Posted in Evangeliblis

Masuk tahun 2020, satu suku penduduk Asia Tenggara akan beragama Kristian

Hanya 6 tahun lagi …

Hannah black tudung litup
Hannah Yeoh

Apasal Yahudi Yeoh asyik nak usik orang Islam?

Menteri Agama Islam, Jamil Khir Baharom semalam menegur orang politik bukan Islam yang terlalu ghairah menyalahgunakan tempat ibadah umat Islam seraya memberi peringatan supaya jangan bertindak naik turun masjid dengan sewenang-wenangnya.

Cuba anda lihat dengan biji mata sendiri gerakan Occupy Mosque yang dijalankan mereka-mereka itu – gambar bawah.

must not visit mosques without reason

Isma: Pilihan syair atau pedang, terserahlah

Naib presiden (I) Isma Muhammad Fauzi Asmuni pernah memberi amaran tegas kepada pelampau Kristian agar tidak meneruskan provokasi mereka yang terancang dan memang disengajakan.

Kata ustaz Fauzi:

“Jika sekiranya mereka mengutuk Islam dengan bersyair, dengan kaedah Islam kita juga akan bersyair. Tetapi sekiranya ada pihak yang menjatuhkan Islam dengan berpedang, maka Islam juga akan menggunakan pedang.

“Melihat kepada realiti di Malaysia, jika sekiranya bertoleransi dengan toleransi yang cukup baik pun, tetap akan ada jugak orang yang akan mahu merosakkan Islam.”

Ia mustahil untuk orang Islam mampu melawan balik selagi hanya mengambil sikap redha.

Ustaz Fauzi berpandangan bahawa Muslim “perlu lebih agresif dari sekarang” and menurut beliau, wasilah yang bersesuaian diperlukan untuk menangkis segala serangan ke atas Islam.

Yang Berhormat-Yang Berhormat evangelista DAP yang berpolitik di masjid


Melayu-Melayu liberal

Tidak berapa lama dahulu, Khairy Jamaluddin telah membuat kunjungan ke Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) untuk melancarkan buku karangan seorang pastornya Denison Jayasooria – gambar bawah.

KJ yang mesra Kristian sebenarnya tidak kisah kalau orang pejabatnya Dapster ke, Scissorati ke biarpun evangelista.

Bagi gereja-gereja evangelis, perkara politik dan hal agama sering dicampur-adukkan. Umpamanya DUMC – lihat tweet bawah – yang ‘Dream Center’nya pernah diserbu Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais).

Our FirstLady Speaker berceramah politik di DUMC; Mujahid Yusof Rawa sampaikan tazkirah di gereja Full Gospel Tabernacle, Subang Jaya


Hannah Yeoh on Twitter- At DUMC for the launch of Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria's book by @Khairykj 2014-09-03 23-19-51

Twitter - mparitbuntar- Just made my point on the issue ... 2013-10-16 10-59-58

‘Bertolak-ansur’ tiada dalam khazanah kata mereka

Puak Yahudi Yeoh tidak mungkin menghargai pendekatan atau layanan yang lembut dan bersopan-santun.

Sudah banyak amaran diberikan sama ada kepada para pemimpin pembangkang apalagi penggiat sosial, politik atau agama pelampau Kristian tetapi ia ibarat mencurah air ke atas daun keladi.

Utusan: Nyanyian-nyanyian yang menyebut kalimah Allah diselitkan dalam program ‘Keluarga Allah’

Utusan Malaysia

Majlis keagamaan dihadiri kira-kira 200 orang yang digambarkan di atas telah dianjurkan oleh penganut Kristian di sebuah hotel di Klang, Selangor pada penghujung tahun lepas.

Latar pentas dewan di mana berlangsungnya majlis tersebut ada tertera dengan perkataan “International Full Gospel Fellowship Keluarga Allah Satelit Nilai dan Satelit Puchong” … Dari dalam gelap akan terbit terang.

