Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Christian MP boasts that a DAP chief of air force or navy would surely have located the plane

Updated, 5.40pm: The Christian Member of Parliamnent concerned has retracted his statement — ‘DAP MP makes turn back on MH370 remark(Malaysiakini).

His overweaning arrogance is a display of Christian triumphalism. Decades of MCA leadership has never behaved remotely close to this, with the exception of the former MCA Subang Jaya three-term Adun who is an uber evangelista.


The Malay Mail has this headline today — ‘MP: Pakatan would find MH370 if given control of air force, navy‘.

MP: Pakatan would find MH370 if given control of air force, navy – See more at:



The MP who boasted “Make one of DAP’s leaders the commander of the air force or navy, then we will find MH370” is Segambut’s Lim Lip Eng.

He is a staunch Christian.

Ref. ‘Begitu ramai sekali YB Kristian DAP di Parlimen!!

Blogger- User Profile- LIM LIP ENG

The oppo Christians think the present Malay-led government is “low class” and “racist”.

Take a look at the front page headlines in Malaysiakini earlier today (see screenshot). They portray that almost everything run by the Malay-dominated government is faulty.

DAP Mursyidul Am Lim Kit Siang slams the Deputy Defence Minister as a bungler and wants Abdul Rahim Bakri sacked.

Headline (1): Kit Siang bays for blood of ‘bungling’ deputy minister
Blurb: MH370 The DAP leader raps Abdul Rahim Bakri for ‘talking rubbish’. He wants him to quit or be axed.

Malaysiakini 28 March 2014

I. Going on the offensive

Headline (4): Adenan’s dilemma – to bar or not to bar Anwar
Blurb: BALINGIAN Was the chief minister scared of a potential global backlash?

Headline (6): Kurup evades queries on ‘vote for your own’ remark
Blurb: PARLIAMENT ‘I do not wish to prolong this matter,’ he tells Parliament.

Headline (7): Malaysia, a bundle of foreign affairs bungles
Blurb: COMMENT Our ‘democratic’ practices baffle even those in Mauritius.

Headline (10): Bad press – like China, like Malaysia
Blurb:YOURSAY If what Zahid says is true, it means there are many Chinese ‘Utusan’.’

Headline (14): Hisham, history will also judge us on ‘Allah’
Blurb: YOURSAY ‘Like all your cabinet colleagues, you are in a state of self-denial.

II. Defensive-offensive

Headline (11): M’kini doesn’t confuse people, ministers do
Blurb: YOURSAY ‘It is actually the Umno politicians who are confusing the people.’

Headline (13): So Ibrahim Ali realises not all Christians are evil
Blurb: YOURSAY ‘This is what happens when you read Utusan everyday.’

III. Defending Pakatan

Headline (9): Malik explains faux pas on Halimah issue
Blurb: Penang exco member says background musings ought not to be grist for editorials.

More BN bashing

You can see a sampling of the hostile reader comments on the following Yahoo! thread on MH370, urging that such a bad and useless BN government cannot be defended.

(409 words)





I have no Faceook or Twitter.

54 thoughts on “Christian MP boasts that a DAP chief of air force or navy would surely have located the plane

  1. Hi, Helen. This headline really made my day as I was kind of stressed from proofreading work. I was laughing hard in front of my computer. The headline ‘Christian MP boasts that a DAP chief of air force or navy would surely have located the plane’ really says it all. Chest-thumping boasts without any substance and a typical culture of belittling others who actually worked hard in searching the missing plane.

    To Lim Lip Eng, one does not need to be a chief of air force or navy in order to locate MH370. If you and your ‘team’ are really experts in aviation and navy, then you should just do your part in assisting the government with the search.

    The fact is, are there many DAP folks serving the air force and navy? What really irks me is that people such as Lim Lip Eng act as though they are God, which is why they can come up with such a statement ‘If we were to handle this, we would surely bla bla bla’. For us Muslims, the key words are ‘usaha’, ‘doa’ and ‘tawakal’. We will do to the best of our capability, pray and ‘berserah’ to Allah the Almighty. We must never boast like this.

    And I thought that Christianity teaches one to be humble?

