominium for people from Taiwan or Hong kong. The same however is not applied for Malay or Indians in Penang. Their houses bulldozed just like that.

    The malay hawkers saw their stalls demolished before their very own eyes on reason that everyone know is flimsy. It was said to be dirty and disturbing traffic. But on the other side of road, much dirtier stalls happen to be owned by Chinese are allowed to operate literally on street.

    And now we have people who challenge that provision for Malays in Constitution. But ironically when asked about Chinese schools, all of them say it is guaranteed in Constitution.

    NO. Constitution does not guarantee Chinese school. It guarantees the right to practise, learn or use mother tonges which is the normal decency that must be respected. But it does not guarantee Vernacular schools.

    Malays are not stupid to paint entire community as ungrateful or kiasu. But by keeping silent, we are actually tacitly supporting extremist.Just as malays must speak up to PAS who are always fond to taKe over God’s jurisdiction and use religion for its benefit, the Chinese also must speak up against DAP that instill fear in Chinese mind . How. By discouraging Chinese to mingle with Malay or Indian students.

    The result would be predictable. Letting DAP to hide behind Chinese community while attacking the Malays will only resulting malays pointing arrow on Chinese community.

    It happened once. Remember May 13 when Kit siang slandered Malays in front of Balai Polis.

    LKS was not in KL on May 13. He was in Sabah (he claims police & immigration records would corroborate this). — Helen

    1. Dear Shamshul,

      We need not go too far for any actual examples. The masses can be whipped into a frenzy like what happened to Indonesia. Amidst the corruption of the elites, the average Chinese Indonesians, despite the Indonesian names and what not, became victims of violence and riots. After 1998, Indonesia made reforms, it no longer use the term differentiating pribumi and non-pribumi in official government documents since 1999. In 2003, Chinese New Year became a national holiday in Indonesia. In 2006, legislature was passed to define the term “asli” in their Constitution as a natural born person, making it eligible for a Chinese Indonesian to run for President.

      Malaysia is, in many ways, way way way ahead of Indonesia in inter-ethnic relations. However, we are stagnating. While the Chinese in Indonesia has historically never rose beyond 4-5%, they are concentrated in urban areas and are economically better off than their rural Indonesian counterparts. This trend is only logical. On average, urban dwellers enjoy advantages for being nearer to facilities and services, not to mention greater economic opportunities.

      Your examples of homes and stalls being demolished cannot be used against the Chinese Malaysians, but instead against bad governance that allowed such matters to happen. I can reassure you, the new villages have their own set of problems, and if you are insinuating that the filthy Chinese stalls continue to operate because they bribe the enforcement officers, I totally agree that enforcement is part of the issue.

      I also agree with you that the MC does not guarantee the operation of vernacular schools, it is silent on that matter. I am not too sure what you want the Chinese to do, as what Helen is doing, but you must realize that the Chinese, like the Malays and Indians, are not heterogeneous on a range on issues.

      Respect the ballot results and voting process. If the majority of the Chinese cast their votes for DAP and bury MCA, then let the community take their chances. Lessons must be learnt, but not through violence. We are afterall a democratic country.

      1. I dont think we should use Indonesia as a good model, over there the minority 5% is controlling 90% of the economy. and the gaps between pribumi poor and the rich minority aka Chinese is getting larger.

        Just wait for another crisis, the mob will again targetted their anger on the rich minority.

        Indonesia should follow Malaysia and South Africa by promoting more affirmative action to improve the live of the majority.

  31. Aaisahman Shamsul caught with your pants down again like the MC issue. I can understand your ferventness but your pervertness in distorting facts with the truth & reality is shameful my friend. Please don’t be discouraged as I see you have a lot of passion in what you intend to deliberate, but let’s stick to the truth rather than being a typical semua boleh cerita Malaysian.

  32. Wazir, you say “Suffice to say, you are welcome to disagree with what I will unveil but the problem is, facts and truth do not pander to subjective proclivities, supremacist myths and blinkered arsesumptions, do they”.

    It seems that way these days except for few. Now fact is I guess is a reality that one can’t be logically disputed or rejected like how like I decide to jump off the bridge (why is not the issue here). Truth I guess is totally different as it it needs to be discovered with moral consciousness.

    The debate rather than arguments that we observe in this blog could be an assertion for the reality on one’s assertion on certain selective truths but not one that concerns all across the board, Penang being an example as how you had depicted as you feel the Malays are marginalized.

    So Wazir, how do the rest in Malaysian not just Penanglites besides the politically & economically strengthened Malaysians irrespective of their origin achieve the equilibrium for the rest in the present day and present scenario? Should it be a selective process or what should be when the situation and circumstances warrant.


  33. I hate nsyc,

    Rest assured I or any Malay not using the cases of houses bulldozed to build cases against the Chinese. I just said the stalls demolished belong to Malays . Reason given the stalls disrupt traffic. But the same logics do not apply to stalls owned by Chinese.

    As for the ratio , well it was quoted in Govt site and by none other than the head of govt himself. So, enlighten me where I was caught with pants down here.