Ustaz Fauzi: Provokasi demi provokasi

Ketika diminta reaksinya oleh Antarapos, Ustaz Fauzi Asmuni menyifatkan provokasi demi provokasi yang dilakukan oleh puak evangelista hanya akan mengundang ketegangan.

“Apabila mereka menuntut sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan konsep negara dan sensitiviti umat Islam, mereka bertindak melakukan sesuatu yang mengguris dan mencetuskan satu suasana yang tidak harmoni,” ujar beliau.


Nativity Story1

Hannah Yeoh (hannahyeoh) on Twitter


Isma batu penghalang kepada agenda DAP

Sejak dua menjak ini, ada di kalangan evangelista memandai-mandai mengajar Islam kepada orang Melayu.

Dalam pada itu, Isma sudah banyak mendedahkan kaedah pintu belakang yang digunapakai evangelista.

Kempen Selamatkan Ummah oleh Isma telah mengenalpasti Kristianisasi sebagai ancaman kepada Muslim di Malaysia serentak ‘Kalimah Allah alat kristianisasi‘.

Aduan kepada polis yang dilakukan terhadap presiden Isma oleh ahli Parlimen evangelis DAP atas tuduhan menghasut adalah suatu perbuatan parti itu untuk membalas dendam.

Ustaz Fauzi menjelaskan:

“NGO Islam sebelum ini telah menentang agenda Evangelist, agenda golongan liberal, tuntutan IFC, tuntutan Comango dan lain-lain usaha DAP dan sekutunya untuk mengubah perlembagaan negara.”

Isma cop Marina sebagai “hipokrit”

Peminat dan penyokong tegar Sister in Islam Marina Mahathir kebanyakannya penganut Kristian beserta orang Cina.

Setahun lepas (15 Nov 2013), Ustaz Fauzi meluahkan buah pendapatnya di bawah tajuk ‘Marina tipu dalam pujuk‘.


“Apabila saya membaca kenyataan balas Marina Mahathir terhadap Isma di berkait isu Comango, saya mengucap panjang. […]

“Yang menjadikan saya mengucap panjang adalah kerana keberanian luar biasa beliau di dalam menafsirkan apa itu Islam, apa itu kehendak Allah, membacakan dalil-dalil lalu menafsirkannya secara liar untuk menjustifikasikan perjuangan beliau.”


Evangelista berjaya mengKristiankan kaum Cina

Meskipun the People’s Republic of China pada namanya komunis tetapi hari ini negara tersebut mempunyai seramai 67 juta penganut Kristian – lihat meja bawah.

China mempunyai 18.2 peratus sahaja penganut agama Buddha berbanding 5.2 peratus penganut Kristian, mengikut satu tinjauan oleh projek Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures.


Manakala pada tahun 2010, puak evangelista Kristian yang bermastautin di benua Asia adalah sebanyak 54,787,000 orang. Angka ini merupakan peningkatan yang amat mendadak – daripada 9,145,000 evangelista Kristian orang Timur dalam 1970, ia dijangka akan melonjak menjadi sampai 67,247,000 umat menjelang 2020.

Mengikut sebuah kajian oleh Center for the Study of Global Christianity, golongan Kristian diunjurkan mencecah sesuku (23.4%) jumlah penduduk di Asia Tenggara pada tahun 2020.

Hannah Yeoh berada di pentas tatkala pelancaran bangunan gereja Subang Jaya City Harvest Church

Mama Dapster on stage during Subang Jaya City Harvest Church building launch

Pengaruh City Harvest Church di Singapura dan Subang Jaya

Hari ini, satu daripada setiap lima (20%) orang Singapura keturunan Cina adalah Kristian. Sebelum itu pada tahun 2000, sebanyak 17 peratus Cina Singapura mengaku Kristian (sumber: Banci penduduk 2010, Banci penduduk 2000).

