Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Cina buat tuntutan lagi !!

Apa lagi Cina mahu?

  • 7 dulang hati nyamuk
  • 7 tempayan airmata anak dara Puteri Umno

Guan Eng wants Zahid to retract statement - Nation The Star Online 2013-05-19 18-06-14

Cina mahu:

  • 1 mangkuk darah Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
    (tuntutan minggu ini, minggu depan mungkin mahukan darah orang lain)
  • 1 jambatan perak dari Persiaran Gurney to Bagan Ajam
  • 1 jambatan emas dari George Town ke Singapore City
  • 1Malaysia Sekolah Inggeris
    (tajuk utama di laman The Star hari ini ialah ‘Bring back English schools’ dan ‘More want English as medium of instruction in schools‘ — lihat bawah).
    Screenshot dirakam pada pukul 3.25 petang
Screenshot dirakam pada pukul 3.25 petang


Evangelista mahu menentukan ciri Bangsa Malaysia

Suratkhabar milik MCA sudah mula menggunakan logo ‘We are Malaysia’.

Logo tersebut boleh dilihat pada muka depan The Star Online di penjuru kiri — lihat screenshot bawah — berlatarkan bendera Malaysia.

Syabas atas semangat cintakan negara begitu waja dan kental yang dipamerkan oleh The Jerusubang Star ini.

The Star Metro ialah kembar seiras Selangor Times yang berkiblatkan Jerusubang dan beratukan Hannah Yeoh.

Sidang pengarang di Star Metro ialah Pengarang Eksekutif Brian Martin, Pengarang Frederick Fernandez, Pengarang Berita Vicky Ooi, Timbalan Pengarang Eddie Chua, Penolong Pengarang Sam Cheong, Aluosies Francis, V. P. Sujata, Patrick Fong dan Esther Chandran.

Tak ada nama pengarang Melayu pun.

The Star 3.8% pengarang Melayu, melambak-lambak Kristian

Cuba kita lihat pada akhbar induk pula. Seperti yang diketahui ramai, Pengarah Eksekutif / Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan The Star ialah:

1. Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai
2. Ketua Pegawai Operasi (COO) – Wong Siah Pin
3. Timb. Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan (II) – Leanne L Y Goh
4. Pengarang Urusan – June H L Wong
5. Pengarang Eksekutif – Datuk Wong Sai Wan
6. Pengarang Eksekutif – Errol Oh Boon Peng
7. Pengarang Eksekutif – Tommy Lee
8. Pengarang Eksekutif – Brian Martin
9. Timbalan Pengarang Eksekutif – Soo Ewe Jin
10. Timbalan Pengarang Eksekutif – Dorairaj Nadason
11. Pengarang Bersekutu – Davin Arul
12. Ketua Pengarang Berita – T. Selva
13. Pengarang Berita Kanan – Devid Rajah
14. Pengarang, Sunday Star – Agatha Matayun
15. Pengarang, Features – Ann Marie Chandy
16. Pengarang Kanan, Kesihatan – Paul Yeo
17. Pengarang, Alam Sekitar – Tan Cheng Li
18. Pengarang Fesyen – William K C Kee
19. Pengarang, Wanita & Keluarga – Ivy Soon
20. Pemangku Pengarang , Clove – Dzireena Mahadzir
21. Timbalan Pengarang, Features – Melody Louisa Goh
22. Pengarang, Pendidikan – Chelsea Ng
23. Pengarang, Sukan – Manogaran Rethinam
24. Pengarang Bisnes, Berita – Risen Jaya Seelan Dennis
25. Pengarang, Metro – Frederick Fernandez
26. Pengarang, Star Online – Joseph Raj

Ada 26 nama pengarang disenaraikan dalam halaman sidang pengarang The Star yang menerajui suratkhabar tersebut.

Daripada nama-nama di atas, satu sahaja nama Melayu, iaitu Dzireena Mahadzir selaku “acting editor” bagi sisipan Clove (bahagian persolekan wanita dan fesyen).

Lagipun beliau sekadar pemangku pengarang sahaja, bukannya memegang jawatan yang sudah ‘confirm’. (Yang lain-lain dalam senarai disahkan jawatan mereka, Dzireena seorang sahaja yang probation).

Kerat 1/26 itu bermakna pengurusan atasan The Star hanya 3.8 peratus Melayu.

Muka depan The Star (10 Mei 2013)

Selepas timbul kesedaran Melayu tentang Tsunami Cina

Apapun biar kita tengok semula pada muka depan suratkhabar itu pada 10 Mei (bawah) — close-up gambar yang terpampang pada muka depan The Star itu.


 (Boleh klik pada gambar untuk besarkan lagi)


Ramai pula wajah-wajah orang Melayu yang dipaparkan “ini kali lah”.

