Posted in Mama DAPster

Mengapa kanak-kanak dibawa ke Bersih?

Cogankata blog Adun Subang Jaya

“It’s the fight for righteousness,” kata tweet DAPSubangJaya (screenshot atas) yang juga dikenali sebagai Warta Hannah Yeoh.

Pembangkang menggambarkan diri mereka di pihak yang benar dan bersifat “passionate and brave” (lihat screenshot bawah) manakala kerajaan digambarkan sebagai menzalimi rakyat.

Kanak-kanak di Bersih 3.0

Gambar-gambar ehsan Facebook Tan Keng Liang

Lihat laporan Australia Network News (ANN, video bawah, minit 0:09) di mana seorang peserta wanita India yang diwawancara stesyen TV itu berkata dalam nada marah sekali:

“I saw children suffocating, asking for breath because they couldn’t breathe. They shot teargas on children.”

(Seorang kanak-kanak kelihatan seolah-olah terkena gas pemedih mata dalam minit 0:17 video, bawah)

Kenapa hendak bawa kanak-kanak menghadiri demo di mana sudah dijangka rusuhan akan berlaku? Malah naib pengerusi DAP Tunku Aziz telah pun memberi amaran bahawa keganasan mungkin bakal berlaku.

Sekarang Hannah Yeoh ada DUA! saluran Twitter dengan baru munculnya DAPSubangJaya untuk menyebarkan mesej bencinya.

Dari 44,400 orang pengikut Twitter, disasarkan pula 88,800 orang Yeopies nanti lah. Puak evangelis cukup mahir dalam kerja MLM (multi-level marketing) dan maklum juga, pembantu khas yang digaji Hannah begitu ramai. Sebiji macam pejabat ketua menteri Pulau Pinang yang penuh dengan pegawai-pegawai media dan para petugas bahagian komunikasi.

Dah lah ibubapa tidak bertanggungjawab, Adun DAP yang kononnya seorang penggubal undang-undang di DUN (Dewan Undangan Negeri) pun dua kali lima.

Tidakkah Hannah menyedari bahawa ianya menyalahi undang-undang (Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2011) untuk membawa kanak-kanak ke demo? Kenapa dia tak tegur?

Tweet dan retweet Hannah Yeoh menyuluh sinaran cahaya ke atas motif sebalik Bersih (screenshot bawah) — “mimpi ngeri bagi politikus”.

Hannah men-retweet rencana Dr Goh Chee Leong yang berkata:

“Photos like [those showing “300,000 yellow shirts flooding the independence square”] that can stir and persuade even more people to join the movement. It’s a social contagion that can spread like wildfire. This close to the election, BN cannot afford a shift of momentum like that.”

Dr Goh ialah seorang Kristian yang bertemu ramai rakan-rakan segerejanya di Bersih 3.0 serta, “I saw whole churches with their pastors who had organised group outings for this”.

Hannah, yang telah memperli Joceline Tan (The Star) dalam retweetnya sebelum ini, kini men-retweet kritikan seorang penulis kolum The Malaysian Insider (Hafiz, bawah) terhadap Utusan.

Hannah menuduh media arus perdana sebagai “menghasilkan fitnah setiap hari dan memprovokasi ketegangan kaum”.

Political heroine” tersebut nampaknya macam lupa yang dia sendiri sedang disiasat polis atas dakwaan memfitnah Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri.

Dia juga membalas tweet dengan Azmin Ali tentang “politik longkang” yang dipraktikkan oleh media arus perdana. Azmin berpendapat Hannah “begitu berani dalam perjuangannya menyelamatkan rakyat dan negara tanahair tercinta”.

Tweet dan reweet Hannah Yeoh

Gambar peserta rombongan Himpunan Hijau mengalami kesan gas pemedih mata yang ditweet Hannah

Lihat video ANN seorang lagi peserta Cina yang begitu marah kerana terkena gas pemedih mata (minit 0:19):

“They fire a shot at us and then instead of saying sorry [so that] we know it was accidental shot, they shot some more. Okay we was about to talk, and then make peace and negotiate and they shot at us”.

Percaturan politikus pembangkang ialah supaya menaikkan amarah golongan muda-mudi.


Bersih 3.0 Raja Monyet

Hasutan: Hukuman penjara Guan Eng kes terdahulu, siasatan polis Hannah sekarang


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

26 thoughts on “Mengapa kanak-kanak dibawa ke Bersih?

  1. Helen, saya tak kisah siapa yang awak undi ( terdahulu dan juga masa hadapan tetapi saya hormat dan salute akan pendapat serta pandangan yang begitu seimbang. Saya mengikuti dengan setia blog ini tetapi tidak pernah memberi pandangan kerana ramai yang menghantar dan banyak yang sependapat..

