Posted in Gunting Dalam Lipatan

Apa lagi Cina mahu?

Cina mahu Umno mati.

Itu saja.


Cina tidak akan berpuas hati kecuali Umno dikapan dan ditalqinkan.

Dengan berkuburnya Umno nanti, maka Cina yakin golongan “Umnoputra” yang sering diungkit Dapster dengan perasaan penuh jijik akan terus hilang.

Seraya dengan kemusnahan Umno, “Ketuanan Melayu” yang selalu dikecam oleh pemimpin-pemimpin DAP akan lesap juga.

Adakah politik benci yang dibawa DAP telah berjaya? Cuba lihat jadual keputusan PRU13 (bawah).


PAS bertanding sejumlah 236 kerusi DUN dan menang 85. Parti Islam itu mencapai kejayaan 36.0 peratus.

PKR bertanding sejumlah 172 kerusi DUN dan menang 49. PKR mencapai kejayaan 28.5 peratus.

DAP bertanding sejumlah 103 kerusi DUN dan menang 95. Parti kononnya “Malaysian First” itu mencapai kejayaan 92.2 peratus.

Orang Cina yang menyokong DAP tahap gaban sememangnya menolak BN dengan sekeras-kerasnya.

Malah DAP begitu berjaya sekali sehinggakan MCA dan Gerakan lingkup.

Ekoran parti Gerakan kecundang, Koh Tsu Koon terpaksa meletak jawatan sebagai presiden dan Teng Chang Yeow sebagai setiausaha agungnya.

Siapa yang patut dipertanggungjawabkan atas kegagalan MCA serta jentera media parti tersebut yang menikam belakang BN?


Screenshot atas: Paparan di laman Facebook National Evangelical Christian Fellowship of Malaysia (NECF) — sumber: Malaysian Digest

Laporan Harian Metro hari ini: Persatuan Peguam-peguam Muslim Malaysia menggesa kerajaan mengambil tindakan terhadap badan induk gereja-gereja evangelis NCEF kerana menggunakan kalimah Allah dalam penerbitannya.

Apa lagi Cina mahu?

Mereka mahu kebas kalimah Allah.

Politikus evangelis DAP yang memberi galakan kepada mereka agar boleh berani mengambil sikap militan.

Cuba tengok wakil-wakil Cina pembangkang yang baru-baru ini melonjak naik menerusi PRU13. Ramai Yang Berhormat keturunan Cina yang membarisi Pakatan kali ini yang nampak evangelis.

Di bawah ialah kenyataan tentang kalimah Allah oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Serdang, iaitu Doktor (PhD) Ong Kian Ming.



Akhbar milik MCA pun telah sekian lama mendokong gerakan evangelis. Baca ‘GEMPAR! Jarum halus dakyah Kristianisasi dicucuk The Star

Di bawah ialah scan sidang pengarang sisipan Metro The Star yang menggaji lebih kurang 30 orang wartawan dan mempunyai lebih sejuta orang pembaca.

Bahagian Metro suratkhabar tersebutlah yang selalu membuat liputan kegiatan-kegiatan Hannah Yeoh di Jerusubang.


Pengarang Eksekutif – Brian Martin

Pengarang – Frederick Fernandez

Pengarang Berita – Vicky Ooi

Timbalan Pengarang – Eddie Chua

Penolong Pengarang – Sam Cheong

– Aluosies Francis

– V. P. Sujata

– Patrick Fong

– Esther Chandran

Tengok pada nama-nama mereka. Tidak ada seorangpun pengarang Melayu dalam senarai di atas.

Manakala dengan para pemberita The Star pula, it’s hard to tell where the Red Bean Army ends and the Red Bintang newspaper cadres begin.

Gunting dalam Lipatan

Pada tanggal 13 Mei dua hari lepas, The Star telah menerbitkan sebuah rencana bertajuk ‘Time to end race-based governance‘ pada mukasurat 8 dalam bahagian berita nasional suratkhabar itu.

Penulis The Starnewsdesk Chen Yen Ling mengadu, “In the aftermath of GE13, I am deeply saddened because even my childhood friends of different races and political preferences have expressed strong disagreements to a pictorial message I have shared on my Facebook page.”


Penulis The Star itu mahu mempertikaikan “race-based governance” iaitu rumusan BN yang sedia ada, serta mendokong falsafah “Beyond Race” (buta warna kulit) dengan mendakwa: “Skin colour does not matter as long as they serve all quarters of society well”.

Ia bukannya mengikut budi bicara The Star untuk memutuskan bahawa “(Malay) + Chine(s)e + Ind(ian) = Malaysian” — sepertimana digambarkan dengan selamba sahaja oleh kartun hiasan pada halaman akhbar itu (di atas).

Ciri-ciri Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara – mengamalkan sistem raja berperlembagaan, agama persekutuan ialah Islam, takrif kaum ‘Melayu’/kedudukan istimewa kaum Melayu — semuanya sudah diperincikan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Menyebarkan fahaman politik melalui media sosial

Penulis The Star Chen Yen Ling juga mengaku dirinya banyak memuatkan bahan-bahan berunsur politik ke Facebooknya (“Perhaps it was due to my recent vigorous postings of shared materials of political nature that provoked such a reaction”).

Dia agak tipikal dalam mencerminkan golongan Cina yang pada masa kini mabuk politik ‘Ubah’.

Seterusnya dia menulis (petikan):

“They have their reasons and freedom to make their statements [disagreeing] but I hope one day, they will agree with me.”

Yang bezanya rakan-rakan Facebook Chen Yen Ling tidak diberikan peluang oleh akhbar The Star untuk menyuarakan pandangan “kolot” dan “sempit” perkauman mereka (mengikut Chen Yen Ling, rakan-rakan Facebook yang bercanggah pendapat adalah dikongkongi pemikiran “’old school’ box”).

Ini bermakna akhbar milik MCA menyediakan pentas kebangsaan bagi orang macam Chen Yen Ling untuk berkongsi pendapat serta propaganda politik Ubah/Firster untuk disampaikan melalui Kumpulan Media Star kepada audien 5.63 juta orang, terutamanya penduduk bandar yang mengundi pembangkang dalam PRU13.

[Sila baca juga nukilan Alwie Abdullah yang menyebut bahawa beliau “melihat di pejabat-pejabat kerajaan yang staffnya majoriti Melayu, akhbar The Star yang paling banyak dikepit di bawah ketiak dan dibawa sama waktu sarapan”.]

Dibayangkan rasis dan merbahaya

Tambah penulis The Star Chen Yen Ling yang falsafah politiknya pro-Ubah:

“A non-race-based government whether from a structurally changed and re-invented Barisan Nasional or one promised by opposition parties is not impossible. The road may be long and hard but I am willing to commit myself to it […] If we refuse to open up and face reality in this rapidly changing world, we may be depriving ourselves and the younger generations of better living.”

Jelaslah siapa yang dituduh oleh Chen Yen Ling sebagai penyebab jurang perkauman apabila dia menuduh: “Racial polarisation and anger clearly proved its point during elections. It is scary to take note of the many dangerous minds revealed in the mainstream and social media during and after GE13.”

Dan jelas juga siapa yang dibayangkan oleh Chen Yen Ling sebagai golongan pemarah pasca-PRU13 yang mempunyai pola pemikiran serta mungkin menyimpan niat yang merbahaya.

Masa depan MCA

Semakin terselak agenda musang-berbulu-ayam The Star terutamanya ekoran kemenangan besar DAP.

Selama ini MCA telah melepas tangan untuk orang Star membuat sesuka hati mereka asalkan keuntungan dikaut. Pada tahun 2010, The Star telah membayar dividen berjumlah RM126 juta kepada MCA.

(“… MCA’s portion of dividends declared by Star last year would amount to RM126 million”, The Edge, 27 Sept 2011)

MCA ialah sebuah parti kaya-raya dengan hartanya dianggarkan (conservative estimate) bernilai RM2 bilion — ‘All eyes on the MCA presidency‘ (Bernama, 5 March 2010). Ada sumber-sumber yang percaya harta MCA melebihi RM2 bilion.

The Star juga sebuah konglomerat yang kaya-raya. Seorang pengarah eksekutif dalam lembaga The Star boleh dibayar upah sehingga RM6.8 juta setahun.

Lihat jadual ganjaran yang diterima oleh para pengarah The Star (bawah) — sumber Laporan Tahunan 2011 The Star


Antara lima eksekutif paling top The Star ialah

  • Tan Sri Fong Chan Onn
  • Datuk Vincent Lee
  • Ho Kay Tat (sudah meninggalkan syarikat)
  • Tan Sri Kamal Hashim
  • Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai

Wah-wah-wah, nampaknya Wong Chun Wai sebagai seorang pengarah eksekutif The Star besar kemungkinan menerima bayaran director’s fee – paling kurang pun – RM2.2 juta setahun (ataupun RM183,300 sebulan).

Ini tidak termasuk imbuhan lain (“benefits-in-kind”) yang diterima oleh para pengarah The Star bejumlah RM910,299 (lihat bawah). Dengan gaji bulanannya sebagai pengarang kumpulan sekali, Wong Chun Wai sama kaya-raya lah dengan saudagar MCA.


Fat cat The Star pengarang eksekutif Wong Sai Wan

Gambar di atas ialah pengarang eksekutif The Star Wong Sai Wan (duduk paling kiri). Wong Sai Wan ialah adik kepada Wong Sai Hou, bekas Adun MCA untuk kawasan Kampung Tunku, PJ Utara. Pada hakikatnya, MCA dan The Star mempunyai hubungan rapat.

Jadi adakah MCA sebenarnya merestui segala tindak-tanduk jentera medianya mensabotaj BN?

Adakah The Star akan berusaha dengan lebih gigih lagi untuk mengalih pengundi atas pagar kepada DAP dalam PRU14 kelak?

‘Opposition to focus on 47% of Malaysians who voted for BN’ (The Star, 13 Mei 2013) memetik Lim Kit Siang sebagai berkata:

“We need to win them [fence-sitters] over in the next general election,” he said at a press conference yesterday.

“Earlier, Lim, accompanied by Skudai assemblyman Dr Boo Cheng Hau and Gelang Patah DAP Wanita chief Ng Siam Luang, handed out 1,000 stalks of flowers to women at the Taman Ungku Tun Aminah market in Skudai here in conjunction with Mothers Day.”

Apa lagi Cina mahu?

Cina DAP mahu memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara.