Singapura tergolong di antara negara teratas dunia – Top 20 countries – di mana agama Kristian berkembang dengan paling pesat. Dalam tempoh satu setengah dekad akan datang, jumlah Kristian di negara jiran kita itu dijangka akan melipat ganda.

Hakikatnya jurujual Cina yang rata-rata ketandusan etika memang pandai berdakwah. Licik sungguh dan lidah tak bertulang.

Unsur-unsur budaya Cina yang sedia ada (konsep ‘contextualization’) telah diperalatkan oleh pendakwah evangelista, misalnya angpow Tahun Baru Cina dicetak dengan ayat Bible dan diedarkan Hannah Yeoh semasa sambutan perayaan CNY.

Rise up and take Subang for Jesus! Subang Interschool Christian Fellowship Rally


Isma: “Mereka mencabar itu, mencabar ini”

Presiden Isma Ustaz Abdullah Zaik memberi amaran kepada pelampau Kristian dan evangelista DAP supaya berhenti daripada berterusan melakukan provokasi ke atas sensitiviti agama umat Islam.

Ustaz Fauzi pula bertanya, “Jika sekiranya mereka tidak menghormati perlembagaan, mereka nak hormat apa sebagai warganegara di Malaysia?”

Sambung beliau, “sekiranya jika kita kumpul dalam masa setahun sahaja, kita akan dapat ratusan artikel yang mereka pertikaikan Melayu adalah pendatang, mereka mempertikai kedudukan Sultan” dan bermacam-macam lagi terutamanya selepas PRU13.

“Apabila mereka merasakan mereka ada kuasa tertentu dan mereka berani mempertikai,” tambah Ustaz Fauzi, “kita hanya respon sebahagian daripada apa yang mereka pertikaikan selama bertahun-tahun.”

TunkuAzizLeave Malays Alone

Asakan demi asakan oleh keluarga Dapster

Mama Dapster, Papa Dapster & Grandpapa Dapster

Evangelista juga semakin giat mendekati golongan belia dan remaja Melayu.

Bak kata Hannah Yeoh, “believe in empowering the young” adalah falsafah evangelista DAP. Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya.

Maklumlah DAP sekarang sudah menguasai sumber dan peralatan dua buah kerajaan negeri. Sebanyak 41 orang kakitangan bertugas di pejabat Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang sebagai pegawai khas Lim Guan Eng.

Papa Dapster

YUCKS! >>> Geli ... <<<

Grandpapa Dapster


Mama Dapster


Sesumpah menanam tebu di tepi bibir

Berwaspada lah wahai Melayu!

Sudahpun orang Melayu sekarang ini digelar “pendatang” di tanah air sendiri.

Ustaz Fauzi menyebut bahawa golongan pelampau Kristian bukan sahaja mempertikai kontrak sosial, kedudukan Islam dan ‘kedudukan istimewa’ Perkara 153 bahkan tanah rizab Melayu pun disentuh mereka.

Desmond Tutu


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

40 thoughts on “Masuk tahun 2020, satu suku penduduk Asia Tenggara akan beragama Kristian

  1. Hanana kuiat mempromosikan bukunya di gereja [tweet]

    Tengok siapa pula komen mengenai guilotine. [tweet]

    And David is always David. [tweet]

    All the news from our favourite pastor/uztaz politicians.

  2. God’s will overrides the wish of man. If God wishes, Malaysia to be a Christian country, you can fight and oppose all you want. But at the end of the day, God prevails. Just like the handover of the bibles, despite all the opposition, God made the those who seized the bibles to capitulate and return.

    1. So is it the Father or the Holy Ghost or the Son who wishes Godson and the Paulinian Trinitarians to overwhelm Malaysia? You can take your books back and please give us nothing of your innovations.

      1. if God wants to make you who he wish you to be, there is nothing you can do. You can resist bot God always prevail. So, you can stop your arrogance. See how god made MAIS/JAIS eat crow.