    Please carry on to help build a better Malaysia


  2. Helen,

    It is what we call “insurance policy”. These parents use children as shields. In other words, they are willing to put their children in danger in order to protect them( the parents).

    If a child is hurt during the demonstration, the better. UMNO, police and the Federal Govt, Najib will be condemned as cruel. As if police are super human to ensure that water cannons can choose not to target children.

    I maybe tempted to slap the faces of parents who are doing this disgusting acts. What is it with them. Are they brainless?

    BERSIH only shows one thing. It shows a desperate politician on the last “talian hayat” after all his agitations instead of bringing him closer to the office of Prime Minister, exactly does the opposite/.

    and it also shows there are “lembu’ among human species. they forget about one magnificent God’s gift:BRAIN.

    1. Those Palestinians and in Middle East also use such insurance in their demostrations especially against the Israelis. Monkey see and monkey do.

    2. Don’t talk about children, which is obvious
      They will even sell their country, for power.


      What have they done for us anyway since merdeka?

      All rubbish talk, sex(all types :chicken, same gender, subordinate , extramarital , onloan), empty promises, backpedalling, twisting and turning.

      Look carefully what’s happening at the states taken over by accidents. Even a state cannot be take care of nicely by a supposedly experienced leader whom only can talk good.

  3. Hah?

    Mereka ingat pergi picnic ke apa? Mereka berdemo dari hari Jumaat lagi, sampai petang Sabtu baru polis lepaskan teargas kerana merusuh. Tak ada cerita pun bila mereka tidak diambil apa-apa tindakan bila tidak merusuh. Memang niat jahat. Kalau ada campurtangan AI hampir pasti akan ada rusuhan, takkan itu pun tak boleh fikir?

    Walaubagaimanapun saya turut sama gembira melihat kebodohan yang mereka tonjolkan. Biarlah rakyat menilai. Kalau ada lagi ura-ura nak buat Bersih 4 pun, hanya hardcore perusuh yang akan ikut sama, yang lain akan fikir 2 kali.

    Beza sangat bila Bn buat perhimpunan. Di Kelantan sampai 70,000 orang di rtc kelmarin, tak de kecoh apa pun

  4. Satu langkah yang sangat mantap dari putrajaya. Harap mereka akan menggunakan keganasan sebegini lagi di masa hadapan untuk mengajar rakyat yang tidak mahu ikut perintah dan tidak sehaluan dengan umno bn. Biar mereka siapa sebenarnya menguasai negara ini!

  5. Hannah Yeoh, oops, Hasnah Yeop, passionate and brave indeed ! But wait, hold on a minute, where were you on 428 ? In a hotel somewhere, with air conditioning system turned on while the misguided crowd was busy doing the “passionate and brave” thing for you? Passionate and brave indeed !

    Tak baik duduk dalam bilik hawa dingin, kalau dah lama duduk kat dalam bilik berhawa dingin, nanti kena “flu”. faham tak Hasnah Yeop ? Kalau “passionate and brave”, kenapa tak ajak suami engkau ke 428 ? kenapa tak bawa anak engkau sendiri ke 428 ? Berani konon !

    And as for Stephanie Chai, yes that “celebrity”, growing up in New Zealand, went to anglo school, to say “for yrs ppl were scared to speak up but now Msia has found its voice”, where were you when the people were scared to speak up all those years ? Oh wait, you were in New Zealand with your Anglophile friends and whiteys. So typical of those Anglophiles.

    Hey Stephanie Chai, dah berapa lama you duduk kat Malaysia ? Dah fasih bertutur dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan ? One more thing, Stephanie Chai has her own column in the The Star newspaper. See, now you get what I mean when I said the DAP already has its own “media” outlets to to its work ?

  6. One more thing. Although Stephanie Chai’s column in The Star is not about politics, anyway what does she know about politics, the fact that The Star is staffed by people like her and of her ilk is the clearest manifestation that the DAP Anglophiles have already infiltrated a significant number of the mainstream media’s printed outlets.

    Agree. MCA is being destroyed from within by fifth column in its own organ ‘The Star’. — Helen

    1. As the Slovenian philosopher and critical theorist Slavoj Zizek once said “The true victory (the true negation of the negation) occurs when the enemy talks your language.

      Look at The Star. The fact that its focus on the DAP, giving the DAP ample coverage, is evidence that once you talk your enemy’s “language”, (language here is not we typically associate as Mandarin, English or Bahasa) you’re already a defeated entity.