Dikemaskini: 8.18 malam


I have no Faceook or Twitter.

235 thoughts on “Apa lagi Cina mahu?

    1. Mengaku sajalah you pergi memburu Bangla Bangla yang menjadi pengundi GE13… so how’s that working out? Jumpa tak :-)

  1. Wow… I glad that you’re back with a BANG! Ingat ke dah merajuk sebab kena your blog kena DDS attack.

    I guess your latest blog above further reinforces what the Malays are beginning to see in Cina Malaysia and STAR.

  2. Hi Helen,

    Are you ok? Thought you stopped writing.

    Keep your chin up ya. God bless.

    Thank you.


    1. Thanks.

      After the lull, today takde the cyber attacks (but don’t wanna speak too soon as they may resume to try to cripple me from voicing out). But I really need a more secure and wider platform.

      However, some parties with vested interests are spreading vicious lies about me in cyberspace. Those putar-belit people are quite capable of gutter-level fitnah in their smear campaign to drag my name in the mud.

      1. Ah yes. But in the end, it’s the blog content that counts. Keep fighting the good fight Helen.

        I have always used this principle – if the enemy hates you, then you are doing the right thing. If they love you, then there surely is an ulterior motive. :p

        Hopefully you can find a better platform (the premium package of wordpress maybe?). Mine is quite okay for the past 3 weeks. Maybe because I’m too insignificant for the red bean army.. haha

        Take care!


        1. It’s because I’m Chinese that I’m especially targetted with the vulgarities.

          Just like how they went for Michelle Yeoh’s jugular. And they dissed Lee Chong Wei too. As well as that Facebook girl (Shen Yee Aun’s friend) who made the home video of the BN detergent ad and received the rape threats.

          For a Chinese to be critical of the DAP is a race betrayal in their eyes while they can live with a Malay being so.

          Ironic and it shows their hypocrisy since they adamantly want to institute colour blindness, or so they say.

          If the Dapsters are really Beyond Race, then why accuse Michelle as a “pengkhianat bangsa”?

          1. Helen,

            Sejak sekian lama tidak nampak kejujuran dan keiklasan MCA malah Gerakan juga dalam mendukong aspirasi perjuangan melalui Barisan National, malah MCA dilihat dengan sengaja membiarkan kepupusan partinya sendiri demi agenda yang hanya (MCA dan orang Cina) sahaja yang tahu kemana matalamat dan halatuju mereka.

            Apa yang jelas dan mereka sedari perkongsian kuasa tidak membawak mereka (kaum Cina) kemana-mana melainkan kuasa mutlak dan ianya tidak mustahil untuk dicapai melaluai perpechan dan pengasingan orang Melayu. Mereka akan berjaya, MCA mahupon Gerakan menyedari akan hakikat ini dan dengan membiarkan DAP mendominasi pemikiran masyarakat Cina dengan idealoji mereka ianya bolih berjaya.

            Perpaduan Melayu adalah penghalang utama akan matalamat ini, MCA dengan secara beselindong tetapi messege yang halus dan jelas orang Cina berjaya digabongkan dalam satu parti yang lebih memenohi aspirasi cita-cita mereka tampa kekangan dan bebas, setidak-tidaknya mereka (orang Cina) telah berjaya kapada satu tahap yang memungkinkan, dan kebijaksanan percatoran yang seterusnya akan memberi lebih keyakinan kapada (orang Cina) yang cita-cita ini bolih direalisasikan.

            Perpatah melayu mengatakan,’sekali air bah, sekali pantai berubah’, tetapi dalam kontek ini (penyatuan Cina) akan beterusan kerana matalamatnya sudah jelas dan memungkinkan ianya bolih dicapai.

            Diawal-awal ini mungkin kita agak teperanjat (walaupon diduga), tetapi inilah hakikatnya yang harus diterima dan ianya tidak mudah akan berubah dan kita semua harus belajar hidup dengan hakikat yang baru ini.

            1. re: “MCA mahupon Gerakan menyedari akan hakikat ini dan dengan membiarkan DAP mendominasi pemikiran masyarakat Cina”

              Tepat sekali. MCA membiarkan DAP mendominasi pemikiran masyarakat Cina menerusi propaganda medianya yang mampu disalurkan kepada 5.63 juta orang penonton.

  3. Welcome back! I started to wonder what happen to u as so long no new posting from you.

  4. Selamat kembali helen ..pada pendapat saya mca elok dibubar dan dibuka kembali untuk ambil keahlian baru …then kita tgk berapa ramai ahli mereka dapat yang menyokong kerajaan sediaada..

    1. Setuju. MCA ibarat biawak hidup yang terpaksa dipikul BN dan The Star pula seekor biawak dengan lidah bercabangnya.

      1. Jika MCA masih mahu terus hidup:-

        (1) tutup semua pusat khidmat mereka di semua kawasan DAP seluruh negara.

        (2) jual akhbar The Star kepada Umno dan Umno kena cari melayu versi anak Khir Johari untuk mengepalai The Star.

        (3) CSL hendaklah letak jawatan sebagai Presiden MCA, dan penggantinya kena cari cina versi anak Khir Johari.

        Welcome home Helen.

    1. Thanks. Please recommend my blog to 3 of your friends ,) to show appreciation for all the work that I’m doing pro bono.

  5. aiyooo…, helen apa macam..? Ada sihat ka dan ape celita sebab manyak lame talak timbul atau you susah ati sbb Bn lapat kelusi selikit..? jangan cali masalah loo same itu olang politik..!

    Ini macam cakap ada bertoik..,semua olang politik mau kuasa dan mau pelintah semua olang…, itu tangan punya jali mesti mau tunjuk pada semua olang…., ada kuasa bole wat manyak wang..

    Kita bukan olang politik tapi manyak bising selupa politik woooo…, lu ingat dia olang ada kisah ka kita cakap…, talak looo…! Ini kali kita semua suda kina sebab semua balang sulah naik…, ayok ujan juga tulun…!

      1. Please introduce my blog to three of your friends. This is my standard condition ,) Thanks.

  6. Cina DAPsters’ responses to the new Najib’s cabinet in Facebook. The ministers have yet to start working, but they have been thrashed.

    1. What’s new?

      We have backseat drivers aplenty anyway. As such backseat politicians shouldn’t surprise us. And we get a bunch of morons who’s supposedly apolitical incessantly attacking one side while blatantly siding another.

      As for MCA, to borrow a bible connotation, they need to separate the wheat from the chaff. The turncoats that are the chaff should then be left to burn, without sentiments whatsoever. Start within the party & extend it to the Star.

      Be ruthless & be unflinching as they’re already close to rock bottom, if not there already. After all, with a reputed membership of 1m, they should’ve done better in the GE. Let a leaner, meaner, keener MCA emerge even if it means there’s only 100k members.

      As for my Chinese acquaintances, they’re smug at DAP’s victory. And quite a few chastised me for voting BN. One even went so far as saying that’s what happens when you’re not purebred Chinese. A vote against PR is now an act of betrayal to the Chinese community.

      This goes on to show that DAP’s arrogance has filtered down to the Chinese community in general. In their heady moments, they’re relishing the thought that sometime in future, PR will takeover Putrajaya & DAP would be the de facto leader of the government.

      Btw, anyone can decipher what the high priestess meant when she wondered aloud on Twitter if any of the cabinet members were secretly MCA members? Or was she implying Paul Low is not as transparent as he’d like us all to believe?

  7. Good to see you back Helen! We thought we were held captive by those red beans. Haha. Evidently, we were mistaken.

    Nice come-back article. She’s back and thunder is back with her!!

  8. In fact MCA succumbed into a coma in 2008 , all the so called MCA doctors or dumb asses just hooked it up to drips to survive and at the end they pulled the plug on MCA in 2013. 5 years of crap from MCA and CSL what a damm fuc**** waste of time, money and energy.

    And today Transport Ministry is left vacant…..MCA have to have a meeting , as to whether they want to accept the appointment.

    No need for any meeting no need to waste ever bodys time like they have for the last 5 years ……..just appoint YB Wee Choo Keong as Transport Minister habis cerita , we have chinese representation in the cabinet.

    1. A stroke of genius (idea)!

      Yes, given WCK’s valiant fight against AirAsia, why not indeed. He’s proven his mettle.

      1. Welcome back Helen!. Saya juga bersetuju, apa salahnya pinjamkan WCK untuk kabinet . Ambil saja beliau jadi rakan BN selepas ini. Mana tahu jika WCK juga mampu wujudkan alternatif baru serpihan MCA/Gerakan. Boleh juga memedihkan mata LKS&DSAI.

    1. Thanks. Erm, can I please ask that you introduce my blog to 3 friends? (wink)

  9. Apa lagi Cina mahu?

    ‘Cina mahu UMNO mati!’ Plain and simple, no need to beat around the bush anymore. Thank you Helen, and welcome home!

  10. respek helen ang, penulis keras yang mencanang minda supaya berfikir waras dan menyedarkan dap adalah satu entiti pemusnah perpaduan di malaysia ini, malangnya orang melayu tak sedar akan hal ini… :(

  11. Helen, saya ada tujuh pertanyaan dan sekiranya Helen mempunyai masa lapang yang banyak, silalah jawab soalan-soalan ini.
    mengapakah Helen beriya-iya sangat mahu menggunakan kalimah Allah? Di dalam Bible bahasa Inggeris, tidak ada pula mereka sibuk-sibuk hendak kebas kalimah Allah. Kalau begitu mengapa tidak sahaja Helen menerima Islam dan boleh menggunakan kalimah Allah sebanyak-banyaknya. Saya mengajak Helen untuk masuk ke syurga Allah yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi.

    1. Penganut Buddha tidak ada hasrat mahu kebas kalimah Allah. Ia Cina evangelis yang mahu berbuat demikian.

      re: “mengapa tidak sahaja Helen menerima Islam dan boleh menggunakan kalimah Allah sebanyak-banyaknya”.

      Cadangan yang bagus sekali untuk diajukan kepada Kristian evangelis.

    2. Helen boleh berfikir sendiri. Tak payah la nak “berdakwah” macam ni. Tak berapa sesuai saya rasa, ni blog dia – unsolicited.

      Kalau kita marah Evangelist terang-terang berdakwah orang Islam masuk kristian, kita tak bolehlah lakukan benda yang sama. Ustaz tak ajar ke? .. :)

  12. Glad u r back. Will ensure all my sisters (i have 7) read ur blog. Now i can sleep happy :-) nite n sleep well for tomorrow we’ll fight for another day. God bless!