        1. Oh, but you are such an unobservant follower,
          ..who He wish you to be..
 God made MAIS/JAIS…
          try to be more consistent with your respect. After all, it is God
          Almighty we are talking about here not just some person or
          tom or dick or harry.

        2. Note to Godson: Jesus may wish to intercede for you to be pardoned for your arrogant public displays, but it is the Father’s Will that always prevails – the One and Only Lord Creator of the universe from Whom all things issue, the Almighty Pardoner and Punisher. You could argue that JAIS could have conducted the Allah-bible affair in a more civic manner, but do not arrogate to yourself the right to distort and demean the true nature of transcendent ALLAH with your triune-godhead human rationalizations. See how the Quran has brought to light Jesus’ real teachings?

          “And behold! God will say [on Judgement Day]: “Oh Jesus, the son of Mary! Did you say unto men: ‘ Worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God?’ He will say: ‘Glory be to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right to say. Had I said such a thing, You would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart, though I know not what is in Yours. For You know fully all things hidden. Never did I say to them anything except what You commanded me to say: ‘Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord!’ And I was a witness over them while I lived among them. When You took me up, You were the Watcher over them, and You are a Witness to all things'” (chapter 5: verse 116-117).

    1. The number of Buddhists in Singapore fell to 33.3 percent (year 2010) from 42.5 percent (year 2000)… big drop!

      Chinese religionists: Term “to include Buddhists, Taoists, Confucianists, and “ancestor worshippers”, as well as those who profess a syncretic mix of some or all of them.”, see Chapter Three,

      1. They are worshipping worldly offerings through their brands of prosperity evangelism, rather than dwelling in the graces of the Spirit and the wonders of the heart.

      2. Singapore the ‘least positive’ country in the world (2012)–survey-072026104.html

        Singapore, which ranks fifth in the world in terms of GDP per capita, is known to be an orderly city-state and is among the most developed in the world.

        Some Singaporeans believe success has come at a price as work pressure, competition, rising cost of living and the recent influx of foreigners have caused a sense of unhappiness among its people.

        Jonathan Lee, 31, a Singaporean banker, said, “I am not surprised by the ranking. Singapore is likened to a powerful machine with its people working hard to make it work – at the expense of their own happiness. “The competitive culture, work pressure and rising cost of living in Singapore gives us little reason to be positive,” he added.

        1. re: “at the expense of their own happiness”

          Hence providing the City Harvest Church its Blue Ocean to fish for unhappy lost souls.

          1. Outlets like the City Harvest Church provide a means for disillusioned people to engage in perpetual hysteria. The clients get to go crazy while the crooks running these outlets laugh all the way to the bank. Both sides win, the difference being that one side wins more than the other :)

            1. The CHC has spread its wings to Subang Jaya and a few other Chinese-dominated cities in Malaysia.

        2. Singapore is essentially what some would term as a luxurious, high security prison. The people work hard to make a living, well most of the people anyway while a minority, a very powerful and rich minority robs the rest of the population and tells the rest that it is okay because this plundering by the said minority is compensated through the provision of security whatever it may mean.

  3. Memang tak heran la figure tu Cik Helen, kalo ikut 2013 est population of China and India saja pon dah lebih 61% of total population of Asia.

    Yang duk kalut semacam kat Malaysia majority asal usul datang dari negara2 situ ya tak? Yang kalut dok tukaq rambut warna blond sekarang agak you siapa? Trending syiok ikut apa oghang lain buat. Daily how many of them do you notice use cheongsam or sari these days? Melayu gi sekolah, kerja, jalan2 ramai masih berkurung, kan kan?

    Banglas, Pakistanis, Malays atau Arab rajin tak tukaq2 warna rambut ikut selera Justin Beiber? Bukan sekadar tak ingin warna warni rambut, nama tuhan kami pun tetap yang satu2nya itu saja, Allah yang maha Esa.

    1. Alaf ini milik China sebagai kuasa terulung dunia (mengatasi Amerika Syarikat).

      Penduduk Cina seramai lebih sebeliyun orang itu merupakan Blue Ocean bagi gerakan pendakwah evangelista.

