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Soalan-soalan anda (pembaca blog ini) bagi Hindraf

Saya ada memberitahu bahawa saya inginkan blog ini bertukar angin menjadi lebih interaktif and berciri forum.

Sebagai langkah pertama, saya mempelawa para pembaca untuk mengemukakan soalan-soalan tentang apakah yang anda berminat tahu tentang Hindraf …

… contohnya, perkembangan gerakan tersebut semenjak kepulangan P. Waythamoorty dari London, pendirian gerakan tersebut atas pemilihan PRU13, pandangan rakyat marhaen India terhadap PR/BN di negeri-negeri pantai Barat, dsb.

Saya akan pilih Top 5 Questions untuk dijawab oleh penasihat kebangsaan Hindraf – iaitu N. Ganesan – melalui e-mel.

Sekiranya format ini menerima sambutan, boleh kita tengok nanti sama ada adik-beradik Waytha dan Uthayakumar akan menyertai kita bagi sesi soal-jawab Bahagian II.

Anda boleh mencatat soalan-soalan anda dalam bahagian Komen di bawah. Dijemput kalian.


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

16 thoughts on “Soalan-soalan anda (pembaca blog ini) bagi Hindraf

  1. Saudara mahu orang Melayu melihat Hindraf ini sebagai apa? Perlu kita semua ingat, sebagai kaum majority di Malaysia, orang melayu jika tak faham tujuan asal dan utama Hindraf, tidak akan kemana ‘perjuangan’ saudara.

    Menang 2-3 hari di jalanan cuma mengundang solusi melepas batuk di tangga sahaja. Cuba mencari solusi di luar negara akan menyebabkan Hindraf dilihat sebagai pengkhianat negara.

    Sekarang ini saya, sebagai individu melayu yang tak ada jawatan dalam parti politik mana sekali pun, cuma dapat melihat Hindraf sebagai duri dalam daging, yang mana, duri ini hanya perlu dicabut dari daging bagi menyahkan ‘sakit’.

  2. Having being ignored first by BN and then rejected by PR, what is Hindraf’s next move and what is it’s political advice or recommendation to its followers and the underclass that it struggles for?

  3. 1). Adakah Hindraf akan mengambil pendekatan seperti PAS & DAP yang menjuarai agama atau mendapatkan pengaruh kuil untuk mengambil hati serta menambahkan lagi jumlah penyokong?

    2). Adakah Hindraf memperjuangkan hak-hak kaum Indian tanpa mengira keturunan (kasta) ataupun agama dan berapa ramaikah, de kalangan tertinggi Hindraf yang beragama Kristian?

    3). Adakah India Muslim boleh menjadi ahli Hindraf?

    4). Jika Dong Zong menuntut hak kaum Cina dan Hindraf menuntut hak kaum India, tidakkah ini akan menyebabkan kaum majority Melayu terasa gelisah dan menyebabkan munculnya Perkasa?

    5). Mengapakah tidak menyertai party politic yang sedia, yang juga menjaga kepentingan kaum masing-masing?

    1. Why would anyone in a group calling themselves Hindu Rights Action Force be Christian or Muslim?

      They started because old Hindu temples were demolished.

      Their trillions lawsuit seems to imply they bear a grudge living in Malaysia among the majority Malays.

      Maybe they should migrate to a Hindu majority country where they demolish old mosques instead.

      1. Thanks rc.

        Sorry. I don’t know that Hindraf is a religious group, or should I say, organization. But if they are religious, why are their top leaders not a Sami or a Hindu priest? Never heard they complaint of not enough temple of not enough money to built their shrine. Or is it because of money?

        The main motivation of those Suluks in Lahat Datu is also about money.

  4. Apa masalah besar jika hindraf mengambil pendekatan lembut dan moderate? Kenapa perlu sentiasa bersifat konfrontasi dan menuntut sesuatu dengan pendekatan bombastik? Adakah Hindraf tahu bahawa tindakan bombastik oleh Rajnikanh adalah sebuah cerita dalam filem Tamil dan tidak berlaku didalam dunia sebenar. Tentunya tidak juga untuk digunapakai dalam dunia realiti?

  5. 1, Who is real Hindraf with so many splinter groups claiming to be representing the original Hindraf?

    2. How do Hindraf see itself for the future? Pressure group NGO or it wants to involve in politics by contesting in the GE under BN/PR ticket?

    3. How could Hindraf stay true to its goal if it makes a deal with BN/PR to contest in the GE?

    4.Why can’t Hindraf stay united? Why the original ISA 5 broke up and not even on speaking terms?

    5. Do you really think you represent Indians’ voice any longer? Do you think the average Indian support your manifesto, struggle and style of engagement (ie confrontative)? Don’t you think that most Indians no longer care or support Hindraf?

    6. How can Hindraf be an Indian right-wing pressure group demanding for special “rights” for Indians while maintaining a Malaysian identity, support meritocracy and oppose the NEP-led affirmative actions? Isn’t that hypocritical?

    7, Do you still think you can win the court case against the British government and win trillions of pound ? What’s the status of that suit?

  6. Sorry Helen, for plugging again. My brother and I’s..wait, err..mine and my brother’s, whatever, blog post back in 2009 on Malaysian Indians, which still holds true today. Hopefully it will raise shitload of questions. To hell with Malaysian Indians, I hope the Malays stand together strong and tall, even if some of you guys are below 6 feet.

    Gua punya post (too light):

    My more intellectual brader punya post (adik I ni serious sikit):

    1. sorry for sidetracking, but RK .. damn, i love your blog! it’s hillarious but you know what, at least now i have more comprehension of the MI’s.

  7. After Calvin’s comment, I think you already got your five questions or seven, as is the case. But what the hell since this is the only place that a rational discussion can be had concerning Hindraf, I will throw my own into the mix. I hope N.Ganesan does not answer in soundbitenese

    1. How has Hindraf dealt with the problem of prevalent crime within the Indian community? Please be specific on the measures taken.

    2. What is the exact reason for the HRP/Hindraf split? What is the role of HRP when Uthayakumar’s rhetoric references Hindraf that Waythaymoorthy is supposed to head? Keep in mind the rhetoric of Hindraf and the HRP are different.

    3. What purpose does the “mandore” narrative serve beyond tarring any Indian who disagrees with Hindraf’s agenda as traitors to their community?

    4. What is Hindraf’s position on article 153 when post return Waythaya’s Hindraf seems amenable to a partnership with a coalition (PR) that actively supports the article (maybe not in form but surely in substance) when Hindraf and the HRP have described it as an apartheid device ?

    5. How does Hindraf intend to be a functional social activist group or political party when they seem to have alienated both coalitions?

  8. I think their website is too offensive even for self proclaimed ‘liberal’ person like me..

    I do understand their grudge and feeling towards all ill treatment received from all Malaysian ( Gov and Opoosition ) but how to attract people for your cause if you keep uttering offensive and racist statement targetting not only present government but all Malay and Muslim as a whole

    Seems that only racist keep calling other racist constantly

    Hope you can prove me wrong

    1. I’ve e-mailed half a dozen questions to Mr Ganesan. He will be replying.

      Some of Calvin and Conrad’s questions (above) I shall pass to Uthayakumar to give his response in Part 2 of the Q & A.

      You can frame a question to ask Uthaya if you’re interested. Regards.

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