Nampaknya sarang penyokong DAP itu – yang hanya mempunyai seorang sahaja pengarang Melayu di kalangan 26 pengarang – tiba-tiba bangun dari khayal Jerusubang mereka setelah sarang tebuan Melayu terjolok.

Ghairah dengan bendera

Selain gambar di atas yang menunjukkan orang Melayu mengibarkan bendera Malaysia, edisi 10 Mei The Star itu turut memuatkan gambar-gambar lain Kempen Sayang Bendera The Star.

Ini dia gambar pada mukasurat 4 mengiringi cerita ‘GE13: Racial differences should not be used to incite hatred, say the people‘.

PSRmulti 6


Sama banyaknya juga cerita-cerita perpaduan dalam The Star pada 10 Mei — ‘GE13: Stay positive, united and move on, Malaysians on Facebook say‘, ‘GE13: Sarawakians urge unity and harmony‘, ‘GE13: Radio deejays begin ‘Kamilah Malaysia’ campaign‘ dan ‘GE13: Now is the time to look forward, MP tells Malaysians‘.

Selepas 6 tahun asyik tikam-tikam-tikam BN dengan propaganda ‘buta warna’ Firsternya, The Star jadi mesra 1Malaysia (gambar di bawah terpampang di dada akhbar itu dalam edisi 10 Mei juga).


Rasa-rasanya The Star memang sudah overkill dengan tunjuk patriotismenya setelah mendengar deruan harimau Melayu bangkit.

Bukan saya seorang yang perasan The Star melebih-lebih.

Pada hari yang sama (10 Mei), Annie telah memblog

The Star should just f*** off’

Kata Annie, “I have had enough of such treachery. […] And today as I saw the Star front page, my anger went up several notches again. It reads ‘We are Malaysia’. Then there was a picture of smiling young Malaysians each holding a small Jalur Gemilang promoting ‘We are one people, one country’.”

Sambung Annie: “Yes, these are the main headlines [rujuk atas] of the Star, the biggest English newspaper in the country which had subtly been assisting the Chinese-driven DAP campaign machinery over the years in undermining BN.”

Pada hemat Annie, “The Star had been hedging for a possible Pakatan’s victory in GE13. Most of its editors and journalists are known Pakatan supporters.”


“Only a fool of an analyst would not agree with that conclusion about the Star. Now that its bet was lost with BN still in power, the Star editorial is going all out to cool down the racial temperature which was set alight by their sleeping partner, the cybertroopers outfit at Komtar,” tambah Annie.

Yang diperhatikan Annie, “Now that it is clear that the racial card had been thrown open for all to see and the betrayal was complete, they are trying to tell everyone not to get angry and that we are still brothers and sisters.”

Biasalah tu. “Brothers and sisters” adalah ungkapan lazim yang tidak lekang dari bibir manis evangelis.

Edisi 10 Mei 2013 yang sama The Star juga memuatkan rencana bertajuk ‘Quit now, MCA veterans tell Soi Lek‘.

Tahupun kita bahawa The Star selama ini memang berada di luar kawalan Dr Chua.

Justeru itu, suratkhabar tersebut cukup berani terang-terang mendesak Chua Soi Lek – jeneral MCA tanpa bantuan askar ataupun panglima yang kelihatan seorang-seorang sahaja berperang menentang lawan – agar berundur.

Selepas pengunduran Dr Chua nanti, ke mana The Star?

Sebagai bayangan rentak The Star yang akan datang, suratkhabar tersebut hari ini menyiarkan rencana-rencana ‘Kit Siang slams new IGP for having double standards‘, ‘Karpal tells Tunku Aziz to cease attacks on DAP’,Karpal: Abolish the Senate‘, Retract your statement, Guan Eng urges Zahid dan ‘Bring back English schools‘.

Bring back English schools 2013-05-19 15-21-47


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

85 thoughts on “Cina buat tuntutan lagi !!

  1. why english school? national school with bahasa melayu as the bahasa perantaraan and compulsory languages are englsih chinese, indiana and kadazan. close all other vernacular schools. religious school can open such as islamic buddihist christian and matahari school.. to teach religious matters

    1. Tak payah layan Wong Chun Wai nih …

      Gaji dia 7 juta setahun.

      Kita ni orang kebanyakan. Biar kita tentukan apa kita nak bukan multi-mulionnaire cina dap kristian ini.

      Baik dengar Helen dari mamat ni. Kalau Helen suggest kita boleh kaji sebab kita tahu tak ada udang disebalik batu. Kita mungkin tak setuju sepenuhnya tapi kita tahu dia ikhlas.

      1. Sebelum ini pun saya anti-PPSMI, iaitu tidak setuju Sains dan Matematik diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris.