  13. what if we allow the usage of allah jesus and not Allah swt. but all the sermon and books of christianity must be in BM. anything in other language must be banned. any foreign christian books in english will be banned. since the christian wants to use BM so much lets ensure that whenever any christian events be it weddings or birth or xmas, it must be conducted in BM. why choose just the word allah? why not everything christian in BM?

  14. You’re a gem and I’ll spread your latest posting into other blogs.

      1. Helen,

        So nice to hear from you back.

        On another note, what is it with UMNO, Najib that they still hope MCA to join the Cabinet. Every political party in BN must ‘earn” the place in Cabinet.

        1. Itu political diplomasi saja agaknya. Najib pun tahu it will be sucidal and “ludah jilat balik” jika MCA accept that tawaran terhad. Lagipun DAP will poke fun at will terhadap MCA.

          Wee Chee Keong for Menteri Pengangkutan!

  15. Nice to see you back Helen. Are you ok? (pun intended to AI)

    Hishamudin warming the transport ministry for WCK? I can hear TF jumping with joy.

    1. Re: “Are you ok?”

      Thanks. Feeling a bit apprehensive. The Star Media Group has a reach to an audience of 5.63 million.

      And BN-Umno should be a bit apprehensive too, having lost the popular vote and their urban support in the Klang Valley eroded. The Star Media Group has a reach to an audience of 5.63 million. That’s more than the membership of Umno, MCA and MIC combined.

  16. Just as the country needs to get on and start moving developing, along comes helen fucking ang with her divisive, destructive views. Whilst we bicker over which race did what, other countries are moving ahead as one. Najib really needs to review the umno cyber assholes troop.

    1. And that’s your welcome back message from the crypt of the Dapster cybertroopers. Glad to see you still in one piece Helen and as biting as ever. Really miss your postings over the looonng absence.

      1. LOL.

        How will these Dapsters learn to co-exist with the majority population when they are like that unfailingly?

        1. So im as much a dap member as you are a good citizen…you can bitch all you want but people know you for what you are. Continue to stoke the fire and if anything happens…you deal with your own karma. And enjoy the umno wank fest that are your suporters.

    2. Kita tak nak main dengan awak …. pergi jauh – jauh.

      Helen, I respect you so much doing this pro bono dealing with all these assholes must be mind/soul sapping. RESPECT

    3. “Najib really needs to review the umno cyber assholes troop.”

      – not really. Najib need to boost the umno cyber troops against the DAP cyber assholes troops. Fight racism with racism. To hell what they think of Umno.

    4. “Just as the country needs to get on and start moving developing…”

      – ss

      Eh, what smoking you? Why talk cock? Najib asked for national reconciliation, do you see PR’s rallies after rallies as fulfilling the “country needs to get on and start moving developing”?

      Bad english aside, lepas GE nak cakap pasal pembangunan, eh hello, kalau macam PR, it is another 5 years of campaigning instead of running the country. Anwar is now busy going round the states to demonstrate his leadership ability in nation building (pakai air liur saja). The PM have better things to do than raise red bean morons.

  17. Well the best way to get back at those who fitnah-kan you is to keep on writing and hit em harder. Remember the harder they try to keep you down means you are doing something right.

    Welcome back sista!

    1. Thanks. They’re really showing how low they’re willing to go.

      The more the personalities have at stake, the more they will feel the blows (variation on the popular saying “The bigger you are, the harder you fall”).

    1. Thank you. Will you please recommend three readers to my blog (to be with me to help me keep this going)?

      1. Umno must buy The Star. Once The Star is cured of DAP disease, sell back to the rightful deserving owner, Cina baru 1Malaysia.

  18. Puan Helen, agak-agak kalau TheStar ini berubah arah dan menulis menyokong BN macam NST dan TV3 … adakah ini akan menyumbang kepada sokongan golongan di atas pagar kepada BN?

    1. Bergantung kepada cara (kaedah dan gaya) yang dibuatnya oleh The Star. Kalau terang-terang propaganda maka pembaca yang boleh berfikir tidak akan percaya dan mungkin berasa jelek.

      Namun saya tidak yakin The Star akan boleh menyokong BN dengan ikhlas ataupun berkesan sebab komposisi kakitangannya sebiji macam Selangor Times.

      Kalau sudah terdesak, suratkhabar itu akan menampakkan diri seolah-olah pro-BN (kandungan tersurat) namun yang tersirat ialah perlakuan sabotaj. Gunting dalam Lipatan lagi berbahaya daripada musuh terang-terangan.

  19. Welcome back, Helen.

    You’ve been away due to character assassination huh? That’s a lot simpler than what I had imagined.

    I thought that you were hamstrung by an identity crisis, what with you running a blog with so many visitors criticizing your own race. If this were a manga, the artist would draw you in various stages of melancholy as you struggled to answer “Who am I and what am I doing?” On the other hand, if the story was done for an American movie, a soul-searching roadtrip would be involved.

    Oh well.

    1. re: The Chinese coming under criticism

      The reaction of the est. 90 percent oppo-supporting Chinese has been denial (“it’s not a Chinese tsunami”) and deflection (‘it’s really an urban-rural divide”).

      We must always, always revert to questioning the essential base — what kind of people are they? We can see from their behaviour above.

      In the aftermath of GE13, the knee-jerk response by defender of The Star when cornered is to conjure up the most barefaced lies without any qualms and as a first resort.

      It indicates that ‘they’ (the “what kind of people” question) will do anything to protect the position they have attained to date. As well it hints at what they’re capable of doing and the extent that they will go should ever more power be put in their hands.

      I’m clear in my mind as to the potential of the DAP to visit disaster on the Chinese through their waging the Politics of Hate. I’ve previously said that LGE is al-Nakba (‘The Catastrophe’) for the Chinese with his incandescent anger at Umno over his jailing over the Rahim Thamby Chik case and ISA arrest under Ops Lalang, among other myriad reasons for his hatred of Umno.

      The DAP’s campaign of confrontation has now made the Chinese community come to be viewed as enemies of the majority population when previously the MCA had managed to persuade the Alliance to come around to the idea that the Chinese are useful partners in the country’s development.

      Under the MCA’s watch, Chinese schools were, at least, maintained in number. Lately there’s been a clamour for vernacular schools to be abolished. It’s a misrepresentation that the DAP has the interests of the Chinese at heart. In this case, the party and their supporters have put the most cherished institution of the Chinese (SRJKC) at risk.

      And I agree with Shamshul Anuar’s view that ‘they’ are inciting their hardcore crusading supporters to a collision with the Malay-Muslims.

      I’ll add that the Christianizing of DAP and The Star deviates them from our Chinese roots. Hence the Guan Eng-evangelista cult which has hijacked the old DAP cannot be considered as protectors of Chinese interests. They are in fact the worst enemies to the well-being of the Chinese here.

      1. I don’t know if the Chinese know this, but the recent propaganda by the Star is really twisting the gunting they’ve stabbed in our backs.

        Star editors, if you’re reading this, and you SHOULD be reading Helen’s blog, you assholes, know that you’re just digging your graves deeper.

  20. omg had me worried. It was such a long silence and the drama queen in me starts worrying for the worst .
    Welcome back..

    1. Thanks.

      Some of the scissors-wielding Star people are dangerous and they have at their disposal a powerful media machinery that can reach 5.63 million people. That’s six times the number of total votes obtained by the MCA nationwide in GE13.

      I’d appreciate your input in helping to monitor their slick subterfuge.

      1. Jual The Star kepada Umno. Tukar everyone in the operations and editorial boards, the management. Baru boleh rebrand resuscitate or rejunevate bangkai bernyawa MCA.

        Put a Melayu like anak khir johari in the Star, do exactly what DAP did, a Cina anak khir johari in the DAP.

        1. Sure, and we can see The Star’s circulation drop even further. See what’s happening to the NST. A once popular newspaper, now few people even bother to buy it.

          Some BN fella (was it Khairy?) said the propaganda arm of the Barisan is outdated & obsolete. Looking at the reaction on this blog, I would agree. : )

          1. Najib El-Munafiqi, UMPORNO and Barisan Bangla Pengsonglap Nasional are nothing more than a bunch of benighted, demagogues “DJ Spin-Master”. Understand that when their lips move, it means there are lying. Following United States stand on Malaysian electoral process, Catherine Ashton of the European Union had also delivered their affirmative poise over Najib Tun Razak’s self-proclaimed win.

            All these racist rhetoric’s are just to divert attention from the swelling ground on fraudulent electoral. So please stop analysing everything that comes out from their mouth, nose, @$$ or their brain.

            1. Tipu Pilihanraya Turun Jalanraya [YouTube]
            2. Tipu Pilihanraya Turun Jalanraya [YouTube]

  21. you’re back !

    now back to the article. what more do the Chinese want ? honestly, I believe we know the answers. and some of us here have made it plain for the rest of us with their comments. its not about fairness, equality and all those blah blah blah stuff. and the Chinese. do they know what they want ? of course they know. but they use deception to confuse the rest of our country with their beyond race politics and governance.

    speaking of being beyond race, if that’s why they want, why the incessant need to preserve vernacular schools ? you see Helen, the thing with this is, when these Chinese demand that the government practices beyond race governance, they get slammed by Malay nationalists with the question “if that’s what you lot want, beyond race politics/governance, then why do you insist, even demand that vernacular schools be preserved, even seek financial assistance for these schools, and telling the government to recognize the Unified Exam Cert ?”

    see what I m trying to convey here ? they think they are really smart but then bang ! they get slammed, they get hammered. then when they can’t respond, they revert back to their standard MO of accusing others, principally the Malays, of racism.

    well, with this comment, I expect the Red Ban Army to respond by hurling more racial expletives at me. but hey, I m exercising my rights to “freedom of speech”. isn’t the opposition hacks the supposed supporters of “freedom of speech ?”.

    1. Confronting The Star which is a Goliath with assets worth billions and whose directors are paid fees in the millions is a daunting task.

      As the biggest media giant, the Star Group have a reach to 5.63 million pairs of eyes and ears.

      Some Star reporters linked into the Jerusubang network are slagging me in Twitterverse and casting aspersions on my reputation. That’s a huge barricade of vested interests that want to throw me into the trench.

      1. So something did happened after all. I hope it didn’t involve off-line thuggery as well.

      2. GLCs like Petronas can buy-out The Star.

        Do exactly what DAP practice. You need a son to be a star. Betul tak Papa Lim?

