Posted in Evangelista Bintang Tiga

Why Malays are really a very tolerant people

In half of the world’s Muslim-majority countries (24 countries out of 48), the non-Muslim population is under 5 percent — see table below .

Most of these 24 Muslim countries have 98 to 99 percent followers of Islam. There are only one to two percent religious minorities in the top dozen Muslim countries, including Turkey which had applied to be a member of the European Union.

BELOW: Muslim-majority countries as at end-2010


More Southeast Asian Muslims than Arab Muslims

Contrary to popular belief, it is not the Middle Eastern countries that have the highest Muslim populations percentage-wise.

In absolute numbers as well, there are three times more Muslims living in the Asia-Pacific than there are Arab Muslims (see bar chart below).

Indonesia, the world’s biggest Muslim country, has 209 million followers of Islam.


Indian Muslims are most numerous in Islam

The United Arab Emirates, for example, has a 76.9 percent Muslim population (5.8 million) while Kuwait’s is 74.1 percent /2.0 million, Bahrain’s 70.3 percent /890,000 and Qatar’s 67.7 percent /1.2 million.

These small Arab countries only have between two-thirds and three-quarters adherents of Islam as a total of their resident population.

In the wake of the oil boom, the rich Arab countries have been importing foreign labour most extensively. The Filipinos, Nepalese and other Christian and Hindu expats working in the Middle East have diluted the Arab Muslim populations.

Even Saudi Arabia has “only” 93.0 percent Muslims in its population compared to the Indian sub-continent countries Afghanistan (more than 99.0%) and Pakistan (96.4%).

India, although a Hindu-majority country, has 176 million Muslims.


Map source, here

Mixed fortunes of the ‘stan’ states

Altogether 30 countries have a population of 90 percent and above Muslims.

The “stan” countries are all Islam — Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan … and don’t forget Kelantanistan too.

The most Islam-saturated countries are those in the northern belt of the African continent — Tunisia (>99.0%), Morocco (>99.0%), Niger (98.4%), Algeria (97.9%), Libya (96.6%).

It is not at all reassuring that Somalia, dubbed “the most failed state in the world” according to the annual ranking by Foreign Policy and the Global Fund for Peace, is more than 99 percent Muslim and an Islamic state that practices hudud.

Other Muslim countries in the Failed States Index 2013 are:

  • No.1 — Somalia (>99.0% Muslim)
  • No.3 — Sudan (90.7% Muslim)
  • No.5 — Chad (55.3% Muslim)
  • No.6 — Yemen (>99.0% Muslim)
  • No.7 — Afghanistan (>99.0% Muslim)
Half of the Top Ten failed states of the world are Muslim majority countries, and three of them are above 99.0 percent Muslim.

PIE CHART: Global Religion Share (2010)


Bishop Paul Tan heaps praise on PAS’s Mujahid

From Malaysiakini article today, ‘Bishop: Mujahid’s like St Francis of Assisi‘ by Terrence Netto.

“He’s like St Francis of Assisi, truly a channel of peace, bringing consolation where there is loss, understanding where there is injury, a much needed figure indeed in our fractious times,” opined Bishop Paul Tan.

“St Francis is a 12th century figure in Catholic folklore, revered for his respect for the environment, his practice of evangelical poverty, and his outreach to Muslims during the time of the Crusades.”

(Bold emphasis this blogger’s)


The above two paragraphs are excerpted from Netto’s Malaysiakini article.

What Netto omitted to mention, however, when talking about “his outreach to Muslims during the time of the Crusades” is that St Francis of Assisi had tried to convert Malik-al-Kamil, the sultan of Egypt to Christianity.

The evangelistas are ALWAYS! doing that — out to convert everybody.

“Ratcheting tensions” between Muslims and Christians

Netto also described Mujahid Yusof Rawa, the PAS National Unity bureau chief, as a “leading light in … forging dialogue between Muslims and Christian groups at a time of ratcheting tensions between the two communities”.

Inter-religious violence is merely something what happens elsewhere around the world’s conflict zones.

The dead in Bangui -- Amnesty International photo
The Muslim dead in Bangui, Central African Republic — Amnesty International photo

Rivalry between Islam and Christianity intense

The evangelistas like to say that Islam and Christianity belong to the same family. In the very first book of the bible, Genesis, it is told that Cain attacked and killed his brother Abel.

They – the “brothers” in Abrahamic faith – are fighting each other even in our neighbouring countries, the Philippines and Indonesia.

See Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe for stories about Indonesian churches set ablaze (picture below).

See also, ‘Muslims will soon be given a bloodbath in Central African Republic‘, ‘Campaign of violence by Christian militia drives out 99,000 Muslims’, ‘Christians flee the Muslim world‘ and ‘Minority Christians in other countries

Lack of religious pluralism in Muslim countries

From the Islam demography, we can see that religious diversity in Muslim countries is uncommon.

The religiously “mixed” countries with between 50 and 70 percent Muslim majority are Qatar, Malaysia, Burkina Faso, Lebanon and Chad. Only five countries, and Chad is a failed state while Qatar is host to a variety of expats.

As we had examined earlier on this page, the majority of Muslim countries – i.e. 30 out of 48 countries or 62.5 percent of the Islamic world – are mono religious, that is to say with over 90 percent of their population being Muslim.

Or to put it another way, in most Muslim countries, every 9 out of 10 of its people are Muslim.

In 77 percent of the Muslim majority countries, every 8 out of 10 persons are Muslim. Where Muslims are the majority, it’s rare to find non-Muslims and if there are, these non-Muslims are few.

ABOVE: The Saeh Library in Lebanon under the care of Father Ibrahim Sarrouj was torched and the Christian priest assaulted in January this year

Lessons from Lebanon

There are less than two percent non-Muslims in Turkey, which lies in part geographically in the European continent. It is estimated that one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923 in the genocide that was perpetrated by the Turks on the Christians — see FAQ here.

If you’ll look at the table of 48 Muslim majority countries at the top of this page, you find that the closest to us in religious make-up is Lebanon. Malaysia has a Muslim population of 63.7 percent, and Lebanon, 61.3 percent.

As you may be aware, Lebanon is unstable and has suffered civil wars between its Muslims and its Christians throughout the last few decades. In any war, you may be assured that many people are killed and even more are internally displaced.

The vicious fighting between the Lebanese religious rivals in the 1980s resulted in a mass exodus of Christian communities from the affected regions to areas controlled by the Christian militia. In Lebanon, all the religious factions have had to take up arms.

(1,068 words)


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

144 thoughts on “Why Malays are really a very tolerant people

  1. Melayu adalah satu bangsa di dunia yang budi bahasanya adalah sangat lembut dan penuh toleransi hingga dapat dijajah oleh orang eropah.

    Sikap tak apa ini sekarang telah ini dipergunakan sepenuhnya oleh orang cina khusus DAP. Bab pepatah Melayu, diberi betih nak peha, diberi peha nak …..

    Tapi perlu ingat janganlah terlalu ghairah sangat kesabaran ada hadnya. Bak kata Hang Tuah tak akan hilang Melayu didunianya.

    1. Orang Melayu memang toleran.

      TAPI JANGAN INGAT air tenang tiada BUAYA.

      Kalau Melayu hilang sabar, ianya tutrut HILANG AKAL….. MAKA JADILAH AMOK… ..DAHSYAT PADAHNYA.!!


        1. Hope so…………

          But never take things for granted….. as the mentioned proverb says.

          1. Betul tu Maniam Chong and HA. Tak percaya? Tengok saja gelagat Mat Said bekas MB trengganu. Dia pun `mengamuk`…..sampai terkedu Ah Jib Gor!

    2. Takkan melayu hilang di dunia tu ‘dialog skrip’ dalam filem Hang Tuah atau kata2 Hang Tuah?


      1. Tapi Hang Tuah is cerita dongeng, non existence, according to latest buku sejarah. So what nonsense you talking about?

  2. Will St. Mujahid please do 2 things: (1) Revert Padre Paul from his trinitarian Godhead to unitarian monotheism (2) Rehabilitate Ustaz Hadi from his Salafi Islamism to the Orthodox Islam of the Malays ?

  3. Lessons from Lebanon

    I read from somewhere that Beirut, capital of Lebanon, used to be a very beautiful city with nice buildings of architecture inherited during the French colonial and Ottoman empire times. Now it’s all gone due to the destruction of civil war. Not sure if Malaysia is going down the similar path in not too distance future.

    1. Look at Syria. Reduced to rubble.

      And the World Heritage Sites like Palmyra, Aleppo, old city of Damascus … it breaks your heart to see.

      But the Dapsters, after wreaking destruction, will just press their eject seat button and hop away to Tasmania. They’d have made their 3G pile already.

      1. I almost wanted to mention Syria just now. Few weeks back al-Jazeera reported about polio epidemic outbreak among children in Syria due to unclean water in war time. A lot of kids will be paralyzed for life due to mistakes committed by adults.

        1. re: “epidemic outbreak among children in Syria due to unclean water”

          Same applies to us Selangorians.