        1. Maksud saya diajar di sekolah rendah. Kalau pada tahap universiti, itu kena lah akur bahawa bahan-bahan rujukan semestinya kebanyakan dalam BI.

          1. I have lived many years in rural Trengganu folks and have witnessed that the teachers teaching Science and Maths in totally Malay environments have an almost impossible task to communicate the substance of the lessons in English.

            Besides the obvious incapacity of most rural kids to understand the english medium the other drawback is that the teachers’ command of English themselves is seldom competent enough.

            A friend who is a teacher of science told me something that is hard to rationalize: When the Kementerian Pendidikan inspector comes around to observe the performance of the Maths or Sains cikgu in class, the cikgu will be given demerit points if he/she switches to Bahasa Malaysia at any juncture during the lesson to communicate any points to the kids (who don’t use English elsewhere in their daily lives). Isn’t such assessment criteria based on a misguided understanding of psycholinguistic and cognitive psychology?

            Now my critique cannot be applied equally across the wide spectrum of Malaysian student demographics. Surely, Maths and Science when taught in English to the urban populations in many areas of Selangor for example, would more likely find linguistically prepared pupils who are able to absorb the contents of the lesson favourably.

            Certainly Malay children can only benefit from a vastly improved command of English, a global lingua franca that continues to permeate into our social lives, be it in China or here at home.

            Therefore it seems to be a question of the official will and administrative capability of the Ministry to work out some instructional system that might be implemented to serve the particular characteristics of the rural and urban student distributions throughout Malaysia, hopefully.

            Perhaps, if I may suggest, all Malaysian schools should have a national mainstream core curriculum but the fully vernacular schools should be substituted with extended vernacular-integrated curriculum that the Chinese, or Tamils or English-educated parents want for their kids – just like Sekolah Kebangsaan Agama where the students study an extended curriculum of extra religiously-related subjects, and many still thrive in those academically demanding environments (NB: also student discipline here is in most cases very good).

            All’s good that ends well. The journey of a thousand miles begins with striving to take the first steps. Where there is a will then there is a way.

            1. I’ve opposed PPSMI for the reason of the situation that you describe.

              The desire of the urban parents for the continuance of PPSMI will create a gap situation akin to that of “the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer”.

              In Jerusubang, say, it’s very conceivable that the home language of the child is English. Under PPSMI, such a child will do better in both subjects.

              Under PPSMI, the rural kids you describe in T’ganu will not cope or as you’ve put it “absorb the contents of the lesson favourably”.

              Furthermore the teachers are able to impart knowledge more efficiently in BM as the state is something like 97 percent Malay. T’ganu is not cosmopolitan KL.

              In the context of our environment, PPSMI is a one-size fits all solution but the size is most appropriate and advantageous to Bangsar or Jerusubang.

              I’ve no quarrel with the argument that English is the global language of Science & Technology, and that scientific terms are in English. (In Maths, some of the symbols are in Greek actually like alpha, beta, epsilon, lambda, pi, etc.)

              However calculus, algebra, trigonometry etc are not in the syllabus taught to 6 years olds and in primary school.

              Therefore BM, Mandarin and Tamil can just as efficiently convey math and science to the kids. In fact, Chinese would be a better medium for basic math. With young pupils, the most essential purpose of the lessons is to lay the foundation.

              I can agree if English is used bilingually at higher levels like pre-U and tertiary.

              Not every child between the age of 6 and 12 aspires to be a scientist, mathematician, engineer or to enter other fields requiring advanced Math and Science. In primary school, the kids have not been streamed yet and are not specializing. Their interest might be in the arts (a potential M. Nasir, Ibrahim Hussein or Chef Wan) and these fields can be just as lucrative.

              The primary education system should not penalize the weaker students and widen the gap between urban and rural, the haves and the have-nots.

              Urban parents have all the advantages, including that of sending their kids to tuition or home tutoring.

              Granted that there will necessarily be a need for bilingualism at the advanced levels of learning Math and Science. But in this regard, the transition should by those wishing to specialize in fields requiring advanced Math and Science, and this need comes at the pre-U level.

              The burden of language handicap (coping with English) should not be placed on 6-year-old rural kids. This burden of coping with English is rightly to be borne by those wishing to enter university to do engineering, etc.