  22. “tahap gaban”? i have never seen chinese wrote using this phrase. are you sure you’re chinese?

    1. Funny, ain’t it? I mean in my blog sidebar I’ve declared ‘Aku Cina’ whereas the Dapsters thump their chests that they’re ‘Malaysian Firstest’ and nobody else is able to match their patriotism.

      So now if you’re uncertain whether I’m Chinese, I could retort that “I’m Malaysian” (the favourite line of the Pakatan brigade) since they have made racial identification a dirty word and the act of identifying ourselves as Indian/Chinese/Malay to be something “racist”.

      One thing I’ve noticed is the Dapster-Jerusubang bullying of Indians. Anything that Hindraf does in in their eyes deemed “racist”. The organization itself is accused as racist for its dedicated focus on Indian issues and we hear the nauseating self-glorification of Hindraf critics that they (Dapsters/Jerusubangites) are colour blind crusaders who are anti anything smacking of “raced-based” approach.

      But the Dapsters would not dare call a headhunting Dayak who views himself as tribe ‘first’ or state first as “racist”. It goes to show what kind of people support the DAP Firster sham.

  23. Wonder why MCA isn’t doing anything abt the Star promoting the DAP cause when the paper belongs to MCA? pls enlighten..

    1. If more bloggers and commenters start putting out feelers about the Star-Rocket propellent for the DAP cause, perhaps someone will notice your question.

      As it is, this subtle subterfuge of The Star has fallen under the radar (i.e. not many people are even aware that it’s been happening). Plus if I’m alone in saying this, that it makes it easier for them to kill the message by shooting (character assassinating) the messenger.

      We need also to seek the same enlightenment why the evangelists are so keen to borrow the kalimah Allah.

      They are overlapping groups of people who employ a similar tactic of deceit.

      1. I m already doing it. I’ve told my colleagues, friends not to buy The Star. so far the response is very encouraging.

        I m not counting on the MCA to do anything to The Star. the paper is after all the party’s cash cow, lifeline, so I expect the party to keep quiet and do nothing. besides, why risk the moneybags for Umno/BN anyway ? its money first, other last for the party.

        1. I’m gonna tell my oppo supporter friends about this. They’ll be thrilled that the ranks of the Barisan are going on a paranoid purge.

          1. :) The Star has been adroitly playing both sides but now the side that has evidently lost 90 percent if not more of the Chinese votes is feeling played out.

  24. Hi Helen,

    I won’t repeat some of questions above asked by your frequent commenter, but i am really glad your are back.

    Keep up the good work. :)

  25. Selamat kembali Helen.

    Mengikut bacaan saya, keputusan EGM MCA yg menolak jawatan dalam kerajaan jika corot dalam pru 13 ini ada kaitannya dengan kemungkinan DAP dan rakan kongsinya menang besar, dan sebab itu MCA tdk mahu pegang sebarang jawatan buat sementara waktu sekiranya itu yg berlaku. Tapi, tup tup BN yg tetap menang, maka, percaturan MCA gagal tetapi kena diteruskan jugak. Itu pasa MCA bisu sebisu bisunya!

    1. Selagi MCA melepas pandang The Star dan membiarkan perkakas tersebut untuk terus membara umpama api dalam sekam, maka selagi itulah harus kita beranggapan bahawa MCA sendiri pun mencongak perhitungan pro-DAP yang didokong oleh kumpulan media gergasi miliknya itu.

  26. Hi Helen,

    Appreciate your alternate views. Agree with you that if DAP is so pro-democracy then they should be able to allow views that differs from theirs. The Red Bean Army should also argue in a more intelligent manners. No need to be rude and all. Back up your arguments with fact. For once I have to say my race is thinking with their backsides instead of heads.

    I am still a fence sitter.

  27. why don’t you write something about the 21 Malaysians arrested in Singapore for staging a protest ?

    even when they protest, they chose to do it in Singapore. one of them got his employment pass revoked, 2 got their visit passes revoked, the rest are still under investigation.

    really goes to show what kind of people they really are.

    1. It shows how the Singapore Chinese-dominated government treats them, i.e. with the utmost strictness. Compare how Najib treated the protesters who stepped on his photo.

      1. maybe our government should outsource the work of dealing with these yahoos to the Singapore government. we should occasionally invite the Singaporean authorities to Malaysia under the guise of joint operations to weed out these yahoos.

        our PM is unlikely to act on these scums. if he dis, he will be immediately labelled a racist, authoritarian and what other names these yahoos will come up with.

        so my suggestion of “joint operations” with the Singaporean authorities should be taken up by our government. this way, these yahoos cannot have any more excuses of our government being heavy handed.

        speaking of how the Singapore Chinese dominated government treats these Chinese Malaysians, they are just being what they are, an Anglo government. forget about the Singapore government being Chinese dominated. it is not. it has always been an Anglo government. look at their officers, their civil servants. they are all Anglophile.

        and these yahoos, these Chinese Malaysians, they are mostly the vernacular educated types studying, making their living in the Red Dot. they should know by now how Anglophiles will treat them once the Anglophile hacks come to power in Malaysia judging by the way the Anglophile Singapore government treated these yahoo protesters. if they still cannot fathom what/how Anglophile Malaysians will deal with them, something must be very wrong with the mentality of these Chinese Malaysian yahoos.

        enough for today. I’ll be back tomorrow.

      2. The problem in Malaysia is that we dont see how free and democratic we are. One guy showed his third finger at our beloved Queen another girl stepped on Pak Najib’s photo.

        I dare any of the DAPsters to go to Sentosa and throw away the photo of Lee Kuan Yew. Anyway did anyone see the opening sequence to the film Ah Boys To Men (Part 1)? Who is Singapore so afraid off? Why is the Malay character given Bah Kuah by the LoBang character? So racist.

  28. Helen! Lamanya menghilang!. Kak worry you diserang physically by the red bean army or the many many many overzealous pakatan troopers. Phew!

    1. Thank you.

      I am being attacked although not physically. A few days before polling day, my blog experienced the constant interruptions of server connectivity and on May 4-5 (eve and polling day), the blockage was severe and followed on to the mornings after as well.

      Currently I’m the target of a smear campaign for my expose on The Star.

      1. Ni yang saya marah kerajaan ni………… takde tempat nak mengadu ….MCMC buat apa? Tidur? Orang slumberjack dulu ke? Tak tukar- tukar lagi.

  29. Hi Helen, been looking for your blog ever since PRU13.. welcome back! waiting for red bean army with their silly comments..! hahaha..

    1. For an urban Chinese, especially those of us living in the Klang Valley (or Penang), the difficulty we encounter is the herd mentality whereby 95 percent of our own friends and family take all the DAP spin to be the gospel truth.

      It’s like the PAS gejala kafir-mengkafir and sembahyang dua imam being replicated within the Chinese community today.

      1. In fact when I to church once in Melaka, the topic of the day is how Christians are persecuted by the Allah issue. Oh yes if you go to one DAPster gym in PPng darul sampah I had the pleasure of hearing the instructor asking people to pump becuase they wear blue. And jokes about no Banglas allowed in his class. GE13 has ended but so sour grapes. So GE14 campaign starts. Helen you are so lucky you live in Selangor darul khalid. I live in People’s Republic of Darul Sampah. Now it is kempen let us demolish Gerakan bulit pedestrain bridges.

        1. I wouldn’t want to live in Penang even tho my late grandmother (under the administration of my great grandfather’s estate) has a house in town.

          It must be freaky to have all those Tokong cult worshipers surrounding you. You have my sympathy.

  30. Helen! Syukur awak dah kembali menulis. Risau dan resah gelisah saya dibuatnya mendoakan awak tidak di apa-apakan.

    Nampaknya ramai menanti kepulangan anda di alam siber ini. Sekarang bolehlah saya tidur dengan tenang.

    Selamat maju jaya.

    1. Terima kasih. I wish I know how to say TQ to you in a nicer Malay sentence but my use of the language is more straightforward newspaper reporting style. My BM proficiency falls short in sastera standards :)

    1. Yes, in the previous round, The Star called Jessie Ooi – the victim of the DAP SuperCyber Bullying – “infamous” (screenshot of article below), and headlined the column ‘Lesson well learnt (WTF!!)


      1. Rowena Yam the Gerakan candidate in Penang is also being subject to threats and insults well after the GE is over. Her crime ? Dare to stand up against the Tokong Tunnel. Thank god Penang is still a state and not a nation (yet). Otherwise Rowena will be facing a firing squad or languishing in a gulag somewhere in Kepala Batas. I bet many of you don’t know that since the Bintang Tiga (ie the Star) do not provide publicity for BN candidates.

        1. If you read the Bintang Metro (Pulau Pinang Darul Sampah) of the past few
          days, they showed pictures of beautiful tudung of Ugly Bald Betty who as a good Catholic shaved her head bald at a Buddhlist temple.

          The wonderful delights of Chai Yi Ril s/o ex UMNO president and how pandai and 1Malaysia he is in the Bintang Metro edisi Darul Sampah. Oh yes. What about DAP now wanting to demolish Penang road overhead bridge from BN times.

          Oh yes today at Komtar I am OK man PhD Dr Evangelista will give his surmon on the evils of BN. Handsome Chai Yi Ril will moderate. Malam ini DOME Komtar 8.30pm. You can see how fast the Star turns. Ptui.

          1. How did the MCA allow its so-called media mouthpiece to bury CSL’s criticism that Betty abused the sanctity of a temple, and her stunt made worse by the fact that she’s not even a Buddhist?

            1. In fact none of the Jerusubang preachers cum politicians dare say anything about their queen bee. Helen… see the hypocracy. When Jessie Ooi says something wow she is to be burned with everyone at Sodom.

              1. But it was The Star who labelled Jessie Ooi “infamous” and regurgitated the “Ms Tow Truck” following tag her 15 minutes of fame after the brush with LGE.

                That the oppo pollies should side with one of their own is not surprising. But for the purported MCA mouthpiece to slag MCA pollies (and separately, to be doing promo blitzes for their chief rivals) is something else.

            1. FFC. Nah this one from a Pro Pakatan blog. Even the paderi pun suka PAS. If they really want to cherish Muslim-Catholic dialogue why call a politician? Why not call the Imam of Penang? Ini bukan politic ka? In short politicians scream God, the follower will like sheep follow. So when Ugly Betty does a diva move, the Pastor-liticians just shut up. See the double standards.