        On March 23 2013, thousands of Syrians carried the coffin of the leading Syrian scholar of the Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaah – Shaykh Dr. Mohammad Syed Ramadan al-Bouti – who had been killed in a terrorist bomb attack in the Al-Iman Mosque of Damascus along with his grandson and other 47 people . . . . .

        The Master teaching from the wisdom sayings of the classic Al-Hikam treatise which is a part of traditional Malay pondok curriculum:


    2. Sejarah yang dilupakan…

      Semasa Ireland dimamah kebuluran kira-kira 160 tahun dahulu, Daulah Uthmaniyah Turki telah sudi memberi bantuan melalui sumbangan kewangan sebanyak Sterling 1,000 (atau nilai kini, kira-kira USD 1,052,000 ) bersama 3 buah kapal yang sarat dengan bekalan makanan.

      Republik Ireland telah dilanda kebuluran dan epidemik penyakit di antara 1845 dan 1849. Malapetaka yang dikenali sebagai ‘the Great Hunger’ ini telah menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya satu juta orang meninggal dunia akibat penyakit yang berkaitan dengan kebuluran dan lebih daripada satu juta rakyat Ireland telah melarikan diri, terutamanya ke Amerika Syarikat, England , Kanada, dan Australia.

      Pemerintah Islam Daulah Uthmaniyyah pada ketika itu, Sultan Abdul Majid menyatakan hasratnya untuk menghantar £ 10,000 sterling kepada para petani di Ireland tetapi Queen Victoria meminta agar Sultan menghantar hanya £ 1000 sterling, kerana dia sendiri telah menghantar hanya £ 2000 sterling. Sultan memutuskan untuk menghantar £ 1000 sterling sahaja tetapi dalam diam-diam, Baginda telah menghantar 3 kapal penuh dengan bekalan makanan . Pentadbiran British cuba menghalang kapal-kapal tersebut tetapi makanan itu tiba secara rahsia di pelabuhan Drogheda (di sebelah timur pantai Ireland).

      Bukti sikap murah hati dari pemerintah Islam untuk sebuah negara Kristian ini adalah penting terutamanya di kala umat Islam kerap dituduh tidak adil kerana melanggar hak asasi manusia.

      Sumber :

    3. Re. I read from somewhere that Beirut, capital of Lebanon, used to be a very beautiful city with nice buildings of architecture inherited during the French colonial and Ottoman empire time.

      Beirut was dubbed as Paris of the east in the past. Like wise Baghdad also had buildings of architecture, art gallery, theater, ballad and opera during Sadam hussien’s era, inherited from the past. My ex-boss was sent to Iraq after the first Iraq war for oil-for-food-program together with Petronas personnel. Many of the things were still intact during that time, but now they been reduced to rubble.

    4. we hv nothing much to lose. it is the pendatang who will suffer the most if anything happens. and we are used to be living in hardship.

  4. An excerpt from Urban Dictionary:

    “A Kiss ass is commonly known as a person who will go to many lengths to look impressive, good, and worthy towards another person or group of higher social standing.

    This is usually due to their need to ascend in the ranks of their workplace, school, or society in general.

    In their quest for higher status and privilege, they will become unguarded and their peers will begin to notice how fake and transparent their attempts are.

    A Kiss ass will most definitely seem fake due to the fact they don’t actually give a shit when people watch how fake they are.”

    I guess anak Pak Rawa is kembang semangkuk right now lepas kena puji macam tu.

  5. These evangelist christian are notoriously inclined to convert anyone or anything to their brand of Christianity

    I look like a malay, and had a unfortunate encounter with a so called brother david from canada peddling his evangelism on the LRT.

    So he started with his gospel, then looked at me and asked what do i know about Christianity

    You should have seen his face when i replied i am roman catholic.. his gospel just stopped there and then, and he even had the audacity to give me a sneering look… a real asshole!

    1. Well, you know that they call themselves Christians and call you guys RCs, and they make a distinction between the two and avoid acknowledging RCs as “proper” Christians.

    2. Re. I look like a malay, and had a unfortunate encounter with a so called brother david from canada peddling his evangelism on the LRT.

      Did he offer you chewing gum to start a conversation? I have experienced the same but at a KTM commuter station. They normally dress in white shirt and black pants. In the past, they used to do it all over shopping complex in KL. Kota Raya and Sungai Wang Plaza are their hot spots.

      1. Please report to MUIS, JAKIM, and even PDRM. Writing about it here is just masturbating without the mess. Syok sendiri in other words. Do the nation a favour for Pete’s sake. Or just omong and then say other’s try to take over the country.

        And Helen what about Sunni-Shiah bloodshed in 99% Muslim countries like Iraq. Or is it the CIA ‘baddies’ or Jews. And how about something closer to home like the Selangor wars or Kedah sampai minta tolong raja siam.

        When the leadership is weak the rakyat suffers. Sampai Helen kena tulis berjela-jela. Imagine evangelistas arrested, those threatening the peace dealt with and the country moves forward. Wawasan 2020.

        1. re: “the Selangor wars or Kedah sampai minta tolong raja siam”

          If you’re asking a question and expect an answer, then you will first have to provide a context as what it is about Selangor and Kedah that you’re talking about.

          No year, no names, no location mentioned by you. Are we supposed to read your mind?

        2. Re. Please report to MUIS, JAKIM, and even PDRM.

          Those relevant party are aware of that. Again, it has been reported in the Malays newspaper too.

          Re. Writing about it here is just masturbating without the mess. Syok sendiri in other words.

          Same goes with rebutting without knowing a fact, and further trying to string unrelated events and history to prove a point. It is like faking a multiple-orgasm while having sex with your ‘customers”, just to get more tips and a repeat order.

          Re. Or just omong and then say other’s try to take over the country

          Where in my comment that I stated that they want to take over the country? In case you have been living under the proverbial coconut shell, prostelyzing has been a hot topic among the Muslims especially of late. The DUMC case; the tuition center that taught primary school Muslim students to sing gospel songs praising Jesus; the case of Hong Leong Bank in Johor Bahru Muslim staffs forced to attend service conducted by the Bank Manager, and my own experience are some of the examples.

          Re. And Helen what about Sunni-Shiah bloodshed in 99% Muslim countries like Iraq. Or is it the CIA ‘baddies’ or Jews.

          Get your fact right first before you commenting. The War in Iraq was instigated by the US and its allies on the pretext of finding the Weapon of Mass Destruction , which they have finally denied that there is any WMD. The Sunni-Syiah bloodshed was also instigated by them, where they have installed and supported the Syiah government (who used to be the minority in Iraq) to fight againts the Sunni Muslims. All the in name of Oil and currently being dominated by Haliburton and controlled by the Bush Family.

          The same story with Arab Springs. All funded by them just like when they thried bring down the government through Bersih 2.0 via National Democracy Endowment Funds.

          Re. And how about something closer to home like the Selangor wars or Kedah sampai minta tolong raja siam.

          Siam was a great empire in this part of the world back then. Paying “ufti” i.e Bunga Emas to be exact is the norm of the day during that time, to ensure security in Selangor and Kedah. It is part of diplomatic means or channel during that period, though it is not longer acceptable in present day. In any case , there is no evident or record of Siam Government’s interference in any of those two states.

          Comparatively, you can look at Singapore where it thrives on FDI from the US and its allies, so that the later can use Singapore as their military based in this side of the world. This is a fact that you don’t read in papers.

          Re. When the leadership is weak the rakyat suffers

          Just like in Selangor with their water debacle. the talam gate, the KUIS case, the Yayasan Selangor case, and in Penang we have seen Kampung Buah Pala case, and Kampung dan kedai-kedai Melayu dirobohkan.

          Re. Sampai Helen kena tulis berjela-jela. Imagine evangelistas arrested, those threatening the peace dealt with and the country moves forward. Wawasan 2020.

          Put them in the slammer and throw away the key I say. Just like what Tun M did last time.

          1. bq. “Those relevant party are aware of that. Again, it has been reported in the Malays newspaper too”

            Yup I can attest to that.

            Around early 2000, there were three Korean preachers, or were they missionaries, I’m not quite sure, came to my house. They started with ‘Jesus is God’ and somehow showed me the Genesis where there’s “We” used and I said it’s just majestic plural and it’s used in Quran too as Arabic and Aramaic is almost similar and he said ‘no’ as Jesus is also the Alpha and Omega etc etc.

            After some times, one of the 2 sisters finally said ‘Jesus is God ~’ (with the cute Korean intonation, y’know like in those Korean movies). To not prolong that, I just smiled (cakap ya tidak, cakap bukan pun tidak) and they finally left.

            So that night I asked the Imam at the mosque whether they ae aware there are some Korean preachers coming from home to home and he said, yes they are monitoring the situation but did not taking any action just yet because ‘mereka tak mendesak dan tak mengelirukan semasa berdakwah…mereka cuma terangkan apa itu Kristian..’.

            So who are saying the ‘relevant parties’ are too quick to use the law?

  6. re, Why Malay are really tolerance people ?.

    Go around and asked the Malay , I guess they also don’t know, why ?.