              1. Yes sis, the young kids must not bear the brunt and stigma of failing the grade in English, especially in the outbacks of Malaysia. The problem lies in treating language education as a pass/fail enterprise. Kalau nak ajar BI kepada orang dia kena cari cara yang munasabah dan kreatif by increasing and improving the social environment with good English language presence; things learnt and experienced vicariously go deeper in meaning. So how can the government make English more ubiquitous throughout the social environment? Well, one way that Singapore masjids have taken is to give Friday sermons in English once every month (which is repeated in Malay immediately after), and they have also installed large LCD screens to project the khutbah in English and Malay as it is being read, and also to flash general information and religious advice otherwise.
                Anyway BI as an examinable subject seldom makes good speakers of the language. Many of my young friends can hardly order say, a cup of tea with three spoonfuls of sweetened milk, and please sir add some evaporated milk, but don’t make the water too hot. Tolong tarikkan boleh?!

                Thank you sis for your viewpoints with the hope that some education officials are meditating hard on this matter with a view to right action.

    2. What the Chinese wants is actually closed down other school including Sekolah Kebangsaan but retain Chinese school then everybody can become Malaysian Malaysia where everybody speaks the same language (the Malaysian language) of their aspiration. Their aspiration was clearly shown in the last election where they are convince to chose one political party that could fulfill that aspiration.

      Corruption and cronyism that they scream about is just a matter justification to reason out of their actual aspiration .

      Till the Chinese get this, Malaysian will be continued hunted with all sort demand and political threat.

      Should Najib aware of this and oblige to it!.

    3. Melayu perlu menghidupkan semula NGO-NGO Melayu yang dulu membangunkan UMNO. Kali ini akan jadi United Malays NGOs. Setelah bersatu dahulu, UMNO telah dihijack oleh Kling_ons di New Straits Times, TheStar dan BH dan Utusan.

      Terutama di NST, Munir Majid, Kalimulah never had it so good. Mereka menaikan nama Tamil lain seperti Mahathir, Bashir Ahmad, Sheikh Kader, Zambry Kader, Mukhriz, Khairy J and until today they are still milking the Malays vehicle. Tony Fernandes, Ananda Krishnan. Lapang KLIA2 sampai 4 bilion mcam duit bapak dia tiada siapa dalam UMNO yang tegur. Begitu tenat sekali kepimpinan UMNO bagi orang Melayu.

      Yang pasti anak kelahiran India dari Kerala, Mahathir Iskandar Kutty bukan Melayu dan tiada naluri Melayu.

      Menghina Melayu sebagai malas, cepat lupa, memberi alasan kepadanya memberi khazanah-khazanah Tanah Melayu kepada Tamil dan Cina. Dari bagi melayu rugi lebih baik bagi kling_ons kata dia mengenai MAS. Walhal ini tanah Melayu, rugi untung hak orang Melayu. Penagihan aset Tanah Melayu dibuat mcm aset bapa dia dari India. Semua bagi seorang India Pakistan yang tiba-tiba jadi Melayu.

      Biarlah Cina TheStar nak minta apa-apa pun. Biar mereka jadi jurucakap Cina DAP kerana mereka ini macho konon dari Cina MCA.

      Undi Melayu yang padat untuk UMNO menunjukan Melayu telah bangun dari nyanyuk Mahathir. Melayu tidak lagi bergantung kepada kepimpinan UMNO yang tamak seperti KJ. [edited]

      Hishamudin will be run out of town for being subservient to his chinese tokays. Muhyidin will be spit on for even suggesting 20% for the Malays. Iya Menteri Pendidikan Melayu akan diludah sendiri oleh orang Melayu yang tidak menerima 20% sedangkan ini Tanah Melayu dan hak Melayu adalah 100%.

      Simple action like boycotting DAP owned kopitiam will slowly drive them out of Malaya. Only MCA chinese will be allowed to stay on.. hehe.

      Sedikit demi sedikit kita halau mereka keluar. Biar Mahathir dan Muhyidin, KJ dan mereka yang mendapat habuan menangisi pemergian orang Cina dari Malaya.

  2. All i know is this…after talking to the many makciks and pakciks plus people my age (30s) about the aftermath of GE13, around 90% of them said that they will not vote for Pakatan this time around. They have seen how united the Chinese were in trying to take over political power from UMNO/BN, now they all say the same…not this time.

    many of them voted for PAS thinking that PAS fights for Islam etc, but now they feel cheated as they can see that the wakil rakyat from PR are majority non Malay Muslim, and should they get power, for the first time in our history, Malaysia, a Muslim maority country will be helmed by non muslims. So, they say no way! So, PR better be careful….if they were to call for a new election, i can guarantee you PR will not get the same support from the Malays that they have enjoyed in PRU13. Many have regretted voting for PAS/PKR and many will not make the same mistake again.

    The STAR can spin it all they want but many Malay Muslims have seen God’s hand in our election result, and have opened their eyes to the real danger of Islam being sidelined if PR takes over. And the more they spin, the more people are waking up to their lies and subterfuge.

    So PR, good luck hoodwinking the Malays again…once bitten, forever shy!