    1. and if a DAP guy fails to find it, guess what his excuse will be: Excel error! =p
      (maybe that’s y the guy retracted his statement)

    2. And Christianity teaches not to eat pork says in three of it bibles.. too much eating pork make one to be boastful.. that’s why..

  2. Kak Helen, jangan layan la DAP MP bongok ni especially Lim Lip Eng.. rasa nak tergelak pun ada kah..kah..kah… first time i respect Dr. Chua walaupun sebelum ni i xsuka dia psl dia lah yg pecahkan MCA and buang org baik mcm Dr. Ong… anyway is a good call..

    why not invite Lim Lip Eng (nama pun lawak) suruh dia jadik one of head for Msia SAR.. lepas tu antar kat Indian Ocean tu. Tengok bole survive ke tak… kakakakaka… setakat duduk kat Segambut pun segambut mcm tu gak, kt kl pun buruk hrp kan federal je buat hiway kat situ…

  3. Whoops. His statement was ‘Make one of DAP’s leaders the commander of the air force or navy, then we will find MH370’. Technically, it still carries the same chest-thumping boastful tone.

  4. jadi macai bawahan la dulu bodoh. tak kan nak terus jadi pihak atasan. berapa kerat je macai cina nak jaga keselamatan negara. cari duit mahu…klu perang semua angkat kaki lari.

    ingat melayu bodoh ke tak tahu buat kerja ke…itulah sebenarnya **** cina nie nak cakap. melayu tak boleh buat kerja.

    **** la lu cina..

    helen jgn marah…cina mmg majoriti **** (perangai yg busuk dan buruk)

    1. Pelek Helen ni, kalau dia orang panggil Melayu, Melies dia biarkan aje.. tapi kalau P…. dan Cina @#$%$# dia delete dan tegah.

        1. Still, if we don’t like it, you should be fair as well. It is not a matter of how widespread it is, an insukt is an insult. PERIOD.
          I have voiced up about it before wrt Ms Sleepyhead @ kepalangantuk’s comment.

          1. That’s just one person lah and the use of the word is hardly widespread here and I should think 99 percent of our other readers are unaware of the slang (just as I was until you brought it up).

            1. I applaud your strict exercise to put down the (extreme) derogatory words. We can’t afford to let caci-maki-keji-ejek to be translated as ‘freedom of voice’ here in Malaysia. Furthermore, with the current situation, I think everone here must understand.

              Let those other ‘first’ world countries to fully embraced what the other first world countries have been preached all this while. But not here in Malaysia. No!

              And LOL, she is the host, after all ;-). A good host, I must add.

                1. OK, I understand. But still, we gain nothing by hitting back with insults to such agitators, IMHO. Dr. Mahathir didn’t go berserk every time people insulting him and his country, did he? He wisely chose the right words at the right time to ‘scold’ such people. But never he uses derogatory words.

                  And I don’t think Helen deliberately been selective here. It’s a tough decision and tiresome ‘chores’ to skim through all those insults and whatnot.

                  1. Re. He wisely chose the right words at the right time to ‘scold’ such people. But never he uses derogatory words.

                    Unfortunately I am not Tun Mahathir, in fact I have been extra polite in here. If you go to Annie’s blog you can read my mouth in action aka “Mulut Neraka” (not the last week of so though for I have been busy plus I don’t comment wrt MH730 out of respect), still I don’t insult blindly, all of them are based on facts plus references where possible.

                    I am a totok ultra Malay-UMNO-Racist, that is a known fact after PRU13. I will not sit still when others insult Islam, Malay and UMNO to certain extend.

                    Anyhow, the point in contention here is, if you allow one side. likewise you should allow the other as well, and vice verse. Me think, by virtue that the Malays are known as “Bangsa Tidak Apa”, many have taken us for granted and some for a ride.

                    1. re: “in contention here is, if you allow one side. likewise you should allow the other as well, and vice verse”

                      Oh, come on, LOL, you’re really conjuring up straw men to shadow box.