    Tolerance is actually their strength ,or their weakness ,defends on individual interpretation ,but much look like weakness .

    1. re: “much look like weakness”

      Tolerance is a good trait.

      Malays just gotta sharpen other faculties — jangan mudah tertipu.

      Umno people cannot nasihat PAS people meh? Ramadan is coming. Don’t lah let your masjid and your surau be exploited by the evangelista politicians for cheap publicity.

      Does it say anywhere in the Quran that Allah will be angry if the munafiks are allowed to misuse the places of worship dedicated to Him?

      In the Bible, there is a story about how Jesus was angry at the presence of moneylenders and other doing business in the (Jewish) temple, and he chased them out.

      1. To that effect, verses 17-19 of the chapter “Repentance” :

        ” It is not for such as join gods with Allah, to visit or maintain the mosques of Allah while they witness against their own souls to infidelity. The works of such bear no fruit: In Fire shall they dwell. The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity, and fear none at all except Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance. Do you make the provision of drink to pilgrims, or the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque, equal to the pious service of those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and strive with might and main in the cause of Allah? They are not comparable in the sight of Allah: and Allah guides not those who do wrong. “

  7. LOL 9:48 pm

    yup think the same guys , look kind of nerdy too

    yea was offered chewing gum…..but i always remember not to accept anything from strangers ha ha ha

    1. In some airports in the US, they even offer you ‘Holy Water”. I am sure whether it is true, but was told that they caste some sort of mantra on those chewing gum and holy water, and once you take it, you are hooked to them forever.

  8. dear msleepyhead ,

    do yourself a favour , shove you thumb up your assh***

    then suck on it ….who knows you may like your own crap , and it may do wonders for your imagination.

    goodnight msleepyhead

    1. Must be speaking from your personal experience. I bet it taste even better on sambal petai for lunch days you sick duck.

      1. Hahaha ms sleepyhead is pissed off. Sometimes we got to give the firsters a taste of their own medicine. Beastofburden is just lowering his/her level to yours. U should be thankful since u love to sleep and giving logic is way too much for your mamai state of mind.

        1. In the private sector during my time, kTAR qualifications more laku than local u qualifications among Chinese employers.

          The TAR Colleges is just one of the Chinese self-helps in the NEP environment. At least it’s something concrete that the MCA did.

          What did the DAP ever do for the Chinese community except sow hatred?

    1. The link you gave says the Christian population in Malaysia is 8.37% and Evangelical 3.20%.

      So the Joshua Project puts the number of Christians here at 11.57% and not the “nine percent only” that the pro-oppo media is always bleating about.

      1. JP is about reaching out to the ‘unreached’… the data seem to be very thorough and complete. looks like they have access to CIA servers haha. I have just visited the new-look page which I find kinda confusing. the old page was easier to navigate and find stuff. used to spend days and nights going thru it all

  9. One exceptional basic acts in Islam (Five Pillars of Islam) is the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if he/she is able to. Yg banyak sikit duit tu, rajin2 le sponsor those who cannot afford. Here millions of Muslims from all over the world meet, gaduh2 set aside.

    Malays duk kat Malaysia dah tak laghat asyik tengok muka Apek2 dan Aney2 DAP yg garang2 semacam. There we find our peace of mind, tranquility and susah nak explain here… tu le Cik Helen, Malays semua very cool and tolerant as we get to meet all sorts of people shapes, sizes, colors, race and whatnot not only in Malaya/Malaysia but thousands of other races during our pilgrimage,

    Apek/Aney DAP is nothing to us la…

    1. And I can bet LKS does not get the opportunity to mix and mingle with that many different races in this world compared to us ordinary Malay Muslims. He got the cheek to label us RACIST? Tak malu punya Apek!

  10. Those young men are Mormons, mostly from the US. they are clean-cut, work in pairs and usually dressed in black and white. It’s part of their mission, young kids will to round the world to preach. This has been going for decades here.

    The Jehovah Witnesses used to do that too, visit homes. Once two young Mat Salleh kids under 12 came to our house to give us their pamphlets.

    But these are considered cults not mainstream Christianity. The Mormons, properly known as the Church of the Latter Day Saints, believe their founder Joseph Smith was given the Book of Mormons and special spectacles by God to read it. Mitt Romney and Donny Osmond’s church.

    1. re: “given the Book of Mormons and special spectacles by God to read it”

      That’s so cool, the Special Specs bit.

    2. Yup Jehovas Witnesses memang rajin ketuk pintu rumah. Teringat zaman belajar dulu. Seminggu lepas pindah ingatkan jiran sebelah appartment yang nak berkenalan tekan loceng, so ajaklah masuk.

      Mulalah dia interview, tanya asal dari mana etc. Mulut memang manis.. tak lepas puji sana sini. Lepas tu dia keluarkan pamplet tentang JW dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Dalam hati “la, kakak ni nak berdakwah rupanya”.

      Bila dia mula persoalkan islam kita dengan soalan seperti, “kalau awak bukan dilahirkan sebagai muslim, agaknya agama apa yang akan awak anut?”, saya mula rasa tak selesa dan tolak dengan baik setiap kali dia datang rumah.

      Yang peliknya pelajar dari Malaysia, Indonesia, Afrika, China, Korea yang mereka sasarkan. Mat saleh dari Britain, Denmark, USA mereka tak kacau pun. Asal kat peti surat nama Abdul, Mohamad, cepat je mereka datang berkunjung. Selepas kita tak layan, berselisih jalan, terserempak dalam lif pun mereka tak pandang.

  11. I think that there are a few factors that make the Melayu so tolerant, but I want to believe that the main reason is our faith and another reason is that looking at the history of the Malays, we are not a violent race. If you read Sejarah Melayu, there is no major bloodbath or war that lasted for years like in Chinese history.

    But your writing is not about the why’s but more on the measure of our tolerance, so let me add to your list. How tolerant are the Melayus – so tolerant that we allow this

    Very tolerant that we endorse this
    And that poster of Dyana also shows how tolerant the Cinas are that they are willing to nominate a Melayu. Of course, first they got to touch up the poster so she’ll look more Cina-friendly. In fact in that poster she almost look like Rainbow.

    1. I fear the tolerance is snapping.

      The Isma people were monitoring all that hideous lashing inflicted on Alifah even more closely than I was.

      (I don’t do social media and only looked at the feedback was linked to the Malaysiakini article.)

      Knowing the behaviour of Dapsters in the world of Facebook, it could have been nothing else but a Wild, Wild West shooting fish in a barrel at the girl.

      The Alifah episode conclusively answered my oft-asked question: “What kind of people are they?”

      I’m afraid that decent folks who are in possession of any sanity, and don’t want to lose what’s left of it, can only come to the conclusion that “they” are not the kind of people one wants to have as our neighbours.

      The Isma momentum signals that we’ve crossed the point of no return.

      “They” can’t see this or anything else that I’ve been warning in this blog.

      1. …..Knowing the behaviour of Dapsters in the world of Facebook…

        Malicious comments and all the gossips are signs of an inferiority complex.

        Tu pasai bila tengok cara LKS and son rasa sebak dan sedih pun ade macam desperate aje ni, kubur duk melambai2 tapi perjuangan lebih 50 tahun tapi majority tak terima?

  12. DAP has opened another chapter in conquering the Malays – their very own Fifth Column / Regimen 10. Dyana is the latest product of this new marketing strategy and many liberal Malays are falling for it.

    Look at this inteview by the Sun – another PR propaganda arm. How come they don’t interview Mah or Chew in the last by-election?

    Note also that they too using Malay reporter to interview Dyana.

    “but for me and DAP, what we’re trying to do is to break down the racial barrier. It’s also to send a message to Malaysians that “Hey, we want to put a stop to racial politics.”
    How rich of her talking about racial politics when her own party is 90% Chinese ?

    1. This is where you have to give credit where credit is due. They are much better equipped than BN.

      Yesterday, a friend of mine, a Malay professional in his 30s, he raised this question which I m going to share with folks here.

      “If this Dyana was in Puteri Umno, how long do you think its going to take her to raise to the level of being nominated as a candidate to contest in an election ?”

      My friend then said

      “The DAP is very cunning, very deceptive. They know such people are not happy with how Umno operates. They know they only need to “catch” people like Dyana, even a small number will do, and they can then present people like Dyana to the Malays, especially the urban professionals. The message the DAP is trying to convey is, “it takes too long for you to climb the political ladder if you join Umno” while implicitly telling these Malay professionals that if they fit the Dyana type, they can climb the political ladder faster.”

      1. re: “if they fit the Dyana type, they can climb the political ladder faster”


        If Dyana was a 27-year-old Chinese or Indian, her rise would not have been so meteoric.

        DAP picked her to contest, first and foremost, on account of her race. Look at past elections. Would DAP have introduced their candidates as “this is our young Chinese lawyer” in the same way they’re marketing “this is our young MALAY lawyer”.

        And they claim they’re a colour blind party.

        Better yet, hear what their sheeple are bleating.