      So is the MCA a defeated entity ? Well, I m sure you can arrive at your own conclusion based on what I’ve written.

      Yup, ‘The Star’ is DAPthinking, Firstalking. — Helen

    2. Bukan saja Stephenie Chai ada columnist lain Dr Azmi Sharom, baca artikel dlm Star “Brave New World”

      Why insist on going to Dataran Merdeka when alternatives were offered?

      I beg to differ. The issue is not about alternatives; the issue is about the constitutional right of the people to gather in public spaces.

      According to our Constitution, and a plethora of international legal documents relating to human rights, the only limitation and consideration that authorities should take into account is with regard to national security and public order.

      Traffic jams are not a national security or public order issue.

      Ada jutaan penduduk KL what about their constitutional right ?

      Peniaga di kawasan Jalan TAR dan sekitarnya ,what is their constitutional right ?

      What about motorist yg menggunakan jalan jalan tersebut what is their constitutional right?

      Dear Dr , kesan demo tu bukan setakat trafiic jam la if trafficjam saja pun don’t you think how many litres of petrol will be burn cause by unnecessary traffic jam.

      What about kerugian peniaga yang tak dapat berniaga semasa berlaku demo ?

      Dr ini menambah lagi

      This being the case, the organisers, the police and DBKL should have got together and sorted out the logistics of getting such a huge number of people together in Dataran Merdeka for a couple of hours

      Why should police and DBKL to provide logistic ?

      DBKL and police tahu ke berapa orang yg akan datang ? 200k ,300k or 1 million.

      Siapa nak bayar semua logistic arrangement ?

      Bila NST too supportive and bodek Pak Lah i stop subscribe ,now I so worried my kid baca artikel yg menggunakan very simple logic and arguments written by so call Prof Dr. so thinking of not to subscribe Star lagi .

    3. Scary

      They are using Anwar’s parasites infiltration tactics(aka trojan horse tactic).

      PAS has already fallen to it. That’s why Bersihs are full of them kampung folks.

      Matter of fact it is also a known fact that some part of UMNO is also been infiltrated by these parasites, suspected under their payroll – whom are currently under silent mode.

      Now STAR by DAP pulak.

      It is an Art of War tactic to gain power by back doors . Suspected he used this method to rise to DPM previously.

      The opposition can focus on trying to win by proving that they can serve us better (or for the states already won) but alas they are unable to hence the many subterfuge tactics including Bersihs to put a wool over rakyat’s eye.

      He used all the dirty tricks in the book to climb the Umno ladder as well as to oust Ghafar Baba & yet his new acolytes (the Chinese & Indian voters) are insisting that Umno is corrupt but the ex-Umno Anugerah Tuhan is “reformed” & Bersih? Hah! — Helen

      1. Postscript: And the DAPsters so easily name-call anyone not supporting Pakatan as “evil”, “crossing over to the Dark Side”, immoral, “sellouts”, “whores” & “prostitutes”.

        I actually want DAP to remain in power in Penang so that the DAPsters will get a good, p-r-o-l-o-n-ged dosage of the bitter medicine I shall most enjoy to see them swallow.

  7. BERSIH? ni dah jadi ‘has-been’. Untuk sesiapa yang tak faham..especially the aboved displayed tweeters..boleh google

    and as for you my dear Helen, i do wish there were more like you

    Keep it up!

  8. tak nampak pulak anak hannah kat BERSIH 3.0.
    org islam cakap ini macam punya betina munafik. penipu. too much of following nik aziz and hadi boroi

    1. yeah. anak yang bukan india dan china
      tapi malaysian

      anak itu dah dijadikan chip untuk politic sekali
      jadi mungkin dia fikir tak payah buat lagi kot

      Saya tidak dapat bayangkan betapa seksanya kanak-kanak terkena teargas. Pengalaman saya seorang dewasa dibedil gas pemedih mata (walaupun sudah beberapa kali experience dah) tetapi ianya masih lagi membuat saya hampir muntah. Amat merbahaya kanak-kanak terdedah kepada risiko teargas dan kemungkinan dipijak dalam ‘stampede’.

      1. tulah..

        hanya orang yang baik pandai mempergunakan orang lain (yang sendiri juga mempergunakan orang lain. Jadi semua back to back).

