Posted in PAS, Umno

Yup, PAS and Umno have been meeting

Ustaz Nasharudin Mat Isa was appointed to head the Global Movement of Moderates on 28 Oct 2015.

Let’s compare the J-Star‘s coverage of GMM under Ustaz Nasha and earlier under Saifuddin Abdullah.

In the month of December, i.e. during Ustaz Nasha’s tenure, there were two J-Star stories mentioning GMM.

Earlier in November, there were also two J-Star stories mentioning GMM. (Note: The Nov 20 article makes a passing mention of the GMM Declaration but no mention of Ustaz Nasha.)

So all in all, four stories with a mention of ‘GMM’ over two months (Nov-Dec 2015), according to Google search results.

Saifuddin Abdullah Wong Chun Wai
Saifuddin and the J-Star CEO Wong Chun Wai

Nest of Evangelistas loves Saifuddin

Now let’s compare with the coverage given to GMM when Saifuddin was CEO. We’ll take Aug-Sept 2015.

(October is given a miss as this was the month when Pudin and Nasha overlapped in their respective chairmanship of the organization.)

The J-Star had seven stories mentioning GMM in September 2015 — Google search url here — during Pudin’s tenure at the foundation. The stories were in the Firster template with titles like, for example, ”Spread love, not hate online’.

The J-Star also had seven stories mentioning GMM in August 2015 — Google search url here — under such feel-good headlines as ‘Creating harmony’, ‘Moving moderation forward’ and ‘Unite under common values’.

Saifuddin and Guan Eng

Blatantly different treatment given the two men

The MCA paper gave GMM-Saifuddin coverage in fourteen stories over two months (Aug-Sept 2015), according to Google search results.

Contrast: Ustaz Nasha (4) and Saifuddin (14) stories. The J-Star‘s bias against the former and favourable treatment of the latter is clear as daylight.

It makes you think that the MCA paper has no love lost for Ustaz Nasha, ya? But that’s okay, Ustaz Nasha has better things to do then hoping to be in The J-Star‘s good graces.

Keep up the good work Ustaz Nasha and all the best.

BELOW: Ustaz Nasha with PAS Mursyidul Am Harun Din and Umno Minister in charge of Islamic affairs, Jamil Khir Baharom

Nasha, Harun and Khir


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

8 thoughts on “Yup, PAS and Umno have been meeting

  1. I hope you do not publish what I m about to say. But in case you should ever need to, then publish it. It looks to me that weenie you know who has gone berserk again. He’s taking cheap shots at you. I would really appreciate it if he had shown some mental dexterity in his attacks on you but as expected his attack is just what you would expect from a thug. It’s beginning to look like those b movies, the straight to video stuff. So laughable to say the least. And it won’t be long because the powers that be stripped him naked. His vendetta on just about anyone has been going on for years now and his identity is no secret anymore at least to those in the MCMC. If you want to go on a vendetta or whatever in the cyber age do it with descretion. That weenie, he thinks his identity is still a safe house. l o l !

    1. re: “You see, Helen – I won’t say “Q.E.D.” because you clearly don’t understand the phrase – but as I rightly said earlier, unless you can stick a label on someone, you can’t handle them.”

      Aaah, labels. Lemme see, “Taliban”. “Isis”.

      And the older list, “racist, extremist, bigot, low class etc.” You guys lead the market.

      re: “Your groupies, not being too much brighter, can’t do it either.”

      Insulting my readers is not a very smart thing to do when the DAP is practically grovelling for the Malay vote.

      re: “It’s also the reason why you are so stunted as a blogger; not quite a one-trick pony, but a 4-trick pony, at best.”

      Recycling the comments you planted in Annie’s blog, I see. Not very original, are you?

      re: “Any reasonably competent writer, given your blog as source material for 3-4 hours, could mimic your content and writing so perfectly that even your most die-hard groupies would be unable to tell the difference.”

      Too bad your party is still short on competent writers and having to resort to trained character assassins.

      re: “(Even the pictures are endlessly recycled.)”

      They’re animated now. I’ve upgraded.

      re: “I have no clue what a ‘DAP operative’ is”

      Why does the word make you tingle?

      re: “but I was telling the 100% truth first time round”

      Ouch! That was the sound of your long growing nose hitting the window pane of your 28th floor office in Komtar.

      re: “Sorry to burst your bubble. No interest whatsoever in the DAP.”

      Wakakaka. Methinks the self-proclaimed blue-blooded male doth protest too much.

      re: “And yes, I did come here from Annie’s blog”

      You certainly did. You were there to do your black ops of planting comments to damage my reputation.

      re: “but I had no intention of posting more than one comment on her behalf (you were in the wrong, by the way.)”

      You’ve posted a spurt of 13 comments at last count.

      re: “Now, however, I find you “clinically fascinating”. (But so are dissected frogs. A revolted fascination, I guess…)”

      And your species is dajjal.