        1. Sis.. bukan sebab dia melayulah, tapi sebab dia mahu dan bersedia jadi puppet dan dipergunakan LKS dan DAP. Cuba check semula usia HY, Teo Nie Ching, Yeo Bee Yin. Berapa usia mereka semasa jadi calon DAP dan berapa lama mereka join DAP sebelum dicalonkan?

          Dalam DAP, asal sahaja mereka boleh bawa keuntungan untuk parti, mereka akan dipacu naik ke atas. “Tunggul kayu” seperti Loh Gwo Burne pun mereka sanggup gunakan, atas nama undi. Kalau banyak soal macam Tunku Aziz, alamat jadi alas kakilah.

        2. I concur with Helen and Survivor here – there is no better party in Malaysia when it comes to marketing and branding. They know what sells and how to sell it. No doubt their efforts are greatly helped by their legion of supporters in the print & alternative media as well as the RBA terrorists.

          Talking about how would UMNO treat a 27 yo. Let’s do a thought experiment here. Let’s say an UMNO MP is being replaced and Najib selects his 27 yo aide non-local as the replacement over experienced and proven leaders.

          Obviously it won’t be a popular move within UMNO but put that aside first and imagine how would PR and their rapid mob supporters in the media would reach. They would accuse Najib of cronyism, nepotism and disrespect to the party and voters for fielding a novice and a non-local.

          Here just because it is DAP, no one is questioning the merit of her candidacy and how she was selected over more deserving candidate. The irony that she’s a graduate of UiTM, the institution that Dapsters consider as symbol of uber racism and her mother is an AJK of Perkasa, is conveniently swept under the carpet.

          I remember the kind of criticisms that was made during the Ulu Selangor by election when Kamalanathan was fielded ahead of veterans by the PR and the alterative media. He was attacked relentlessly for kissing the hand of Ibrahim Ali. Here we have the mum as the AJK of Perkasa. Yet there is a deafening silence.

          1. re: “He was attacked relentlessly for kissing the hand of Ibrahim Ali.”

            Until today he is still being attacked over the cium tangan. It’s Muhyiddin’s hand, btw.

            re: “Here we have the mum as the AJK of Perkasa.”

            She quit already.

            re: DAP supporters in the print media

            MCA is paying the salary of these DAP cheerleaders in The J-Star.

      2. Ah, so – Puteri Umno doesn’t believe in meritocracy?

        Likewise Umno Youth, Wanita Umno and Umno itself?

        I would have thought that Umno watching the PAP’s self-renewal process in Singapore would have followed the latter’s example in identifying and recruiting suitable and well-qualified young talent?

        But both the BN and the Oppo are equally sclerotic in identifying, recruiting and fielding promising young talent.

        So, how do you expect either of to take Malaysia into the brave new world of the information economy?

        1. Skilgannon,

          PAP’s self renewal process isn’t working too well and the recent YouTube video is an excellent indication the quality of young people they are able to attract these days. You might recall the butt of jokes PAP’s new faces had to endure in the last GE due to their pathetic quality compared to their celebrated predecessors.

          With the prevailing negative political mood in Singapore against PAP, I very much doubt they can attract good quality young people at all unlike the rivals. I hear that they even resorting to FTs (Foreign Talents) due to the poor response and quality of locals.

          Despite what people think I don’t think the situation of BN is as bad as PAP especially with UMNO, since the party is still attract a lot of young supporters (look at local public university elections). But the situation is bad for MCA/Gerakan as they do not have the support of the community, not just youths.

          PR tends to give the impression that they promote youths. But that is a mere charade if you examine the data. There is not much difference in terms of age between PR and BN leaders statistically. Look at DAP, the same guys are in charge for the last 40 years. Karpal took his post to his grave and LKS, LGE, Nik Aziz and Anwar will do the same. At least in BN, all the major parties have replaced their heads in the last few years.

          People talk about Hannah, Yeo, Tie, Dyana, etc as examples of promoting youth. In a way they are correct but that only is because DAP is a dictatorship where LKS and LGE decide whom to put up as candidates. I don’t think Najib can do the same and get away with it.

  13. The thing about tolerance is that it has a limit. It doesn’t stop the human instinct of fight – or-flight.

    The problem with the current set up here and everywhere else is that political discourse is structured in a combative manner. Winner takes all, majority rules and all that.

    So we’re all caught in this game where in fact, everyone ends up the loser if we continue down this path.

    What we need from all sides is to listen and understand each other. There is no limit to how much you can learn and understand, but there is definitely a limit to how much A can tolerate B and vice versa.

    1. I completely agree with your views. But do you know why we ended up here ? That’s because some Malaysians (PR supporters mainly) demanded freedom of speech and thought we are matured enough to handle open discussions on race and religion. That’s why we had no problem under Tun and once Pak Lah opened up the space for free speech, all hell broke loose.

      To me the solution is simple – Malaysians do not respect the sensitivity of others and no longer practices the spirit of Malaysia where everyone gave up something so everyone can gain (under the social contract). So if Malaysians unwilling to compromise, then the govt should take charge and shut the doors again on open talks about race and religion.

      Look at Dapsters, Church groups, Malay right wingers, Hindu NGOs and Chinese chauvinist groups all running amok.

      To make things worse, MK, MI and other alternative media print every single senstive statements and turn these into headlines and make the authors as national figures. in fact the alternative media has been responsible much more than anyone else in creating ethnic and religious tension and discord.

  14. …….“but for me and DAP, what we’re trying to do is to break down the racial barrier. It’s also to send a message to Malaysians that “Hey, we want to put a stop to racial politics.”….

    Ape la siMinah ni duk try to impress? Besar sangat ke DAP tu? Hang trying to break down racial barrier? You must be joking!

    Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom… Muslims in Malaysia who registered to perform the haj pilgrimage would have to wait for 50 years to be able to do so. Currently, he said, 1.2 million of the 8.2 million Tabung Haji (TH) depositors were waiting for their turn to perform the pilgrimage…

    1. So you RINA, you are DAPster! It is a known fact that DAP is a racist party and nobody can deny that.

      You are, RBA and Chinese. A Malay with a right mind will never want to be used by the Chinese. From my experience, Chinese like to humiliate Malay, and they think that they are very clever.

      I can challenge them. Academically I am better than most of them in my field – I am professionally qualified and attained the highest academic qualification. I was an examiner of MACPA, the highest mark that the Chinese got was 5 out of 25 marks.

      I support ISMA and what they said is a fact that the Chinese cannot deny.

      1. Alamak Helang! examiner aje ke ingatkan you serves on the Board of Governors! Please stay quietly and suck your thumbs pasai ade yg lebih cerdik dari awak tapi tak riak.

        Okay riak is also salah satu sifat2 seorang Muslim yg amat dasyat sekali.

        1. riak bukan sifat muslim. ia adalah sifat yang semua org ada. Cuma Islam pandang berat terhadap perbuatan ini.

      2. Okay la Helang, satu hari Hujan kat sini, cuaca best dan sejuk, tak baik kasi you hot hot pula kan? Remember ya, for your pilgrimage jangan terlupa pula pi duk gantung your whatever qualification kat leher.. Kat sana itu semua tak laku.



  16. toleransi melayu adalah hasil didikan dari rumah. “kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan” adalah contoh klasik peribahasa di mana telah berkurun sikap toleransi telah bertapak dalam jiwa masyarakat melayu. sesuatu norma yang terpahat begitu lama, tentu sukar untuk dihapuskan. orang dulu-dulu dididik ibubapa untuk melebihkan tetamu dari anak tuan rumah sendiri. tetamu makan ayam golek, anak sendiri makan ikan kering…lebih kurang macam itulah.

    lihatlah bang jib sendiri, walaupun keturunan bangsawan, beliau turut tak terlepas dari sikap toleransi yang melebihkan orang (kaum) lain berbanding kaumnya sendiri. melayu bang jib ni, terlalu cepat memaafkan, walaupun ditampar tsunami cina pada PRU lepas, bang jib tetap lebihkan cina. cthnya jambatan ke 2 tetap dibuat di pulau pinang untuk kemudahan cina dap.(sedangkan umno menjadi pembangkang di sana.)

    sikap begini tak boleh lagi diteruskan kerana ia merupakan kelemahan yang boleh diambil kesempatan oleh dapster. apa kata kalau kita lebihkan anak sendiri daripada tetamu. yang namanya manusia itu, diberi betis hendakkan peha, diberi peha, hendakkan kepala, diberi kepala hendak pula mengencingi dan memberaki kepala kita. aduhai.

  17. Most of the Malay people who are very successful today including Zaid Ibrahim and Dyana DAP candidate for Teluk Intan by Election are because of the Government policy to help Bumiputras. Both of them through ITM and UiTM.

    Still Bumiputras could not achieve the 30% quota for them on the economy. In the private education sector, it is control by Chinese. Remember the Merdeka University issue that nearly caused a riot if not due to wisdom of Tun M? Now Chinese get what they wanted, not 1 university but control of IPTS sector.

    What I am saying here Bumiputras still need the government support as enshrined in the Constitution that protect the right of Malay and other Bumis and Islam. And don’t ever think that Malay race is stupid and can “digula-gula” as what DAP did.