      1. So it is the job and responsible of other melayu is not bodoh and not mudah lupa to educate and remind others.

    1. I had voted Umno BN in P. Titiwangsa all life except 2008 for Pas (2 votes) coz of Paklah factor. 2008 Titiwangsa Pas won by almost 2000 votes.

      2013 I and family with 4 votes voted for BN who won by nearly 900 votes despite strong Chinese Tsunami in Titiwangsa KL urban area.

      Come 2018, God willing and panjang umur we will provide 6 votes for BN, and this would be the trend among Malays. The plus factor would be more Malays will sedar and register as voters compared with 2013.

      Thank you Cina DAP. Sifat rasis tebal DAP Cina ini dan ketamakan mereka mempergunakan si kitol Anwar sebaliknya akan lebih menyatu-padukan Melayu dalam Umno.

      1. Melonhead/Kiasu,

        Good to hear there are PAS voters who can now look at a bigger picture, think rationally and hopefully, vote wisely in GE14.

        My hardcore PAS supporter colleague and my sister colleague are willing to close one eye on PAS’ losing seat and are happy to claim that pakatan is close to coming to power.

      2. My brother is a PAS youth leader. Tapi species yang tak boleh diselamatkan :)) macam dah minum kool-aid anwar dan nik aziz, lagi tak masuk akal lagi dia percaya………

        Kita focus yang kita boleh selamatkan sahaja … Tolonglah UMNO reform … Syed Akbar of MACC ada post pasal menteri tak boleh dapat kontrak dan kena declare asset .. kita tengok reaksi najib, ikhlas ke tidak…

      3. Saya setuju, saya ada 6 undi untuk BN lepas ini, let teach them a lesson in history and mathematics.

  3. Mereka mahu bahasa Melayu hanya digunakan di kampung. Biar bahasa Melayu itu tidak ada nilai komersial. Lagipun kalau fasih bahasa Melayu nanti boleh terpengaruh dengan ajaran Islam. Lagipun ada orang Melayu sendiri malu dengan bahasa mereka.

    1. Siapa orang melayu yang malu dengan bahasa mereka?

      BM bukan bahasa semua ke?

      BM sekarang pun tak digunakan dikampung saja zack, lu tak tahu ke?

  4. Please tell the assh*** wong chun wai to climb of his golden throne and get back to reality. Already the education system is so screwed up, and now they want to created another issues, sometimes i think LGE is more a magician then a politician suddenly he pulls something out of his ass and all the chinese will be empowered by it.

    Just abolish all the jenis kebangsaan schools just create 1 type of schooling system ” Sekolah Jenis Macam Macam Bangsa” doesnt matter if its in english or malay. Having a race related school only propagates racism.

  5. Aku harap lepas ni..akan terbukalah mata-mata orang Melayu akan perancangan buruk DAP PKR yang cuba menghuruharakan negara…semata mata untuk berkuasa…semata mata bencikan orang melayu dan Islam…

  6. Saya setuju dengan kenyataan pertama artikel The Star itu. Memang “unhealthy” bila Cina belajar di sekolah Cina, India di sekolah Tamil dan Melayu di sekolah Kebangsaan. Itu yang dilaungkan oleh Satu Sekolah untuk Semua buat beberapa tahun ini.

    Kepada WCW, tidak ada sekolah Melayu di zaman ini, cuma sekolah kebangsaan. Sekolah Melayu itu zaman Inggeris memerintah dulu di mana terdapat sekolah Inggeris yang dikendalikan oleh gereja dan sekolah Melayu. Kalau nak diadakan balik sekolah Inggeris, jangan nanti terkejut jika bangkit pahlawan Melayu menuntut kemerdekaan sekali lagi.

    Dalam suasana tegang selepas PRU13 ini, The Star hendak menimbulkan isu satu sekolah pula, cuma bukan sekolah kebangsaan.

    Nampak sangat yang kaum Cina tidak boleh menerima yang mereka ini adalah rakyat Malaysia di mana bahasa Kebangsaannya adalah bahasa Melayu. Kita bukan jajahan Inggeris lagi, kita sudah merdeka. Kita ada jatidiri tersendiri. Kenapa perlu mengiktirafkan yang asing, apakah tiada kebanggaan terhadap budaya, bahasa dan negara sendiri?

    Sampai bila nak merendahkan negara sendiri dan malu dengan apa yang sepatutnya dibanggakan?

    1. WCW bangang Perlembagaan Negara tidak benarkan pembelajaran dalam bahasa lain daripada Bahasa Ibunda!

      Penipu dan macam DAP kata SK sebagai sekolah Melayu!
      Memang jagat!

      Sama macam DAP kata kerajaan bagi peruntukkan kepada SK sebagai hanya bantu sekolah Melayu!