              1. I’ve stopped reading anything that carries Anil Netto’s name on the byline.

                He’s a damned hypocrite & uses the Herald to further indoctrinate Catholics who are already in “spiritual rapture” with more anti government propaganda.

                When I set up base in KL a few years back, I recalled how amazed & horrified I was with the supposedly apolitical church. Nowadays when the priest decides to preach politics from the lectern I plug in my earphones & switch on the music despite the obvious displeasure of parishioners around me.

                And yeah, most Catholic churches in Klang Valley had at one occasion or more invited either an opposition figure or supposedly apolitical NGO figures to speak in church either during Mass or in dialogues/forums/seminars etc in the last few years post GE12.

                So much for being apolitical

  31. Salam Helen…

    tahniah atas ketepatan analisis anda di mana akhirnya MCA dan Gerakan benar-benar menjadi dinosur yang pupus dan sedang kepupusan.

    lama jugak ternanti-nanti posting anda selepas PRU13 dan pastinya rakan-rakan semuanya bergembira kerana anda telah kembali….mungkin dengan lebih ‘garang’….hehehe!

    persoalan ‘apa lagi Cina mahu’…sebenarnya bukanlah kenyataan yang bersifat ‘rasis’ kerana ianya perlu ditujukan kepada semua orang cina yang majoritinya telah menolak aspirasi Barisan Nasional dengan memberi undi mudah kepada DAP.

    mereka yang ‘melompat’ dan menghentam Utusan mahupun PM Najib kerana persoalan itu dibuat secara terbuka sebenarnya teramat lemah dalam bahasa Melayu walaupun ada di antara mereka mungkin cemerlang dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

    saya fikir, orang Cina perlu menjawab persoalan berkenaan dengan fakta dan saya percaya mereka tidak akan mampu menjawab kecuali menuduh, menuduh dan menuduh dengan tuduhan yang telahpun kita dengar melalui ceramah DAP.

    mengenai kalimah Allah yang dipertikaikan oleh dr OKM dan disebarkan melalui the star, sebenarnya mereka ini buat-buat lupa bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak tidak mempunyai Sultan yang menjadi Ketua Agama Islam seperti negeri-negeri di Semenanjung…maka apa yang telah diamalkan di Sabah dan Sarawak tidak semestinya sesuai dengan Semenanjung.

    sekali lagi kedangkalan akal puak-puak Dapster dan penyokongnya memberi isyarat jelas bahawa mereka tidak memiliki ‘kecerdikan’ yang sesuai untuk mentadbir negara yang seperti Malaysia…..saya ulang…negara seperti Malaysia!

    1. Saya dikhabarkan bahawa wartawan yang melontar soalan kepada PM Najib menanyakan reaksinya terhadap tajuk utama Utusan itu ialah seorang pemberita The Star.

      Yang saya dengar, mula-mula Najib mengelak daripada menjawab tetapi beliau terus diasak dan last-last sekali PM membalas juga.

      Komen Doktor OKM atas dipetik daripada rencana Malaysiakini (bukan Star),

  32. Bukan Cina saja yang mau Umno mati. Melayu, India, Mamak, Iban, Kadazan, Pakistani, Portugis, Indon, Bangla suma mau Umno mati. Lagi cepat dia mampos lagi bagus untuk negara.

    1. Ali Karim @ 1:40 pm, aka. amateur blogger on m power. saya cabar awak menulis guna minda dan akal,manusia, bukan guna otak binatang. Boleh?? cakap xde fakta, lebih kpd auta….

    2. Ali, are you okay? Are you okay, Ali?
      Go easy on whatever you’re smoking, ok? You only have so much brain matter to burn.

      1. Yeah man, just had weed session with Mahathir, Najib, Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Nordin, Hishamudin and Mohd Noor Abdullah. And still think lagi cepat UMPORNO mampos, lagi cepat negara sejahtera. Less racism and save RM 500 billion a year from embezzlements…

        1. Alahai.. ada lagi ke badut macam dia ni… aku penat laa tengok beruk upahan pakatan haram macam ni.

          RM500 billion a year? Aduhh… bak kata that lady.. “Low class!”

          1. Alahai… badut kepala hotak bapak kau. Tengok cermin bro.

            Dedicated to UMPORNO & Bangla Nasional CyberDickHeads
            1. Tipu Pilihanraya Turun Jalanraya [YouTube]
            2. Tipu Pilihanraya Turun Jalanraya [YouTube]

    3. Saya rasa ini pendirian yang tidak benar. Jika UMNO mati sekalipun, jika sikap yang dituduh dilakukan oleh ahli UMNO bersarang di dalam diri ahli-ahli parti lain, ia tidak memberikan apa-apa kebaikan juga.

    4. Nak buat macam mana Ali. Walaupun semua bangsa dalam dunia ni tak suka Umno, tetapi Allah swt (bukan allah kristian lim guan eng) tetap sukakan Umno, kamu kena redha lah Ali, itu kan takdir dan berkat usaha Umno dan majoriti Melayu dan Islam kat Tanah Melayu ni.

      Itu pun kamu lupa sebut, ada lagi yang tak suka Umno…negro, batak, boyan, suluk, filipino, minang, suawesi, org zimbabwe, siam, myanmar…kau tolong sambung Ali.

      Ali Karim, jangan2 kamu Ali Mydin tak? Ahli PKR yang kena belasah kat Rawang sebab gengster Tian Chua sangka dia pengundi hantu dari Bangladesh.

      1. Agak2nya Anwar Ibrahim dah tunjukkan jam Omega kat Ali Karim seorang dia saja kot. Tu yang dia confident sangat tu. cer cerita.

    5. Red Bean Army? It is the time we declare massive war to dapsters who are cowardly hiding behind Red Bean Army masks…

  33. Welcome back Helen. I read your articles often. Not all Chinese just follow DAP blindly. There are still a few who would like to have some logic and sense into all these rubbish spun around by those ‘beans’. At least we know who you are, whereby those faceless ‘beans’ hide behind a mask. Cant say they are that great, if they want to write something bad, why cant be bold and confront as they are. Carry on your perjuangan. I always believe a good balance is what everyone should have. You have my full support. Take care Helen, never let rubbish sway or hurt you, at the end, they are just a whole pile of faceless rubbish.

      1. Helen, ini computer-generated reply ke? Hehe, saya akan rekomen lebih dari itu.

        Sebagaimana janji Anwar, begitulah janji saya (yg ini gurauan).

  34. Helen, apa khabar?

    Harap anda sihat dan saya risau akan kehilangan anda, tapi dah kembali ni kira ok la kot?

    Teruskan perjuangan anda!!

  35. Helen, thank god you’re alright. I have been surfing and asking questions where are you from blog to blog. Your realy get me concern to the max girlz.

    Know what? When I ask those question a lot of RBA answer it. Reading an answer from Some of RBA (Red bean Army), They really glad you not around after GE13 you know.

    Now, don’t you worry dear Helen. I’m not just promote your blog to 3 of my friends, I’m already promoting your blog to a lot of them. We just waiting for you to resurface and going all out for this guys.

    God bless and stay strong.

    :D sarah

    ps : mis you dearly.

  36. Food food thought Madam Helen Ang Chief Editor The Star

    Cant get any better then that

    1. Speculation like these :) will only accelerate the vicious character assassination against me.

      Unlike the Star bigwigs who have multiple Datukships under a single belt, I’m just an ex-journo who’s got an individual blog that is operated on my own time and without any form of organizational backing.

      Hence my current appeal for the recommendations/ introductions.

      THINK! Who’s got the most to lose from any boycott against The Star and whose cushy jobs may be affected?

      Is it any surprise then that the outright, blatant lies are being circulated about critics of The Star?

      To the BN politicians, THINK AGAIN!! If outright, blatant lies can be disseminated by defenders of The Star against its critics, do the BN pollies think they themselves are safe at any time from vicious, malicious hacks?

      For six years The Star coddled the DAP evangelista pollies but when the parting of ways abruptly came 4 days before the election, the paper published an uncharacteristic story ‘GE13: The Star refutes Tony Pua’s allegation over DAP ad’ (1 May 2013) and photo below of him (never in 6 years have The Star published such an unflattering photo of TP).


      1. wayang! won’t be surprised if this was planned by phua himself.

        i think tony phua, the alleged mossad-trained DAP strategist and supreme commander of the redbeanarses, is tokong’s goebbels.

        but tokong better watch this guy – if anyone within DAP can oust him, and eventually usurp power from the jealous grasp of the lim dynasty, it will be phua. he knows tokong is not too bright and if played right, that rash egomaniac will eventually makan diri. i heard already there are those within DAP yg benci meluat tokong tapi tak berani buat apa2 sbb takut tokong’s gangsters.

    1. Okay and you’ll recommend my blog to 3 friends as an incentive for me to stay back?

      There’s a smear campaign against me being carried out in cyberspace by those yang makan cili rasa pedas, and their very, very cushy perks and benefits are at stake with the build-up of reader boycott of The Star.

      And there’s a lot at stake for these people. The Star is an RM1.2 billion cash cow,

      1. Alright, i have to ask. What’s with the introduce your blog to 3 people thing? I thought at first you’re just being funny, but you are serious. So, what’s up with that?

        1. Oh yes, I AM serious.

          The Evangelista Bintang Tiga is – as their name implies – vicious and malicious. And like I said in the article above, it’s hard to tell where the DAP SuperCyber Bullies end and their Star cheerleading troupe begins.

          And look at the names in The Star editorial board cited above (Brian Martin, Frederick Fernandez, Aluosies Francis, Esther Chandran, et al) — do they sound remotely MCA to you?

          There are the lies being spread about me in cyberspace for threatening certain people’s rice bowl, i.e. with pointing out the perfidy of The Star.

          Post GE13 with my forecast proving true about the MCA wipe-out, people are now beginning to take what I’ve been saying all along about The Star the past year with more seriousness.

          We know that how the DAP Red Bean Army operate in social media and how they Seek and Destroy. I’m saying that the Star staff are linked into the Jerusubang network.

          It’s a David-and-Goliath battle that I’m engaging in but I intend to hold the Star fat cats accountable for their backstabbing. To carry out the fight, I need more heft (weight behind what I plan to do).

          ‘They’ are trying to destroy my public reputation by conjuring up lies (shoot the messenger to kill the message). I do not appreciate their vile slander.

          I can take fair criticism and having my genuine mistakes pointed out as well as having people disagree with my opinions. But I draw the line at their sick fitnah to damage my good name.