      Kristian sandarkan harapan untuk sekali lagi mengecapi zaman kegemilangan apabila beratus-ratus juta warga Cina berjaya dipujuk nanti untuk memeluk agama mereka.

      Sudah 30 peratus penduduk Korea Selatan jadi Kristian. Mega churches di Korea lagi besar berbanding dengan di AS. Hanya 23 peratus penduduk Korea Selatan menganut agama Buddha.

      1. helen,

        Christianity is viewed as being “modern, progressive, inviting”.

        Progressive too means that to some preachers it is not to bad to commit sinful acts as God always love you. Progressive too means that you are still good Christians despite commiting acts opposite to Christianity teaching.

        Progressive too means that limitations are thrown out. In order to reach to masses, what can or can not be done are not emphasized.

        Attending to masses can now be mistaken to attending rock concert.

          1. Helen,

            The problem with khairi is that he could not be bothered with Malay aspirations.

            He simply refuses to realize that doing zumba will not bring votes to UMNO. He may be popular among DAP circles. But they would not vote for him due to UMNO tag.

            yet Khairi contested in Rembau, a heavily malay majority area. Why not he contest in Petaling jaya Utara. Let us see whether he can win votes from those “moderates” (meaning those antio malay) whom he loves so much

            1. re: “Why not he contest in Petaling Jaya Utara”

              He should contest in Lembah Pantai. Bangsar Malaysia area is a fair test on his yuppie image.

              1. Helen,

                Fair request. let us see whether he can win in areas with sizable “moderates” whom he loves so much

                  1. Tak baik cakap macam ni. Abang KJ mana berani buat macam tu. Regina mana ada tolong. You are calling his bluff by saying this. Wa ha ha ha !!!

                    Bukan dia seorang saja. Kalau boleh suruh Najib tanding kat kawasan Cina. Kan Najib ni moderate. Jangan tahu cakap. Najib should walk the talk and show us Malaysians that he is truly a moderate :) by contesting in a Chinese constituency. Ah Jib apa macam ? Can or not ?

  4. mereka masuk agama atau nak berbudaya mat salih?

    orang islam ada pengetahuan yang baik tentang agama kristian sebenarnya. semua orang islam ada pengetahuan tentang Nabi Isa Alaihissalam dan ajarannya.

  5. Quote from our one and only.

    “‘KOTA KINABALU, Nov 16 — It is because of Umno that the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia are allowed to maintain their identities, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said”‘

    Ya right maintain their identities and spit on the rest, chinaman in Malaysia havent had it that good till Najib came along.

  6. And another quote for the not-so-moderates majority Malays –
    “The Prime Minister said the moderate stand adopted by the government is actually based on moderation in life as practised by Prophet Muhammad. In a 1 minute 35 seconds audio recording, Najib also reminded Muslims not to get caught up with groups of extremism and liberalism.”

    I have come to the conclusion that on the PM’s scale of extremism on the far right, liberalism on the far left and moderate in the middle (with KJ, Saifuddin & Marina as the faces of moderation), I’ve fallen off the far right scale.

    1. If that is what the PM said recently then what he preaches in one situation is at variance with what he does in another situation namely the GMM. His “moderation” thing is too wishy-washy across different social contexts to be a unifying factor for Malaysians.

      Why doesn’t the PM just plead for Muslims to be kind and just, considerate and humble; not to be arrogant or selfish, nor judgemental and envious? To adopt praiseworthy human qualities and to abandon blameworthy human flaws. This has been the way of the Malay sufis for centuries.

      Quite a few of the GMM council members are supporters of LGBT legalization which ultimately leads to same sex marriages, and they are also champions of ideological religious pluralism where everything is levelled down to a common denominator – this is their attitude to “moderation”. So in what manner is the PM resolving Prophet Muhammad’s middle-way Islamic teaching to the PM’s Global Movement of Moderates type of “moderation”?