  9. Ah…seems helen has exposed another bangsar malay..hafiz shams nor..the boston educated professed libertarian who is now a imf zealot economist in some US backed institute or think tank….i drop by his blog from time to time if there are meahingful articles he wrote for kinisider…all in just wrote snide and sarcadtic remarks agaings th governemnt, its policies and occasionally his pricncipl againts religious interefeence in malaysian politics….which is ironic simce he openly supports pakatan with theocratic principle via PAS.s..oh and he bragged in a post how he had a french gilfriemd…true to an anglophilr who parades his domination over a western female to show now superior he is to other brown melayus…not to memtion he is from MCKK…thr bastion institute of malay anglohilres and the likes of anwar..

  10. Actually hah,
    you all thinklah

    the pakatan is the antithesis to harmony and development.
    wrecking anything good the govt does

    they are not concerned with rakyat’s good at all.
    Its all about the greed of themselves getting power.

    1. govt do kedai rakyat malaysia to help rakyat in getting things cheaply dia hantam, cakap itu ini
    2.. govt reformed the law, allow expression of freedom, they manipulated insisting on going to dataran
    3. Voting process issue attended at the highest level, they still not happy and want to go to the street.
    4. give RM500 and RM100, they say whatlah…its the rakyat money, so what?
    5. List Felda to help the settlers and for transparency reason, they obstruct the process via court.
    6. Govt allows freedom of speech on the internet, they wreck havoc all over creating lies.

    pls feel free to add other selfish actions that they have done so far in their quest for power

    1. ..and another thing Mr Gratitude sir :

      7. they splatter their cum all over the place (ie. the mattresses, the hotel rooms, the restrooms, the tumeric bowls (mangkuk kunyit..get what i mean?) and it is all UMNO/BN and everyone else’s fault

      ..and to Mr Forrestcat :

      not all ‘budak koleq’ (MCKK students and ex-students) are like the ones you described

      1. For the record, Hafiz Noor Shams ‘hinggap’ at MCKK for mere 2 years (form 4 & 5) , not the full 5 years. Half-baked product.

      2. Yeah. shinji @6/5/12
        Good term “hinggap”

        This is what the pakatan doing now
        after a state being hinggapped, they claim credit for the current success. Another one after being hinggapped, they suck dry more food and juice

        but let the truth prevail
        Any flies if hinggap on our food will leave worm larvae and create an ugly scene with stench and squirming worms

        Do not let them hinggap anywhere
        Use fly swap/vote wisely

  11. The govt must be innovative enough to counter the spinsters

    Surely the opposition must have had brainstorming sessions on how do have a maximum impact bersih kotor just like an advertsing slot. Look at the old auntie (probably paid), dumb people bringing kids (the organisor sponsored as got Tshirt for kids), the organisors saying ‘OK I leave now” so early in the day before the ruckus started so that will be blame free, simultaneous shows all over (last time was world wide) and many others strategic moves

    Should the govt is they are too busy catering to the rakyat’s real bread and butter issue, they can get some consultant on how to counter the diseases the opposition is spreading. No need to pay. There are many people willing to do it FOC.

    Ie can’t the govt counter Kenakan Malaysia Kini by creating more identical similar site. Yes we have MOLE but it will not hurt to have more. The opposition has more than one site. We need to poke the opposition fake balloons.

    One can imagine an identical Kenakan Malaysia Kini by the govt breaking up all the lies of the opposition point per point and telling all the weaknesses and folly of the opposition controlled states.

    Rakyat is internet savvy now. But still gullible like kids. Between a good warm story and a spiteful one, they would be attracted to and believe the latter one first.

  12. Can this parents be charged for Child Abuse?(exposing children to possible elements of danger? Why Hannah didn’t bring her anak Malaysia along to the protest?

    1. fed-up, why would Hannah Yeoh a.k.a Hasnah Yeop bring her Anak Malaysia to the protest ? You’re missing the point here. Her Anak Malaysia is the model of which all future Malaysians should aspire to. If something happened to her Anak Malaysia, she would be blamed by her Dear Leader LGE for ruining the Malaysian First Agenda. You know what Malaysian First is fed-up ? Malaysian First = disown your own culture, and adopt someone’s culture as your own, preferably the anglophile type.
      Kan saya dah banyak kali posting kat blog ni. Malaysian First ni bermaksud semua warga Malaysia, tak kira Melayu, Cina, India, lain-lain, mesti menolak budaya mereka. Kemudian, selepas menolak budaya sendiri, “adopt the culture of the Anglos”. Tak faham lagi ke ? Tengok kat orang kuat DAP, Keluarga Lim, Tony Puah, Hannah Yeoh, semuanya Anglophile. Dah faham fed-up ?

  13. Kalau di negara_negara maju, ibubapa kanak_kanak ini pasti dibawa ke muka pengadilan kerana mendedahkan jagaan mereka kepada risiko bahaya tubuh badan, hatta nyawa.

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