    Actually nothing much that Malays expect the Chinese to do. Knowing well the character of Chinese, it is plain stupid for Malays to expect much from them. No offense but that is the what mAlays think about the Chinese as a community. But for a start, stop the “pendatang” attitude. Meaning stop bullshitting that they crave to be treated equally when they in the first place refuse to integrate or realise that this is a multiracial country.

    As for the call to respect the ballot process, maybe the advice is proper to those who engineered Sept 16, 2008. They themselves simply refuse to accept the democratic choice of people.


    As for Kit Siang, the many pak lebai who witnessed the carnage told me Kit Siang was there. I live in Kg Baru during my bachelor day. And that was what these people told me. Some of them still alive and if we are friendly to them,, they may shed some light on what Kit Siang did.

    Just as the Malays themselves to be blamed if allowing nonsense from politicians taking over God;’s role, similarly the Chinese also must be aware that it may not to their benefit to elect politicians whose idea of retaining power is by creating imaginary enemy for Chinese.

  34. must be tough to be a cainis these days, either you are a greedy, chauvinistic chingkie or an anglophile DAPster. LOL.

    btw, before we talk about penang meleis, please ask which penang melei, is it arab melei, indian melei or cainis melei like that dapster setpol. LOL. or bugis melei, java melei, acheh melei, dll.

    Plural Narratives on Penang Malays

    the arab and indian meleis seems to be doing fine with their nasik kandaqs and jewelry stores and money exchangers, what not. LOL

    now back to topic, if mca tutup kedai, what would happen? well judging from recent acts by 1MPM6, it would seem DJZ would still be around, millions are given to jenis schools and independent cainis schools are also given more recognition nowadays, as reported by the people’s paper. business wise, it’s not like mca is the lobbying party for the business chingkies. probably through their melei friends like those big biz groups. so umno would very much still take care of cainis.

    dun forget, mca started off anglophilic too. even the then president can’t speak cainis. LOL. and was against jenis schools.

    so where is the best melei state to live in in Malaysia, where all the bumis are taken care off and there are no rakyat termiskin? maybe mr busy melei care to answer, if he is not too busy lah. LOL.

    1. 1MPM6’s reiterations were reassuring (to me as a supporter of Chinese school) & somewhat surprisingly, from his deputy were heard the same complaisant sounds (insofar as the M1DPM is to be taken at his word).

      Don’t think either will undermine the position of vernacular schools for the present but the DJZ episodes have prompted more Malays (one e.g. Farish Noor) to come out openly in support of 1School. While I can dismiss DN as far right, can’t say the same tho’ of FN and other Malays of his liberal ilk. The tide of public opinion may turn against SRJK (C)s b’cos the M1st idealogues are shooting vernacular education in the foot.

      Tan Cheng Lock despite his Baba background, in 1952 as MCA president ostensibly supported Jenis school albeit the Education Ordinance 1952 was prejudicial to mother tongue education. see

      The Barnes report and the Fenn-Wu report (both in 1951) took contradictory stands wrt to Chinese medium of instruction. Nonetheless the 1956 Razak report provided for mother tongue education to be integrated into the national education system.

      Most of I’ve said above is probably already familiar to you but am summing up for the benefit of other readers. Cheers.

  35. helen,

    fyi … pressing the Delete key while holding the Control and Alt keys does not really reboot your OS on pc/mac machines lah. hehehehe


      1. LOL…. it will do a soft reboot je, (e.g. bring up the login promt, etc.) ….. hehehehehe, with the issues we malaysian facing, i think we need a hard reboot lah


  36. LOL, you don’t need computers, facebook, twitter etc to reboot humanity, just common sense, morality and responsibility for one another besides the self satisfying greed minus the truth.

    1. LOL, siapa plak kata kita perlukan computers, facebook, twitter etc to reboot humanity??? what does reeboting humanity means anyway!!! yelah saya setuju, kena ada common sense dalam apa2 hal pun, kalau tak ada susah, melalut lalut nanti. :)

  37. siapa plak cakap we need computers, facebook, twitter etc to reboot humanity??? apa itu “reboot humanity”, yelah setuju kena ada common sense, kalau tarak melalut nanti

  38. sounds fair …. banyak sangat conspiracy theory sekarang ni.

    “a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one.”, hehehe


    KUALA LUMPUR: Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said yesterday he is giving up the car registration number WWW 15 as the number should go to the highest bidder.

    Liow said in a statement, and later at Parliament lobby, that he did not bid for the number and had not been aware of a bidding process for the number.

    As it turned out, his office had submitted an application for the number to be used for the minister’s official car in accordance with procedures. “It was an application following proper procedures. I had simply exercised my option as a minister.”

    He added it was normal for ministers to exercise the option to apply for a car number plate for official cars. Liow said his office had received a letter dated June 6 from the Road Transport Department confirming the free registration number.

    “As I know now that there was bidding for this number, it is only right that I do not exercise my option. The number should go to the highest bidder.”

    The highest bid for WWW15 was RM24,200. Liow said he could not clarify the matter before this because he was attending the World Health Organisation executive board meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

    “It is not that I do not want to pay up. The number should go to the highest bidder,” he said at the Parliament lobby yesterday.

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