                      BELOW IS YOUR COMPLAINT:

                      LOL @

                      Submitted on 2013/12/26 at 10:12 pm

                      (Quote) You see, never once that he admitted that he is actually a “Hindu Indian Mental case” who is trying to pit the Muslim vs Christian (which is not even his domain), but the lingo and tone tell it all. He went berserk when I used the term “Keling”.

                      On top of that, you gladly let MissSleepyHead @ KepalaNgantuk and now I think she has found new moniker as “Yesus” keep using the term “Meleis” but forbid us to retaliate/use Dapigs, Cinabeng, Chinky, Pariah etc. (Unquote)

                      *** *** ***

                      Below are all the appearances of that word used by other commenters aside from yourself. Readers can judge for themselves whether it has been used in the sense that you – the “mulut neraka”-“totok ultra Malay-UMNO-Racist” have been using the word “pariah” to insult Indians in my blog.

                      As you can see, the word is only used by ONE commenter ‘msleepyhead’ (whom you accuse to be masquerading as ‘yesus’). And while msleepyhead uses the word “meleis”, he/she also uses the word “cainis” which I dislike but I don’t censor. So your irritation at “meleis” is equal to my irritation at “cainis” — both words used by msleepyhead.

                      Are your accusations that I’m being selective in censoring “pariah”, “Cina babi” and “DAPigs” while allowing “meleis” to get through, at all being reasonable?

                      Listen to yourself! Trust me, the other readers (with the exception of islam1st) hear one very unreasonable Mulut Neraka in your allegations.

                      I don’t see that msleepyhead’s use of the word “meleis” comes anywhere close to your vindictiveness when you use the words “pariah” and “keling”.

                      msleepyhead @

                      (1) Submitted on 2013/11/16 at 12:36 pm

                      (Quote) For interracial couples, they should have the right to decide which bangsa the kids are registered/’labeled’ as. Betina meleis kahwin jantan Mat Salleh, the kids are usually melei, so what’s the deal if the non-melei kids follow their mommies’ bangsa.(Unquote)

                      (2) yesus @

                      Submitted on 2013/12/26 at 7:18 pm

                      (Quote) HAHAHAHA … this is too funny, for not to post up a comment

                      “Cool Jesus” waiting for them maleis to counter back ala-ala avivi swinger “bak kut teh”(Unquote)

                      (3) AC-DC @

                      Submitted on 2013/11/18 at 11:54 pm | In reply to msleepyhead.

                      (Quote) Msleepyhead, memanglah sifat orang macam si LOL yang asyik menghentam membabi-buta.

                      Perkataan meleis pun digunakan oleh blogger Melayu sendiri untuk merujuk kepada sekelompok sub-budaya. Setahu saya, slanga-internet ini dicipta oleh pemblogger Melayu.(Unquote)

                      (4) msleepyhead @

                      Submitted on 2013/10/29 at 3:01 pm | In reply to RINA.

                      (Quote) yes, also stop buying products made in the cainis’ motherland like iphone, ipad, seluar dalam, etc.. buy meleis first and last.(Unquote)

                      (5) msleepyhead @

                      Submitted on 2012/06/10 at 10:26 pm

                      (Quote) must be tough to be a cainis these days, either you are a greedy, chauvinistic chingkie or an anglophile DAPster. LOL.

                      btw, before we talk about penang meleis, please ask which penang melei, is it arab melei, indian melei or cainis melei like that dapster setpol. LOL. or bugis melei, java melei, acheh melei, dll.

                      Plural Narratives on Penang Malays

                      the arab and indian meleis seems to be doing fine with their nasik kandaqs and jewelry stores and money exchangers, what not.(Unquote)

                    2. Note (1): In all of msleepyhead’s use of the “meleis” word, dia tak mencarut pun unlike all the violence that accompanies the use of “Cina babi” and “keling pariah”.

                      Of course I’m not going to allow these racial slurs to appear in my blog.

                      Note (2): LOL made a false accusation that msleepyhead is also “yesus”. Observe that they spell the word differently. msleepyhead consistently spelt it as “meleis” while yesus in his sole comment spelt it as “maleis”.

                      LOL, you’re beginning to sound like a “fire-fighting-fire” Equal Opportunity to the other side’s mencarut, just as you keep threatening to do.