      1. His “moderation” thing is to self-destruct Umno. He has suicidally given The J-Star its patent.

        1. PM is politically stupid! At one end he have the Wasatiyah (sederhana) helmed by Jamil Khir Baharom and at other end he have the Global Movement of Moderates (sederhana?) helmed by Saifuddin Abdullah.

          Both are fighting for a different thing – fighting against one another! Why Najib, why? Seriously Datuk Seri ingat orang Melayu tak boleh nampak ka?

          1MDB banyak skandal, buat malu ja, hantar orang-orang kampung pi haji guna dana 1MDB, orang lain nanti kata apa, buat timbul fitnah saja Datuk Seri woi, kesian kat orang-orang kampung?!

  7. “Cuba anda lihat dengan biji mata sendiri gerakan Occupy Mosque yang dijalankan mereka-mereka itu “

    Helen, dengan biji mata anda nampak ‘orang melayu Islam; sendiri yang memberi ruang dan tak kisah dengan agenda mereka.

    Orang Melayu Islam sendiri tak kisah cina pakai seluar pendek masuk Surau dan lain lain jadi salah kan semua pada ‘Evandelista’s?.

    Isma dan sewaktu dengan nya perlu kuat kan dakwah pada orang Melayu sebegini supaya mereka sedar. Tak guna ada jarum dalam lipatan buat cam mana pun tetap gagal. Cari jarjum tersebut kemudian musnahkan.

    Cari dalam puak melayu islam yang bersama dengan evangelista, itu le jarum tajam dan halus tak kira siapa mereka dan dari parti apa sekali pun dan tak kira ustaz, ustazah, ulamak dan para bijaksana.

    1. re: “dengan biji mata anda nampak ‘orang melayu Islam; sendiri yang memberi ruang dan tak kisah dengan agenda mereka”

      Tu orang PAS.

      re: “Orang Melayu Islam sendiri tak kisah cina pakai seluar pendek masuk Surau dan lain lain”

      Tu orang PAS.

      Ni orang PAS kot.


      1. PAS ni apa ? Tak lain tak bukan PAS ni Puak Asyik Syok. Syok ingat puak evangelista ni mesra PAS konon tapi hakikatnya PAS dah kena tikam berkali-kali. Tapi takpe lah. PAS kan Puak Asyik Syok entah syok apa sebenarnya.

      2. Helen,

        All these nonsenses would not have happened if no useless Malays who open the mosques and surau to be used by insensitive non Muslims.

        For these useless Malays, allowing non Muslims to enter house of worship in dresses deemed improper is nothing SIMPLY BECAUSE OF THEIR HATRED TOWARDS UMNO.

        They are the real munafiks. Imagine Pemuda UMNO organised a function with non Muslims wearing shorts attending it. UMNO will be accused of “munafik, selling Islam, showing disrespect to Allah SWT, belittling Prophet, ignorant, bla bla…”

        But since those doing that are leaning towards PAS then it is accepted.

        Exactly because of these kind of nonsenses that make PAS until today unable to dislodge UMNO as the Malay party that gets the lion share of Malay votes.

  8. One fourth of Southeast Asian population of 600 million will be Christian. Oh, the fear and perpetual hysteria!

    Tell me, how many of these are from the Philippines. A country of high birth rates and about 100 million strong of which the majority are Christians?

    How many are Indonesian Christians, who make up 10 percent in a population of 240 million people?

    How many are Vietnamese Christians, who make up close to 6 million people?

  9. You cannot stop the Holy Spirit. Embrace Christianity and you will be saved from eternal hell fire.

    1. The three main responsibilities of your exhortation to your Christianity consist in defining the contents of your faith, showing that it contradicts neither logical thought nor human experience, and providing grounds for us to be personally convinced that you have truly experienced something of Truth.

      As for me, I am a religious skeptic hoping for some holy spirit to enlighten me before I sign on . . .

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