    To Rina I misread the para that you quoted. What I am trying to say that good Malay are at par if not better, if they put effort to whatever they do. It is not riak. It is just an example and I can give other examples that Malay are successful with or without government’s help.

    To the Chinese, you can expand your business overseas without invoking the wrath of Malay who give you either directly or indirectly the economic opportunities in Malaysia.

    1. Re. Now Chinese get what they wanted, not 1 university but control of IPTS sector.

      Care to elaborate? Control in what way? Enrollment or Ownership?

      If you are talking about enrollment, that is the whole purpose, though no entirely i.e. to prevent capital outflow in a way rather than letting them going abroad to study, plus not many of them can afford to do so as well. Beyond that Malaysia has planned and aspired to be the center of education in this part of the world. That is why many foreign universities have started opening their campus here Malaysia.

      If you are talking about ownership, even the foreign universities here are mostly a joint venture with the Goverment through GLC. Notthingham University Malaysia Campus is one of them through Boustead.

      While home grown IPTS the likes of University Kuala Lumpur (I was told a branch out of UiTM), the newly established International University Malaya-Wales (a part of University Malaya) and few others that I can’t remember are directly linked to the existing IPTA.

      Here are the list of accredited IPTS, they are not updated as there are few foreign universities established here are not listed. Herriot Watt University, Manchester Medical School, Perdana University (a joint venture of John Hopkins and Royal Surgeon College, UK (I think)) are not listed as well.

      If you are talking about the CHAPLANG private colleges, yes there are plannty of them around, one very famous one is in Nilai , “Lubuk Awang Hitam dan China Dolls” with all sort of vices. Even UCSI in Taman Connaugth, Cheras is famous for that. Just go lepak at the McDonald in Taman Connaught and you will see many of them around.

      1. I am comparing Bumi ownerships excluding owned by government either through its agency or its state’s agency which are very few as compared owned by Chinese. UniKL is owned by MARA. AUCMS which is owned by a Malay is now having financial difficulty. It is their fault. They are having financial difficulty because they are ill advised to invest in property in the UK for their educational business expansion. See Malay main stream media last year or before that but not sure which paper.

        In term of number of students Bumi students are less than Chinese students.

        1. Re. I am comparing Bumi ownerships excluding owned by government either through its agency or its state’s agency which are very few as compared owned by Chinese.

          If you are talking about “Chaplang” Colleges that offered diploma, degree, MBA and the ever famous twinning-program with B or C rated foreign universities, there are many of them around.

          If you a bumiputera and you want to invest in private education business at tertiary level that will be suicidal for:

          1. Top tier Bumi Students have their privileges;

          2. Second tier Bumi students compete for IPTA;

          3. UiTM is a class of its own where there are mixed of top tier and second tier Bumi students;

          4. Some second tier and the remaining average Bumi students compete for Polytechnic and other specialized colleges;

          4. Even the lowest performers with 3 credits get to apply for Institute Professional Mara and FOR FREE OF CHARGE with RM300 monthly allowance;

          5. Not to forget there is also Institute Professional Baitumal;

          Re. In term of number of Bumi students are less than Chinese students.

          Bumi students don’t compete in IPTS. The best of them have been pre-selected and groomed right from form 1 i.e. those that go to top tier boarding schools. Even MRSM has its own tier system. Apart from that there are also top tier Sekolah Menengah Agama, which have consistently performed even better than that of some top residential schools.

          If you look at the SPM results since 2000’s onwards, the Bumi students have outperformed many of the non-Bumi students. If you are looking at number of straight A’s among them ‘melambak-lambak”. Nowadays if you are a student at any residential schools and to be able to secure a scholarship to study abroad, your final SPM results is not the answer, for they will also look at your overall performance from form 1 up to SPM trial result. Last year, a friend whose son scored straight A’s in SPM and studied in MRSM was not even offered a place in IPTA or any matriculation programs, for the son performed badly in his SPM trial. His son is now studying in University Kuala Lumpur.

  18. Melayu bangsa yang bertolak ansur.
    Sebab Islam dan budayanya.
    Islam sampai di Nusantara dengan cara lemah-lembut. Cara perdagangan, perkahwinan dan dakwah langsung. Tak berperang. Yang diajar adalah Keesaan Allah. Tak dijanji wang atau harta. Yang ada adalah jaminan selamat dunia dan hari Akhirat.

    Orang Melayu tak maki agama lain sebab tak mahu orang agama lain maki Allah, Tuhan mereka.
    Orang bangsa lain kata macam-macam pada orang Melayu yang Islam ni. Kenapa orang Melayu tak balas? Satu perkara yang selalu terdetik di hati mereka, tunggulah bila kau mati nanti. Baru kau tahu. Orang Melayu percaya pada hari Akhirat. Kau tak dapat balasan sekarang, nanti akan terbalas juga. Tak payah penat-penat merancang nak buat jahat. Kalau kita jujur, Allah yang tunjuk siapa yang benar, siapa yang menang.

    Orang Melayu berdakwah dengan kelakuan mereka. Memang tak agresif pun. Tapi itulah cara Orang Melayu terima Islam.

    Sebab Islam, orang boleh hidup aman damai di Nusantara walaupun ada orang Nusantara tidak beragama Islam. Orang Melayu nak hidup berbaik-baik supaya semua orang nampak akan keindahan Islam, memeluk Islam dan bersatu di bawah Islam.

    Tapi sayang kebaikan Orang Melayu tak dihargai. Orang Melayu akan bangkit juga melawan orang yang menghina Agama mereka. Tunggulah saatnya.

  19. “1. Helen Ang, in an open letter criticised me for welcoming MCA’s decision to rejoin the BN cabinet. She pointed out that the MCA won only 7 seats while DAP won 39 seats. The MCA therefore does not represent the Chinese.”

    Dear Helen, congratulations, Tun M reads your open letter. It’s been a while since I last commented on your posts and I dropped by because the above item in Tun M’s post hit a familiar ring. This shows the importance of your opinion that may somehow change the course of history in Malaysia and perhaps the world.

    Great people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mandela and Mother Theresa, amongst others, do great things to unite people, lessen their sufferings and make the world a better place for others. They succeeded because they made sure they themselves are answerable to mankind, even when they were discriminated against and had to endure tremendous personal sufferings and they had no unkind words for these perpetrators.

    Actually, I had given up commenting on the discussions that you invited and promoted on your blog as I believe I will cause sleepless nights to others and spread more hatred and ill feelings. I do not know the reason(s) behind your writing some of those blogs inviting people to “shiok sendiri” bashing others and inviting retaliations in a like or even more, shall I say, “subjective” manner. I still remember my very first comment on your blog where it was branded “God-like”. I surely do not wish to be party to people who wants to blasphemise their own religion.

    The above mention by Tun M shows that you have the influence to promote a progressive and prosperous Malaysia for Malaysians for our next generations ( you and me are no longer important to Malaysia as we will be history soon ). I might be wrong but I feel that the only way for any nation to progress is “truth, responsibility and integrity” like how Korea rose from the ashes in such a short time. I like the story of how they can leave things on their table unattended while they buy coffee from the counters, or the fact that they do not need gates or turnstiles at the MRT entry points other than a yellow line painted on the floor with wordings that say something like “We trust that you will already have a ticket before crossing this line”. That is a mature and progressive nation which I hope our future Malaysians can live in.

    And it is not an impossible dream as all it needs is for Malaysians to just hold their hearts and only do things that are beneficial to their fellow Malaysians, without caring if others had wronged them.

    Helen, let’s not let our future generations inherit a Malaysia that is bankrupt and torn into shambles just because someone somewhere wronged us. Do not make our future generations pay for our crime to humanity.

    Warmest regards and thank you for your time.

    1. re: “I might be wrong but I feel that the only way for any nation to progress is ‘truth, responsibility and integrity’ like how Korea rose from the ashes in such a short time.”

      Does the DAP have Truth?

      Does the DAP have Responsibility?

      Does the DAP have Integrity?

      Malaysia has progressed. Uder the BN. Compare 1969 with today.

      What role did the DAP play in moving this progress? The MCA built the TAR Colleges, Utar and helped fund and maintain the Chinese schools. What has the DAP ever done for the rakyat?

      Do the Chinese go to DAP service centres when they need help?

      If ever our future generation inherits “a Malaysia that is bankrupt and torn into shambles”, it will be because of the insatiable GREED of the DAP evangelistas in their pursuit of ‘Gold’, and letting the devil take the hindmost.

      And their vehicle to amassing the Gold and seeking the self Glory is through exploiting the Gospel and exploiting the gullibility of Malaysians who hate.

      As to the level of HATE that they harbour, I think the deluge of more than 1,500 abusive comments hurled Alifah (and generated by a single article alone) will quantify empirically.

      Why do you think there is such a strong backlash from the Muslim NGOs now? After all, if the DAP evangelistas have been oozing Love, then surely it will be Love that they should be getting in return?