                    3. Have you forgotten that in many of them I have side notes where I ask you not to print? and not just with MsSleepyhead but with many others. Point to ponder, have you seen any of the Malay Muslims in here insulting other religion unnecessarily? In fact many of us rebut with versus from Quran and Hadith. My boiling point started with Pedang and his slandering about “hadis minum kencing kuda”, which I think where I started to retaliate with name calling.

                      Why do you think DINA and AKU MELAYU were very mad at you? I understand their concern, and I have started to see THE PATTERN which you have gladly ignored. I don’t take their path as for the issue are still tolerable or I take it as sarcasm.

                      I am not going to be a HYPOCRITE by saying that I didn’t do names calling but as I said, all of them mostly based on provocation. But for you to just CHERRY PICKING my comments only to prove your point is just PRICELESS. Fyi, this is not the first time, we had gone through similar path before. And for you not being able to take CRITICISM is just “SUPERB”. It just took a simple question “Pelikkan?” on Pelikan, you can even detect when someone circumvented the Da…g, with the Da..uss,

                      Still Helen, as you have always said about Najib, the bulk stops at his desk and likewise for you, WALK THE TALK. Just because many of the Malays in here don’t say it out loud, that doesn’t mean “TIDAK APA”.

                    4. Salam, my Muslim brother, LOL. I can certainly understand how you feel as I also have had enough with all the rudeness of those who insult Malays and Islam. Whenever I read such comments in Helen Ang’s, Ridhuan Tee’s and Annie’s blogs, not to mention those in Opposition portals such as Malaysiakini, my anger is akin to a violent explosion of a volcano.

                      However, I do my best to abstain myself from using derogatory words is because Islam teaches us to do so. It is not because I am weak, indifferent, tolerant and willing to accept all the insults targeted at us. It is not because I am one of the ‘Bangsa Tak Apa’. If I use the same derogatory words as them, then I am no different from them, right? And there is no way I want to be like them. May Allah forbid.

                      I even read one comment in Malaysiakini where the commenter called ‘Helen Ang a female version of Ridhuan Tee’. Not to mention that there are folks who even use the F-word on her. Being a normal human being, I am sure it is not easy for Helen to swallow all these insults and not feel anything. Ridhuan Tee is also a constant target with all kinds of outrageous insults bombarded at him.

                      I will whack those who insult Malays and Islam, but in a different way. Which was why I did comment in response to the ‘Malaysian’ fella who gave a crap statement that sounds like ‘That’s why Allah needs you (LOL) to defend Him’ . My response was ‘May Allah the Almighty zap you (Malaysian) with lightning until you turn into a crisp beyond recognition. Ameen, ya Rabbal ‘Alamin’. My response shows how I really feel about the fella, but without derogatory words and racial slurs whatsoever.

                      And I sincerely believe that there are non-Malay Malaysians here who are objective, nice, kind-hearted and peace-loving. Those who really want to make Malaysia a better place to live and not politicking on everything such as the DAP.

            2. Fyi, there are few others as well. But I just let be for no point for me to highlight it. The fact is, I have reminded you indirectly a few times before but you seemed didn’t get it, not just with names calling but with religiously sensitive issues wrt to Islam. The first time was with MsSleepyhread which was a direct confrontation with her, the second time was with Mulan, where I commented “welcome to the club Mulan” wrt to AK47 and I being censored few times prior to that. The third time about Pedang and Yaweh Melayu (BTW, Yaweh Melayu is not Melayu Murtad but I-am-not-Indian-actually, same goes with Pedang), where they purposely insulted Islam and to which your reply was, “They just try to ruffle feathers”, and of which they do not. And this is the first time I confronted you directly and intentionally to see what is your reaction, and yet you do it again, as if there is nothing wrong with that. Many of the times, I have been polite in here except when being provoked and due to certain circumstances.

              To quote Tun M in his interview session with BBC, ” You have been calling us, all sort of names but we can accept it, but when we say things about you, you just can’t accept it”.