        1. Adakah Akta Pendidikan memperuntukkan kewujudan SJK atau hanya memberi ruang untuk pembelajaran bahasa Cina, India dll. sementara mata pelajaran lain perlu diajar dalam bahasa Kebangsaan melainkan bahasa Inggeris?

          1. Sila baca puatan pdf (rujuk komen awal).

            Daripada bacaan saya yang tidak mempunyai ijazah undang-undang :) nampaknya SJK – dengan disebut khususnya Cina dan Tamil – ada diperuntukkan.

            1. Memang ada peruntukkan tapi sudah disalahguna niat baik pemimpin yang menggubal peruntukkan ini dahulu.

            1. Have they forgotten AI had pandang sepi sekolah cina masa dia jadi M.Pendidikan, not that I did not support him at the time, tapi Chinese seems to blackout this fact from their kepala otak?!

              And say NO to Ah Jib Gor and YES to AI, mind boggling indeed.

  7. Apa yang Helen Ang mahu?

    1. Helen Ang nak salahkan orang Kristian

    2. Helen Ang nak jawatan ‘editor’ Star

    Ha, sekarang kita tahu mengapa Helen sentiasa menyalahkan ahkbar MCA ini dalam setiap postingnya. : )

    1. re: (2)

      Now, why would I want to venture into a nest of DAP supporters? Do you reckon I’m a masochist?

      There’s only one Malay in a very minor editorial role in the list. If they’re so hostile to Malays, what makes you think I can fit into the The Star set-up?

      Granted I’m not Malay, but still, I’m not an evangelista either (from the 26-plus names, e.g. Aluosies Francis, Brian Martin, Risen Dennis, Frederick Fernandez, Anne Marie, Melody Louisa, Esther Chandran, you can already figure out the orientation there.)

      If I had wanted to be an editor at The Star, I would not have left them 10 years ago.

      The trouble with Dapsters is that you people are always hitting below the belt and throwing your own conjectures instead of dealing with substantiated facts.

      1. I don’t know about blaming the Christians but what I do observe is that you have an unnatural obsession with Hannah Banana (LOL).

        1. :)

          (1) She is the face of the Evangelista Bintang Tiga just like Hitler is the figurehead for the Nazis.

          (2) Other bloggers (Shizone, Seademon) and commenters here have complained that she blocks them from her Twitter bila dia dijentik dema.

          (3) Other bloggers (Dhanyaram and me) have also revealed how she deletes tweets from her timeline when she is caught fibbing.

          (4) Presently, after the close monitoring of her Twitter timeline that various bloggers are carrying out, she has taken some of her tweets off the public domain (i.e. available to only her followers). Nonetheless, she has 74,428 Twitter followers. Like the Brownshirts, they are a potential lynch mob that she is able to raise against her enemies.

          (5) She is rising fast up the ranks. She is Selangor Wanita DAP chief. Her name has been put forward for S’gor exco. But recent developments over the DAP quota may see her excluded (in any case, we shall find out soon).

          (6) The DAP is promoting evangelistas. Hannah Yeoh’s personal assistant Rajiv Rishyakaran is now a YB — Adun for Bukit Gasing, PJ. The evangelistas have taken control of the DAP. They are the ones promoting hatred and labelling other people as “low class” and “racists”.

          (7) The evangelistas are the ones in the public eye for name-calling “hitam metalik”, “prostitute” (against reporters) and other insults. However the Jerusubang media not only whitewash and cover up – for her and the coterie – but also do a lot of promotion in their pages to build up the evangelista image.

          (8) The cult has hijacked DAP 1.0 and the party Old Guard has been purged. It’s clear after the CEC and GE13 that it is mostly Guan Eng’s men and women who have been given positions. Hannah Yeoh is one of his main brown nosers and proudly tells Twitterjaya that she eagerly reads his thoughts (shades of Little Red Book and Chairman Mao).

          (9) After Karpal and Kit Siang retire, there are will be no traces of Ye Olde DAP left. Lee Lam Thye, Wee Choo Keong and others were either sacked or driven out.

          (10) After the 2008 tsunami success, it is the Christian carpetbaggers who have been joining the DAP in droves. Read Shen Yee Aun. It’s a misrepresention to describe DAP as a secular party. DAP has become like PAS.

              1. Tapi dia very good iklan for DAP’s I LOVE ME-LAYU kempen. But to DAPster Chua Lai Fat bukan Cina tapi Bangla. Triple standard politics for DAP – for a. Cina Buddhis b. Kriistians c. Melayu moden. One party 3 systems. Ptui.

      2. “The trouble with Dapsters is that you people are always hitting below the belt and throwing your own conjectures instead of dealing with substantiated facts.