      1. Dear Helen, it amaze me the speed you “digested” what I wrote and came back with swords swinging and guns blazing. If Malaysians think any existing political party and/or coalition can bring about the changes that I wrote about, then we are doomed before we start. Those great people I mentioned succeeded on their own truth, responsibility and integrity and would never have achieved what they achieved had they based their actions on the conduct of others.

        P.S. As to my memory I admit I experience near memory lapse now and then but then, people at our age tend to forget recent happenings but still remember things ancient. Search for my first comment and you will find it. I too would like to know what Tun M remembers about 1969 but then again, do we take it as a lesson well-learnt and move forward or continue to harp on it, letting it destroy the nation that we all loved? Shall we start a petition for an RCI to get to the bottom of the truth while those involved are still around to give their personal account and if necessary, defend themselves? When the truth is out and the perpetrators found, there shall be a Royal Decree that it is history and whoever takes advantage of it again shall be punished severely. You have my fullest support to start the ball rolling.

        1. re: “would never have achieved what they achieved had they based their actions on the conduct of others”

          Mandela did not hate.

          I understand the anger and the resentment felt by the Chinese opposition supporters. I did not grow up in a vacuum and nor am I presently living in a vacuum, so of course I’m aware. I’ve said elsewhere in this blog that I believe some government policies discriminate and disadvantage the Chinese.

          Nonetheless the level of hate displayed by the Chinese for ‘everything’ here under the Malaysian sun makes the political trajectory an inevitable and forgone conclusion.

          Umno will remain the strongest single entity for several GEs to come, at the very least. Umno’s second liner is Taib’s PBB with 10 Muslim MPs out of 14. When Umno hooks up with PAS, they will have secured the government.

          An Umno-PAS government will be, needless to say, an Islamic government. And the Chinese and Indian Christians will double their hate.

          re: “Search for my first comment and you will find it.”

          Don’t have. Below are your first five comments.


          1. Dear Helen, many apologies for my ,mistake. I just realised that I am automatically logged into WordPress with the name caseylowkc whenever I visited a wordpress related post. Before I had this wordpress account, my comment was as the name Casey Low and that was where I made my first comment. Sorry for the confusion caused.

          2. Re : An Umno-PAS government will be, needless to say, an Islamic government. And the Chinese and Indian Christians will double their hate.

            Helen, please do not leave out people like Tun M who are against the implementation of hudud laws. Do you think he supported the reentry of MCA to the Government for any reason other that the fact that MCA rejected hudud laws?

            I cannot speak for all Chinese but I believe the majority just want good governance so that they can have a peaceful life doing what they know best – making money through hard work.

            If an UMNO-PAS government materialise and they are able to absorb each other’s merits and discard their short comings, there will still be hope for Malaysia. Just hope that they are able to prevent the following argument by Syed Akhbar Ali in an MI article.

            “He has written three books, including “Malaysia and the Club of Doom (The Collapse of The Islamic Countries)” where he argued that Muslim-majority countries have collapsed economically, politically and socially”.

            My personal opinion is that a progressive Islamic country with justice for all is definitely better than the present direction where we are heading to – bankruptcy and chaos.

            Who knows? An modern progressive Islamic Malaysia that can avoid the pitfalls that Syed Akhbar Ali argued above may become the model of all Islamic countries in the world where citizens can co-exist harmoniously, as taught in the Quran?

            1. re: “I cannot speak for all Chinese but I believe the majority just want good governance so that they can have a peaceful life doing what they know best – making money through hard work.”

              The word “good governance”, just like “colour blind” has been debased by the CakapTakSerupaBikin behaviour of the DAP.

              re: “If an UMNO-PAS government materialise and they are able to absorb each other’s merits and discard their shortcomings, there will still be hope for Malaysia.”

              Imagine that a smart but ugly billionaire marries a beautiful dumb blonde. They have a kid. Their kid inherits the father’s looks and the mother’s brains.

              re: “My personal opinion is that a progressive Islamic country with justice for all is definitely better than the present direction where we are heading to – bankruptcy and chaos.”

              Muslims like those in Isma believe that the Dapster-evangelistas want to make Malaysia an unIslamic country. That’s why we’re heading in the present direction — to chaos.

              The DAP just can’t stop their Hate. Its Penang state assemblyman just created a furore with his “Umno celaka” utterances. As long as DAP can’t keep a lid on it, then Isma and others Sewaktu Dengannya will continue to react. The tensions will escalate.

              I said there is no hope and no cure for the oppo supporters because I do not see that they can get themselves out of the clutches of the DAP evangelistas.

              re: “Who knows? An modern progressive Islamic Malaysia that can avoid the pitfalls that Syed Akhbar Ali argued above may become the model of all Islamic countries in the world where citizens can co-exist harmoniously, as taught in the Quran?”

              Malaysiakini reported that Isma’s Abdullah Zaik (according to his book) does not believe that non-Muslims have any leadership role to play, and that non-Malay Muslims cannot be allowed to lead Malay Muslims.

              Caveat: Assuming that the Malaysiakini report is accurate.

            2. Postscript:

              “Good governance”

              This is the standard in the Pakatan state assembly of Selangor

                1. Not when I dare not even drink the heavy metal-laced air lombong piped to the house.

                  Not when road sweepers have stopped cleaning the drains and the playgrounds, and the grass cutters have left lalang growing to breed aedes mosquitoes.

                  Not when the roads are full of potholes. Not when the Aduns and local councils are so unresponsive to complaints.

                  The only thing I see that has gone ‘up’ in my area is the increasing number of banners touting Christian activities.

    2. re: ” I still remember my very first comment on your blog where it was branded ‘God-like.”

      I’ve just run a search on the keywords “God like”, “God-like”, “god-like” and “god like” through my blog Comments, and the search results do not turn up anyone branding your comment “God-lie”.

      Is your memory as faulty as Kit Siang’s on the events of 1969?

      1. Helen, the guy does not even know a different between Tun M and Syed Akhbar Ali and yet he wants to educate the Malays on Mamaks and their wrongs.

          1. Re : The oppo supporters … no hope and no cure for them.

            Helen, when will you realise that not all Malaysians who speak out against the Government’s incompetence are “oppo supporters” ? We just want truthful and responsible governance with high integrity so that our “cucu-cicit” can progress to compete with the world, not a nation destroyed by their forefathers squabbling amongst themselves due to someone’s evil manipulations to amass obscene wealth through stealth.

            1. re: “Helen, when will you realise that not all Malaysians who speak out against the Government’s incompetence are ‘oppo supporters’?”

              When enough Malaysians realise that not all who speak out against the Pakatan’s perfidy are BN supporters.

              1. Ahem, we are on common grounds here – a Malaysia for all Malaysians irregardless of their political beliefs.

                “One for all and all for Malaysia”.

        1. Well, well, well. The very person whom Helen and I are looking for who labeled my 1st comment god-like. Welcoming your input at at anytime to educate ignorant people like me on the difference between Tun M and Syed Akhbar Ali.

          Maybe you would like to tell us what had Tun M really did that benefited the ordinary Malays in Malaysia except “spoon-feeding” them kacang-peanuts while amassing obscene wealth for himself and his cronies, ensuring that the Malays remain backwards forever?

          1. Re : Helen, the guy does not even know a different between Tun M and Syed Akhbar Ali and yet he wants to educate the Malays on Mamaks and their wrongs.

            Well, well, well. The very person whom Helen and I are looking for who labeled my 1st comment god-like. Welcoming your input at at anytime to educate ignorant people like me on the difference between Tun M and Syed Akhbar Ali.

            Maybe you would like to tell us what had Tun M really did that benefited the ordinary Malays in Malaysia except “spoon-feeding” them kacang-peanuts while amassing obscene wealth for himself and his cronies, ensuring that the Malays remain backwards forever?

            1. ‘Welcoming your input at at anytime to educate ignorant people like me on the difference between Tun M and Syed Akhbar Ali.’

              Sometimes, I just don’t like to spoon feed. Do you to be spoon fed?

              ‘Maybe you would like to tell us what had Tun M really did that benefited the ordinary Malays in Malaysia except “spoon-feeding” them kacang-peanuts while amassing obscene wealth for himself and his cronies, ensuring that the Malays remain backwards forever?’

              I won’t want to monkey myself over some myopic statement coming from a stranger I don’t care about. It is what it is. But if your so called forward thinking mind can’t sees it. You simply won’t.

              1. WOW!

                Malays are backwards forever. Chinese just want to make money through hard work.

                caseylowkc, what have you not been reading?

                1. Re : caseylowkc, what have you not been reading?

                  I have not heard of a genuine Malay success story incubated by Tun M’s administration, have you?

                  But look what he did for his mamak cronies? They hijacked the rights of the Malays, stole their entitlements and now control the majority economy in Malaysia. If Malays continue to trust these evil and greedy mamaks to represent them, they will “remain backwards forever”.

                  1. ‘But look what he did for his mamak cronies?’

                    List me all the so called mamak cronies please, so that I can see clearly who is malays by your definition.

                    Have you guys came out with the list yet, all these years?

                2. Re : Malays are backwards forever. Chinese just want to make money through hard work.

                  Please do not “crop and paste” and try to distort my comments. I enclose the full sentence again.