              This is not the first argument that I have had with you, in fact right from the beginning. Given, that we don’t have to agree with each other all of the time, but isn’t it easier for you to admit that you have overlooked this issue rather than being a hypocrite?

              I have my way of insulting people indirectly, and many have disappeared or adopted new moniker after that in other blogs and including yours as well.

                1. Hi islam1st,

                  I copypasting for you my reply to LOL. I hope it answers.

                  re: “in contention here is, if you allow one side. likewise you should allow the other as well, and vice verse”

                  Oh, come on, LOL, you’re really conjuring up straw men to shadow box.

                  BELOW IS YOUR COMPLAINT:

                  LOL @

                  Submitted on 2013/12/26 at 10:12 pm

                  (Quote) You see, never once that he admitted that he is actually a “Hindu Indian Mental case” who is trying to pit the Muslim vs Christian (which is not even his domain), but the lingo and tone tell it all. He went berserk when I used the term “Keling”.

                  On top of that, you gladly let MissSleepyHead @ KepalaNgantuk and now I think she has found new moniker as “Yesus” keep using the term “Meleis” but forbid us to retaliate/use Dapigs, Cinabeng, Chinky, Pariah etc. (Unquote)

                  *** *** ***

                  Below are all the appearances of that word used by other commenters aside from yourself. Readers can judge for themselves whether it has been used in the sense that you – the “mulut neraka”-“totok ultra Malay-UMNO-Racist” have been using the word “pariah” to insult Indians in my blog.

                  As you can see, the word is only used by ONE commenter ‘msleepyhead’ (whom you accuse to be masquerading as ‘yesus’). And while msleepyhead uses the word “meleis”, he/she also uses the word “cainis” which I dislike but I don’t censor. So your irritation at “meleis” is equal to my irritation at “cainis” — both words used by msleepyhead.

                  Are your accusations that I’m being selective in censoring “pariah”, “Cina babi” and “DAPigs” while allowing “meleis” to get through, at all being reasonable?

                  Listen to yourself! Trust me, the other readers (with the exception of islam1st) hear one very unreasonable Mulut Neraka in your allegations.

                  I don’t see that msleepyhead’s use of the word “meleis” comes anywhere close to your vindictiveness when you use the words “pariah” and “keling”.

                  msleepyhead @

                  (1) Submitted on 2013/11/16 at 12:36 pm

                  (Quote) For interracial couples, they should have the right to decide which bangsa the kids are registered/’labeled’ as. Betina meleis kahwin jantan Mat Salleh, the kids are usually melei, so what’s the deal if the non-melei kids follow their mommies’ bangsa.(Unquote)

                  (2) yesus @

                  Submitted on 2013/12/26 at 7:18 pm

                  (Quote) HAHAHAHA … this is too funny, for not to post up a comment

                  “Cool Jesus” waiting for them maleis to counter back ala-ala avivi swinger “bak kut teh”(Unquote)

                  (3) AC-DC @

                  Submitted on 2013/11/18 at 11:54 pm | In reply to msleepyhead.

                  (Quote) Msleepyhead, memanglah sifat orang macam si LOL yang asyik menghentam membabi-buta.

                  Perkataan meleis pun digunakan oleh blogger Melayu sendiri untuk merujuk kepada sekelompok sub-budaya. Setahu saya, slanga-internet ini dicipta oleh pemblogger Melayu.(Unquote)

                  (4) msleepyhead @

                  Submitted on 2013/10/29 at 3:01 pm | In reply to RINA.

                  (Quote) yes, also stop buying products made in the cainis’ motherland like iphone, ipad, seluar dalam, etc.. buy meleis first and last.(Unquote)

                  (5) msleepyhead @

                  Submitted on 2012/06/10 at 10:26 pm

                  (Quote) must be tough to be a cainis these days, either you are a greedy, chauvinistic chingkie or an anglophile DAPster. LOL.

                  btw, before we talk about penang meleis, please ask which penang melei, is it arab melei, indian melei or cainis melei like that dapster setpol. LOL. or bugis melei, java melei, acheh melei, dll.