        I suppose repeated ramblings about Christians, Hannah Teo, and Star paper is substantiated facts?

      1. To continue your theme:

        Apa yang LGE mau? Zahid retracts his statement.
        Apa yang orang kampung mau? Zahid sumbat saja penganjur dan penceramah 505 terutamanya LKS ke dalam penjara. Hmm, kalau lah pulau jerejak masih buka lagi ….

        1. Zahid the no nonsense guy will be hawking over the likes of lks, lge, ai etc etc.

          1. This what my dad said, when new cabinet was announce. When you put the previously Menteri Pertahanan to Menteri hal ehwal keselamatan dalam negeri, you will get the army general no nonsense attitude to the max. Guess he was right all a long.

            :D sarah

    2. Apa yang Helen Ang mahu?

      Helen mahu orang hipokrit macam kamu tahu bahawa orang Melayu sudah menjadi rasis dan benci kepada bangsa cina disebabkan oleh sikap cina DAP yang sombong, tamak rasis dan paling buruk hipokrit pulak tu.

      Helen juga mahu orang hipokrit macam kamu tahu bahawa cina Kristian dalam DAP dengan dokongan paderi2 dan pastor2 sudah menjadi Taliban Kristian yang menanam kebencian terhadap kerajaan BN dan Umno dengan apa kaedah pun termasuk fitnah dan celaan, bahawa kristian2 ini sudah menjadi puak extremis agama yang berbahaya sepertimana extremis Pas.

      Itu pengertian saya tentang apa yang Helen mahu, dan saya tak kisah jika saya salah taksir.

      Tapi yang pasti, saya tahu Helen mahu orang hipokrit macam kamu tahu bahawa kamu jangan pura-pura tidak tahu, melainkan kamu tahu buat bodoh badak, yang Cina DAP mahu Umno mati. Oh, kamu tidak tahu yang kamu tahu perkara ini ya?

    3. Hmm…. tak habis habis menyibuk … dah kalah kalahlah. Tak merusuh ke hari ni …

  8. Saya berpendapat dari dahulu lagi bahawa perpaduan kaum di malaysia tidak akan tercapai selagi SJKC dan SJKT diadakan dalam sistem pendidikan Malaysia , sekarang hanya ada toleransi antara kaum sahaja, semuanya superficial , kepurapuraan

    1. Setuju. Kadang-kadang kita cuba. Diorang tak percaya kita, kita tak percaya diorang. Post GE13 nih nak cuba pun dah malas.

  9. There is a Chinese school and Indian school in Malaysia…but there is no Malay school in this country… we have only NATIONAL school!.

    National school means the medium of instruction is Malay as a NATIONAL language. It stated clearly in the constitution. Please do not confuse (confusing others) between Malay school and National school.

    As Malay language is a NATIONAL language, shall Chinese and Tamil Language deserve the same status? If that so, than we shall amend the constitution.

  10. apala nakkan english school balik? dijepun takdepun english school walaupun english itu bahasa komunikasi dunia.

    maka apabila the star mencanangkan mahu balik english school, maka teramatlah jelas pengarangnya tidak ada langsung semangat patriotik cintakan negara.

    amat malang di negara ini dengan adanya the star yang walaupun cuba tunjuk baik tapi kerana telah terlalu lama bergelumang tahi, dibasuh dengan sabun terbaik sekalipun hanyirnya tetap ada….

    1. Silakan. Tolong join kami yang sudah bosan dengan dusta BN di akhbar Star.

      A little friendly fire on the enemy’s side helps a lot. :)

  11. Too much about race going on in this country.We all need to relax and slow down a bit. Both BN and PR need to sit down and talk.We are all Malaysian even we have different political ideology.

    1. Ya la after kow-kow kutuk UMNO dan orang Melayu, macam orang lain dan parti lain bersih sangat, sekarang baru nak cakap pasal sit down and talk. Dulu baik punya kutuk penyokong BN sebagai anjing UMNO la bagai!
      Damage Control nampak!

  12. Wong chunwai dispalys that he has no understanding and respect for the constitution.article 152 stipulates that all national institutions MUST use Bahasa melayu, legally, vernacular schools are not illegal but constitutionally should not get a cent of govt funds. Pathetic,.i hope he reads this so that i can tell how half truth and lame his articles are for a syiok sendiri anglophile educated eunuch. Bangang wong chun wai.

  13. helen,

    i used to be a moderate malay who sincerely wanted to see all races in malaysia included in the nation-building process. but after seeing how chinese voters spat at pm najib despite his friendly gestures to them, my sentiments hv changed.

    if before ge13 i’ve been ambivalent politically, henceforth i’m going to actively canvass for support for bn in ge14, especially among my family, relatives, frens and associates. my point is, if there is a malay backlash against pr especially dap, i’m one of them.