  2. Speaking of “regression”, fei chye:

    You have a fairly pathetic 6.5 million total page views, despite the fact that you started this blog in 2008, when you were still in your late 40s. That’s 7 years ago.

    The average number of comments on your last two posts is 4 (well, I’m being generous by counting the comments made by you. You are actually the most frequent commenter (by far) on Telan Ang. Wow. Such narcissism.)

    Young Annie is up to about 3 million in just over 2 years, and her last two posts got 22 and 44 comments respectively.

    So, lu sendili extlapolate, maaaa. Bikin chart lagi bagoo wor. Cipat bikin, cipat tunjoo semua olang, oo. Kinapa? Takoo kah?

    The people have spoken.

    Your problem is not that you are a nasty little paranoid Chinaman, Kak Heren. At least you would still be mildly interesting.

    Your problem is that you’re boring.

    So very, very boring.

    I guess that explains it.

    1. re: “you started this blog in 2008, when you were still in your late 40s. That’s 7 years ago.”

      (a) No, you’re inaccurate. I started this blog in July 2011.

      There was only one article on 21 Dec 2008, and that’s the booking article to reserve the ‘helenang’ domain name.

      There was no other article uploaded in my blog for the rest of 2008. No article in 2009. No article in 2010. The first article for 2011 appeared on 28 July 2011.

      You can double check all of this in the Archives listing on my right sidebar.

      Typical of a vicious like you to simply tembak and get your facts wrong.

      (b) “when you were still in your late 40s. That’s 7 years ago”

      You’re wrong about my age. How would you know? Have you seen my birth certificate?

      re: “You are actually the most frequent commenter (by far) on Telan Ang. Wow. Such narcissism.)”

      I’m taking the trouble to rebut the “simply accuse” posse like you. Najib Razak doesn’t bother to rebut and now he’s suffering the entrenched smearing that has been done against him, perhaps beyond repair.

      re: “Telan Ang”

      The fact that you won’t bother to spell my name correctly, or that you deliberately misspelled it and furthermore you called me “fei chye” in your salutation says a lot about you and by extension, about your idol Annie whom you’ve come here to defend.

      re: “Young Annie is up to about 3 million in just over 2 years, and her last two posts got 22 and 44 comments respectively.”

      How do you know Annie is young? Have you ever met or even seen Annie?

      Annie’s avatar is a cartoon, not a photo.

      re: “So, lu sendili extlapolate, maaaa. Bikin chart lagi bagoo wor. Cipat bikin, cipat tunjoo semua olang, oo. Kinapa? Takoo kah?”

      Perhaps you should learn how to speak our bahasa kebangssan properly.

      re: “The people have spoken.”

      The last 22 and 44 comments (some from the same commenters) are “the people”? What about the rest of the 29,000,044 of Malaysiams? Or you represent the voice of the country, is it?

      1. re: “your idol Annie whom you’ve come here to defend

        I retract the above sentence. I don’t believe you came here for Annie.

        I’m convinced you’re a DAP operative taking advantage of the situation.

        1. Ha ha ha!!!

          You see, Helen – I won’t say “Q.E.D.” because you clearly don’t understand the phrase – but as I rightly said earlier, unless you can stick a label on someone, you can’t handle them. Your groupies, not being too much brighter, can’t do it either.

          It’s also the reason why you are so stunted as a blogger; not quite a one-trick pony, but a 4-trick pony, at best. Any reasonably competent writer, given your blog as source material for 3-4 hours, could mimic your content and writing so perfectly that even your most die-hard groupies would be unable to tell the difference. (Even the pictures are endlessly recycled.)

          I have no clue what a “DAP operative” is, but I was telling the 100% truth first time round. Sorry to burst your bubble. No interest whatsoever in the DAP. And yes, I did come here from Annie’s blog but I had no intention of posting more than one comment on her behalf (you were in the wrong, by the way.)

          Now, however, I find you “clinically fascinating”. (But so are dissected frogs. A revolted fascination, I guess…)

    2. zofreis, you are just an irritating lapdog sent by your master from Komtar, Penang, as usual to irritate and humiliate others and trying so hard to discourage using your dirty psychological propaganda of pitching bloggers against bloggers.

      Everybody who visited blogs could easily identified a DAP dogs like you nowadays. Instead of giving your differing views and opinions, DAP dogs will go all out to crucified those they felt threatening their masters.

      Zofreis, I know you have been paid to do a job but at least have a little , just a very little integrity and decency for yourself.

      Helen, I seldom praise, but kudos to you for still entertaining and answering a naughty, wayward schoolboy like zofreis and those who used dirty and vulgar expletives on you. YOU FEAR NO DEVIL WHEN YOU DO NO EVIL.

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