                  Plural Narratives on Penang Malays

                  the arab and indian meleis seems to be doing fine with their nasik kandaqs and jewelry stores and money exchangers, what not.(Unquote)

                  1. Helen,

                    Please don’t do CHERRY PICKING. MsSleepyHead is just one example, there are a couple of others as well. It is not only about names calling, but about your own bias censorship which has started to establish certain pattern.

                    1. Insofar as the word “meleis” is ever used here, msleepyhead is the SOLE commenter plus your responses and one by AC-DC. You can double check this through your own Google search.

                      Stop with the unsubstantiated accusations already.

                    1. Anybody can submit definitions to the urban dictionary which is open domain. You can too if you want. Each word can be interpreted by any member of the public in any number of ways.

                      You should also see their definition of “Malaysian Chinese”. Among the definitions are self-praise which got tons of Thumbs Up. Or “cainis” which can be as derogatory as you can to push it.

                      It’s just a matter of WHO is more Net-savvy and having the strength in numbers in order to hijack the narrative.

      1. re: Pelek Helen ni, kalau dia orang panggil Melayu, Melies dia biarkan aje.. tapi kalau P…. dan Cina @#$%$# dia delete dan tegah.

        You’re a regular here and you’re insinuating that Helen of all people is some kind of closet racist?

        Gimme a break la brader.

        Tak masuk akai langsung…

        1. Re. You’re a regular here and you’re insinuating that Helen of all people is some kind of closet racist?

          Posting and asking a question is an offense? You expect me to swallow an insult? Hello! guna otak sikit boleh tak?

          1. re: Posting and asking a question is an offense? You expect me to swallow an insult? Hello! guna otak sikit boleh tak?

            Offense? Insult?

            Don’t la overreact tak pasai-pasai macam budak kecik (or Ibrahim Ali, take your pick) and meloncat.

            Ok lah…Kak Helen here is a racist to the core and Malayphobic because she censors only racial slurs aimed at Chinese and Indians but slyly allows slurs against Melayus.

            Thank God for LOL who saw through her devious ways and exposed her for what she really is!


            Now Helen’s gonna hantam me pulak :(

            1. Re. Don’t la overreact tak pasai-pasai macam budak kecik (or Ibrahim Ali, take your pick) and meloncat.

              You don’t like to be called “non-Brahmin” right? Please read my comment wrt to this above.

              1. re: ‘You don’t like to be called “non-Brahmin” right? Please read my comment wrt to this above.’

                To be referred to as a non-Brahmin (aka keling pariah) by arrogant Malays is nothing new for me. Malays are well known for insulting others to comfort themselves about their own inadequacies and to delude themselves that they’re superior to other races in some way.

                Anyway, to read something like melies or is variations is new to me because its something only one person here has used.

                Which is why I question if its a racial slur (like your favorite, pariah) in the first place, especially since the word is a creation of Malay bloggers.

                This is why I say jangan la overreact.

                Besides, by your own admission, you are quite proud of the fact that you are able to insult people to the extent that they have disappeared or had to adopt new monikers.

                But you go ape shit over the supposed exception to an imagined insult?

                This is also why I say jangan la overreact.

                Btw, IIRC, weren’t you the one who kept insisting that an Indian must have an Indian sounding moniker to comment here while you use the DBP approved “LOL” as yours? LOL!

                You come across like some Malay Nazi, dude.

                Pendek kata, you’re making a fool of yourself.

                1. Have you read your entire lengthy comment? Aren’t you making fool of yourself as well? If you notice, I have never responded to you and GrKumar (not that I remember of) though I don’t agree with some of them, in fact your comment to Setem within my confrontation with him in another entry is rather childish, but I let it be.

                  The point is if you don’t like it, don’t expect us to like it. I was merely asking/posting a comment and there you go trying to the savior and hero, while it is no concern of yours to begin with. And for you to bring Ibrahim Ali name in here, is just PRECIOUS I must say. Aren’t you by that virtue is also insinuating as well?

                  WRT “Pariah”, many many moons ago there was hardly any Indian commenting even if they do, they use none Indian moniker, in some of the issues I have purposely instigated it just to make them talk and yes it works. You don’t have to agree with me on this.