                  “Maybe you would like to tell us what had Tun M really did that benefited the ordinary Malays in Malaysia except “spoon-feeding” them kacang-peanuts while amassing obscene wealth for himself and his cronies, ensuring that the Malays remain backwards forever?”

                  “I cannot speak for all Chinese but I believe the majority just want good governance so that they can have a peaceful life doing what they know best – making money through hard work.”

                  1. Malays are backwards forever. Myopic thinking.

                    Chinese, making money through hard work. Ehem. Ehem.

                    How old are you again, casey?

      2. Re : I too would like to know what Tun M remembers about 1969 but then again, do we take it as a lesson well-learnt and move forward or continue to harp on it, letting it destroy the nation that we all loved? Shall we start a petition for an RCI to get to the bottom of the truth while those involved are still around to give their personal account and if necessary, defend themselves? When the truth is out and the perpetrators found, there shall be a Royal Decree that it is history and whoever takes advantage of it again shall be punished severely. You have my fullest support to start the ball rolling.

        Dear Helen, before this memory of mine fail me and I get too much side tracked, would you be interested to get the ball rolling with a petition to the YDP Agung for an RCI to be set up as above?

        1. Bringing up May 13 is not a veiled threat.

          I’m beginning to understand why it happened. If not for the behaviour demonstrated by the Dapsters today, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine as to its causes.

          1. Re : I’m beginning to understand why it happened. If not for the behaviour demonstrated by the Dapsters today, I wouldn’t have been able to imagine as to its causes.

            I believe many fools paid for their follies with their lives but they are not important anymore as they will not be able to cause further trouble. But there are those who took advantage of the situation back then for their own benefits and till this day, would not bat an eyelid to incite more hatred amongst present Malaysians. These are the real scums of Malaysian society and should be stopped from further disintegrating our once beautiful nation, no matter which political parties they are affiliated to.

            I cannot speak for others but the main reason I felt the need is because this issue had been and is still holding back the progress of the nation and unless it is dealt with once and for all, it will rear its ugly head time and again to frustrate whatever hope of the nation’s progress.

            The fate of a future Malaysia for Malaysians rest on awakened Malaysians who can learn from the past and become tolerant towards each other, certainly not allowing themselves to be used as pawns against their fellow Malaysians.

  20. I read this comment on Mkini (Only Umnoputeras have right to feel hurt). What do you all think of this comment?

    Hafidz Baharom: I’m Malay and Muslim. If the YB Seri Delima (Rayer) said that the YB Kepala Batas (Reezal Merican) is “celaka”, it does not mean that I’m “celaka-ed” too simply because I’m Malay and Muslim.

    Saying Umno is “celaka” is also not saying that I am “celaka-ed” either, since I am not a member of the alleged “celaka” political party.

    It also does not mean Islam is “celaka-ed” either, since Islam is a religion held fast by 1.6 billion humans, not just YB Kepala Batas. These are all not inclusive just because YB Kepala Batas is allegedly “celaka-ed” by YB Seri Delima.

        1. Exactly, the same goes when I chooses to utter RSN RAYER PARIA DOG, I don’t expect other Indians to be offended too, right?

          1. Yes. Your statement is directed to specific person and not the entire community.

              1. Community vs individual. There is a big difference there. Let say your same statement is directed to a particular community, everyone in the that community will be offended.

                1. Lets take it at face value, UMNO has 3,000,000 members. Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. These 3,000,000 members has a lot more family members in between them (this is where I come from). So go figure, a statement made by RSN RAYER would result to?

                    1. Please don’t insult the dog by comparing it to DAP reps who are biadab. Nanti there’s a backlash against dogs pula and more cases of flying arrows. Kesian kat anjing-anjing and their safety.

  21. Assalam.
    I would to extend my deepest gratitude to these people :
    Lim Kit Siang
    Lim Guan Eng
    Hannah Yeoh
    Teressa Kok
    Hew Kuan Yau
    RSN Rayer
    Teo Nie Ching
    Yeo Bee Yin
    Tony Pua

    and to all the RBAs.

    You have no idea how huge you contribution is to our beloved country, Malaysia.

    Due to your continous hardwork, uve put the Malays on the right path. The Malays is starting to reunite, and start to consider the possibility of having our own set of rules, a merge between conventional & hudud.

    With your constant looking down towards us, and provoking us, we realised, FINALLY, what we have to do.

    With all the LOVE that you preached but somehow only HATRED towards Malays who are not supporting you, we realise that LOVE & TIDAK APA attitude, giving WITHOUT questioning, and TRUST & FAITH of a friendships and harmony, IS WITH BOUNDRIES AND LIMITS.

    Without your persistance, we wouldnt have be moving towards achieving these. We wouldnt have realised the importance of being united among our religion and race. We wouldnt have thought of claiming back our lands and rights.



    1. Re : We wouldnt have thought of claiming back our lands and rights.

      Your lands? Your rights? Whatever lands and rights you had had already been hijacked by Tun M and his mamak cronies and they are still laughingly saying “Malays are Lazy and Stupid”.

      Glad that you woke up in time and just hope that you will not stop at nothing but the truth. Remember the saying :-

      “Jika kamu tak tahan lelahnya belajar, maka kamu akan rasa peritnya kebodohan”.

      1. I seriously taught you guys had done with your Mamak theory, when you failed to even spot the differences from one to another. Geez, you Cina never learns can you?

      2. Re. they are still laughingly saying “Malays are Lazy and Stupid”.

        Aiya! it is ok la if you want to say so yourself. There is nothing new about it, but please don’t put words in Tun M’s mouth.

        I have said it many times, if you go to SMK, you are competing with 2nd. tier and 3rd. tier Malay students, for the best have been absorbed and groomed in many residential schools, MRSM, Science Schools and Sekolah Menengah Agama. Still year after year, SMK managed to produce top performer, Amelina and few others that I can’t remember the names, are among them.

        Since the beginning of 2000’s the J-Star has stopped highlighting SPM top performers, I think it is after Amalina time, for that is the time when the Malays students have started to excel through and through. We don’t even talk about those in the schools that I stated earlier, for majority of them are in a class of their own.

        1. Don’t forget Nik Nor Madihah with her all time score of 20As (19A1 + 1A2). A very poor fisherman’s daughter.

          1. Did she get a scholarship to Al-Azhar? She took a lot of Arabic and Islamic subjects.

            But I am impressed with anyone who can speak a foreign language be it Arabic or French or Japanese, etc.

              1. Good on her.

                Would you know the professional background of Isma’s head of the Muslimah wing (who fired back at Kit Siang today)?

        2. Re : I have said it many times, if you go to SMK, you are competing with 2nd. tier and 3rd. tier Malay students, for the best have been absorbed and groomed in many residential schools, MRSM, Science Schools and Sekolah Menengah Agama. Still year after year, SMK managed to produce top performer, Amelina and few others that I can’t remember the names, are among them.

          Yup, deserving Malays like Amelina who came from a poor family will never get the chance to be groomed in the elite schools that are reserved for those with UMNO connections. I hope you are right that Malays are getting smarter everyday as smart Malays are an asset for Malaysia but a headache for Tun M and his mamak cronies.

          1. Just check entry requirements la.. not easy to get IN… what connection nonsense are you blabbering here?.

            Picit hidung kamu baru tau.

          2. Re. Yup, deserving Malays like Amelina who came from a poor family will never get the chance to be groomed in the elite schools that are reserved for those with UMNO connections

            There are many who are considered late bloomers or by parents’ choice. Amelina is by choice, she is top scorer in Johor for PMR as well and her mother (single parent) is a teacher. For many, they have to decline the offer for they have to help the parents to earn a living. You have to give it to these students, without additional help i.e. tuition they still thrive.

  22. do you think it’s also a tactic of the Evangelistas to ‘fan’ the Muslim hardliners and extremists in the country, to make them become more and more vocal and prominent -leading to a more fractured Muslim community in the country, as to further erode the position of Islam (and subsequently the leader of the religion in the country, who are also simultaneously the symbol of Malay polity and governance – the raja2?)

    1. hmmm

      Methinks the evangelistas are totally blinkered and refuse to register that the Islamists are becoming more and more hardline due to their (the evangelistas’) own incessant provocation.

      They (the evangelistas’) are in denial and persist in their belief that the vocal outpourings are because the Muslims are “evil” and “wicked” and love persecuting the Christians or have a secret wish to feed the Christians to the lions.

      It’s fortunate that Malaysia does not have lions native to this land but perhaps the ular sawa would like to make a meal of them.

      Do they have some far-reaching plan to fracture the ummah? Possible. Look at the way they are masquerading as ‘Malays’ in the mosques and as Muslims in the Internet.

  23. interesting.

    the way I see it now – they can really kill two birds with one stone: keep up the provocation/ play the victim (which will reap its own rewards – more hardliners appear and more Muslim moderates and liberals will be turned off by the former. cry persecution and get more coverage and you’ll have Muslim blaming each other for not being tolerant enough). And finally, just let PAS implement their hudud (while protesting against it of course, for the record) and sit back and see how the Muslims will. Just. Implode.