          And from what we’ve seen of how they’ve carried out their deceitful political campaigning and all the unfounded rumours swirling about the voting (dan khabar angin ini boleh pula ditelan bulat-bulat oleh pengikut taksub mereka), we have got an inkling of what ‘they’ are capable of. But I intend to give them a good fight.

          1. keep fighting the good fight, Helen. I know these DAPsters/ Pakatooners fashion themselves like David fighting Goliath (though with much more money, media machinery and uber rabid fans) but you and various other independent bloggers are so much truer to David’s cause than those guys will ever be. Take care and don’t let them shut you down! I’ll pimp out your blog as much as I can :)

      2. And while i’m at it, i also want to ask: how does the DAP get their message across to all the Chinese voters to reject BN? I mean it can’t just be the cybertroopers cause I’m sure not everyone has access to internet. I mean we’re talking across the board, from all walks of life, from the fishermen, the remotest villager to the ultra urban? It can’t just be the Star. So, how exactly do they do it? McDonalds couldn’t run an ad that successfully.

        1. They’ve been doing it the past six years solid, i.e. since before election day 8 March 2008, it’s just been a non-stop campaign mode (read: demonizing the BN).

          Dunno about Malays but Chinese readers of this blog will vouch that we receive tons chain mail blaming Umno for every conceivable sin committed under the sun. Chain mail is a form of political communication preceding Facebook and Twitter.

          Added to The Star is the Chinese media and radio stations.

          The oppo control the national narrative in the English and Chinese language. There are the party publications and websites, LKS’s alpha blog, the ceramah circuit, NGO fora and programmes, church activism

          Genuine grievances, long-standing disaffection and anti-establishment bent in the youth, victimhood complex, the echo chamber (only mixing with one’s own kind and hearing identical views/confirmation bias), discrediting anyone giving opposing opinions as “running dog”, “race betrayer”, “sellout” and the Red Bean army is devastating in its efficiency to harass

          Pakatan supporters are obsessed with politics 24/7 the way BN supporters are not, they are savvy and unscrupulous the way BN supporters are not

          Their lies which they churn out in copious amounts go unchallenged b’cos they’re so outrageous (like alleging that Najib’s daughter went on a shopping spree in Perth during CHOGM).

          They hold the ‘advantage’ b’cos they have no scruples in inventing the most outlandish stories and they’ve cultivated an audience predisposed to believe anything, however irrational, as long as it comes from Pakatan

          as well as to be sceptical and suspicious of everything regardless of its innate sound logic as long as it comes from the BN or even from people who have nothing to do with the BN

          furthermore, anyone critical of DAP is simply tarred a “BN agent” (e.g. Consumer Assoc. of Penang president S.M. Idris was sneakily linked by Guan Eng to Umno without any basis)

          DAP is fostering an Orwellian following and collectively, the Chinese revolt makes it that anyone who voted BN is regarded as a traitor. The peer pressure is tremendous.

          The climate of Hitler’s Germany in the late 1930s might shed some light. Read Dr Looi Hoong Wah,

          1. Thanks for that explanation. I’m not in that environment, that perpetual government-trashing-bashing environment, so maybe that’s why I fail to see it. My experience of PRU13 was, on Monday the rural folks gathered at their usual morning hangout, wondered over the fact that despite the Chinese support of the opposition, BN is still in control of Perak. Then it was back to daily routine; the land still has to be attended to.

            Then, we were wondering about the dissemination of info among the Chinese voters (outreach of almost 100%, that’s mind-boggling) and of course, the new cabinet.

            Based on your info, Najib has made a serious mistake in rewarding Khairy and Ahmad Maslan the ministerial posts, because they have absolutely failed to deliver over PRU13. I mean, we’re talking KPI in the negative here.

          2. I think you are right. My chinese friends blasted these ridiculuos emails to me the last 3 years, I think by mistake. Normally buat donno je thinking takkan cina nak cari gaduh blatant macam ni.These are good people.

            I don’t like this. Nak cakap dengan kawan cina pun dah start sangsi …. I hate this.

            How am I suppose to teach my kids pasal Malaysia yang bersatu pun dah start kena slowdown. Takut diorang teraniaya later in life.

      3. No problem Helen..

        Already recommend to my dear brother in law (DAP/Jesus) and my parents in law (MCA/Buddhist).. to them, especially dear Andy, we need to dance on music that we choose. all on us..

        1. re: “brother in law (DAP/Jesus) and my parents in law (MCA/Buddhist)”

          Thank you and noted :)

          Since MCA has suffered an exodus, we can expect more and more DAP/Jesus types to be born again, especially with their control of so many areas and state resources now.

  37. jarang jumpa bangsa cina yang jujur macam awak helen.. teruskan perjuangan demi Malaysia.. negara kita masih dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang adil bukan..

  38. Dear Helen,

    I m just wondering, if the MCA and Gerakan are no longer in existence, where will the chinese like you go to for championing ur cause. DAP? PKR? Sorry i asked, but if u can see what i m trying to say,…. or m i too far-fetched?


    1. You ask a valid question but we — the 5-10 percent non-DAP supporters — are only a small fraction. (I’ll mull on it and explore the topic of our non-representation at a later time.)

      The bigger worry is the 90-95 percent unity-Chinese masses who are thinking the way they do, behaving the way they are, and hell-bent on carrying forward the Ubah agenda through agitating unrest.

    2. Hi Confused & angry, why must Chinese be represented by DAP. Why cant people just start a new party? The problem people dont want. So now it is like this.

  39. Hi Helen,

    Kagum melihat ketelusan dan jatidiri kamu demi sebuah kebenaran.

    Terima kasih kerana membuka minda ramai di luar sana bahawa masih ada seorang sahabat Tionghua yang begitu hebat lagi berani kerana benar.

      1. tax introductions meaning?.. reader get reader.. No prob!!.. As I’m now racist to the bone after PRU13

    1. LKS Minister Mentor!

      This is not the first time. Sebelum ni pun dia cuba memberi nasihat kepada PM,

  40. “He also called on Najib to revisit the concept of senatorship as only deserving people should be appointed, and not just to fill a certain quota.” What Senator Azmin or Senator Lim is it?

  41. hi sis Helen, syukur alhamdulillah that finally you came back. i thought this blog gonna die after serious attack from moron DAPster cybertroopers. i even asked around to other blogs to check if you okay or not. i didn’t want to email directly to you, because i’m afraid your email also got hijacked.

    we need more moderate Chinese like you sis Helen.
    i’m dissappointed with the new cabinet list.
    i wish you & other bloggers all the best.

  42. If the MCA wants to recover, the first thing the leadership has to do is to sack the whole Board and Wong Chun Wai and winkle out the moles arising from all the complaints and for doing business with the Singapore Government. The people have spoken. The Opposition lost. The whole international world says so.

    There is an ancient Chinese saying, ‘ If you want to win in the streets, you must have peace and harmony at home !’

  43. the only reason why friends/colleagues of The Star-newsdesk Chen Yen Ling, disagreed with the photo she shared because, Malaysia was defined so shallow and small, only within ‘Malay, Chinese, Indian. or Chinese, Indian, Malay. or Indian, Malay, Chinese.
    that’s it?

    she should feel ashamed that she failed to see Malaysia is more than just ‘Malay, Chinese & Indian.’. how to embrace and spread Malaysian Malaysia concept if they fail this basic thing.

    fatty rounded-face Hannah Yeoh, pleaselah conduct proper class to teach your troopers & journalist about this fundamental thing, before sibuk-sibuk writing those crappy articles in newspaper.

      1. Came from Kelana Jaya rally, somebody brought the banner. I think it is really dumb cause apparently the biggest kingmakers of Sabah and Sarawak are not represented.

        1. yes, i read that entry sis. i think the best person to teach these moron DAPster cybertroopers is Monyet King hahahahaha…

          let Monyet King ngap ‘the bananas’…but those moron read nothing but TheStar. do they read other sources?

  44. First of all, welcome back Helen!

    #1. All your predictions came true, MCA and Gerakan betul-betul bungkus, Tsunami Cina complete, the Tokong continues to reign with new Malay tokens.

    #2. The racism displayed by neurotic voters in denying “Bangla-looking” Malaysians their right to vote, as well as violence towards innocent foreign workers, clearly shown the susceptibility of our masses to really stupid crap, like the massive blackout claims = new urban myth. Idiots also awaken to the fact (and impact) of gerrymandering before any single vote was cast, but many still have no idea what the Constitution say on this, the amendments, and the way forward for the next delineation.

    #3. Young/ new voters voted along party lines. Anas Zubedy’s campaign lost and a lot of promising moderates lost. Can cite at least a dozen such examples. Malaysian voters rejected political turncoats / party hoppers and also Perkasa, but significantly, no independent candidate won. Luckily PSM managed to hitch a ride on PR.

    #4. Political intrigue is still on-going, with UMNO-PAS overtures flying in the air, attempt to secure Borneo parliamentarians to cross-over, rallies to boost EC irregularity petitions, as well as proposals to topple the government via street demonstrations. Nampak sangat it is going to be another 4-5 years of auto-pilot for national development.

    #5. The new cabinet is a mixed bag of concessions designed to survive the coming UMNO party elections more than anything else. Paul is a reborn Christian and am not too sure what he can do. MCA and Gerakan need new party leaders to take themselves out of the misery. Chua Soi Lek need to go quick, pronto.

    #6. DAP and PR supporters have successfully and thoroughly discredited the internet and social media due to the outrageous rumours, lies and fabrications that characterised their rabid support. Many people claimed that the Malaysian people won GE13, but I think I am more certain of its most obvious victim. Both PR and BN were bruised, and DSAI apparently will not retire. I like the phrase “trust deficit”, although I prefer “brain deficit” or “intelligence deficit” or “bankruptcy of common sense and logic”. Some Malaysians were proud to be both stupid and rude to others, and kudos to our SPR workers, observers and volunteers.

    1. Thanks.

      Someone (reader here) asked a question to which I’ve no immediate answer.

      Wrt minority Chinese (the 5-10 percent who didn’t vote Pakatan), who do we turn to as our political representative? Can you mull over this?

      re: “MCA and Gerakan need new party leaders to take themselves out of the misery”

      MCA and Gerakan need to be given pistols to do the honorable thing and put their respective parties out of their misery. This will make the demarcation lines clear and we can start treating The Star as an opposition paper.