                  In Annie’s blog, it was not me who started it, You think I am going to sit still when a particular “PARIAH” who think that he can magically delete his DALIT DNA by becoming an Atheist insulting my religion to begin with. Instead of apologizing he, dragged it on and on.

                2. ‘Malays are well known for insulting others to comfort themselves about their own inadequacies and to delude themselves that they’re superior to other races in some way.’

                  Baik punya camdek, hampa rumah tak dak cermin ka?

    2. Saya hairan. Orang melayu dalam pakatan dari kalangan PAS dan PKR tak peka kah dengan racist remarks ini ? Tak terasa di malukan ke? Kebanyakan pegawai kanan ini bukan orang UMNO pun.

      1. Melayu dalam PR tu kan semuanya pun benci Melayu, perasan dia orang tu terpelajar tahap paling tinggi, jadi boleh dianggap sama taraf dengan Cina atau mat saleh.

        Perasan nak ketuai TLDM? Kapal perang dengan kapal peronda pun tak boleh beza, jangan berangan. The only SARs yang dia orang tahu jenis yang kena masuk rawatan kat hospital.

  5. “Make one of DAP’s leaders the commander of the air force or navy, then we will find MH370″

    I was wondering when they’d get around to this.

    Their hubris is sempiternal.

    Somebody tampar boye this fler, please.

    1. re: “Their hubris is sempiternal.”

      It’s a Christian thing. The DAP evangelistas caught the bug of Conquistador culture.

      Ironic that their Hannah Bananas so like to fault others for religious extremism.

      1. Ms H. Don’t make me laugh. ‘The bug of the Conquistador’. If the Singaporean Trojan Horse DAP did, they will behave like the Pilipino Mestizos as a matter of fark ! They are actually discarded aides, digits or cohorts from world class Singapore unwanted by their spiritual leader the brilliant Lee Kuan Yew. Let us call a spade a spade. HY is just bananas !

      2. Ms H. The latest bungle by a DAP MP was that he could locate the ill-fated MH370 given the BN Government’s resources. This is precisely what I meant when these aides, digits and cohorts were discarded by their spiritual leader Lee Kuan Yew to muck around in the Ulus.- dull, colourless, obstinate, arrogant and crazy. There is a Woodbridge Hotel Singapore for them. My nephew who is there for a lifetime expects to see them soon.

  6. re: Ironic that their Hannah Bananas so like to fault others for religious extremism.

    Their shameless hypocrisy is also unfreakingbelievable.

  7. Macamana nak jafi ketua navy nak jadi polis pun takut. Syarat pun telah dilonggar.

    Pasukan SAR negara China 100% bangsa Cina. Tak ada pun mereka hebat sangat. Hantar data radar konon ada kepingan MH370. Rupa2nya bukan. Well trained navy lah tu. Baik hantar [YB] Dap tu di dasar Laut Hindi.


    Saya ganti dengan kata nama “YB” — Helen

    1. I thought to the DAP, everything also they want including freedom of access to the mosques, shared use of the ‘Allah’ word as well as the right to define what is Anak Malaysia.

  8. Salam. Please tell DAP, betulkan kira undi dulu before nak tengok utara selatan. Nanti sesat.
    Like what tey are trying to do now, “menyesatkan” tanggapan rakyat juga dunia terhadap pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia.

    ABCD “anything but cina DAP” demi Ibu Pertiwi, Malaysia.

  9. Nasib baik mrk tidak dijadikan ketua navi. Kalau tidak mesti mrk sudah hantar kapal selam utk mencari pesawat malang tersebut, yg pd suatu waktu mrk dakwa tidak boleh menyelam.

  10. Between the Malay wahhabis in this country and these gung-ho Chinese evangelists, I think there are many sound and good Malays and Chinese, who are being taken for a ride they never agreed to participate in, yet don’t have enough verve to put their foot down to say enough is enough, because everyone is confounded by a postmodern moral relativism and preoccupied in amusing themselves with the gadgets of the age.

  11. We should send Lim Lip Eng to Australia for SAR mission. Let him embed with Aussie Navy on the search. Tell them Aussie they don’t have to bring him back.

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