      1. First she convert them, then they pay 10% God Tax then the join DAP. If then go near a BN person, they will burn, go to hell and end up having lusty sex in hell with the sexy demons of Luciffur!

  14. PRU13 result was a sad to Malaysia. Chinese cant be trusted, berpura-pura baik depan Melayu. Many malays who voted for PR were disappointed when majority chinese went to racist party of DAP. We want change tetapi bukan berterusan (note: continuously) menyakitkan hati Melayu yang banyak bertolak-ansur dan baik hati.

    Sudah lama sepatutnya SKJC dan SKJT dimansuhkan demi kesinambungan dan keharmonian Malaysia. Sebab tu SIngapore dan Indonesia boleh berjaya, tetapi tidak Malaysia kerana Cina Malaysia langsung tidak mahu bertolak ansur dan tersangat rasis.

    1. I have been talking about this for so long. Tai Zee Kin had given an in depth perspectives on the issue. We ahould all thanks him.

  15. Helen; dah baca komen komen kat blog Outsyedthebox.. the comments over there are the general feelings of the Malays towards the Chinese. They dont buy the idea that the Chinese had voted for PKR because of BN too corrupted. Tuan Syed had challenged the Chinese to stop corruption by not giving the bribe to the Malays. Any takers?

    1. If the Chinese voters are so concerned about corruption, they should first clean up the gangsterism, triads (kongsi gelap), contract killers, human traffickers (maid importers), pimps and ah longs in their midst. Then start to talk about how upright and moral the Chinese community is.

      1. The chinese are just afraid that the malays will no longer need them. The malays can be independent. The chinese do not want to be slaves. The chinese only want to be the master race. How dare that the Malays are also intelligent? How do you Malays now have more doctors? How dare you Malays are qualified from schools overseas? How dare you Malays that you no longer need the Chinese? The Chinese have always thought that the Malays are lazy, how dare you Malays have proven the Chinese wrong.

      2. Yep agreed with you Helen. The Cina community should do that. Got many kedai kuda here that been rushed several time, rushed today open back tomorrow. Laundry money from along2, cleansing it through kedai2 kain and computer shop. Come on, you got to be kidding that Cina wants a transparent government? Cheating on contractor and did not pay salary to the Banglas worker. Mistress? More than 4 maaa..

        1. Yeah, the illegal bookies too.

          Definitely. Who believes them when they claim they’re voting DAP to clean up corruption? Just like we don’t believe them when they declare that they want to wipe out racism through colour blindness.

          The problem is that the DAP supporters do indeed believe in the propaganda most passionately. There were almost 4 million registered Chinese voters eligible to vote in GE13.

          That’s like more than three-and-a-half million enfranchised Chinese adults who behave like Dapsters viciously attacking anyone who’s sceptical of their Dear Leaders.

      3. Is giving ang pow not within your family members a part of corruption too? Please enlighten me. Is giving RM50 ang pow? Or Is giving RM 500,000 ang pow too?

  16. Ketuanan Cina in the making. Malaysian are supportive of this move perhaps very soon we have a Chinese Prime Minister. Can fully control the urban areas. The others anywhere but not much in the cities.

  17. Dap and all their supporters especially the STAR management team and their employees think that politics is a game and saying things that insult and offend the Malays is just another tactic in their game plan.

    These people are new in the arena. They are playing with fire and when it gets out of control, it will be just too late for all of them. The damage is done.

    Stop writing stupid headlines in your fucking STAR to show that you are pariotic. The editors in STAR are just a bunch of idiots.

  18. DAP should organize a demonstration outside Menara Star, preferably on Wesak Day.

    Why Wesak Day? No religion is sacred to them. As such a religious public holiday would make sense to ensure maximum attendees.

    What’s the protest about? Insensitivity of The Star in their We Are Malaysia campaign. Don’t they know that white signifies death in Chinese society? The jigsaw puzzle logo has a white piece at the bottom left corner. Just as Ibrahim Ali was insensitive, so is The Star.

    In fact, Haris Ibrahim & Wong Tack should join forces. One will bring his posse of enforcers while the other will bring his can of kerosene. The Menara would make one hell of a bonfire no? Guy Fawkes’ Day comes early in Malaysia.

    Seeing how emotions are running high in the opposition camp, who’s to say these far fetched scenarios won’t come true?

    And for the nth time Helen, Hannah is pure & righteous. She’s God’s elected representative for Subang Jaya OK? So please stop dragging her name through manure. Otherwise she may invoke her God’s blessings & mercy upon you for you’re made in God’s image too.

    1. I bet they would and I don’t blame them!!!
      What else would they do to layan a bunch of cultist like you guys?!!!

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