      1. Well, the 5%-10% better get used to it. I am actually pretty amused at the call for an end to race-based politics / political parties. There has been calls for BN component parties to merge as a single entity (yours truly included). Guess what will happen if UMNO become United Malaysian National Organization now? I think UMiaNO will still not get the Chinese vote because an alternative like DAP exists. It is ironic that PR imitated BN’s multiracial formula by adding a sheen of non-racial component parties built on sainthood. Actually, I could not remember any time in history Perikatan or BN component parties ever attaining such holiness.

        The minorities need to learn to align their interests from a broader perspective. This means that if vernacular PRIMARY education falls due to the excessiveness of the private Chinese secondary and tertiary education exhortations, so be it. A few good things can come from breaking some eggs, especially if they are DJZ’s ones :P. If THAT does not happen, we will continue to marvel at the policy of tolerance that characterizes our multiethnic society.

        There is nothing wrong for PR to hog the Chinese vote. Obama appeals to a certain demographic too. I just want to laugh at Malaysians who believe the crap politicians peddle to the masses, with their talk of unity, equality and peace.

        At last, perhaps there will be no more backdoor appeals to any presumed bias or slight in university entry or scholarships. Perhaps proper government channels and complaints will be used. Or perhaps, next year, DAP will help scores of all A students find medical study places because that’s all they seem to aspire to be – sincere medical doctors serving the masses instead of enriching themselves or become politicians.

        Michael Chong hasn’t retire, has he? Tomorrow we ask Tony Pua to open one to deal with the along victims, heartbreak scams and honeytraps.

          1. BN politicians are particularly slow on the uptake on many fronts, especially the really stupid lies peddled by some PR supporters.

            What I absolutely cannot fathom is why nobody from BN, not UMNO, not MCA, not MIC took refuge from the fact that they ARE all race-based political parties and they STILL collaborated over half a century to keep this country going – Compromise? Give and take? Deference? Call it whatever you want, we knew it was not easy but we had a good foundation and a great run.

            Was it necessary to wash away all our ethnic identity in the name of unity or equality? Why can’t we be Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan or Iban and still be Malaysians?

            What is WRONG to be a Bumiputera or a Non-bumiputera? Inequality is not addressed by making everyone Bumiputeras. Why should Malaysians be ashamed of their unique heritage and ethnic make-up?

            Recently some poor chap got so confused about ethnicity and nationality that he beseeched everyone to stop identifying themselves by race. He is definitely not alone.

            Not all of us are Hannah Yeohs who seek to define ourselves along monotheistic lines. Some of us recognize that we identify ourselves on multiple axes – race, religion, gender, state or language, but to HAVE all these differences and still able to call ourselves MALAYSIANS is a far greater achievement than a pure breed of Aryans (or their wannabes) who think that our diversity is a bane instead of a bonus.

            Why should we refuse to being asked our ethnicity in official forms and documents? We should proudly declare our identified heritage, culture and ethnic identity, but it does not mean that allow others to discriminate us on the basis of race.

            This is the level of thinking for most Malaysians, they say that the government should not collect racial profile or data, but the real issue is not with the information, but how it is going to be used. It is like getting rid of your house so that it would not be broken in to, or selling your car so that it could not be stolen.

            That is how absurd the people who insist on calling themselves as a “Malaysian” race.

  45. Helen welcome back. Miss you lah… he he he. I will certainly introduce your blog to 30 people, not only 3…

  46. Wow, wow, wow…take it easy Helen. Hm, I hope your first two opening lines won’t put you in trouble with the law like previously in this video.

  47. Helen,

    May I share an interesting story. Before the election, many of my chinese colleagues were so taken up by the slogan “ini kalilah”.

    I told them that i predict BN will still in power on May 6. They were quite upset. How come, they asked? i simply told them they do not understand the Malays.

    After the election, I sense some discomfort among my chinese friends. Cheekily I asked how was the feeling of voting yourselves out of the govt of the day instead the other way around.

    They mentioned something about Bangladeshi voters, blackout among others. Classic symptoms of self denial, I guess.

    The election is an eye opener. It shows how “moronic” some UMNO senior members who had been drumming the ideas that it is impossible to form the government without the Chinese support. IT IS POSSIBLE ACTUALLY .

    Not just at Federal level. But at state level too. In Perak, 30 seats are won by UMNO, just enough to scrape through. the same goes for Kedah. 19 seats out of 36 by UMNO.

    My point is that the election, although it made Najib looks like an idiot for being rejected wholeheartedly by chinese, destroy the mental barrier. it simply shows the chinese, influential they could be, is not the kingmaker as UMNO leaders fond to claim previously.

    AND THE ELECTION SHOWS ONE THING. That DAP, despite winning only 38 seats as compared to UMNO’s 88 seats, is cocky and “samseng”. I cant imagine if it is DAP that won 88 seats.

    and the election serves as a reminder to UMNO that finally it is the Malays (with other non chinese) saves the day for BN. The “blue ocean” strategy did not work. Instead, the time tested formula of Malay loyalty saved Najib’s career actually.

    PLUS THE ELECTION SIMPLY SHOWS the elephant in the room. ignore it at Najib’s peril. DAP’s racist formula is leading Chinese and Malays into physical clash. LITERALLY SPEAKING. Chinese are “fanned” into believing they could out manouvre the malays through slandering. It is a matter of time the hallmark of Malay legendary trait, patience, before it snap.

    As for anwar ibrahim, I choose not to mention him as he is deemed “redundant” .

    1. re: “That DAP, despite winning only 38 seats as compared to UMNO’s 88 seats, is cocky and “samseng”. I cant imagine if it is DAP that won 88 seats.”

      Agree with you!

      re: “Chinese are “fanned” into believing they could out manouvre the malays through slandering. It is a matter of time the hallmark of Malay legendary trait, patience, before it snap.”

      Concur wholeheartedly. The standard operating procedure (SOP) of the Dapster is to slander.

      re: “… the election, although it made Najib looks like an idiot for being rejected wholeheartedly by chinese, destroy the mental barrier. it simply shows the chinese, influential they could be, is not the kingmaker as UMNO leaders fond to claim previously.”

      Can you pls elaborate what else in the mental barrier was broken?

      1. Helen,

        For so long, Malays are “directed” into thinking that other races (meaning chinese) is the king maker when it comes to politic.

        It can be seen clearly. As i said earlier, during Bukit Gantang by election, UMNO kept telling that Chinese votes amounting to 20% something will be the deciding factor.

        But as i expected, the same reasoning was given when Sibu faced another election. UMNO said (And I am amused) that Chinese voters amounting to approximately 70% will be the deciding factor.

        So, when will the Malays be the deciding factor? And Najib kept post “Kementerian Pengangkutan” specifically for MCA. Can’t he get the message? MCA already rejected in advance any Ministerial post. Malaysia will not collapse without chinese ministers.

        I am all for cooperation among races. But as goes the saying “it takes two to tango”. As much as Chinese wants BN (or rather UMNO) to understand them (meaning granting whatever their wishes), they too needs to appreciate Malay aspiration.

        The election just serves them (and UMNO too) a lesson. That influential they could have been. The Chinese alone is not the kingmaker when it comers to politics. Called it “foul play” on delienation exercise, but the GE proves that the real kingmaker are simply the “kampung people” (assumed to be least “learned” ) simply because they are from “kampung” and “refusal” to be the “ideal version a Malay should be” as seen by DAP.

        The habit of underestimating Malay importance so profusely taken by UMNO must stop. And it starts with no nonsense attitude. Loosely translated, take action.

        Kit Siang said Najib is “syaitan”. In other countries, he would be dead if not politically. show your mettle, Najib. Charge kit siang. If need arises, get a new AG.

        As for the Chinese, maybe Ministerial post may mean nothing. So be it.

        1. re: Kampung voters

          Once again I’m in agreement with you. DAP and their supporters are so condescending in believing that the rural electorate are stupid for consistently returning the BN to power.

          1. Helen,

            Yup. They think that the “kampung people” (meaning Malay folks) are “least learned” as they are not used to loitering around “kopitiam” or for “not fainted ” when effeminate korean star come to Malaysia.

            In crude language, so typical of Chinese extremists who look down on darker complexion people. Hence the silly preoccupation on imaginary phantom workers from Bangladesh.,

            The truth is that these “kampung people” maybe are richer than we are or have more wisdom to “see” the real DAP . Alarmed with relentless assault by DAP (no thanks to incompetent then Menteri Dalam Negeri) to “rampas kuasa”, by slandering UMNO (meaning malay),, these humble folks block the assault.

            Had not for their wisdom, Najib would by now is the “ketua pembangkang’.

            So, Najib, do take care of them. Their requests are simple enough. Rural roads, some grants for children education fund among others.

            One example is the fact that more than 10000 malay parents are supporting their children studyng in Egypt to become doctors. Cant Najib give grant to them, say RM100000 per student. It may cost RM100 million for 1000 students. But surely that ‘investment” is better than giving RM100 million to chinese schools only to be slandered by vernacular newspapers.

            1. re: “incompetent then Menteri Dalam Negeri”

              Got new one now. He said those not happy are free to emigrate. Day 1 already he’s making the Dapster-Firsters hysterical.

              re: “these humble folks block the assault. Had not for their wisdom , Najib would by now is the “ketua pembangkang’.”


              1. Helen,

                Yup. On that new Menteri dalam Negeri, “segala puji pujian bagi Allah SWT”. I hope he means business. for a start, why not arrest that effeminate Astro boy who slandered BN by saying there was a power failure during vote counting in Bentong.

                BUT ON THE SAME OCCASION, my joy is “destroyed” when I heard Hishamudin is now the Menteri Pertahanan. Our Generals must have tough time now.

            2. “One example is the fact that more than 10000 malay parents are supporting their children studyng in Egypt to become doctors. Cant Najib give grant to them, say RM100000 per student. It may cost RM100 million for 1000 students. But surely that ‘investment” is better than giving RM100 million to chinese schools only to be slandered by vernacular newspapers.”

              Who said free tertiary education is not possible, eh? ; )

  48. I always ask my friends. ‘ Have you ever met a stupid Chinaman. They are all very clever, are’nt they ?’ They would all nod in agreement. I would continue, ‘ But some of them are so very clever as to be stupid !’ They would look puzzle and bewilder. And I again continued and mentioned a few household names. They would all nod in agreement.

    Maybe the Chinese, the Malaysian Chinese, who voted for the Opposition are just too clever for themselves even though they are the best treated in the World, better than in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the rest of the World.

  49. “Cina mahu Umno mati”.
    Kami, orang Melayu, pun mahu lihat DAP mampus!