    I don’t fear the law of god. But I do fear men’s implementation of such laws. Muhammad Asad’s have thoughts worth pondering over on hudud:

    ‘The great mistake (of the fundamentalists) is that most of these leaders start with the hudud, criminal punishment. This is the end result of the sharia (Islamic Law), not the beginning. The beginning is the rights of the people. There is no punishment in Islam which has no corresponding right.”

    This whole hudud thing right now, I feel, is actually more divisive for the Muslims than meets the eye. Even worse if it’s actually implemented in haste.

  24. Miss Helen, The answer to this article title is front of everyone noses, most of us talk about it if not all knows about it. It is the output what Malay (muslim) practice – teachings in Al Quran and example set by Nabi saw through his sunnah. ‘lemah lembut dan sopan santun’ character produce from being obedient to the do and don’t..

    1. ‘teachings in Al Quran and example set by Nabi saw through his sunnah’

      Yet they chose to belittled the very religion the ‘amok’ vamsa made subdued by.

    1. Did they get to keep their lands as promised? Apparently not! Did they lose jobs to the pendatang Whites? Apparently yes!

      Cocos Island be made to turn into an American military base ala Diego Garcia?

      ‘The Cocos Islands’ economic prospects are the subject of a parliamentary inquiry’

      Economic Data on Cocos Island after 30 years of ‘integration’…

  25. i find it is very disgusting to read this forum about races and religions. Let me ask u Helen Ang…if u are christian as potrayed by your christian name, all human beings came from the first human creation which is adam? if u agree then ask another simple question. What is the race of Adam?….my answer is HUMAN RACE. So the other race eg malay, chinese, indian, arab, japanese, korean, eropean, jewish etc is just a label given by human base on their place of origin, physical apperance, language etc. This labels is fake and useless. LET US ALL UNITE UNDER ONE RACE…WHICH IS THE HUMAN RACE. AGREEEEEE……as for religion no religion in this world teach human to do bad things. Is the human themselves who fail to understand and follow the command by religions.

    1. re: “Let me ask u Helen Ang… if u are christian as potrayed by your christian name”

      Let me ask u ainstein: Don’t you know that the most famous Helen is Helen of Troy?

      Do you know that Troy was way before the birth of Christ? Do you know that the Trojans were pantheistic?

      Do you know that Helen of Troy was a Spartan, i.e. Greek? Have you heard of the Greek gods — Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Heracles, etc, etc.

      If Helen was a Greek and the Greeks worshipped all these pagan gods, how in the world can Helen be a “Christian name”?

      How in the world can Firsters be so ignorant is what we want to know.

      1. re : Don’t you know that the most famous Helen is Helen of Troy?

        Helen, judging from the articles you wrote, I believe you are a person who is very dedicated towards your cause when you think that you are on the right track. Whatever religion you subscribe to, you are an asset and will not be an enemy to your own religion like those self-proclaimed “defenders of religion” who are actually making others despise whatever religion they promote. And I admire your knowledge and your penchant for research, always having a reply at hand.

        I do not know what “DAP” and “the Christian Evangelistas” did to you to bring about such anger and resentment such that practically each and every article you wrote stoked feelings and reactions that tugged and pulled at the very fragile strings that are still holding our once beautiful nation together.

        Do you think that it is fair for you to let your hatred for the above “maybe 20% of Malaysians” do what you are doing and promote such racial disintegration? What about your responsibility to the other 80% Malaysians?

        Don’t you realise that our beloved Malaysia is in dire straits now and slipping further into the, at present, bottomless hole with no solid stopper within reach yet?

        Helen, do not let others rule your emotions and make use of you to gain their own mileage in whatever they are doing. {Do you really think Tun M referred to your writing because it is good for Malaysia? He had his own intentions for doing it to expose your racially divisive articles in the hope that it will lead to more resentments amongst Malaysians. Do you think he will stop his relentless attacks on PM Najib and forgo his intention of getting his son Mukhriz into the higher office of the ruling elite?} (In fact I had tried to delete this part as I think it is not right in the fasting month but then the message would be lost.)

        I know you want to write about the truth but ask yourself truthfully, do you think the way you presented your writings now and in the past contributed towards a better tomorrow for Malaysia and her citizens?

        Imagine ( can you hear the lyrics sung by John Lennon ringing in the air ) the goodness that you can do for our nation if you were to realign your focus towards peace and compassion for all Malaysians for a start and the world as a whole.

        Only when Malaysians are at peace amongst ourselves can we rebuild our nation to our past glory and compete with the world out there. Let us all do our best for the country so that our “cucu-cicit” do not have to ask the question “What were you doing when our nation was self destructing?”

        I, one of the 80% Malaysians, am putting my hopes on you to refocus your energy towards rebuilding a better tomorrow for Malaysia.

        1. Casey,

          The evangelistas control the DAP.

          DAP has the support of 90 percent of the Chinese. The party’s Politics of Hate has killed any last remnant of check and balance left within the Chinese community — 90:10 is an imbalance that is impossible to redress.

          The Chinese community are on the verge of collision with the Malays. Tan Sri Muhyiddin was not making any “veiled threat” as alleged by the DAP. He was voicing a genuine concern over what he believes will be an imminent explosion.

          Don’t you think that as DPM he is getting the latest intelligence feedback from the Special Branch? Or do you prefer to believe the DAP version of the state of our nation?

          re: “I do not know what DAP and ‘the Christian Evangelistas’ did to you to bring about such anger and resentment”

          I am utilizing the very same objectivity and academic research for the purpose of appraising the current political situation.

          You can’t on the one hand concede that I’m knowledgeable and defend my positions with facts but at the same time insist that when I write about the DAP and their evangelistas, I’m writing from emotion, anger and resentment.

          I do not rant, use profanities, insult or curse the politicians and nor do I scold the dissenting commenters in my blog. Rather I do a good job of remaining civil while providing thorough replies to readers without losing my temper.

          These traits of keeping my language and responses on an even keel do not indicate somebody acting from anger and resentment. Instead they indicate my great self-assurance that I’m on the right track and doing the correct thing.

  26. re : The Chinese community are on the verge of collision with the Malays. Tan Sri Muhyiddin was not making any “veiled threat” as alleged by the DAP. He was voicing a genuine concern over what he believes will be an imminent explosion.

    Helen, I am part of that Chinese community and I feel that it is a pity that you make such a general assumption. Many of us just want good governance and accountability and I believe they, like me, get along well with many of our Malay friends and associates. Our support for the ideals pledged by opposition parties like DAP do not mean that we supported them blindly. If DAP ( together with PKR and PAS ) do not perform, they will also lose support in no time. At the same time, many amongst us are driven to the opposition due to the extremism promoted by the irresponsible people in the ruling party which are done so just to create fear in Malaysians while they continue to plunder the country clean. It is with this in mind that they keep taking advantage of the darkest moments in Malaysian history for their own benefits.

    Remember my proposal to you to start a petition for an RCI on the above incident?

    The internet has allowed many Malaysians, including yours truly and many Malays to learn and be enlightened on the cause surrounding the actual happenings of the above incident and the truth will be known as to who are the actual perpetrators who took advantage of the situation to empower and benefit themselves at the expense on many innocent lives. At that time, the opposition were naive to flaunt their new found victory and they paid for it with their lives but the real culprits are those who, in their greedy quest to re-grab power, went for the kill and caused the loss of many innocent lives of both races. In my opinion, I would label the incident as a grab for power and not a racial incident as being portrayed by those irresponsible parties.

    But now, who the guilty parties are are no longer important as history cannot be reversed. The important thing is to learn from that mistake and not let ourselves to be used and manipulated by exactly the same person into making the same mistake again.

    A dedicated person like you can sometimes be so immersed in your work such that you lose track of the actual situation. Like ainstein, I was really shocked that such racism existed in Malaysia when I first visited your forum where someone even has no qualms about blasphemising his own religion just because i advocated for a better Malaysia.

    I do not know if you had achieved what you set out to do since you started this forum but I still hope that you can contribute your resources for the betterment of Malaysia, our beloved nation.

    1. re: “Chinese … get along well with many of our Malay friends and associates”

      Since you claim that Chinese are getting along so well with Malay friends and associates, why worry about rising racial tensions?

      It (deteriorating race relations) can’t possibly be true because ordinary people of various races on the ground have no problem or issues with each other and it is only the politicians who are creating bogeymen, according to the DAP narrative.

      1. One thing for sure, without bitches like you and Jocelyn around, race issues will be much more subdued.
        It is bitches and bastards like you and Ridhuan Tee who constantly fanning the amber.
        Beware of karma, since you are a buddhist.

  27. Yes, the Malays are a good race of people. Kind, well mannered and caring. Non-malays should learn to respect them. They have done their part for us, now its up to us to do our part to be close to them. The non-malays should learn to be more conservative and play their part in race relations. Non-malays, especially the chinese have to shoulder a lot of the blame for what is happening in this country today. There is a lot that we can learn from the Malays on how to treat people well….Chinese should take a cue and learn some humility.

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