    1. “Cina mahu Umno mati”.
      tahu takpa.
      “Kami, orang Melayu, pun mahu lihat DAP mampus!”
      pembetulan: Kami, orang Melayu umno pun mahu lihat DAP mampus!

    2. Kami penyokong BN Cina yang only 10% mahu IC kami ditulis sebagai Cina Bukan Pakatoonputra. We too mahu lihat DAP mampus!

  50. Sdr Helen,

    Tidak menjadi salah untuk orang Cina bersatu. Orang Cina tidak patut dilabel sebagai pembelot atau tidak mengenang budi. Sebaliknya, yang patut dipersoalkan adalah mengapa kuasa digunakan untuk menyokong DAP?

    Pilihan ini adalah silap dari dua aspek
    a) kesedaran mereka tentang cara bahaya DAP mengumpan undi mereka
    b) perancangan licik DAP untuk memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara.

    Bagi saya rancangan DAP ada 3 fasa
    i. Berkuasa dahulu melalui gabungan dgn PAS dan PKR.
    ii. Memecahbelahkan undi Melayu dan mencari kumpulan lain untuk menjadi konco mereka
    iii. Berpisah dari PAS dan PKR, dan menubuhkan kerajaan minoriti (PR 14) yang akan disokong oleh kuasa luar.

    Cita cita mereka akan berjaya, tetapi dalam konteks masyarat majmuk dan jika niatnya ialah mencari keharmonian, keamanan dan kemamuran bagi Malaysia pilihan ini adalah silap. Ia adalah kemenangan yang kosong. Menang perang tapi negara hancur, seperti dlm cerita purba Cina,.

  51. Kak Helen, kerisauan saya selama lebih seminggu dah hilang.

    Meneliti keputusan PRU13, sentiasa mengingatkan saya kepada ramalan dan analisis kak tentang undi masyarakat cina. Perkiraan kak memang benar dan tepat.

    Sayang sekali masyarakat cina gagal memahami apa yang kak cuba sampaikan. Atau mungkin juga mereka terlalu ghairah untuk UBAH hingga mengenepikan kewarasan dalam berfikir?

    Pautan ke blog kak telah lama saya buat di blog saya, harap-harap ada yang tersangkut :)

  52. hai helen

    nampaknya saya akan jadi permerhati setia dalam melihat cara orang cina menyesuaikan keadaan selepas PRU 13.

    yang agak pasti setiap 10 orang cina yang kita jumpa/nampak/berurusan 9 darinya tidak mesra kerajaan/melayu/umno dan mungkin islam

  53. Dear Helen, this was what i wrote on Haris’ ABU blog, just in case in doesn’t get printed there—-

    “I think u Haris just wants to prove that u can muster 1 million people to the streets in spt of ur cause. Bragging rights. Just to see what u can do.

    When we were younger, we all have this rebellious and care-free spririt abt us, to try new things, etc. As we grow older we become more matured in our thinking to enable us to decide wisely. However for some, the childish spirit and reckless behaviour remains in us.

    From the start, we are anti-establishment due to our rebellious nature. How then do u explain the newborn crying when for the first time he saw the outside world, away from the cosy and safe womb. He wants the safe haven but there’s no going back. Finally he learns to accept and adapt however cruel the world maybe.

    Fight ur cause in a rational, just manner. Adopt loving and caring attitudes not sow hatred and spite. Throw away the anger and negativity in your heart.

    I voted for BN and UMNO in PRU13 because i want them to change to be better, from within and i believe they can do that now. U r already rich Haris, that is why u do not need assistance from the Govt. U want something more than money. But out there, there are people still in need of help.

    Last night when i was having my nightly nescafe o at my favorite mamak restaurant, i overheard somebody say to his friends that people who voted for BN are “Bodoh” for rejecting the promises in the manifesto made by Pakatan, otherwise today we would be having cheaper cars, no toll, cheaper petrol and our children will be free from PTPTN.

    They were saying that Najib and his new cabinet are incompetent and illegitimate, that the election was fraudulent, the govt corrupt, the EC, the police and abt almost everything were wrong.

    This same group of people who complain abt the govt were also at the same time lamentling how one bank which was supposed to help BUMIPUTRAS in business startups were so strict in their application of loans for BUMIPUTRAS that they were applying for.

    These people who shouted for RACEless society, were now also taking the opportunity given by the Govt for BUMIPUTRAS under the NEP. BTW, i also heard them say that DAP is just a party they were forced to work with during the elections in order to get the votes. There were many other things they said, which i will not mention here but from the observation, i can only conclude that these people, are just that – HYPROCITES, LIARS, OPPORTUNISTS,

    Grow Up to be a Man.”


  54. Risau juga bila lama tidak mendengar kabar dari Helen dan gembira melihat Helen berada didalam keadaan baik. Akan saya pautkan juga laman Helen di FB saya yang tak seberapa.

    Sikap rasional Helen amat saya hormati. Tak kemana perginya politik berasaskan emosi.

    Jaga diri Helen baik-baik.


  55. thanks helen,

    Despite the fact that i put the comment first on Haris’ ABU blog, u actually posted it first. Haris still mederating whether to post up till now!!! talk abt Pakatan being efficient, all talk and self-bragging rights lah.


    1. Hahaha WB, at least he still mederating, Me, I’m already getting blacklist maa…. that how they are…..

      :) sarah

  56. Dear Helen,

    We really need an outstanding citizen like you. Syabas!

    Already intro yr blog to my students.

    Its Great to have a friend like you.

    Take care owez.

    1. It’s roti canai in the picture.

      I’ve actually eaten nasi himpit with spaghetti bolognaise sauce.

      I share with you mix-and-match recipe:

      Sandwich — banana (pisang emas), put between two slices of buttered bread and cheese

  57. apa lagi cina mau? dah jelas dah. lepas ni LKS nk jd president of republic malaysia. DSAI, masuk wad gila!

  58. Baguslah saya orang Asli, Jika semua orang di suruh balik ke Negeri masing2 Malaysia tentu dalam keadaan aman sentosa! Inilah dikatakan kebebasan memikir dan bertindak sebagai seorang manusia yang berjiwa besar!

    Syabas Menteri Zahid, berani buat dan berani tanggung demi mengkekalkan keamanan dan kesejahteraan Rakyat.

    Kenyataan anda tidak rasis dan sesiapa makan cili, ia pasti merasa penas!

    1. M.Ong sebagai orang Asli saya malu dengan penguasaan BM anda. Anda kena selalu bercakap BM supaya lebih lancar macam rakyat Malaysia yang lain.
      Malu kalau lahir dan besar di sini tapi cakap macam orang luar, orang asing, ‘huanna’!

      Zahid kata boleh angkat kaki, boleh pindah, keluar ke negara lain kalau negara ini tidak cukup bagus untuk anda, jangan buat kacau sini, orang Malaysia nak duduk aman-aman. Tak nak gaduh dan huru-hara.

      Tu la BM lemah sebab tu la anda gagal faham apa yang Zahid nak sampaikan.
      Anda patut malu dengan diri sendiri.

  59. Dear helen, this is my first posting to your blog. Thanks to your fans n followers I got to read your blog today.

    It is very refreshing to see a true blue chinese reaching out to malays for honest opinion and reacted candidly to responses. Even if you could play a trojan horse it would be a very welcoming platform in this borderless and non-ethnical blog world. This is a plausible effort to explore the hearts and mind to understand each other. Go direct to the source remotely without the need to be bothered with ethnic divide and prejudices via physical contact.

    With the aftermath of pru13, the silent mistrust amongst malays and chinese has been broken and written clearly on the walls with bold red letters. Retaliation is the buzz word to be embraced by all supplanted malays by their treacherous chinese mates whom advocated or urge UBAH.

    Malays shout with joy when zahid lambasted those (chinese dap) sour grapes to leave the country if they continue to be rebellious of the pru13 results. But its not a secret that many hardcore and now moderate malays feel good to see the chinese to leave this country if they disrespect the malays or refuse to accept the malay special position.

    I have a question to ask you. What do you think of ABC and BCL?

    1. I’m going to sidestep your questions :)

      But I have one question to ask: Is The Star is the BCL List ,)

      1. Yes. Slowly but surely.

        Why sidestep my question? Lets be honest. If you feel hurt please say so. We like to hear from you. We dont hate all chinese but an honest answer from you may UBAH our opinion. And what actions are the understanding matured and learned chinese community would take?

        You can change the upcoming history.

        1. Aiyah, why tax me at 1am with such a difficult and delicate question?

          I’m uploading something shortly in a few minutes. We can continue the discussion there.

  60. percakapan dari orang yang tidak merasai keperitan pembentukan sebuah Negara yang didalangi bangsa hipokrit & rasis yang sentiasa merasakan mereka lah paling adil, rasional dan cerdik….apapun banyak pengajaran yang diperolehi dari suasana sekarang.

    so, just face the consequences of our own action, why worry?? Chinese had shown their real face, so what Malays think of them is none of their business. at the end, tak perlukan nak bercakap macam kalian manusia terbagus… talking but doing nothing doesn’t work at all!! you are what you are…nothing straight except the hair.

    You continue with what you are, and we stay as what we are. we will always stay different and that the lesson Malays learnt from the so called good Malaysian Chinese especially. tq for the wake-up call!

  61. I’m probably very late in this discussion but do indulge me.

    I’m just wondering.

    Over at New Mandala, and at the ANU (And I suspect in many places) — there is a debate about why do poor Malaysians, and rural Malaysians continue to vote BN/UMNO?

    And on the other end, UMNO supporters feel betrayed that Malaysian Chinese have voted for PR.

    Urban Malaysians think that the poor and rural are stupid or easily bought over for supporting BN.

    Conversely UMNO supporters say that Malaysian Chinese are ungrateful.

    I’m just wondering what’s wrong for rural and poor Malaysians to support BN/UMNO if it means protecting their rights, and delivering them goods and services.

    Conversely what’s wrong if Malaysian Chinese are looking for a less corrupt Malay/Islamic led government . After all, for the past 50 odd years, Malaysian Chinese supported UMNO precisely because UMNO was less corrupt, and protected the rights of the Malaysian Chinese to prosper in this country. So, what’s wrong if they think that PAS and PKR can now do the job that UMNO used to do?

  62. Tidak mengapa, pulangkan hasil cukai orang Cina. Orang Melayu sila merempat di Chow Kit. Silakan jangan malu. Melayu kurang ajar, biadap dan bengap

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